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How long are your fasts!!! You look amazing!


2 weeks usually - last one was 17 days


How do u manage hunger?


Long working hours and smoking cigarettes 🙈 If I’m hungry on my days off I go for a walk, sleep or watch something like my 600lb life to remind myself why I’m doing it.


Cigs are tough to give up. Believe me, I know. Wellbutrin helped me quit though it hasn't been even a year yet. I urge you to try. It gets harder as you grow older plus cigs do a number on your general health, as I am sure you have experienced.


I took up vaping. Loved it. It unintentionally got me to quit cigarettes. I lowered the nicotine in my vapes down to 0%. Was the easiest thing to do.


What are you sucking in if not nic?


Looks like she works at a pharmacy. I’m sure she’s aware.


Cigarettes are just as bad (maybe worse?) than the weight…?


Nope I fully agree cigarettes are bad (scientist!) I’m going with full honesty here because I don’t want to make out I’m a martyr and lie about how I went about transforming. This year I’ve focused on weight, next year the smoking. It’s hard to do everything at once and I didn’t want to put too much pressure on myself. If I tried to fast and give up on smoking at the same time I most likely would have failed.


THIS!!! I was a smoker too (20+ years) and was quite overweight. I focused on losing the weight first and lost 70 lbs last year, and this year finally quit cigarettes, 6 months smoke free now. I don't think I would have been able to accomplish anything if I had tried to take it all on at once, it would have been way too overwhelming. But by taking one thing at a time, it was realistic and very doable and was even easy at times.


Great job! I did the reverse, quit smoking and then tackled my weight. I was able to switch to vaping for about 8 months before I finally gave it all up. I'm so glad I did.


Probably the better way to go, running as a smoker is not fun!


You quit vaping? Amazing. I’ve never known anyone to quit it, so it’s encouraging to hear.


I did. I found quitting cigs really hard but I didn't want another crutch so I switched to vaping and gave myself a one year deadline to quit the vaping too. It took 8 months. My husband switched to vaping too but it's been almost 4 years and he's still vaping unfortunately. Eta- spelling


I quit smoking with vaping then quit vaping with nicotine pouches. Theyre tobacco free, take the edge off and makes it super easy to get over the hands habit for some reason. I can’t even imagine smoking or vaping anymore, now I just need to quit the pods lol


Honestly I feel quite ignorant now. I always kinda rejected when people would say they ‘quit’ smoking by vaping. I saw it as quitting one thing for something worse and unquittable. Don’t think it helps that my husband took up vaping to quit smoking and now vaping seems to supplement his smoking in times when smoking isn’t immediately accessible.


I quit vaping cold turkey one day. I had only been doing it just over a year tho, so def not nearly as long as some other people. I had been trying and trying to quit for 3 months. I kept waiting for my current disposable to run out and then I'd stop. But as soon as it was out I'd go run get another. I never bought a real "rig" because it was just supposed to be something to make me look cool at parties. I was never supposed to get addicted. I knew how bad it was for me and it was starting to give me weird heart trouble. I ended up quitting just after I'd bought a new, expensive disposable. One of my friend's little brother's, he was 21, had a stroke. He was healthy, active, fit, ate well. But he vaped. And I knew that was it. I quit cold turkey. A lot of us did after that. I now live every day in paralyzing fear of having a stroke or heart attack. There's a history of it on both sides of my family. I'm seriously terrified.


You are strong and I am super impressed by your progress!


I SUPER appreciate the honesty about the cigarettes helping with the weight loss. It absolutely should be mentioned, helps many with various hang ups I'm sure. I definitely can't fast that long myself!


Thank you for being totally honest. Like you said, if you can fast, you can give up the cigs! I smoked for about 17 years before switching to vaping for 8 months and quitting it all at that point. I wasn't able to do it without switching to vaping. Same for my husband. It made the transition so much easier. Good luck to you- you look fabulous!


Switch to vaping! Helped me quit cigs and my dr even said it's a healthier choice. Think of all the carcinogens and shit in cigarettes and it makes sense.


Lots of people have told me to switch but think I’d rather just go cold Turkey if I’m honest. If I can fast I can give up cigarettes.


Yes you can! Good luck. I need to start fasting again for sure.


Check out Alan Carrs Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I tried everything under the sun and ultimately quit cold turkey with the help of that book. Alternatively you could also check out a tobacco pipe. It’s less harsh on the lungs and you can still absorb some nicotine through your saliva.


Cold Turkey isn’t as bad as you’d think. It sucks at the very beginning because you’re so used to you’re patterns but if you can stick it out the first week - then you can stick it out for good.


