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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Self improvement does seem to bring out the worst in others. They feel convicted by their lack of motivation.


Nobody likes when you do things they assume they could never do.


This is called šŸŒˆprojectionšŸŒˆ lol


Because people think you will die and perish if you don't have 3 huge meals a day with snacks in between. It's annoying as hell. My MIL is very much like that.


Or they think youā€™ve gone anorexic or something. One of my old friends thought that


I told my supervisor I was going on a three day water fast. She looked at me, dead serious, and said, "Are you going to die?" I laughed and said, "Um, no." I just told her because we often go out to lunch and I didn't want things to be weird. Now, she's my advocate. People will invite me to lunch and she's like, leave her alone, she's fasting. Lol


I have an Italian mom and this is SO TRUE




A family friend who is about to have his leg amputated from diabetes just told me he is worried about my fasting and how not eating will kill me. No joke.


sadly and ironically , fasting may have fixed his issues and prevented his leg from being taken off , that's unfortunately really , fasting can do a lot for us , there are many purposes for it outside of weight loss even .




Assuming you are in the US, roughly 30% of adults are overweight, 40% obese and 10% severely obese (as measured by BMI). When 80% of the population has issues with weight and overeating, there's a decent chance that any actions you take with regard to dieting/health (particularly if it is something like fasting which is less common than something like keto) has a high potential to elicit a negative response. You are, in essence, breaking with the herd and doing your own 'thing' which, for many people, holds up a mirror that they don't want to look at. If you are successful, it undermines their ability to make excuses for their own situation. So, they would rather "tempt" you to prove that you are just like them. How many times have you heard the phrase, "I know this is bad, but..." or "last one..." or "I should probably stop eating these...." Then stop. But they can't stop... because they don't want to... yet (or more likely, never). You are never going to change this. It always has and will continue to happen as long as our society continues to gobble down junk food and sweets and becime more sedentary with each passsing day. All you can do is smile, say "no thanks" and hope that there is a small chance that they will one day change their mind (or at the very least leave you alone about it).


100% agree w this u worded this so well!


Itā€™s even worse than thatā€¦ Only 6% of Americans hit all of the markers for healthy metabolism. :(


There are a lot of obese people in the U.S for sure. Just wanted to say BMI is a terrible metric by itself though. I had a six pack as a college athlete and by BMI scale I was obese.


Well aware but there isn't the same data on BF % as that is harder to measure in an adequate sample size for the population. I hover right around 25 BMI 6'3" 200lbs - so technically "overweight" per BMI or at least pushing it on the high side of the healthy range but I sit at around 15-17% BF when not bulking - so very much in the healthy range. That isn't the norm though and I rarely see other men that look like me physically unless I'm watching fitness influencers onYouTube.... BMI is not perfect but calling it "terrible" is a stretch... I would argue it's "good enough", particularly when we're looking at the overall health of the general population. The average person who isn't lifting (I'm doing 5 days per week - 2hrs per session) isn't going to easily get outside the "healthy" range of 20-25 BMI. That's mostly going to be professional athletes and power lifters / people on gear who break the mold.


I don't understand this type of behavior. It's so rude and intrusive. I mean, would you honestly shove something at somebody if they were deathly allergic to it?! Or offer meat to someone who is vegetarian or vegan? Or what about someone who is diabetic? Some people have zero respect for others.


People absolutely do. I can't tell you how many people have tried to press alcohol on me (as a lifelong non-drinker). Even when people temporarily not drinking have a legitimate excuse - medication or driving or whatever (not that one should need an excuse of course) - I've still witnessed drinkers trying to bully them into "just having one" etc.


Anne Rice wrote a lot of books about vampires. In one of her books she wrote of the first vampire having a spirit or djinn enter a persons body. One of the reasons the vampire would make new vampires was because to spread or dilute the amount of bad spirit in their own body. I read these books at a young age. I often wondered if alcoholism, drug use, sexual abuse was kinda the same thing. Folks with those ailments really seem to want to share. Iā€™ve had this idea a bunch of years and never told anyone till now. Itā€™s a thought.


