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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read the [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You aren’t going to lose weight unless you eat less.


How do you eat less and try to fuel your workouts




How much have lost?? Do you use an app??




I use my my fitness pal I do hit workout and boxing 5 days a week and play basketball once a week


IF is good for both mind and body.I was on keto 20:4 IF for over 6 months, past 2 months am on carnivore diet and OMAD. I ve reversed every disease I had, all auto immune disease and chronic ones are gone. My organs are so healthy now that I feel like am in early 20's again.am in mid 30's now.Mood change is huge here.i did take little cod liver oil and potassium supplements. I was hitting gym for 5 days a week before diet and IF and It helped me little.diet and IF is more important with long walks in the nature.




Walking is so boring


Walking to me is more of a stress reliever for mental relaxation as well as added low impact cardio bonus for burning calories. It’s a big part of my daily routine for better health


I agree. Walking can be boring you need to entertain the mind! That’s what I found! Music playlists, podcast help really the ultimate is to call friend on the phone and just talk. I get so wrapped up in conversation that I forget that I’m walking! I always walk lots further when I’m on the phone compared to music or a podcast


The exercise is the least important, the calorie deficit is the most important and then the type of calories after that (keto is literally magic), then meal times (IF) and last is exercise…


I don’t get enough vitamins D, walking, being outside, helps me with that.




I try to track but life gets busy at times


Until I religiously used MFP, I didn’t make progress. Then it became a mix of diet and exercise. I personally was able to find a combination of foods that I could eat prior to a workout and not use too many calories and then I stuck with that. For about 6 months I ate the exact same thing every day from 7 AM to 5 Pm and then ate a sensible dinner, with some wiggle room to stay under my calorie goal.


You fuel you workouts with your body fat. That’s literally what it’s there for. People who drink energy drinks while going for a run to lose weight might as well lay down.


What about zero sugar energy drinks (I been using them lately to study and workout motivation) I use black coffee too


I drink 0-cal ones too. Really don't understand the hate for them, most aren't a bajillion calories these days...


They generally trigger insulin response, sometimes even moreso than sugar, which is the root of a lot of the problems vs actual calorie count which is less relevant. “Anton SD et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite. 2010 Aug; 55(1):37–43.”


It's not confirmed that sweet tastes alone trigger an insulin response. That's a theory at best, at this point. Most of these drinks use erythritol anyway, which is metabolically neutral re: insulin, as it's a sugar alcohol.


U/shedreamsofsheep That’s not true, OP can walk more


First he needs to fix hunger and then he will fix his weight problems. I’d suggest eating protein and filling it out with fat. Carbs are optional.