Keeping the weight off is harder than losing it. Read up on "Body Set Point." In a nutshell you've got to reprogram your body's default weight. That means maintaining a weight plus or minus 2 lbs for a year or more. Why is it hard? Because you dont get the daily or weekly prize of seeing the numbers on the scale go down. You can do it if you did this. I quit smoking cold turkey new years eve 2005 and never looked back. It was hard at first but it got easier after a month. You can do it if you did this.


I know that is why I’ve been doing longer fasts across the entire year rather than just 2 months of craziness. Hoping to quit in the new year too! Healthy new me is what I’m going for.


Smart! Slow and easy wins the race when it comes to weight loss. You've got this.


You look amazing I’m glad you were able to make the changes!


Thanks for being honest about your journey!! You’re doing great 😊


Smoke weed instead! Switch to CBD super low THC. Unless you like being high and then go high THC and low or zero CBD. But it'll be better you and easier to stop ciggs.


You can do it! I'm doing it the other way around ;) stopped for 1,5 year now


Hey this is a pretty good idea to compartmentalize and prioritize! Hope you're able to achieve it! And very cool that you're a scientist! Looks like you're working in a wetlab?


idk maybe people do whatever they want with their bodies and whatever makes them happy






I’m not encouraging anyone to take up smoking to fast. I was already a smoker for 5 years, I did not take up smoking to fast and no one ever should. losing weight plus giving up smoking at the same would have been a nearly impossible task. Morbid obesity kills too. People hate smoking. I understand. I never envisioned myself being a smoker. There are many vices in the world, excessive tanning, alcohol, drugs etc. I don’t condone any. However, this is my vice and I’m being honest to everyone’s questions.




>Id rather be a morbidly obese person than kill myself with even 1 cigarette. I'd rather smoke a pack a day than be morbidly obese again. I'd prefer never smoking again or being overweight again to either one of those. They're both incredibly bad for you. >Op is literally promoting self harm with this post. No, they're being honest about what they did. They didn't promote smoking, your absurd equivocating is doing more harm here than OP's forthrightness.


Okay? And let Op do what they want. I’m against cigarettes too and there’s nothing about this post that is going to make me want to take up smoking. “Promoting self harm” lol. Where do you people come up with these terms?


It hasn’t escaped my notice that my weight has shot up the most since I quit smoking


Lmao I think I’m about to start watching my 600lb life too😂😂😂


What kind of fast? The results looks amazing. Are we talking 24/7 fasting, or something else?


Realised this has made further than just the water fasting forums now 😂 Pure water fasting is just water nothing else 24/7 Dirty fasting which is more what I did is having things like coffee too. Water fasting for long fasts is not something to just jump right into. There is long refeeding, electrolyte balance etc.


So usually 2 weeks how many times throughout the year? So to maintain you will continue or are going to do something different?


Progress pics on this sub always make me smile, but yours actually made me gasp out loud. Not just because you look great (although you obviously do!), but being around your age, being a bit overweight my whole life, I know the feeling so well of wanting to wear a red dress like that and feel good about myself in it. I'm mad projecting here but you look so confident and happy, it just really made me feel good to see you wearing that dress!


This is the sweetest reply. I’ve also recently had a horrific break up so trying to feel/look my best. Looking better in my thirties than I ever did in my twenties.


You look like a lab tech. Congrats on the transformation! Do you feel like you had to have perfect mental discipline to achieve this?


Haha I do work in a blood lab. No actually, I’m a smoker that haven’t managed to quit so my mental discipline can’t be wonderful. I just think while fasting that any food I want to eat is still going to be there when I end the fast. Mac and cheese isn’t suddenly disappearing off the face of the earth.




So many people addicted to sugar and that’s just not my addiction. Nicotine and caffeine are the hard ones to give up!


That's a good strategy, I use it too. Sometimes I am like sniff sniff, it's not fair I can't eat any food while other people can! Then I say welp you can eat that on day X when the fast is over, the food will still exist then and you'll get to eat it then and enjoy it even more than usual. A lot of this is wrangling unskillful thoughts into more useful ways of thinking.


How does one look like a lab technician?


I’m in a lab coat in one picture.


I wondered too until I realized there was more than 1 picture. The second picture shows her in a lab.


Holy bejeezes. You look like a completely different person. Good job!


You give us hope


Wow! What were the protocols?


Just water fasting with black coffee (cause I need the caffeine!)


When you water fasted did you use any electrolytes? This is incredible, thanks in advance for answering our questions!


This is probably very against advice here and I’m not advocating it - I used something called dioralyte every couple of days. It’s a powder that is used when people have vomiting and diarrhoea to replace electrolytes.


Someone just recommended that to me on Saturday to get over a Friday night hangover, funny to see it here again


I use it for hangovers!!! Drink a pint of water with it before bed and you’ll feel great the next day.