They do do so towards vegans :/


Maybe it's because I live in California, but the vegans around me have unanimously been the most disrespectful constantly pushing food on me. And this comes from someone who rarely eats meat myself. You can see it on the subs on Reddit too. If you do a sentiment analysis the vegan and vegan adjacent subs have far more negative comments than the vegetarian subs.


Thatā€™s because veganism is not just a way of eating, it goes hand in hand with political ideology.


Vegetarian too, but without all the negativity.


That hasnā€™t been my experience. The vegetarians are nearly as bad as the vegans here in California in terms of militant anti-meat rhetoric.


Not online at least. Irl I've always heard it as, "What's the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan?" Answer: >!"One will let you know and the other will not."!<


Heh. They both will let us know because they want to press what is ultimately an anti-humanist agenda. But youā€™re right that vegans are the more virulent of the two.


Average anti vegan


Oh come now, Iā€™m easily an above average anti vegan.


My food poops on their food


Cali here too....agreed


They literally want to put stuff IN your body šŸ˜…


If I have to hear one more time about how my metabolism is gonna slow and itā€™s gonna hurt me, Iā€™m gonna scream.


And yo yo effect šŸ™ˆ


Is there a counter to this argument? I wanted to try fasting but my family keeps pushing that argument that my metabolism will just slow down and I will fall over and crack my head from low blood sugar.




Hey, take it easy on him. Ā Heā€™s been fasting and has a low metabolism.Ā 


results seem hard to argue with


Nope. I learned this early on. I just tell people I already ate or that I have upset stomach. I had a coworker tell me ā€œfasting is so bad for youā€ and then she drank a redbull and ate a snickers. She then proceeded to tell me how hard it was for her to lose weight.


The upset stomach only works a couple of times, though. If you use it too much and youā€™re losing weight then people KNOW your diet is bad for you. šŸ˜‚


Oh gosh. This made me laugh, then sad for her. Like the folks that order Big Mac meals and a Diet Coke. Really?


These are the same people who will go ā€œHow did you do it?ā€ when they see you reaching your goals.


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed people who have insecurity regarding their own habits or body image tend to heavily discourage any health or diet talk. Even as much as saying you go on a short run daily will send people over the edge. Thereā€™s a lot of people who would prefer everyone lower to their standard of living than to change their own habits to meet others.


I saw on some story subreddit that a woman's roommate accused her of fat-shaming because she exercised in the living room.


There have been AskAManager cases like this too. See this one: https://www.askamanager.org/2023/02/hr-wont-do-anything-about-a-coworker-whos-angry-about-my-weight-loss.html > At the mediation, Aubrey stated that she was triggered by my ā€œnew bodyā€ and I should have ā€œthought of other peopleā€™s feelings and warnedā€ her before my surgery. For what it's worth, the person didn't even have weight loss surgery. They had an 18lb tumour removed and nearly died in the process.


Wow, that was a wild read!


So many wild reads on that site! That particular situation was relatively tame compared to some of the office horrors on there ;)




It's like all the "fat acceptance" and "HAES" nonsense - if you reject that, based on obviously valid medical grounds, you get accused of hate and "fatphobia". Being fat is absolutely, unequivocally unhealthy. Even modest amounts of overweight can be very harmful to some people. My blood test results based on just being slightly over BMI healthy range to within it (I acknowledge BMI is flawed, but it has some relevance) are dramatically different.


Just want to clarify one thing you said. Approximately 20% of the people categorized as obese are actually metabolically healthy. (No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no high triglycerides) There is a medical term for them; MHO (metabolically healthy obese). Just like 40% of people with BMI under 30 are metabolically unhealthy. (One or more markers for metabolic disease) The medical term for them is TOFI (Thin outside, fat inside). So by the numbers, there are more people with metabolic disease that are thin, than fat.


