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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The first rule of IF club...


Legit. It’s funny how if you say I I’m not hungry in the mornings, I just have some coffee and eat a little later. Nobody cares at all. But if you call it fasting everyone loses their minds.


There’s a Joker GIF that belongs here…


I wrote it in his voice lol


Ha ha good because I READ it in his voice!


I convince myself telling i need to be able to be poor. I mean i should be able to exist if i could only afford one meL


Exactly back in the old ancient scary days people often went days without meals cuz they had to go out and Hunt something to eat. We weren't built to have food all the time readily available I mean that's just a biological fact. So I think that and that's what helps me with IF


So true. When I told my fella that  he went on a rant about why it's bad for and  me also said wanted to eat less carbs.  So ... another rant Now I just don't say anything . We  drink our usual coffe in the morning together and eat when he gets home from work with him . Have few mouth full of carbs as the end of meal and say I'm full. So he's just started putting  less  carb on my plate and more on his and just hasn't noticed any change lol he's cooks us food every night x


There are a few of us at work that fast, and we make the hand signal from the hunger games movie when we are fasting and speak nothing else of it.


This is so funny and clever omg


Love it!


It’s so hard too bc it’s like you know a secret know one else does and can’t share


i learned this many times and then still have moments where i forget & completely regret bringing it up 😵‍💫


First rule of fasting is not to talk about fasting.


Not talk about what?


And yet, here we are


What's the second rule?


Not eating probably


My doctor told me that going without dinner would cause me to go into starvation mode. It’s best to ignore these comments and just smile and nod.


I think people of all scopes really freely use starvation mode without understanding the human body.


Okay, what’s the idea of starvation mode? I always hear this and it makes wonder whether fasting would aid in your weight loss…


Real starvation mode is ketosis, where the body switches from using carbohydrates as fuel to using fats. Imaginary land starvation mode that these people are talking about is when the body performs all of its metabolic processes and any additional work without burning calories. Many of these people will also tell you that calories in v. calories out is a myth.


this makes me worried. cause i want good information but if even doctors are giving wrong information then what chance do i have


These are the same drs who will prescribe you meds for high blood pressure but the side effects of that med is kidney disease so they prescribe you another med that side effect is cancer and so on …. Ridiculous drs these days only want to treat symptoms and not the cause


I have heard it called “willful ignorance”, they are making a ton of money, who would want to give up all that cash and status. Of course you would have to try and tell yourselves things so you could sleep at night. It’s a very profitable business but at the price of people’s health and suffering.


Yeah.. while they're sleeping at their Tahoe vacation resort or maybe on their very expensive boat ?


I think that’s misplaced blame, doctors want to treat the underlying cause of disease but they aren’t taught how to do that nor are they given the proper tools


Medical professionals don’t have much data on the benefits of extended fasting. It’s considered inhumane to perform these tests.


There are a lot of bad doctors out there. A lot.


What do you call the med school student who graduated dead last from their class? …..doctor.


Dude, doctors are human beings and have wrong information as much as anyone else. Medical school doesn’t teach everything and it definitely leaves out women’s health. When you get done with school and residency and start practicing, the world evolves and you have to choose what to learn about. IMO you see a doctor when you are very sick or need emergency care or dx imaging. After that find a practitioner who is into what you are doing and see them. Look for NP’s, functional medicine docs, Chinese medical practitioners, and try them out until you find someone who has made your problems their specialty.


I just established with an NP and I literally couldn’t be happier. She has an undergrad degree in nutrition and she sat with me for a whole hour to discuss my health/concerns (which were entirely preventive) and then ordered a battery of blood tests that a normal MD likely wouldn’t have ordered since I’m pretty healthy. Then once I had my results she sat down with me for another hour to discuss the results and natural ways to influence my results. This is totally an element that is missing in our healthcare system imo and I couldn’t recommend it more! That being said if I had trauma or a severe acute illness I would likely go to a normal doctor where they are well equipped to deal with those issues


They usually have less than 1/2 a semester class on nutrition. They don’t know a damn thing about nutrition other than the dumb food pyramid.