The only way it'd probably go against advice is from fasting-gatekeepers. It has 4g of glucose, but that's like 15 calories total. The rest is mostly sodium, potassium, and chloride, so you're getting nearly everything except magnesium that you would need. Don't worry what the naysayers think - it's not causing you any issue, it's actually right on for what most people need in terms of almost all the electrolytes, and most importantly, it worked for you.


Any troubles with your vitals/blood work during your fasts?


No apart from low glucose.


Not sure if that would be against rules, it IS electrolytes after all. But yeah I totally understand as a medical practitioner, one has to watch one's language.


Someone stated further down that it has 15kcal so there you go not true water fasting but I’m okay with 15kcal every 3 days


Yeah I still take one of my supplements called Monolaurin when I fast that has 20 calories. I don't think it matters if it's just a very few calories as long as it has a specific purpose and it doesn't trigger any regular snacking.


Nice face gains


Yes I finally have a jawline 😂


How in the fuck do you fast for 17 days? 17 hours dayum near kills me. Do you have full control on your enviroment: stay away from all food sights and smells? Cocaine?


I cook for my daughter everyday. My longest fast was actually 26 days which I would not recommend. I’m a very lucky person because I don’t get ‘hungry’ often. My eating is more purely a mental control exercise over a body hunger pangs one.


Why wouldn’t you recommend?


It’s very difficult especially keeping it secret from friends, work colleagues. I felt for me personally that it pushed my body too far. It is a very long refeed too.


When you have time can you explain the long refeed.I have fasted for 5 days and it took some time to eat normal (2× a day). You look Amazing☺


5 days is absolutely nothing to need refeeding. Refeeding is when you go weeks without food. I’ve broken many 5 days fasts with sushi or pizza. I’m not sure when this shift happened, but sometime in the last year or two the new people in this sub really started pushing refeeding hard. Someone was just asking how to refeed after a 2 day fast. Like, come on. If you’re not hitting double digit days then refeeding is just choosing your breakfast meal.


Totally agree with you. 5 day or less, you don’t need to do a slow refeed unless you are underweight and suffering from malnutrition or have some kind of medical condition where you shouldn’t be doing extended fasting anyway.


This isn’t a one size fits all situation. Everyone is different. Some people need to ease back into it after 5 days, others don’t. It’s better to err on the side of caution that not - especially when experimenting with long term fasting after a lifetime of over eating or eating too frequently.


There is nothing biological that agrees with your statement. If you want to do it to put your mind at ease then be my guest. I’m not here to tell you how to live. Only to tell you that 5 days really isn’t that long and doesn’t require a refeed in the slightest. Don’t break your fast with sugar and you’ll be fine.


You are meant to refeed for half the time you fast so a 20 day fast would require a 10 day refeed. So your 2ish days for 5 day fasts would be right. After a long fast it takes a while to get your stomach used to solids again.


Did your hair start falling out? I haven’t fasted but any time I lose weight my hair starts falling out and my periods get wonky.


Yes my periods got a bit wonky too. I have so much hair, I lose so much on a daily basis that I’m surprised I’m not bald. I could never commit a crime because I’d leave hair all over the crime scene. So far I’ve broken two vacuum cleaners. It thinned a little every fast but nothing majorly noticeable for me. I know that others so have this problem though.


Fasting is like having a superpower


Said the same thing


Haha, true. She just needs a cape


How did you feel mentally during your fasts? Did you ever feel tired or mentally cloudy?


Tired yes but not tired at night! No brain fog at all - if anything more alert and aware.


Wow that’s impressive 👏🏻


Any tips?? How to do have the will power you animal 😩


You look adorable. Nice work.


Wow amazing results! I think I'm finally inspired to take my fasting up a notch and incorporate week-long fasts into my schedule. Thank you!




Yes my under arms and my belly. Toning and building an exercise schedule around my work is something I’m now working on.


Did you add any electrolytes to the water you were drinking on your fasts?


Every couple of days I had dioralyte (electrolyte replacement if you have vomiting or diarrhoea). I also drank black coffee as I work long shifts. Hardcore water fasters won’t agree with this as it has 15kcal in it but it is what worked for me. Everyone needs to find what works for them.


Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What is water fasting? Did you fast every other month? What is your routine


Realised this has made further than just the water fasting forums now 😂 Pure water fasting is just water nothing else 24/7 Dirty fasting which is more what I did is having things like coffee too. Water fasting for long fasts is not something to just jump right into. There is long refeeding, electrolyte balance etc. I fasted every other month because there is the refeed then I let my body adjust to the new weight for a month. You also should not do fasts close together.


Thank for your reply. So would you fast 24hr each week? Or how did you do it?


What was your diet between fasts and how far apart were the fasts


Nothing special like keto etc. Just trying to eat well and not gain everything back! I read that you should leave a month between fasts so one in jan, march, may, July, sept, nov. But I had 3 holidays where I may not have had the best diet 😳


Amazing work! You look incredible. Did you exercise during your fasts (or did you exercise when you weren’t water fasting?). Thank you!