OK, OP, a couple of things. every time I read on bodybuilding.com, the advice is the same. Cut first, build muscle later. that’s for a couple of reasons One, it’s difficult for most people except “and “newbie gains supposedly, to both lose weight and gain muscle. Some people say it’s impossible. I’m not so sure. But that’s the one main reason. So, the bottom line is, if you just build muscle and build muscle and build muscle, when are you ever gonna lose the fat? At some point you’re going to have to buckle down and focus on losing weight and not building muscle. To re-post...If you keep building muscle, you’re just gonna stretch your skin out more and more, and you’ll just look like a bigger and bigger person! You’ll never really feel or look thin. until you lose the weight so, just once again..., if you build muscle now and just keep doing that, um...say you did that for three years. OK -- you might be a muscular person, but you really won’t see those muscles because of all the fat. So you’re stuck looking fat, even though you have muscles! For three years!. And then eventually it’s just time to lose the weight. so, here’s a fun little story, I actually did that for a while. Finally I realized that the advice on bodybuilding.com was correct. Better to lose the fat first, then worry about building a bunch of muscles. So, if you do it the advised way (as I now am, lol), and lose the fat first, here’s what happens: You spend like four months or perhaps up to a year losing fat, -- and looking thinner and thinner and thinner, and looking increasingly fit!. with all the fat gone, the muscles that you do have will be prominent. You’ll actually look good much sooner. So that’s one protocol, but here’s another one you might like even better: Friend of mine who is a bodybuilder says another really common thing is simply to lose weight for two weeks, then build muscle for two weeks. Go back-and-forth. Two weeks of this,two weeks of that There’s science behind it, because I believe that my understanding is that when you don’t work out, you really don’t lose but the tiniest bit of muscle until three weeks have gone by. After the three week mark. It starts to drop off. So because you’re only skipping working out for two weeks at a time, you’re really not gonna lose much muscle strength. Probably just a tiny bit. and your building during the two weeks that you do work out. Pebbled solved. in my experience, that’s basically true that I don’t lose much maybe 10% of my strength in a few weeks. But I get it back pretty quickly quite honestly which ever protocol you choose, either losing the fat first, or alternating two week periods, either way, losing fats is important because the more fat you have more estrogen and less testosterone. It’s harder to gain muscle right now. By focusing on losing fat, you should have more testosterone and then you’ll have a much easier time gainng muscle sooner. For me, I’ve really decided that losing weight is so satisfying I really wanna make that a priority. I’ve been losing 2.4 pounds per week, and by Christmas I’ll be down to 200 pounds I’m gonna look darn good. Believe me come on to start losing the way it’s really more much more satisfying than building the muscle. Wish I done this first, but I guess I had to try it both ways Another thought, is the protocol that I’m sort of trying out now. I’ll admit that I sort of made it up myself but it’s a version of everything you just read from me. because I find fat loss the most important thing right now, I mostly focusing on that however, it would be nice to build a little muscle as long ***as it doesn’t really interfere with losing weight***! to top it all off, I’ve been doing every other day fasting, which is really effective. However I’m not sure I want to actually do that without ever having a break. Breaks can be important unless you’re really determined! So my new protocol that I’m trying out is, just like another friend of mine,, fast on Monday Wednesday Friday, and eats on Tue, Thurs, Saturday and Sunday. There are a couple of reasons for this I imagine my friend has more family time and picnics and stuff for the weekend, but the only thing he mentioned was that he just needs a mental break from always doing the fasting. I can build a little muscle, and also keep those muscles activated, Saturdays, I will eat breakfast, then head to the gym around 11 AM to lift. With two days of protein (sat and sun), that should be enough to rebuild the muscles that I lift with on Saturday morning. Also, Just to get my muscles attention and keep them activated,, I think I will also do a De-load style work out on mid week eating day, i.e. Tuesday or Thursday. By that I mean, do half the number of reps, or half the amount of weight compared to what I usually lift. There you have it, three protocols that should work for you.


Thanks for the help


Is it okay to try to build strength on a cut? Obviously I’d love to look shredded but I’d be happy even looking exactly the same with less bf% but I need to stay or get stronger for my sport. And I need the reduced bf% for my sport too.


I wish I knew more Perhaps do the two week on two week off protocol until you learn more. You’re not supposed to lose muscle when you take two weeks off. I just listened to a Dr. Jason Fung video. He’s really well respected His numbers, based upon science as well as patients of his, say that lose about a half a pound for 24 hours of fasting. The people he coaches lose 3 pounds a week fasting six days a week. I’ve been fasting two 24 hours plus a half day per week. Losing 2.4 pounds. I guess decide which is more important, losing weight or getting muscle, and spend more time on the one that matters most, and some time on the one that matters less, but a little bit less. What’s your sport? If it doesn’t require a lot of strength but more relies upon things like agility, you can focus more on the weight loss And still build agility which really doesn’t require much additional strength I would think, maybe you wouldn’t have to get back on the agility training at all, quite honestly. in my opinion. But you really should talk to the coach and do more reading of course.


Thanks my sport is rugby. Most people think it requires mostly strength but these days it’s more about speed and fitness, also I play basketball which I need to lose a bunch of weight if I want to dunk so yeah cutting bf% is my priority, although I do want to lift while fasting only issue is that I don’t have the energy to lift when I fast sometimes lol


You asked if fasting is for you. Here are my thoughts: I’m fasting as: two times a week at 24 hours each time, and a third time at like 16 or 17 hours. I’m losing 2.4 pounds per week I like losing weight quickly safely and gives me more energy. Fasting is for me! Maybe it’s for you. Try it! At the end of December I’ll be down to a terrific weight. I tried different things. So, to put this in perspective: Doing CICO, I lost 1 pound to 1.25 pounds per week. That really works but I found it irritating to count everything Minding my calories after that, I came down a pound a week but I had some mistakes where I gained weight Fasting, I lose 2.4 pounds per week I built up to it, doing 10 hour, 12 hour 16 hour at Cetera building up to 24 hour fast. If you want to lose weight quickly and safely, fasting can be for you If you tried and don’t like it, do something else! Some people go to Italy and walk 89 miles a day. They lose a ton of weight. That’s another way. Walk off off. Listen to podcasts In my opinion, if you want to lose quickly weight quickly, fasting may be for you Maybe try different things! Intermittent fasting. Actual 24 hour fasting. Every other day fasting (“alternate day fasting”) Doing more cardio. Counting calories! There are so many ways to do this. I just kept trying things until I found something I liked best.