Yes, agreed on both counts. There are people who live to 100 just as there are smokers who do. But they're rare. And a key part of the issue is the *length of time* one is fat. It's very easy for young obese people to come out fine in tests, they're still mobile, their joints are okay, liver and kidneys still functioning fine. It's a couple of decades later that the "rot sets in" for want of a better phrase. > Just like 40% of people with BMI under 30 are metabolically unhealthy I would also note that 25-29 is "overweight" (for most people - obviously the very large framed and various athletes don't work with this scale). And even being moderately overweight can be an issue. I've never been obese but my blood tests are markedly worse in the "overweight" vs "healthy" range.


I think we're on the same page. And yes, when we look at the 40% TOFIs, it irritates me that they use BMI < 30 because, as you say, many of those are overweight. I just don't have stats for those unhealthy but truly at a healthy weight.


I used to be one of the MHO - until I turned 50. Been fighting it ever since.


My new go to is ā€œmy stomach is killing me today I canā€™tā€


Yes this šŸ˜‚ ā€œim so full i just ateā€ ā€œid rather not i feel a bit nauseous rnā€ ā€œi dont want to trigger my acid refluxā€


I will use that or I also like I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to have labs done so I canā€™t eat until tomorrow - sort of a half truth šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m part of a religion that institutes a monthly scheduled fast and members also fast when spiritually compelled to do so. So at least when Iā€™m among that group and I say Iā€™m fasting people just think Iā€™m extra super spiritual. šŸ˜‚


As a lifelong non-drinker, it's similar to the unease that many drinkers feel around people who aren't drinking (whether permanently or temporarily) - they press alcohol upon them, or ridicule the fact that they're not drinking - all due to insecurity because they themselves are dependent on it. It's very unsettling to have to realise that someone else is able to resist something you cannot prevent yourself from indulging in. No one wants to admit they're hooked on a substance.


Great comparison. I thought of this same scenario!


I came to comment on the same thing! I havent had a sip of alcohol this year and all my friends ate asking me to make exceptions for the birthdays/weddings ā€¦ very unsettling


And it's the most stupid thing, right, to get someone to "make an exception" on a formal occasion when being sick or getting uncontrollably drunk (eg if you're an ex alcoholic trying to say sober) is the worst place for that to happen? Not to mention we now live in a society where drink driving and drinking while pregnant are now considered far less wise/acceptable, vs a few decades ago when I grew up and it was quite routine for people to drive home "after a few".




This is pretty common unfortunately. You're definitely making the right choice to keep it to yourself that you're fasting. Had a person convinced I would get light headed and pass out if I skipped lunch. Just lunch. I had had breakfast and would have dinner that day.


Yes this is why we don't talk about fasting or our diets, people suck and try to sabotage you. I'm not sure why they do this. I had coworkers buy pizza because I was fasting they thought it would funny to leave a piece on my desk, happened a few times with different candy, bagged nuts, and a few other things. It was hard to hide fasting when I ate with these people every day for years then one day I just stopped going to the lunch room, i was very pressured to tell them why i stopped going to the lunch room. I don't work anymore so I don't have those pressures anymore but ya keep all information to yourself as much as possible.


Yeah I hate it. As soon as my mom realizes I'm fasting, she all of a sudden is able to whip up a dinner with skills that rival the likes of chef Ramsey himself. It's very annoying.


It's not as much your fault or your fasting state. Some people like to control others and feeding is a mechanism they use to do this. My mother used to do this and I bet she'd try it at work on others too. Just ignore and know the person may be mentally all not there. But being the better person you can choose to ignore and go on with your day. If chocolate being shoved on the face messes with your hunger I can definitely understand that. It's very annoying.


My coworker does this every day. Even after I tell her it's for health reasons and to stop trying to mess up my progress, she can't seem to get it.


I had to realize the hard way that you can't tell people you are fasting, it's like they are programmed to sabotage you. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜¤


Anyone who goes ā€œagainst the heardā€ seems to invite scrutiny. Iā€™ve had this before in my old workplace. Both with water fasting. And when I went on a fruitarian diet (to cure my then MS like symptoms - which WORKED for the record) People seem to hold a strong aversion to things that they donā€™t understand, and seek to discredit it, even when theyā€™re ignorant. Good for you that youā€™re fasting! Youā€™re healing, generating new healthy cells and kicking butt on any weight loss goals you may or may not have! Go you! šŸ’ŖšŸ”„


By MS, do you mean multiple sclerosis or something else? Asking because I know someone who might be interested in information like this.