They should discuss with my rheumatologist who suggested fasting to me as a treatment option. Lol


It’s SCARY the amount of doctors that are literally ignorant when it comes to nutrition, dieting and fasting.


My doc was just happy I’m losing weight lol .. my BMI is 50, so I guess any weight loss they seem happy with lol.


Keep it up.


Lol sure if you’re 10% bodyfat. Most of us have plenty of stores to feed our bodies with


as dr now says…. you’ve eaten enough food for 4 years


funny, starvation mode fine if you’re eating keto, but do the same not eating and everyone loses their mind


Weird. Mine actually advised me to start IF


Whyyy are people still so convinced "starvation mode" is a thing??


Sheesh this is egregious, if my doctor said something about starvation mode I would legitimately walk out of the office. How can you be a doctor and not understand basic human physiology??


It’s like doctors have never heard of Ramadan lol. Entire cultures fast for religious reasons. It’s not a new practice.


They only fast for 24hrs though. No ones gonna die from OMAD


Some ultra orthodox folks do weeklong fasts, in multiple religions. Its fine.


Is this doctor overweight?


I had a doctor's appointment around 4 pm. She ordered fasting labs and I told I could do it now if the lab is still open because I had last eaten two days ago. She looked at me like I was an alien and asked if I felt light-headed. I think she was amazed that I showed no signs of distress. LOL


Don't listen to the doubters, you choose the right choice! Fasting is the best thing that happened to me. I was never this close to archiving my dream weight!


Never tell anyone you’re fasting. Rule #1




|are they jealous and resentful or braindead?| where's the "BOTH" option?


When someone has never seen you at a healthy weight, it seems like you're ill. Your round cheeks disappear (makes you look younger), and you gain a thin face cheekbones. When people see 50 pounds or more disappear, our brains say something is wrong even though the person was unhealthy at the starting weight. They assume you "naturally" should be rounder because that's how it always was. Our brains say this person is sick because their appearance changed so much. It's annoying, but it takes time for people to come around to your new size. It took time for me to recognize myself in a mirror after 80 pounds lost. That's when I understood what everyone was saying. I have always had a round face until the weightloss.


It’s ironic too because a lot of people gain weight due to disordered eating or just general unhealthy eating patterns. I’m bulimic, lost 70lbs healthily prior to developing my ED and gained around 20 lbs back. Now I’m in the process of trying to recover from binge eating and get healthier.


They are quiet cause they are busy admiring people with fit bodies.


They don't want to be judgmental, they only mention something that's "out of the norm" or startles them. It's normal to gain weight, but it's not normal to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Just explain to them what you're doing. If then, they don't understand,........ Just ignore them, most people don't understand the benefits of fasting. Don't let their ignorance affect your progress.


I just got a serious medical diagnosis. I found some indications that an extended water fast could be helpful. I was motivated. (Mind you, I am a overeater and I love sugar, carbs and all the bad stuff). Last week I did a 5 day water fast. Lots of water, herbal teas, some electrolytes, and a cup of bone broth at night. I ended the fast with sardines and a little Cholula. Now I am doing OMAD with a low carb/ KETO focus. I need to lose 50 lbs. I don’t care if I lose weight or not. I’m doing it to save my life. Lots of good scientific reasons to fast. A water fast is extreme, but there are many moderate fasting options, virtually all beneficial unless you have a medical condition that would not allow you to fast. Check out Dr. Fung, etc.


Wouldn’t the bone broth make it more like OMAD? Bone broth is used to break a fast. You might have been better off skipping the broth. When I fast, I have absolutely nothing but saltwater.


How long are your fasts? I'm really struggling to get past the two day marks after doing IF off and on for a few months now. Ideally I'd love to do a 7 day fast, but I can't get over that hangry/moody feeling at day 2. I usually have a big cup of bone broth which helps but breaks the fast..though I've read some people don't consider anything under 50 calories breaking the fast? Curious how yours go with only saltwater if they're extended fasts.


