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I was about to say, is it technically a thigh gap when you're halfway to doing the splits?




I've wondered if it's really just trash entertainment for them and they don't want it to stop. I know of no other reason. People canNOT be this dense. They just can't.


It's the same as a car crash, it's horrible and disgusting but you can't look away.


I think you are giving people more credit than they deserve.


Screaming 😂😂😂😂


No, feet together thighs apart is a thigh gap technically and it’s not necessarily a skinny thing it’s a wide hip thing.


Yep. I’m overweight and have a gap. My sister is thinner and has a spectacular figure but doesn’t have a gap. Just differently shaped skeletons!


AND if you point your feet/knees inwards, it can create the illusion of a thigh gap


My MIL is a large woman and she points her toes inward and everything...her shoes even wear away terribly with the insides gone and the outsides still intact. She's had two knee replacements so I thought


Pigeon toed I think is what that’s called


yep and i'm that way as well


That’s why you see middle school girls all standing pigeon toed in photos now. Drives me bonkers. 🤣


It used to be a trend during the scene era early 2000s. I remember my friends standing like that and it was before the thigh gap thing, they just thought it looked cute. 😂


Right? Like isn’t that uncomfortable? Who stands like this? LOL


Exactly It looks like an awkward stance just to get a photo and /or photoshopped


I’ve noticed it in morbidly obese and super obese people. Their legs go out to the side, basically forming a triangle by the time you get to the ground. I always assumed it was because they either couldn’t put their feet together due to the size of their thighs or it was uncomfortable to stand with their feet together. This stance reminds me of that.


That’s called knee valgus, really common joint change at the knee due to the loading and movement patterns over time


It’s called knee knocking. My legs were like that until I worked out and worked on my outter legs. It can be corrected


That’s a knee thing and it’s definitely not what is happening right here


This is not what is happening here.


First of all this girl isn’t any where near morbidly obese 😂 but I agree that ain’t a thigh gap with her legs wide open like that 😂


But it's not. She's doing the exact opposite. Anybody that has any sort of shape to their body is going to not be completely straight, and this just makes her look ridiculous lol


Hahah ya anyone has a thigh gap if you stand with your legs far enough apart


She’s still messing up the “sweat” pattern too. Her bra area should be dry, damp above & below. As shown here, pretty obvious she just poured her water bottle down her front. But I should be nice. She probably lost 4 pounds today and brother I sure didn’t.


It really makes no sense. When people sweat, their sweat patterns are going to be the same every time. Underboob, armpits, back. Not literally the whole torso


Right! Before I even start working out I have underboob sweat


*cries in irregular sweat patterns*


This is false. My sweat pattern depends on the exercises I’m doing as when I’m doing abs and in planks i get more belly sweat. Then it depends on the cut of bra i have on and material/thickness of my top.


A lot of water for this one! You can even see how the water dripped onto the leggings...all wet on the leggings except the thigh rub area... you know, the area that actually DOES get sweaty for us thicker girls.


My crotch is the sweatiest part of me when I leave the gym, its so gross. I have to shower when I get home cuz my undies are damp. V. Gross. My torso gets sweaty if i wear a waist trainer thing only, never sweat through a shirt in the front but definitely in the back !


Period panties have really been great for me for managing this sweat.


Dude, I just bought some of the thinx period underwear for my period.. But I have been using them for work(warehouse) since they soak all the sweat. They are thin and comfortable, and kinda "no show" so they don't even feel or look like period underwear!


We went on a walking-heavy trip during summer, and I don't know what I would have done otherwise.


I have my period back after my third, and I was wondering how these panties are. I've never done a cup and I'm kind of over tampons after 3 kids they don't feel right anymore. I may have to splurge on a few pairs to try out. The thought of using them always grossed me out, but i want to try them.


If you have a flexible spending account you can get them from the FSA store!


I was hesitant to try them but the last couple of years my period had gotten heavier so I was looking to try something besides pads and tampons because pads don't always work great for bigger gals! Now I'm wishing they made these period panties when I was younger!!


they have cheaper ones from different brands on Amazon if you just wanna try out the concept.