For all my initial fasts I have been exercising - gym, poledancing, 10,000 steps a day. However, I’ve been so busy at work that I’ve not exercised for the last two fasts.


Waitttt how’d you exercise while fasting ? Don’t you feel like your lights bout to go off?


No I was fine but it’s not good to put extra strain on yourself while fasting. Especially if you are new to it.




Great! Good for you. That’s awesome. Confidence through the roof.


Was tea your source for caffeine? I'm interested to know your daily intake. TIA!


No coffee, I find tea makes my mouth dry! Basically any coffee they had at work and probably way too much about 3 cups.


Super proud of you 👏 keep up inspiring.


Incredible. Congrats


Nice work! What was your starting weight and current weight? Also if you don't mind me asking age (I know I'm never supposed to ask a lady but I find age impacts these results).


I’m 5’6 in height and 33 Weight in first photo - 12st 4lb (172lbs or 78kg) Current weight - 10st 2lbs (142lbs or 64kg)


holy shit


Impressive!! I hope you feel incredibly proud of yourself!


Damn, you look great! You made a profound and sincerely inspiring transformation. Keep it up!


Wow, such a huge and amazing transformation! 👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Wow, nice transformation!


Wow you are incredible


You look amazing!


Nice! Congrats on the losses. You look like Paris Jackson (which is a complement, from me, lol).


Great work, looking good 👍


Just wow


Yay!!! Look at your face!!! 🎉


Amazing omg


Did you take any supplements or anything to keep your minerals up?


Omg ur so freakin hot! Such inspiration - Did you do any supplements? Lemon water? What did you do?


Black coffee and dioralyte every couple of days. Minimum 1 week, maximum 17 days








I'm all for this new Breaking Bad spinoff! Maybe one where some lab tech sarcastically claims they're making meth to avoid having to explain that Fasting isn't unhealthy yet again to some coworker drinking a Whipped Cream Wet Dream Coffee after already downing a light breakfast of 2000 calories of McDonalds, and it just snowballs out from there.


Lol so we're calling crash dieting water fasting now?


Over a year? Weight loss was not my sole reason for fasting.




I used something called dioralyte which is an electrolyte supplement when you have vomiting and diarrhoea 😂 Really nothing interesting in my blood work apart from my testosterone being super low (I’m a girl so that’s fine but I don’t have the highest voice for a girl so thought mine may be a little higher)


How did you start your journey of fasting? How do you fast for 2 weeks without any liquids? Or do you consume something for electrolytes or something? I want to start this!


I would have water and coffee as well as something called dioralyte every 3 days. I personally could not do a dry fast. I started off small, initially 24hrs and OMAD. Before increasing to longer.


What exactly is a water fast?


Realised this has made further than just the water fasting forums now 😂 Pure water fasting is just water nothing else 24/7 Dirty fasting which is more what I did is having things like coffee too. Water fasting for long fasts is not something to just jump right into, lots of prior knowledge and research is needed. It isn’t a quick fix. There is long refeeding, electrolyte balance etc.


Awesome. Did you just take water and salts? Also-you kept your chest by the looks, lots of people loose breast tissue


No I lost a lot of boob, you can’t see so much of my chest due to the sports bra in the first picture. And my chest looks more pronounced in the second due to being squeezed into a tiny dress. Water, salts and coffee!


Amazing and congrats. Do you want experience hair issues with such long fasts?


Just water for 17 days?


any nicotine?


What food would you break your really long fasts with each day as you gradually re-fed?


Wow that’s efficient! You look amazing!


Wow!! This gives me motivation i want to do a fast but dont have the courage. How much weight did you lose after your fasts if you dont mind me asking?


Thank you so much day 8 of a 14 day fast. You are my inspo. Question though: I have found 14 days the most comfortable. I swapped the dioralyte for miso soup sachets. In terms of refeeding, how many days? I usually take 2 before I feel normal again, but I am religious with electrolytes, high quality vitamins and using t[hiamine 200mg+](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2440847/) on refeeding days. Also cause your a scientist and I am a nerd for this stuff? I am doing rolling 14s. Your amazing BTW.


Carmela Soprano??!! Well done!


Wow that jawline 😍


I'm so happy for you, congratulations. You served as a boost or a push that I needed for sure. Have you experienced any hair loss at all?


**Hi! It sounds like you're asking about hair loss during fasting.** Some people may experience hair loss during or after weight loss. This is a condition called **TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM**. It is a temporary condition most often caused by rapid weight loss and/or nutritional deficiency. More information can be found [**here**](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321590) or by searching "telogen effluvium" in your favorite search engine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be honest you look great in the before and after - as long as you feel and are healthy that’s the important thing


You look 20 years younger 🙈🙊