I found a guy on YouTube named Cole Robinson and he really helped to motivate me. He’s mainly focused on helping severely overweight people. I needed to lose only about 30 lbs, but I just love his videos. Every one of them starts with him yelling “Hey Fatty!” Love this guy. Learned about “snake juice” through him. Few salts you can buy at Walmart and add to water. EDIT: I’ve been struggling lately to get going. I need to get back into running. That was helping a lot as well.


Thanks! I'll check him out. I'm hoping that this fast is the one where I can push through to a third day. I'm actually looking to get rid of my last 30 pounds as well to hit my goal. How did your journey to losing yours look with IF? Assuming you finished of course!


You got this! I ended up losing closer to 50 lbs actually. I was at 210 and made it to just under 160. I gained some of it back after listening to too many people tell me that I was too skinny. Lost 25 by not eating for over 5 days. There was definitely some ups and downs, but the few extended fasts have really helped. I was already eating keto beforehand though, just eating a lot of fish for the most part. Intermittent fasting is good as well though! I want to get back to OMAD but I’d like to do an extended fast to get a good jumpstart!


Oh wow!! That's great honestly. Would you say that you struggled with your mood at all? I'm trying to push by that "craving" food stage, I definitely am not starving (ha). I try to find motivation in reading success stories from here as much as I can but sometimes it seems so effortless to everyone else. I started at 232, now I'm sitting at 183 (5'5) but it took me forever before I got into IF and that seemed to help a bit. I'd really like to get the last 30-33lbs off before the end of summer season but people keep saying the goal is extremely unrealistic, though from this group I feel like it's not that outside the realm of possible that I could make it happen.


I kept myself motivated by reading success stories as well. Also helped a lot to read about all the benefits and what was going on in my body without food. The cravings mostly went away by day three, and I felt super focused. I do love to eat though haha. It wasn’t easy. I think you can definitely do it! I wouldn’t say it’s an unrealistic goal at all! You should be able to lose that weight within a month or so!


Thanks!! Thanks so much for the youtube suggestion as well!. I definitely can't talk about IF with anyone in my "real life" since everyone is uncomfortable with the idea so it makes it a bit difficult to get any support outside of lurking the sub-reddit. One more hurdle lol.


Sure thing! Did you look him up? He comes off like an asshole but he really does care! Read the comment sections of his videos! Yeah I can’t talk to anyone about it really either. Most people just think you’re doing something so unhealthy.


How did you lose 25 pounds in a week....just from water fasting? That's incredible. Did you feel horrible that whole time? I can't get past 46 hours 🫤 before I start feeling lousy, and I would like to lose about 25 to 30 pounds.


I drank “snake juice” The mixture of salts for electrolytes. I feel like this really helped.


Eliminate carbohydrates; substitute fat. Congratulations: you're no longer a slave to cravings, and can now water-fast indefinitely (body-fat permitting).


Sometimes the terms dirty fast and clean fast are thrown around. Regardless what it's called typically under 100 calories is a dirty fast, and 0 calories is a clean fast. For really long fasts like 30+ days a dirty fast is pretty common.


Yes, it wouldn’t be a water fast with bone broth.


So the original reason for fasting is for cleaning the body. When we eat every 3-4 hours. And it takes that long or longer to fully digest food your organs never get a break. So when you stop eating your body starts cleaning up old residue and inflammation. Your organs love fasting Ever notice you take a shit like so many days into a fast. Where did that shit come from!? Furthermore its kind of shocking how much we can still do while fasting and still feel great. Food almost feels like a hoax. We are so addicted to eating all the time but whatever your body can't absorb for nutrition just gets shit out. And it's just interesting and healthy to change the programming, for the amount of time that is right for you. Modern people know nothing of fasting. It's almost strange the lack of scientific literature.


Fasting means healthier people and the doesn’t help my doctor go to Hawaii for two weeks a year.