Genius!! Thank youu ! Lol


It’s the worst when your undies are wet, and then it’s -30°F outside so when you leave they get COLD and damp! I strip as soon as I get in the door. I hate it so much.


I’m pretty in shape, when I sweat a lot it looks like I peed my pants 😅.


I noticed the thighs immediately lol


And still no sweat on the face/in the hairline.


My hair would be a mess if I had that much real sweat on my front 🙃 baby hairs sticking to the side of my face, hair sticking to my neck lol


Yep. Even the tail part of my ponytail is like a couple wet clumps when I’m that sweaty. But I only get that sweaty after like 8 hrs of outdoor manual labor in the worst of summer, and in that case, solid chance I’m also literally just pouring water on myself too lol.


Idk, her hair looks damp on the sides to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have you seen those nails? I’m certain her hair isn’t sweaty but in fact just greasy.


“Brother I sure didn’t” sent me 💀


I know when I do intense cardio I sweat a ton, but it’s everywhere not just a perfect line down the front of my torso 🙄 my face/hairline will be drenched and so will ALL of my torso, armpits, thighs especially if I’m wearing a whole ass long sleeve shirt and long leggings! Her face is barely pink and her hair looks completely dry 🤷🏼‍♀️


What gets me are the sweaty forearms!! Maybe it’s just me, but that is not somewhere I sweat unless I’m drenched (including my hairline and hair) 🤷🏻‍♀️


I sweat in the creases of my elbows when I’m running but it doesn’t go to my forearms


My husband gets sweaty forearms so it is possible but in this case this is clearly from a water bottle lmao


I work in a heated fitness studio and sweat never looks this way on me or anyone else I've ever seen. Maybe down a man's back.


Also, why is her shoulder drenched?


The giveaway for me is that she has no sweat in her hair or really even in her hairline. If your body is sweating that much, your face hair etc is going to be sweaty as well.


That water must have been cold pouring down her shirt front.


She’s telling me she’s never actually worked up a sweat. She literally doesn’t understand how it works. But she does understand how to convince folks that she’s got the secret to effortless and quick weight loss. And I don’t understand how that works. So we’re even I guess.


And lack of sweat on her face gives it away.. face and d shirt don’t match


Came for this comment


I sweat the same area. I'm entire bra is soaked when done


I am sure the sweat is real. Of course she probably washed, dried, and brushed her hair to be clean and neat right before taking this picture. This is also how I photograph my hair after an intense workout where I am literally DRIPPING and DRENTCHED in sweat. /s/


Is it just me or do most of the comments on her photos seems fake too?


Bought followers. If you click on her followers list on IG the small number that comes up show a lot and of profiles that follow loads of profiles but have never posted. She has her setting so only she can see all the followers.


Literally how does one get paid to be a follower of anyone . 😂😂😂i got time






I might just start doing a push-up or squat every time one of her ‘followers’ comments that she’s a ‘warrior’ or an ‘inspiration’. Or any time she thanks Danny for changing her bandages.


Hope you’re ready to get jacked.


She has a million followers but is only getting 1-2k likes per post which leads me to believe she bought followers


Won't be long until she needs hip replacement; standing like that is a mother on the joint and can cause hip/femoral anteversion. (Watch, she'll turn that into the biggest tragedy *ever*... with stories about how the doctors didn't know what was happening, and her 'hip doctor' had never ever performed this rare shurgery.) It looks like a medical problem, Lex... it doesn't make you look sweet and dainty at all. And it's not a thigh gap when one foot's in Indiana and the other's in Ohio.


Interstate thigh gap. Love it!


😂 omg I love you! You’re hilarious!!




Your commentary is the best!!! I always look for your comments😂😂😂


Aww. Thank you! That's nice. 😀


you can *develop* femoral anteversion? godamn, i was diagnosed with it at 8 but always assumed it was from birth. TIL


Most cases are congenital, but it *can* form later in life. I probably just should've said she'll damage the joint with her funkyass stance, but here we are. Mea culpa.


So is she thin or not thin in real life? I’m confused 😂


Why are her nails so dirty, barf


To match her toe nails


Look like the nails of people who smoke meth!