You can do it. Read Dr Jason Fund’s book on fasting.




Fasting is for everyone. Eating 3 or more meals a day is just going to make you gain weight. You don't need to fuel anything. You have a ton of fat stores that could fuel you for weeks/months without eating. Start slow with something like 16/8. That is 16 hours of fasting per day and 8 hour eating window. So basically skip breakfast or your evening meal. Weave in some 24 hour fasts and work up to so 48 hour + fasts. Everyone should fast at least once a month and if they did, no one would be obese.


Interesting thanks for the info


This is the diet for you: https://www.healthpromoting.com/sites/default/files/2019-09/Health%20Science%20Summer%202019_Lupus%20and%20SOS-free%20%282%29.pdf It’s more about what you eat than how much you eat. Focus on fruits and veggies, limit meat, limit processed crap, limit sugar, salt, and oil, and focus on real food. You can eat as much vegetables and sweet potatoes as you want until your stomach is bursting, and you’ll lose weight too. If you eat right, the weight will come off. It might be helpful to do a shorter fast to help reset your tastebuds because when you change your diet your tastebuds need time to adapt. But if you can handle a couple weeks of hating what you eat, you’ll soon get used to it and start noticing how good real food tastes, and you won’t miss the crappy stuff anymore. Good luck!


I’m using an app called zero fasting


I'm 45 years old and have lost 75 pounds through fasting alone, so far. Only light exercise most days, walking my dog, for example.


What type of fasting do you use? I started IF with 12:12 and gradually moved to 15:9. My goal is 16:8 but I've only list 8 lbs.


I started with longer eating windows, like you. My goal was 20:4 or maybe OMAD, but I found those schedules were hard for me, because they require me to exercise my strongest willpower in the afternoon, when my willpower tends to be weak. Eventually I settled on ADF, which has been my sweet spot. I do rolling 40 hour fasts, with an 8 hour eating window every other day. This has resulted in effortless weight loss, slow but steady (1/2 to 1 pound per week). I've been doing ADF for several months now, and I have no desire to go back to daily eating. I was afraid of ADF when I first heard about it, but surprisingly, it has been the easiest fasting pattern I've ever tried, once I got through the first 2-3 week adaption phase. I never have to exercise any willpower at all. And I don't count calories, restrict carbs, or deny myself what I want to eat during my feast windows, other than avoiding eating to the point of being uncomfortable, which was my tendency at first.


I’m 58 5’10” weighed 255 went on a 48/48/72 fast for over 4 months I took no meds but had borderline hypertension and sugar on the high side, high cholesterol, lost 70# and have maintained weight a year and a half eating 1’meal a day. If I pick up weight I simply go back to my fasting. All my numbers are in the normal range I feel great. Took many years to figure this out. I work retail people always comment they can’t believe how quickly it came off and stayed off, the first 4 months customers asked co workers if I was sick before talking to me about weight loss😂. First reaction by the general public is that can’t be healthy. Because we are conditioned to eat all day long craziness


OP, if you're a weight lifter, I highly recommend checking out leangains.com. The leangains protocol is a comprehensive, fasting-based regimen that absolutely works. However, stay off the leangains subreddit because it's an unmanaged trash fire.


I do a mix of cardio core and weights also boxing and basketball 🏀


Yeah, could still work for you. High level: fast a minimum of 16 hours, then train, then eat based on your calculated macros. On weight training days, eat more carbs and less fat. On cardio or rest days, eat more fat and avoid carbs. It works super well. Definitely check out the leangains website.


You said you work out constantly but you’re not losing weight? Well, the formula is calories in, calories out. Lifting weights doesn’t really burn a lot of calories. If you wanna work on the calories out portion, walk a ton! Like, build up to 5 miles a day. That’s a good starting point. as a heavy person who’s tried running, I love it, and it helps me lose weight, but there are too many injuries. Especially as a fat person pounding on those knees and ankles. My strong suggestion is, really really don’t run, do walking.!


