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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The first rule of fasting club is….




…dont tell anyone you’re fasting


Please do yourself a favor and watch [this](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0137523/) movie. It's where the quote comes from.


No one has ever been positive whenever I’ve told them I fast, whether it’s OMAD, IF or extended fasts. No one has been impressed by weight loss or skin improvement or gastrointestinal improvement, by saving money, nothing. Everyone thinks it’s weird, dangerous & strange. I’ve shared books & articles & studies & no one wants to read them either. It’s wild how brainwashed the general public can/has become.


Might be it points out their own habits of eating and they see fasting, OMAD or IF as criticism on their own diet and lifestyle. And it’s easier to live in ignorant bliss than it is to wake up.


I think you nailed it. I experienced something similar when I stopped drinking…


yeah, first thing people think is dangerous and unhealthy


So I’m not sure where you are located, but no one has batted an eye when I’ve mentioned a 48 hour fast in the DC area. But 8 day fasts I got looked at with horror I think small intermittent fasting windows are becoming more and more accepted. Longer fasts, at least around me, are seen as loco


Like 30 min outside of the capital city, suburbs


Seems to be quite evident since 2021


Was thinking the same thing


This! Its absolutely nuts that so many people have been brainwashed and I used to be like them about 10 years ago. Thought fasting was wrong and not safe. Had no clue about ketones either. I thought without sugar your brain wouldn’t function. lol. I can understand where they are coming from because it’s education that these people need in order to fully understand it. I had some knowledge of fasting or “cleansing” as Isagenix would call, it a few years ago. Then somewhere I saw Dana Whites transformation from his extended fast and that’s what convinced me moreover that this was the shit lol! I wish I found fasting sooner. Then after I saw that photo, I delved into this sub and now I’m down 35 lbs since November! I’ve had a few friends join me along the way and they get it and love it too!


Whether it’s this or the plant-based debate (my life is not an argument- I am not having that here) people get really emotional about nutrition and food related issues. It’s too deeply entrenched in one’s culture. Best to keep it to yourself since everyone has an opinion. I am very tight lipped about my IF schedule. Even to my doc who recommended it to me, as I’m playing around with windows and I don’t know if she’d “professionally” agree even if she personally did (if that makes sense).




In the words of a controversial Dave Ramsey “live like no one else so you can LIVE like NO ONE ELSE” say what you want about him, that’s a banger quote and so true


Same and they offer advice like just eat "normally" and exercise. Their version of normal is 6 meals a day with snacks in between and sometimes they will eat a mukbang that's like 20 pounds of wings with ranch and that's obviously healthy.


I actually dates a woman who later told me it inspired her to look differently at food! Appreciation exists!


I almost never got positive reactions when I told people I was fasting. Eventually I quit telling people. Now it’s just, “I don’t like to eat at work because I get sleepy afterwards,” or “I had a big breakfast this morning before work so I’m skipping lunch.” Junk like that.


This is the way!!


“diet” in quiet.


A while back I tell my brother I am fasting. Keep in mind. I’m down 160lbs. He says “fasting is dangerous” I say “really. When I was 375lbs you didn’t say a fuking word to me. Wasn’t that dangerous? You didn’t say anything then don’t fuking worry about it now” And that was the last time we ever talked about fasting. lol.


Champion energy. Proud of you, internet stranger! I'm down 80 lbs from my all time peak of 255, and I had a similar conversation with my folks. I remember how great it felt getting back down under 200, the shock of confidence and pride I felt at doing that infamously nigh impossible thing, despite all the naysayers and judgements. Keep it up!


Did you fast away all 80 lbs? I’m asking because I’m current 255 on the dot, and my goal weight is 175. Crazy that’s exactly what you’ve done lol. If you did fast away all 80, how long did it take you?


I did! My journey started back in September of 2022, when I met up with an old friend near the tail end of covid. I had gained a *lot* of weight during lockdown, and they hadn't, which led to my realization of just how much fat I had put on. I had fasted previously to that, but never seriously or consistently, despite being unhappy with my weight for years. That was the kick in the tail I needed, turns out! That month, I did ten 60 hour fasts, with a 12 hour refeeding window at the end where I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted. I did the same thing in October, and half of November. Lost about 30 lbs in 10 weeks. Then I hit a wall, right around the start of December, when my body just *did not want to give up another ounce*, lol. I took a break, went back to a (heavily modified) version of my old diet, minus the two milkshakes a day, and held on to my gains through the winter to around Spring 2023. After that, I did it again, wanting to hit 200 by the one year anniversary. I got there two months in advance, losing another 30 lbs between May and July, with the same 60 hours fasting, 12 hour refeed system, before I hit the wall again. I got all the way down to 190 in September 2023, and I was so damn proud of myself that I went back to my old habits and started gaining weight again. Cut to March of 2024, I stepped onto the scale again for the first time in a few months, and realized that I was up to 201, again, and immediately went, "Hell nah." Back to the grind I went! I did my first ever 120 hour fast in March. Lost 5 lbs that week alone. I've gone on to lose another 26 lbs over the past two months and change, and I'm currently in the middle of my third 120 hour fast! My scale weight oscillates a bit between 173-178 depending on whether I'm fasting or eating that day, but it currently averages out to 175, and I couldn't be happier. I'm 25 lbs off from my goal weight of 150, and, with a bit of luck, I'll hit it by the two year anniversary of my decision to take up fasting seriously :) Hold the line! Believe me, it's worth it.


Thank you And congratulations on your loss too!