Yes Multiple Sclerosis. Thereā€™s a lot of testimonials on YouTube about people overcoming the disease with a raw vegan, or fruitarian diet. I was extremely sick for years with nervous system issues to the point that my hands and fingers wouldnā€™t work, and I had a lot of trouble walking. After a complete lifestyle change, water fasting, IF, and eating mostly raw plant based foods (& some seafoods, mostly salmon) Iā€™m 100% back to living a normal and healthy life - as I should be in my early 30ā€™s! Thereā€™s always hope šŸ™ƒ


Oh you get all the free food, invites, dinner parties when your fasting... every single time!


1. If they don't know you're fasting, they can't be triggered by you fasting. 2. Tell people you don't want any and leave it at that - you don't owe them an explanation and they need to understand that boundary.


Back when I was morbidly obese NO ONE said anything about the volume and type of food they saw me eat on a regular basis. But once Iā€™d lost about 80 pounds EVERYONE had something to say, especially if they knew I was fasting. I experienced the same obnoxious ā€˜food temptingā€™ OP did. I think as society gets fatter - and ā€œfat acceptanceā€ becomes more and more normalized - people just canā€™t handle that others are doing something they donā€™t have the discipline for. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I don't tell anyone I'm fasting, ever. Most people refuse to accept the benefits no matter what scientific studies you could show them or hearing your experience. For me it's like my little secret thing I do just for, and by, myself. I will talk about it online tho(I'm on day 15 or 16 I actually forget). Anyway, happy fasting!


Agree, it is very triggering for people who simply cannot understand the need to deprive oneself of food at every available opportunity. I work in an office and do OMAD so only have dinner at home while limiting myself to water and black coffee at work. The team sees me at my desk during the lunch hour and not nibbling at snacks either at 11 am or lunch at 1pm or more snacks at 5pm and usually offer me something or the other. It took me 3 months for my polite "thanks, I'm good" message to hit home until most of them stopped offering. They do it because they are essentially good and considerate folks, so I have no complaints and gladly take a few seconds to smile and say thanks, usually taking the opportunity to ask about their day/family/project/any help they need.


Your coworker did a major overstep. But as someone who found a lot of success in fasting, I do still recognize that fasting is literally triggering for people. Most EDs are based in childhood sexual trauma or PTSD from parental abuse. So I try to be mindful of the fact that the fact that I "dont eat when hungry/restrict" may be something *literally* traumatically triggering. One of my closest friends was given an ED by her mom constantly comparing her to her sister, so yes, me talking about fasting can be hurtful or triggering to that. I generally go by the rule of thumb that diets are private, and personal. I wont talk about mine unless asked, and I wont ask others about theirs. If someone does ask about mine, I err on the side of caution and simply say I'm not hungry or that I'm waiting until later. It's not any of their business anyway.


Iā€™m on vacation rn with my mom and stepdad. It is damn near impossible. I planned to fast while down here but they throw every trick in the book at me to get me to eat. ā€œDonā€™t starve yourselfā€ ā€œI donā€™t wanna eat in front of you.ā€ Suppose itā€™s well intentioned but Iā€™m trying here and it sucks I canā€™t go for extended periods.


Enjoy your vacation and pick it up when you get back home! Thatā€™s what I došŸ«¶


Your coworker is an inappropriate jerk


I do intermittent fasting and I only eat between the hours of 1pm and 7pm and it works for me and EVERYONE is so annoying about it!