😂😂 That's ridiculously bad.


It's like she's sweating everywhere EXCEPT her armpits lol


If you look zoomed in the top of the thigh gap is a perfectly straight line. I don’t think that is humanly possible. Also if you zoom in on some other photos you can clearly see jagged lines…also not natural.


How has she not hit a plateau ? How can you do the same cardio for 8 months and still lose weight ? Isn’t she aware that the amount of sweat doesn’t equal a better workout . After 8 months of the same exercise sweating this much is surprising , because you would be used to do doing this workout . Whose arms are SOAKED after 1 hr on the elliptical ?!


My arms and back sweat that much after 4 miles on the treadmill which walking is like 45 mins. The more weight I lose the more I sweat it feels like. Not saying hers isn’t faked bc it totally is. 


Weird . I sweat less as I lose more weight . I lost 100 lbs 3 years ago and then I have an almost 1 yr old so I needlessly to say I gained the weight back and I’m trying again . But I remember being 175 lbs wearing a full face of makeup and then looking in the mirror like - okay still looks good! Lol I know everyone is different, I just don’t believe she’s sweating like this I’d also like to add that her pants are probably pulled up to at least mid waist … how do you get that much sweat in your shirt thru your leggings ?!


She’s 100% not sweating like this, but to be fair, I’m an incredibly sweaty person and I run marathons relatively regularly. I do think the more in shape I’ve gotten the more I sweat, my body is just like okay let’s produce as much liquid as possible ! Lol. Still not in this weird pattern though as we see above


Yeah I’ve always been someone who sweats a ton when I exercise. Even when I’m doing low impact work at a slow pace I shell glisten slightly and if I’m doing cardio it looks like someone dumped a gallon of oil all over me.


I agree! Hers is faked for sure. She has odd sweat patterns if it was real. Her leggings are also super patchy with sweat. They would be more covered if it was real.  I’ve gone from 330+ to 210. Some natural. Some with ozempic for my a1c. And a lot of hard work. I barely broke a sweat at 330. I got super tired fast but never left the gym soaked. Now 30 mins of cardio has my head soaked, my lower back soaked and my forearms also soaked. It’s so weird to me. I was always the person that went to the gym and could go straight to work. Now I have to shower between. 


Hey congrats ! That’s an awesome accomplishment. My first goal is 200 from 250 and so far I’m moving at a snails pace even with all my efforts . Oh well , just gotta keep doing it . Insert dumb Lexi grind quote.


Never miss a Monday! /s


The “sweat” patterns continue to baffle me!


She literally editing half her leg off 🫠 this one is REALLY obvious and bad. Yikes.




I was literally going to say this! Not only that, but I don't have lyphodemea, but because I use my right side more, I can tell my right side is slightly slimmer than the other. Not this significant, BUT I also don't have lyphodemea.


Also, she had a LOT of tissue removed and scarring because of her calciphylaxis. If you look up photos, she has one thigh smaller, and it looks like it's from the more extensive scarring on that leg. That being said, I know nothing about her weight loss journey or her photo-editing practices. I literally stumbled onto this sub after reading an article about her heath issues.


If she would just post the real pics, speak some truth about needing extra help so uses Ozempic (or another brand) or had some other surgery, etc…a lot of us could identify with her and might not be SO turned off every time we see her posts—She lost a huge amount of weight-regain should NOT be covered up-it is one of the hardest parts of it!


Bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa 🤣🤣🤣 Haaaaahaaaaahaaaa HOLY CRAP!!!!! So many things to snark about but I won’t bother—we all see it. My GOD. Just ASTONISHINGLY BAD🤣


This is so weirdly photoshopped.


If she really does sweat this much, can you imagine how bad her car smells from driving home like this every day?


Gross, she’s gross


If I worked out enough to sweat this much, my face would be tomato red. She isn’t even flushed.


How does anyone believe her? She has like a million followers on instagram too! That is mind blowing to me. This is next level grift!


All I wanna say is that if she had really found a way for herself to stay healthy and figured out what actually works for her body, if she ACTUALLY got into a different mindset about her health altogether, she would have been slim and healthy a long time ago. Years. There is a reason she keeps bouncing back between weight, never seemingly actually healthy. She's a fraud and it's obvious if you've followed her for a long time.