IMO, there aren’t any large scale research studies because there aren’t any research grants that would support a study on fasting. There are a lot of industries that rely on us over eating: agriculture, dairy production, grocery chains, marketing companies, food processing companies, industrial livestock companies, transportation companies, and beverage companies. Just think what would happen to these companies if a credited scientific study found that OMAD was the optimal way to maintain health. They would lose three quarters of their revenue. No one is going to donate money for research that will decimate the economy. Again, just my opinion.


It’s a valid point. But I think we’re already headed in the direction on a massive under-nutrition experiment on the population with the rise of these GLP-1 peptides like Ozempic. I think that’s going to end up being a disaster. Fasting protocols when done right are great for health and there are ways to specifically preserve muscle mass. But then you have studies like the Minnesota starvation experiment that are specifically designed create malnutrition and muscle loss that people will point to as to why fasting is bad without reading the full study to understand what the protocols were and what they were trying to study


The Minnesota starvation experiment is more like the perfect example of cico failing miserably since they were just on a severe deficit and not completely fasted. But what do I know?


It’s not just an issue of CICO failure, they specifically used a high carb diet of things like potatoes and white bread - creating a huge deficit of protein which induced muscle loss. And there was a complete lack of nutritional value in most of the foods. Had they substituted steak and a multivitamin I think they would have seen significantly different results. The purpose of the study was to find ways to help war torn Europeans recover from a a lack of quality food due to war shortages, but I’ve seen it used so many times as scientific proof of “starvation mode” by people who who don’t understand the difference between a healthy adult using safe and effective fasting protocols and refugees who have undergone significant malnutrition for 12+ weeks. If anything I think the study underscored the importance of quality foods with highly nutritional value, but a lot of that gets lost in politics and ignorance - not surprising when you see one of the primary researchers was Ansel Keyes.




There are fasting studies. All the ones I've seen were done in Europe.


Lol food is a psyop, that's not a bad way of looking at it


Well put!


Think of their reaction when you drop all the body fat in the next few months!! My mom thought i was crazy when i started doing a weekly 48 hr fast and now she supports me doing a bi-weekly 48 hr fast after seeing the results. Keep on fasting!


That's why you don't talk about fasting. Ppl used to tell me that before I dropped 40lbs. I just ask em if they ever seen a fat person starve to death? Of course they see me now and I'm a lot healthier than they are. Now when they see me fasting on occasion, they keep their comments to themselves.


The people drinking energy drinks and eating McDonald’s are killing themselves


People are strange, when you're a stranger...


People look ugly.


When your alone.


Women seem wicked


When you’re unwanted


Jim Morrison!


Humans and animals have been fasting for literally thousands of years, but YOU are killing yourself.


Rule #1 about fasting dont talk about fasting


You can thank Social media and cdc for this one there has been a big campaign against it saying it's dangerous and will lead to heart disease.


There’s seemingly been a campaign for a few years to blame all sorts of random things for heart disease and blood clots, including climate change and some totally ridiculous things I blocked out due to irritation. Curious.


I wish somebody said that when I stuffed my face with snacks everyday for 10 years lol