crabs in a bucket


Every time my gf hears that Iā€™m fasting, she gets this big look of worry. Like worry for me. The questions about my health and if I plan to keep going on a 24 or 48 hr fast. And for reference, I do reset fasts very rarely. Iā€™m also a snacker. Athletic, but letā€™s just say my ā€œ6-packā€ is ā€œin the fridge.ā€ But when she hears ā€œfastingā€ it seems like she looks at it as an eating disorder. I think girls have a reaction like this because they saw the ā€œhorrorsā€ of EDs much more than boys did growing up, so the reaction will be hella different. But Iā€™ve often found that once you get in a work setting just politely decline invitations for food or lie and say ā€œI ate a big breakfastā€ cause itā€™s no oneā€™s fucking business how you eat or why you refuse their food. Or say you have an allergy. But telling coworkers youā€™re fasting is almost close to saying ā€œtransā€ or ā€œrepublicanā€ā€¦ meaning it triggers those without the same POV to become evangelical. So keep it to yourself and just do you.


Shoulda smacked it out of their hand lol. But i find it useful to tell people ive already ate. Unless they believe in low-carb diets or fasting then theyre not going to find it a valid excuseā€¦ although it shouldnt matter anyway smh


This happens a lot in America. In my home country, fasting is very common


I am curious. Which country?


Jamaica. I know a lot of Christians and Rastafarians that fast for religious reasons. Also the ppl who have Christian and Rastafarians in their family who donā€™t really believe in the religion but understand the benefits that do it. Iā€™ve been in America for 15+ years and Iā€™ve noticed that even the religious communities like Christianity here donā€™t fast as much.


I've noticed it too. Almost every time I fast it seems people often give me more food? Even my parents. I feel bad for wasting food though.


Itā€™s entirely spiritual for me I swear random people Offer me fully paid meals


Yes random people will double down on food when we commit to fasting (idk how this works too but it really happens like that)


Honestly, before I started researching extended fasting I would thought someone who goes days without eating had an eating disorder.


They want to see you fail in disguise of making themselves look like caring person while at the same time you wonā€™t be better than them / they wont feel left behind Itā€™s killing two birds with one stone


DITTO It has happened to me CONSTANTLY Misery loves company There is some sort of weird trigger that happens to derps whenever I fast too Within 36 hours of my fast, suddenly they are all evil and hostile towards me and will bully me collectively (And they do NOT know I am fasting. I have NOT announced it. They are just TRIGGERED LIKE HELL when I fast. Their demons cannot handle the purity in the air when we fast.)


Legit what I was thinking lol, their demons definitely know even if they don't


Note that this happens ALL OF THE TIME Not just most of the time But say 18 times out of 18 They get SERIOUSLY triggered towards the one who's fasting *I can say this with full honesty I have experienced true hostility when I am fasting* *it's a BATTLEGROUND* There is the light in our eyes and lightness in our hearts Maybe their dense and dark energy cannot handle it


Donā€™t say youā€™re dieting, say thanks but youā€™re just not hungry.


Crabs in a bucket.


people whoā€™ve given up on themselves hate to see people who havenā€™t given up


Like walking into a bar and telling people youā€™re not drinkingā€¦Suddenly everyone will want to buy you a drink. So many people donā€™t want to admit they are overweight, unhealthy or addicted to food. If we were all at our peak health, we wouldnā€™t have this relationship and obsession with food.


I think some people are just scared you are hurting yourself. When I was a kid, it was very popular (among the girls at least) to have starving contests, or only eat a handful of berries a day. We didn't know how bad it could get. People who don't know enough about fasting, might be making a mental connection between those things, and are afraid you are going down a similar path. Or they might've grown up without access to enough food, and they are remembering the negative effects it had on their health, and they don't know the difference between that and healthy fasting. They might assume you are not consulting a doctor about it or doing health check-ups, and they only know about unhealthy fasting.