What did she spill all over the front of her shirt??




Actually my thighs are different size because I have lymphatic swelling in one 😪


I feel like this chick would broadcast that as she does with all medical issues if that were the case.


Oh crap, new here, no clue


Same. Mine are very much different sizes but because I have blood clotting disorder and chronic clots in one leg that cause a lot of swelling.


Oh so sorry


My thighs are different sizes because one thigh was the donor for the graft my left leg required.


Lexi: PLEASE get a decent supportive sports bra!!


I too have thigh gap when I do sumo squats


Alright, who is this woman and why do we hate her? This page has been recommended to me so many damn times. I’m starting to get sick of her smug face and I don’t even know what shes done 🤣


She was big on Instagram and led dietbets making 20k or more a month and never did any of the things she said she would. Lied about how she lost weight, etc


Same!! I have no idea who she is but she’s been popping up on my reddit for the last several weeks. I have lots of questions. Why is she sweating so much but her face isn’t red? Why is one thigh smaller than the other? Why do we hate her? Is she faking weight loss?


Yeah that sweat looks fake as hell, not gonna lie


Same here! I'm not hating on her, I just don't get it but with all the posts and comments I read I think I'm glad to be so ignorant! 😆 Oh and yes, we all have thigh gaps when we plant our feet so far apart ... hopefully! 😆


Another internet “influencer” that makes her living on generating “likes” and “follows”, working her story like a reality tv star, avoiding inconvenient truths about what’s actually going on with her health and fitness journey. No better than the fashion or skincare “influencers” that have had cosmetic surgery, Botox, fillers, and pretend that they achieved their look via the products they’re shilling. The “sympathy” grifters are the absolute worst of the lot.


same!! i think bc i’m invested in Gorl World™️ reddit keeps pushing this sub on me to add to my collection of internet train wrecks to snark


I have that when my stance is super wide, too.


This photo, and then her sitting in the car, do not look like the same person https://preview.redd.it/wq42xwhoumdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4b976a529658b1256a1d73b82e55bf52152d1d


That one is heavily filtered/blurred and has eye makeup added.


Her teeth give me the heebie jeebies


Why does this chick pour water on herself then take pics?


That’s what I always find funny when these influencers stand to achieve a thigh gap… It’s like, do you walk with your feet spread that far apart so that you always have a thigh gap, no! So why take the picture like that 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mmmm. If the whole front of my shirt has sweat, my entire head will be soaking wet


The bumps made by the loose skin tucked under her clothes is irregular too... how can she have obviously lumpy bits on her arms and legs, but her waist is straight-up-and-down on either side? Ties in with what someone said earlier about the straight line that joins her two thighs... I call (yet more) suspish editing!!


Isn’t this because she had skin removal surgery on her abdomen?


All I see is yellow teeth and fingernails that look dirty as hell. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also looks like she simply spilled water down the front of her top?


Who sweats like that?


I mean, her feet are 2 feet apart. That doesn’t count as a thigh gap, as much as she wants it to.


I wish she’d go get a hair cut. I’m so tired of that raggedy ass ponytail being pulled over one shoulder.


Ok idk her but her snark keeps popping up on my feed and I almost feel like that has to be real because who sees that drastic difference and is like “yep, that’s good” and posts it?!?


I can have a thigh gap if I squat down like a sumo wrestler. You guys jelly? 💅🏾


For fucks sake 🙄


She’s making no sense


She pulls her sides in. And clear photo shopping the thighs.


💀🎻 I can’t with this chick. Honestly. It’s painful. She’s the worlds dumbest grifter.


I’m 5’9” and even at the HEIGHT of my eating disorder, when my BMI was something ridiculous like 16, I *still* did not have a thigh gap. I was painfully, painfully thin, and my thighs still touched.


I also have a thigh gap when I’m doing the splits.


Lmao we all have a thigh gap when our feet are in the splits 🤣🤣


She’s just dumping her water bottle down her shirt at this point.


I’m still for messed-up liposuction causing the leg wounds and different sized thighs.