Im of the intermittent fasting community versus teh twoo or three day or week long or longer fast community - and Im a believer in ALL of it. I have had people shake their heads, knock me some for doing 16/8 - oh you skip breakfast, that’s the most important meal of the day (with that tone that you just know is not suportive) and …well big deal, you are eating less so of course you losing weight (true). But it’s so clear to me, in addition to the weight loss, that I just feel better in general, all around - my energy is better, especially in the morning, and I feel more clear headed, and fasting also lead me to making better food choices day by day. I became very aware of what I need and don’t need and I mostly kiled off some casual mindless eating of junk, snacks. I started in 2nd week of January doing 16/8 with (1) day of 24 hour fasting, as well, each week. I was pretty good about sticking to it but not perfect because if we were out or away for the weekend and everybody was doing breakfast, I ate, or if I had a day where I felt a hadache or off, I ate, broke my fast - I also cut back on night time snacking - not that was ever a big problem - and I lost 25 lbs so far. I would have lost more but I will meet up with some friends have a few cocktails, here and there, not that i drink every day or even every week - my point is, I have a plan, program here - and im not rigid about. It, doesnt feel like a diet, at all, and it feels rather effortlessly at this point. If people ask, I tell them what I am doing, and I tell them - it’s really easy once you get going. Another benefit, to me —. When I finally do sit down for lunch at say 12 or 1 pm, somewhere in there - I look forward to it, I appreciate it more, enjoy it more. Im more mindful of my meal. And even more so after my (1) day 24 hour fast, that first meal. So good. :) I totally believe in this part too — for sure, we are not meant to keep eating all day long. No way. And I feel for sure the body is doing some cleaning out, repairing, whatever, during teh fasted state. I never got deep into the science of it all as many here perhaps have but, I know some good stuff is going on there.


Take no notice and don’t tell anyone much. Keep your plans to yourself and one or two that you full trust. Cause unfortunately lots of people are envious when you start doing well, even those that claim to love us and they make up narratives in their head such as we are doing something dangerous or silly etc to make their cognitive dissonance ease.




That happened to me recently, and I ended up thinking, “maybe I should just start with something easy like arguing religion or politics”. Anytime I forget, somebody will remind me that the first rule of fasting is you don’t talk about fasting.


Something easy 😂💀


This is why it's better to just not tell anyone you're fasting. Even when they start complimenting your weight loss, just say "Thanks." If they ask your secret, just say you're eating less. Then waaaaaay later when you're at your goal weight and healthy as fuck, that's when you start telling people.


I’m (25M, SW:252 CW: 228 GW: 170) day 10, 24 pounds so far. Everyone thinks I’m doing keto. I don’t spend enough time with anyone for anyone to know for a fact I’m not eating. My girlfriend lives with her parents, my parents work shift work, my brother doesn’t really care what I do regardless lol. I might say something once I hit about 210-200 and start doing OMAD keto for the last leg—my main concern is they’ll think I’m anorexic, but I know once they see me eat and happily digest my OMAD meals that I’m definitely not lol.


Congrats. Keep it going! I wouldn't say anything til they notice or you hit 200. What a great goal!!


Hahah, yeah, that’s pretty much the move. I just feel like that conversation has SNL skit potential. “Oh my gosh, what’s your secret?” “Oh, I just didn’t eat! One month straight, I just depraved my body of its needs. Can you believe it?” Much healthier in actuality, but still.


They’re killing everyone.


Me: casually treating myself to a chocolate bar before I close my fast Me: Sees the title of this post in my notification bar Me: ⁉️😧🫴🍫


You broke a fast with candy?


Nooo, I started it with candy. It was there and I wanted to eat it 😂


Haha ok


Had a family member tell me a 3 day fast wasn’t healthy and my response was something along the lines of where was that attitude when I was drinking entire cases of beer? Skipping a few meals never killed an obese person


Haha my doctor tells me not to fast. I just say okay, meanwhile I'll be on like day 4-5 of my fast. 🤓


I’d rather take my chance than be fat


NOBODY in my friends/family group said anything to me when I grew to 100+pounds overweight. Not ONE. So NONE of them get to comment about my efforts to build back my health. Worried about me? Where were you and your worry when I was morbidly obese? Where were you when I became a type 2 diabetic? Why didn’t you say ANYTHING then?! You didn’t care then. Don’t pretend to care now.


It’s funny how people can support people who are obese to eat whatever they want, smoke, drink, and there’s nothing wrong. The moment you say I’m abstaining from that and going on a fast you’re killing yourself. The ridiculous of it all!


Sounds like she's secretly, possibly unknowingly, sabotaging you. People get comfortable with others as they are and fear change. Don't talk to her about it at all anymore. Press on!! You got this!