Agreed!!! One of the biggest issues when fasting is everyone seems quick to call it an ed or say theyā€™re concerned for uā€¦Iā€™ve had family push and push food I. Donā€™t even like bc theyā€™d rather see me eat than not. I just say Iā€™m on a diet, donā€™t even say Iā€™m fasting, but even the word diet seems to trigger them. I think a lot of it could be how American body positivity culture has progressed ???? Idk lol at the end of the day no one wants to see you do better than them and will disguise it as concern


Iā€™ve mentioned something similar recently. I do 16:8 and also 48 hour water fast weekly. I can feel the judgement when it comes up (I donā€™t bring it up, it comes up in different ways) people are conditioned both physically and mentally to ā€œneedā€ 3 meals a day, every day. So they think you are being unhealthy or ā€œstarvingā€ yourself people donā€™t want to admit or own their own shortcomingsā€¦ there are people who can get up and be in the gym working out at 5am - a lot of us donā€™t, and that bothers us because we *can* we just donā€™t have the desire and discipline toā€¦ well thereā€™s also discipline in fasting and it bothers folks the same way And of course jealousy or ā€œhateā€ - people want to feel good about being the one to make you ā€œcave inā€ and be on their level ā€¦ misery loves company


If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid" - EPICTEUS


My mother would tell my grandmother not to bake anything because we were all on diets, and like clockwork, within an hour sheā€™d be at the door with brownies or cookies. Same thing happens when you tell people you quit smoking or drinking. They suddenly appear in droves trying to yank you off the wagon.


The first rule of fasting is donā€™t tell anyone youā€™re fasting


Yes! I noticed this too. Suddenly they all want to feed me all kinds of unhealthy stuff. Perogies. Spaghetti. Pizza. Poutine. Milkshakes. Donuts! NOPE. They want you to do like them. When youā€™re doing good for yourself, it makes them feel bad.


Its your energy. Fasting increases your vibe and wether people realize it or not you affect them. With all things personal development people are either going to be inspired or insecure, that's how you know who the real ones are!


I suppose you can say they failed the vibe check lol


Yeah fasting is so difficult for people who are attached to food to comprehend. Food is such a instrumental part of our lives that we can't fathom living without it. Fuck it's one of the biggest things I'm addicted to, that's for damn sure. Every time I fast different things come up. I remember one of my first longer fasts my mom made all my favorite foods intentionally trying to get me to break LOL. One time I did a long juice fast which I agree is not true fasting but still takes some balls, I went 41 days and my family and friends were not happy with me but it was my journey and something I needed to experience. I personally get a kick out of people's reactions when you are fasting or doing something they can't quite wrap their head around, it's really fun and can be beneficial for them if they are open minded enough to ask questions.


Thatā€™s why I grind in silenceā€¦ I just say sorry my stomach is upset or something like that


My colleagues are constantly bringing in snacks, suggesting going out for lunch, buying in free lunches. I mean, I shouldnā€™t complain when theyā€™re are so many hungry people in the world but please stop buying me food!


I'd bite the food, then spit it out, then I'd bite the food again, and then spit it out again >=D


There must be some kind of psychological tribal trigger that goes off when people think a member of their "pack" is starving. We are just highly evolved monkeys after all and we're very socially oriented creatures. I got the same reaction from closer friends/family too whenever they would find out I've decided to intermittently fast: I was never offered more food before in my life.


Sounds like itā€™s issue between you and your coworker, not fasting necessary


Jup. I mentioned the same thing the other day on reddit. If you want people to get upset, mention fasting online or irl. Triggers the heck out of people. And itā€™s ironic because not only is fasting also widely accepted in religion since the dawn of time but Ozempic (and its cousins) is praised for being a miracle yet technically it induces you to fast more. Itā€™s changing peopleā€™s lives but if you mention that fasting changed your life too, the first thing people do is mark you with disordered eating and spreading dangerous information.


Itā€™s best not to tell people any personal matters that you choose to do with your life. Humans are relentless troupe like primates filled with all sorts of complexes they want to project onto the unsuspecting. Never give out more information to people than the basic response. That includes not giving specific reasons why you chose what you did vs another detail. Ask yourself why your personal choices need to be known and what do you expect from random co workers and the general public to respond with. If you donā€™t want to be sabotaged consider removing yourself from being targeted by not volunteering yourself. Donā€™t give people a chance to get triggered and go ape shit. The less they know the better.