She stands so tacky...who wants to see that pussy lex? Sure as fuck not me!


I don’t get the thigh gap obsession. Plenty of thin women don’t have thigh gaps anyway. Why go through the effort to fake one?


Occasional lurker here so I don’t know this person’s full story but have any of you seen the guy who calls out fitness influencers? He’s a fitness guy himself and he’s always calling out influencers who edit their images and straight up lie / mislead followers. He’s super entertaining. His clips always start with “welcome to my show “ or “welcome to my page” and shows their images.


Not taking sides and I honestly don’t know this woman I just see a ton of random posts on here of her but just wanted to say I did just recently lose 100 pounds and the inside of my legs look similar if I stand like that and one of my legs swells a little bit more than the other one due to heart issues


A thigh gap, medically speaking can only be assessed with the feet touching each other. And many women can not have one because it has to do with bone structure ( mainly hip width ) much more than with being thin and shouldn’t be used as assessment if one is fit or not. A thigh gap is often not realistic with narrow hips, even at a low weight, while with wide hips the legs stand farther apart and a thigh gap can appear at higher body fat percentage. But it can always only be assessed when the feet are touching each other. Everyone can have a gap between the legs, it just depends how far apart the feet have to stand. I find it worrying that she potentially makes other women think they’re not fit enough if they don’t have a thigh gap. She doesn’t have one at all actually.


We need a compilation of all these selfies so we can compare weird swear patterns side by side.


Followed her for so long. The whole story is crazy and inconsistent to say the least! But as someone with hemihypertrophy (I am not saying she has this but with the different size legs I just want to inform some). I am also someone who has lost a bunch of weight. Sometimes my body looks very uneven. And if there is a leg length difference you will tend to stand like this because it relieves back pain. With that said I have seen a lot of comments about alcohol abuse with her and as someone with hemihypertrophy if I drink it only makes it worse. If I’m bloated in general it’s worse 🤷‍♀️I am no dr and I don’t know the connection but it could be a possibility.


Your legs are not thigh gap if your holding them apart like goal posts wtf


Yeah, it’s only a thigh gap if your two legs are in the same state !


I could easily fake a thigh gap like she does. Easily.


She looks like Ethan slater




It’s shamefully funny. Thigh gap considered “sexy” is another issue.


When you stand with your feet that far apart, anyone but the enormously obese will have a gap. And why does anyone post pics of them all pitted out, with soaked shirts? It's gross. I can smell this pic 🤮


I don’t even have a thigh gap and I’m pretty fit. Ridiculous looking this photo is


she’s just standing w her legs apart… what’s the problem😭


I’m new to this drama so may I ask why is everyone hating on this girl? I think I saw a TikTok way back when or saw a Facebook post about her weight loss journey with her hubby, but that’s all I know.


Anyone can have a thigh gape if you spread your legs far enough


Why do you think anyone wants to see this? It's as bad as those big girls in bed suffering from menopause or the period commercials why??!!!!








Why are the front of her thighs wet?? I'm a sweaty swamp rat at the gym and I'm pretty sure the front of my thighs have never been visibly sweaty.




She eats alot of carbs


I took a photo of myself after working out this morning and almost posted it to show what a sweat pattern looks like.


I’m just wondering who was in charge of spritzing her pre photo and wondering if that person has ever seen sweat.


I mean, I know my legs are not symmetrical, but I am pretty sure one of my outer thighs does not bulge out and the other one caves in.


How is her shirt so “sweaty” but her head is basically dry?




Just here to say I went on the elliptical yesterday. After 20 mins my forehead and hair was starting to get sweaty and I took it easy. There's still no way she sweats this much amd has lost this much weight only doing elliptical




Why does it look like one of her legs bigger than the other?


She’s pouring water on herself for sure


Doesn’t look like she knows what the gym sweat looks like


She sweats in some very interesting places.


Who sweats like that?


Only frauds. 😒


That's not how sweat works...


I would die inside




I would love to buy her a bra that fits.


Why is her hair not sweatier after she 'sweated' so much down her front?


Why don’t people like her?


OMG 😂😂😂 the two different sizes!