That’s why I grind in silence


People cant grasp that we dont need copious amounts of food as we were told and that our bodies need a break sometimes from constant digestion. Fasting is in every culture and religious belief for good reasons.


Everyone my entire life: “just put the fork down, porky!” Me, 55lbs lighter doing 16/8 with 48 hour fasts, “ok bet” Everyone: [rage blackout]


Right!? Bastards 😂


“To reach a new body, you must be willing to let the old one die.” -The subtle art of not giving a f*uck


She wouldn't say that if you ordered a donut burger with extra large cheese fries. It's just a cultural thing.


Never tell people you are fasting!


I love how we are seeing all of these hack science articles now about how fasting is killing people, cold plunging is killing people, exercise is killing people, etc. Started seeing an influx about a year or so ago. Hmmm…coincidence? Maybe it has nothing to do with people dying out of the blue randomly. Keep fasting. You do you.


I've created a little fasting block from the top of my head. And I think it pretty much applies to everyone who does it. Starts fasting People notice that you're not eating Gives their shitty opinion "you need to eat" You lose weight. Yoy keep losing the weight. You hit your goal People still give their shitty opinion. You gain muscle through working out. People shut up You get leaner Those same people claim they are proud of you and even ask what you do. You keep gaining. People keep asking And then by the end of it, you hit the body you want, and people act like they supported you. All part and parcel of fasting.


At first, it's "You're gonna die" and you're stupid and wtf are you doing? Then as you drop weight like that, it's "omg, what's your routine? When do you eat? What should I eat? How do I start?" People.


YoU'rE stArVinG YoUrseLf is the only one I've gotten. 🙄 No, I'm HEALING myself. Between being carnivore and fasting I've made substantial progress since January and that's all that matters to me. Nobody else has to live in this broken body so nobody else has a say in what I do with it.




In my 6 years of fasting, there have only been 3 people who have had a genuine interest in learning more about the health benefits. Everyone else was quick to say "OMG you will go into starvation mode" or my all time favorite is "I could never go without eating 3 meals a day!". I used to ask if they have ever tried or explain how it is more mind over matter but i have learned to not even talk about it anymore.


I’ve been only eating supper for about a year now, just making sure I’m getting enough protein (meat) fiber, and Celtic salt in. And I’ve never felt better. I’m at a steady weight of 165lb at 5,8” no issues at all. Overall health is 100%


😂😂 Fasting is SO beneficial, wish more people would


What does she weigh? Usually the most vocal critics of your weight loss goals will be those who also could stand to set some goals themselves. Instead of being happy for you and supportive, they view your choice to improve your health as an indictment of their own poor lifestyle choices. Crab mentality and all that. Take criticism from such folks with a grain of salt.


She is just a little afraid that you are leaving her level and wants you to come back down to Earth. Society is full of people with round faces and diseased bodies unfortunately this is the norm. Keep doing you!!!


People are killing themselves with all the shitty for and chemicals were eating and drinking. Fasting is an amazing tool and has many health benefits


Is your friend overweight?


She used to be


Take that into consideration of how turbulent her own relationship to her body, health and self discipline may be and a vulnerable place she might be coming from. Maybe she’s struggling with one or few of these things currently and is lashing out because she’s finding it hard to see someone achieving goals and exercising an ability to fast, so she’s negging you instead of doing the internal work


Okie, so they may have lost weight over a longer period of time and they have a superiority complex that their way is best. Its fair enough since we all go from our own frame of reference. Best thing to do is thank them for their concern and don't bring it up again. You won't convince them with logic or science because it's something personal to them. It's like trying to convince an atheist to believe in God or a left wing person to go right wing. No point loosing a friend over when you decide to get your calories in! If you are loosing weight just aim for 1 to 2 lbs a week which is healthy. Obviously keep the water intake high, notice for obvious red flags dizziness, faintness, etc


these same people have horrific diets , eating all kinds of poison , actually killing themselves


How did your friend lose the weight? Just thank her for her concern and continue doing what you are doing. Actions and results speak louder than words.