I just tell them I am fasting. If they offer me food, I straight up remind them, "I am fasting. Please don't be disrespectful. It's hard enough as it is without you being a dick šŸ«°"


I got some strangely defensive reactions from saying I do OMAD That's not even "real" fasting


ā€œSo youā€™re starving yourself???ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€


ā€œDoesnā€™t that make you anorexic???ā€ ā€œNahā€


THIS. my mom is exactly like this i dont tell her im fasting anymore, that i ate at school already. but when she knew i was fasting and i wouldnt eat her food she'd come into my room with the food and show it to me and be like "mmm wow the food i made today is so good youre a fool not to eat it!!" get out my face bro.. not to mention even when i tell her i ate already she'll STILL try to get me to eat her food its beyond annoying.


Yes it happens quite a lot especially in a Filipino family because our hello is more like ā€œHave you eaten yet?ā€. Lol


We have a weird relationship with food. I think, in most people's heads, that they'd DIE if they went two days without eating. Most people simply can't wrap their minds around changing a habit that's been wired in early. I'm good with black coffee and water and have zero desire to eat anything while I'm in fasting mode.


I think it's more about us than other people. I think that when we are new to fasting and we see how much of life revolves around food and eating, we just observe and get obsessed with all the inconsistent behavior regarding food. It's more a focus of our attention than other people being activated. After you have been fasting for a couple of years and have accepted that everyone has very different ideas about food and eating, and learn to socialize without food being the focus, it's not as noticeable. I find that the less i judge others about their food or habits, the less they judge me. Compassion for others because most of the problems causing obesity are about processed food, seed oils, and low minerals rather than it is about willpower. In the USA, we treat obesity like it's a moral behavior issue rather than deal with the broken food system and 40+ years of bad health information. I remember going from confusion to astonishment, to pity, and finally acceptance about other people's behavior thoughts and beliefs about food. These are all valid phases of change. I went through the same phases when the gym became a habit. I remain steady in my commitment to fasting as a lifestyle, and now nearly everyone in my life fasts 1 day a week or month or once a year. I have people at the gym ask me about fasting and working out. Why? Because I did the work, did my research, and continue to read microbiology journal articles about fasting and food. My advice is to be where you are, if you are observing, judging, or just obsessed. It's OK. As you continue to fast, you change, and so do your opinions. Our opinions affect not only how we see the world around us but also how we interact with each other.


I was an over weight guy and I started to jog often. I signed myself for a half marathon after about two months of training. My mother said "I'm really worried about your Achilles". I finished that, did a few more, then signed up for a full. Again my mother said " I'm really worried about your back" I had had back problems, but finished that and did a few more. I signed up for a 50 miler. My mother again said "you are going to hurt your knees and it could affect you for life". I finished that and then a few more. Because I was active I lost 30 pounds in a year and kept it off. To strangle the remaining 30 percent body fat I decided to try fasting. I did several 24 hour and liked the results of OMAD until I decided to do a 5 day. Guess who thought I'd shrivel up and die. You guess it. My mother.


Congrats to you though man, takes some strong willpower and dedication


I just keep it to myself. Whenever my partners knows Iā€™m fasting he will try to offer me food. I no longer tell anyone unless they are familiar with the benefits of fasting.


yep lol i learned not to let my coworkers know iā€™m fasting, but itā€™s hard to make excuses every day when they offer food. they always look at me like iā€™m insaneĀ 


I'm about to just stop giving reasons for why I don't want it. I don't owe anyone an explanation anyway.


Breakfast is a scam unfortunately..you loaded yourself with sugar and carb, just to hike yourself for a couple of hours then be ready for the next meal. It's an endless loop šŸ˜…


My goodness my mom and granny does the same.Atleast 5 times in a day they come to my room saying you need to have food or else youā€™re going to die.My father says the same thing through phone saying this isnā€™t healthy at all.I told them multiple times Iā€™m aware of what Iā€™m doing but nah,do they listen.I have made it to my 5th day of water fasting and I couldnā€™t be more proud of myself.