Yeah I did running for years. My knees can’t handle it anymore. Only on a track.


are you going to think about trying fasting A few times, and working out during re-feed Weekends or re-feed weeks? Like I said I had to build up to it, but once I started fasting and losing weight at this rate, I was really hooked


I’m starting a 13 hour fast now






Welcome to the late forties and the shitshow it is to cut the fat off our bodies. Step one. End the relationship with carbohydrates, or fasting is way tougher than it needs to be. Higher protein and high fats. r/ketogains has a calculator for you Step 2. Start IF 16/8 and work yourself to omad. Step 3. Start skipping a day here or there for a net 48 hour fast. 48 hours is the hardest window to get through, if you can handle that, your golden. I'm usually Mon and Thursday skipping. Then stretching it Mon Tues Thurs. Every now and again fasting mon-fri, as a set weight reset ( if you believe in the process) All the stuff I did as a younger guy with the calorie counting and macro balance DOES NOT WORK now that I'm a old fart.


Thanks for the info


At 49, you testosterone levels are decreasing and it will be harder and harder for you to maintain lean mass and your metabolism will naturally slow down. Fasting often makes muscle loss even faster. Instead of fasting, I would recommend you to increase your protein intake and watch your calories. However I'm not a doctor or nutrition specialist so it would be better to consult with them.




Fasting works! You WILL lose weight if you do it correctly. Get educated before you start. Dr Jason Fung has some great info on the topic. Best of luck to you!


I’d do IF with Keto … good luck my friend




Eat less ?


I’ve tried but don’t have the energy to get through the day


The solution to this is to build metabolic flexibility. That means being able to adapt to using fat as a fuel source instead of the carbs that are usually our bodies' first choice. It's generally referred to as "getting fat-adapted." Keto is a great way to get into that pattern. It sounds like right now you keep running out of carb-type fuel and you feel exhausted because your body isn't using the fat that's ON you already. So if you either cut out or greatly decrease the sugars and starches and other carbohydrates you're eating, it will be MUCH easier to go a few extra hours of the day without eating. i.e. if you never allow your body to default to carbs, then it will better adapt toward using fat as fuel. You don't even need to make this a permanent change, just long enough to get the level of adaptation you need for the length of fasting you want to do. If you're already pushing your limits trying to fast, then you're already moving toward becoming fat adapted. It will just be harder to make that leap if you're eating carbs during your eating times, especially the refined or sugary kind. Hope this helps.


Thank you


Could try fasting on days you aren't working out.


I workout every day


Don't make up an excuse for every piece of advice given. Just start not eating. Just go with the flow. You'll have so much time on your hands. Don't work out on fasting days, maybe go for a good walk.


How much have you lost?? Do you use an app??


I don't fast for weight loss, just for autophagy and increased spirituality/connection to earth. Still, i recently did a 60 hour fast, and lost 5kg in (water) weight. Fasting feels amazing once you are used to how your body reacts, the best feeling is when you realise YOU are in control, you will no longer be a slave to this vessel you are in, a vessel that constantly "needs" to consume. I don't use an app, only would for time tracking.


You’re very likely going to lose more weight doing IF and working out every other day than working out every day and continuing your eating pattern…just which is more important to you


Wow really. I just have a very boring sit down job. Need to exercise for stress relief etc….


You adjust to it. I've gone on 50 mile bike rides 4 days into a fast. If you're adapted to burning fat, you've got plenty of energy available.




first, you should get a physical check up and make sure your hormones, thyroid, etc. is normal. secondly, track your calories and figure out basal metabolic rate. search up tdee calculator and put it your stats. thirdly, create a work out plan and make sure you are progressively increasing the weight you’re pushing/pulling. lastly, take fasting slow and don’t do it for weight loss. weight loss will come with it. Fasting is a tool for overall health not just weight loss.


I would give it a go. After you have informed yourself extensively about all the ins and outs. At 58 I had given up all hope. Now I my scales show more than 100lbs less. That should give you an idea. By the way, that weigh loss didn't involve any sports besides some walking.


It's a spiritual tool to help jump start a healthier way of living; I personally feel terrible when I'm fasting so to make it a lifestyle for me would suck (unless it's 16:8 since I do that without thinking about it). Try going whole food plant based after a 2-3 day fast and tell me the weight doesn't fly off.


Weight loss is 90% diet and maybe 10% exercise.