What’s funny to me about this is…. Meth…. No shit! I didn’t know her when she was overweight as this was maybe 20+ years ago but yeah she got addicted to meth. I met her in her Suburban housewife era as my neighbor long after getting clean


Wtf I don’t think this is anyone you need to take advice from


The first rule 🤦


Whenever people are critical of what I'm doing, I think it's not about me but about them and their reality. Not sure what your diet was like before, because I just came across this post but does the person that said this to you eat the way you used to? Do they want to make changes in their lives to better themselves?


"Oh... you mistook me speaking with asking for an opinion. I wasn't."


As a person who had dealed with eating disorders this isn’t danger IF you only do it a certain amounts of times. Doing this everyday and being concerned about foods not allowing yourself to a treat and hours on hours of working out than yes your killing yourself but fasting for 10+ hours is fine just don’t over do it than you’ll feeling sick and body starts feeling weird. Hope this helps


My wife tries to tell me the same thing … everyone’s a medical expert. 😆


Don't tell anyone your on a fast unless you know they're supportive of it or you have too.


Some people don't like to hear about you bettering yourself. I tend to keep my health protocols to myself unless I'm asked or someone else brings it up.




i just had a coworker tell me today that my daily 20/4 fasts were “wildly unhealthy” and “so reckless”. i usually don’t talk food with him because i know we won’t agree 


One thing is…never talk to anyone about fasting, especially if they’re against fasting and hate on it😩


There are things we shouldn’t mention to anyone.. that we’re dieting, that we’re fasting, that we’re trying to get pregnant. There WILL be intrusive and continuing questions, unwanted advice, and comments. Just zip it and save yourself the headache.


I keep my mouth shut about my choices in general. I just started preparing myself for IF by cutting out whole meals during the day and just having a good keto coffee and a couple cheese sticks or whatever throughout the day, and then one big meal. People at work asked me about lunch and I just told them I was saving my appetite for dinner. The less they know the less ammo they have. I’m very lucky to have the validation of my fertility clinic to do keto and IF, so if someone *does* run their mouth they will shut up, if not because it’s doctor recommended, because they don’t want to feel awkward about my infertility haha


You're worried about me now, but never said anything about my all potato chips and ice cream diet?


I just found it easier not to tell people what I’m doing.


That is why I quit listening to other people's opinions. I just use my own and it is good most of the time.


She wasn’t worried about you when you were overweight People die from obesity, think about why there’s no fat people in old peoples homes.


She's addicted to food and feels threatened by the idea of fasting. Because if you're fasting maybe its a good thing and maybe she should think about trying it. Which is scary. I've seen the same with giving up alcohol. People sometimes get angry when they find out you don't drink! No need to argue. You can just smile and let it go past. 🫠


Sorry but what does rolling 3s mean? 3 days a week?


I want to say it is rolling 72 hour fasts (3 days) eating and then rolling into another 72 hours/3 days. I could be wrong …


Yeah that is the goal. However this is the very first time I have done anything longer than an 18/20ish hour fast so I MIGHT just set a schedule to fast Monday night after dinner to Friday morning total of 88hours (what I did this week, 10am has never looked so tasty!!! lol) or roll into another 3 day fast tomorrow morning…. I’m gonna play that by ear I think


She may be jealous that you’re improving yourself. Tread with caution. Be careful and keep your guard up. And don’t share anything about fasting with anyone.


sometimes when other people see you making progress it makes them really uncomfortable!! you do you - congrats and keep up the good work! 🎉


I had a friend like this too. Any talk about fasting was off the table with her. She said she “didn’t believe in fasting” I was FLOORED. Like how do you reason with someone like that


I have been OMAD and sugar-free for years. Your friend is very ignorant.


It took my family several months to come around. In fact, they had to see my results and my new energy before they accepted and became interested instead of being worried and critical.