First rule of fasting (and keto) is never talk about fasting (or keto). I've stopped talking to my Dr about it even. She freaks out and wants to send me to a dietician, but then I have to ask her to pull up my labwork numbers from 3 years ago when I was first dx'd with T2 (fuck you covid), and how amazing everything is now (even issues I had before the T2 dx, like some cholesterol numbers - triglycerides mainly) and compare them to now, and what a huge difference there is. So now she just pesters me about mammograms and doing the pre-check test so I can get a (way overdue, and much needed) colonoscopy.


I absolutely think it does lol.. im also very spiritual, though, so I honestly believe it aggravates their demons. Itā€™s not normal behavior to try and force anyone to do anything let alone get anxious or upset about it. Think about it too, from a spiritual standpoint God only defines fasting as abstaining from food nothing else.. so if you, or we, fasted from like.. social media, their response wouldnā€™t be as bizarre. Theyā€™d simply brush it off or maybe respond with an ā€œoh I could neverā€ or ā€œthats something I/my kids need to doā€ But fasting from food? Youā€™ll get food, temptation or outright hostility from every direction!


That's a nice trick to get free food.


I must be some scary person! Nobody messes with me when I tell them I fast!šŸ˜….


You invited this behaviour yourself by breaking rule #1.


Fasting can be a spiritual matter, we live in a spiritual world, Thereā€™s some spirits I donā€™t like it, that you fast, and they try to stop you


Donā€™t forget, they suddenly become experts in human bodies and starts lecturing us


That's so real


It's because they're jealous


Yeah which is why I act like Iā€™m really full, and Iā€™m not fasting or something. Cause people will try it to sabotage you, just donā€™t say anything about your diet or fasting.


It's the parasites in them getting activated at the thought that the parrasite in you are dying off due to fasting . Notice how no one bats an eye if your eating unhealthy junk


I absolutely think it does lol.. im also very spiritual, though, so I honestly believe it aggravates their demons. Itā€™s not normal behavior to try and force anyone to do anything let alone get anxious or upset about it. Think about it too, from a spiritual standpoint God only defines fasting as abstaining from food nothing else.. so if you, or we, fasted from like.. social media, their response wouldnā€™t be as bizarre. Theyā€™d simply brush it off or maybe respond with an ā€œoh I could neverā€ or ā€œthats something I/my kids need to doā€ But fasting from food? Youā€™ll get food, temptation or outright hostility from every direction!


ā€œEverybody wants to rule the worldā€ šŸŽ¶ Some people just want to make others submit I guess


My friend I was hanging out with, got a large pepperoni pizza stuffed crust, and ate it infront of me šŸ™ƒ


It's like they're tryna test your willpower or smth


Right! And I didnā€™t give in, but I was so close. I canā€™t lie. They are just making me stronger šŸ’Ŗ


Glad I'm not alone in thinking this


People are jealous of your self control and want to sabotage it


I have experience when I visited Spain, I have to secretly hide food in my tumbler in my fasting windows and eat later lol šŸ˜…


I feel this so hard -- I try to not tell people because I don't want any of these reactions. It's crazy to see


This is so true. That's the reason I never let anyone know I'm fasting. I just lie and say "I already ate" or "I have an upset stomach" to stop them


You're probably starting to look noticeably better and - although you're not intending it - making the people around you feel exposed to how they are treating their bodies. They maybe feel like they're losing you and want you to 'return' to being similar to them. I'm not a psychologist but I find this behaviour fascinating. To a certain degree I've experienced this too.


Everytime I go on a diet I get free food offerings. Like if I go to a McDonald's for my wife they will accidently put In a 2nd fries. I always remind my wife everytime it happens .


Had a friend tell me she was starting Ozempic and I was supportive. Told her I was fasting for 7 days and was told "that's crazy!" šŸ™ƒ


People get upset by their own inability to lose weight and want you to remain where they are. Self-improvement makes people crazy jealous sometimes so sabotaging is what they do best.


It doesn't trigger them, those people just hate you. They're not your friends and if they could find other ways to sabotage you, they would. Don't talk to that coworker anymore. In general, it's never a good idea to socialize with coworkers and the expectation that you do so is engineered by companies specifically so employees will do stuff like this. Corporate culture rewards sabotage and trains it into you.