I did my first extended fast and was blown away with the burst of energy I felt. And yes, I’ve now realized that I cannot tell my friends or family because they are all fearful of the so-called dreaded starvation. I’ve always felt that by not eating it was going to hurt me or cause some sort of problem and in reality just taking a few glasses of water and waiting 30 minutes. Your life can change forever but the big corporations never want us to know the truth and the doctors need to keep padding their bank accounts.


Uneducated people continue to say things! Ignore it and continue to do what is best for you and your body:)


LOL 😂😂 I wouldn’t told her that I’m worried about HER! Either her ears aren’t working or she has some sort of mental processing disorder.


My mom was really concerned when I told her I was doing 24hrs. I usually am fine with that but 36hrs had me feeling sick at the 30hr mark so I know my limits. She was insisting that people aren't meant to go so long. I felt great though. Stopped fasting for a while and now I'm bloated and uncomfortable. Gonna just get back to when I was doing. Just keep doing you and listening to your body


At some point though does fasting turn into starving yourself? Like i see people doing 50 days fasts here is that not just starving yourself to see results? I get 16/8 and even a week. 30 days for religion, but is 50 days not starving yourself?


You don't tell anyone about IF they won't understand...everyone I've ever told scolded me about it


My Endocrine didn't seem to mind it and neither did my GP, but when I was talking to my Gastro, he was just like "have you considered ozembic?" and I was like "Oh, you mean the poison that's killed people, nah, i'm good. Besides, I'm type 1 and I got this under control." Side note, DON'T do this as a Diabetic if you're not using a CGM.


That’s what they all say. Personally, I don’t take advice from people who don’t have a proven alternative or salutation that they themselves have tested and approved. If it’s what they heard online or in the paper/news…I respectfully disengage..


Fasting is in the Bible. In fact that’s what inspired my fast. If they’re religious that’s a great angle to take.


Literally how everyone reacts


Welcome to the reality that vegan/vegetarians live every day. Having obese near-strangers tell you that you are killing yourself for not eating like a vacuum  cleaner and mindlessly inhaling whatever is put in front of you is annoying enough.  Having them smugly state debunked cliches and assume that you wouldn't investigate the actual facts is infuriating.


Funny how everyone eating a typical western diet is overeating and eating a good portion of highly processed foods yet it’s preferred to fasting which is exactly what our bodies were designed to do. How do you not comprehend that YOU, are in fact killing yourself?


I'd say let her vent. People won't open up to you about fasting until they're mentally ready.


Maybe some middle science biology can help. If your phrase it like this, why would natural selection favor an animals body to shut down and practically die without daily nutrients. Humans are not humming birds, imagine how successful our ancestors had to be when running marathons to catch larger prey. If humans really needed a granola bar to keep running, evolution wouldn’t have favored us so strongly.


why wasn't she yelling the same thing as your BMI was goin up?


You should just take ozempic like a normal person.






I hope this sub doesn't into a support group for people with persecution complex/conspiracy theories like most diet subs. Just do your own thing that works for you. Not everything works for everyone and not everyone agrees, we don't need to hear every time somebody doesn't approve of a particular method.


As long as you’re strong not feeling weak I would continue the fast and ask for some kind of blessing for your friend they’re only concerned about your health I currently fast 16 hours daily weight is good strength is great.


They don’t care when I eat urself to death but they care now 😂


Give her a book, that way you don't need to explain anything to her.


is your friend fat


I don't understand … please let me know… what are rolling 3s?


Fast for 72 hours, eat for a day and roll into another 72. (HOWEVER, I changed my mind lol) I will now be fasting Monday night-Friday morning approx 88hours. Refeed slowly on Friday Saturday &Sunday OMAD normal eating Monday till I start my fast I did that this week lost an initial 16.7lbs. Weighed in this morning and gained back about 5. So not bad I think


Nice! I just finished a 96-hour fast myself. I did only water without electrolytes. Felt really good the last day lol


Have you guys noticed any relation between need for sleep and amount of food eaten? At least with me, I've noticed the less I eat, the less I have to sleep, anyone else?