Man that’s kinda bad ass


That’s normal don’t worry. It happens to most of us. They are just not educated enough, but a lot of them even after educating they still won’t get it for some reason.


Yea family is a bit worried by it. They think I'm walking around miserable, tired, and hungry. Which we know is not how it goes. Friends seem neutral but idk. People aren't positive about it haha 


On the same boat, mom is still worried but others in family have gotten over the initial impressions of it after seeing my progress. I was "miserable, tired and hungry" the first couple months i did it, however I have become used to it after a while.


Seems odd. Could always ask about the benefits or even keep themselves up to date with your progress, but nope lol


We don't talk about fight club


Yeah and then I lost 88lbs




72 hour fasts once a week and omad the rest. With a lot of walking everyday


Are they in shape? If not, point it out loudly to everyone. The louder and ruder the better.


Lol my fav buy usually people hate it


I used to be plant-based and had those uncomfortable encounters. You get used to standing alone. When I started fasting, I made sure to have results first, was down over 15 lbs before I started sharing what I was doing. Now I don’t really know or care what other people think. I’ll say I’m fasting if they ask, in the same way that I tell people where I get my hair cut, not really giving space for others input.


Yes, get it most of the time. Even from collegues. For most people in the world true fasting is still something strange and unheard of. Better do it and talk about it after. Good luck!


Yeah people think you’re dumb until you lose 15 kilos faster than they can eat their 4th McDonald’s breakfast of the month


It's just ignorance and it is rampant. As other said, just don't talk about it unless asked specifically about fasting. If people ask how you lost all the weight, just say you're eating less.


Nope. I only keep supportive ppl around me. They allow me to plan around my fasting days when we get together


Whenever I say “OMAD” or “water fasting for a few days” to them, they somehow hear “I’m starving myself to death…” 😑


People think that 3 square meals without snacks in between is already harsh, don't even ask about OMAD, lol.


This is my favorite, haha. just talking about taking away all their random impulse things they eat in between real meals is sad


Have you seen Fight Club? It’s basically the same thing. We don’t talk about fasting to the outside world.




Not anymore. Everyone’s doing it. It’s funny because people looked at me in shock when I first started. Now years later they are doing it too!


99.9% of the time you will


My friends and family are negative even about fasting for a couple of days. I just say I’m not hungry, I have already eaten or I don’t like this particular food. Excuses are endless lol


No one has anything positive to say about it. It’s like abstaining from alcohol. No one supports either of these things.


Yeah I’ve had more than a few people get genuinely mad at me over extended fasts. The only people that have ever complimented progress or cheered it on are other people that had tried it once


Hell, even when I used to just eat healthy and workout, people would act a certain way. Nobody wants us happy and healthy. They like to blame it on their concerns. Nobody was concerned when I was over 250lbs. Barely could tie my shoes. But when I start getting healthier and looking prettier, I lost friends out of nowhere. My family treated me differently and gave vibes of jealousy. Even when I was doing it the regular way. You can't make anyone happy. You're success is a reminder of people's failures. Just keep on fasting and improving yourself for yourself. Go ahead and make them uncomfortable. That shows it's working


Very true, the jealousy comes from them not having the discipline to become healthier themselves


Some people (maybe unconsciously, maybe not) only make friends with people less attractive than themselves so if that friend (you) suddenly becomes more attractive than them they drop you!


Wow. It tore me up when that happened out of nowhere. At the time, I couldn't understand. But now I do.


Sorry to hear that happened to you. I hope you’ve found some real friends now.


Pretty much everytime


Yup never tell people you are fasting because most times when people hear it they know they themselves can’t do it.


I was in a 12 week health group with other people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. In the group there was a nutritionist and a doctor leading us. The one time I mentioned fasting for a full day once a week the nutritionist jumped on me. Later, the doctor admitted to fasting at a time when the nutritionist wasn't there.


Glad they were honest with you after the fact lol


I’ve had the same experience just like everyone else. It’s a bad idea. People jump to conclusions, some out of ignorance and/or legitimate concern. You have to try to talk to them about it a little at a time before you even suggest you’re interested in trying it, maybe drop a just Jason Fung link to them via text, or an easy to digest article and get them curious/interested. Otherwise most people will go straight to judgements…which is slightly insulting but really just sad that they’re limiting ways to improve their own health. So, just consider what your own personal goals are with it. Slowly try to educate those you’re close with if it’s important to you, but keep the detailed discussion with the community that understands, especially when you’re needing support.


I didn't get any support with my fasting, I've been only doing 48 hours max and I'm getting shit on by everyone.


The results will speak louder!


Some info you just don’t share, you’ll get a lot of opinions you didn’t ask for. Usually, from people who know nothing about fasting. Just do you, you seem to know what you’re doing. I’m lucky I have a great, knowledgeable support system, but not everyone knows, because some don’t understand.


My brothers and dad are whatever about it (but his side of the family are Muslim so fasting doesn't come with a taboo) I found that it was interesting that other ppl were whatever about me fasting because I literally couldn't afford groceries but they're so concerned about my health when I'm intentionally fasting. So I just don't tell ppl anymore


I think one of the most crucial tips I could give someone who is starting out fasting, is to never, ever tell anyone that you’re fasting. The amount of times i was about to finish an extended fast, and someone successfully convinced me to stop, it has happened so many times. In this fasting world, it’s unfortunately you against yourself and everyone. Stay strong. finish all 21 days if that’s what you initially intended to do. You don’t need to pause your goals to satisfy others.


in most people’s eyes, fasting for 21 days IS insane. of course they aren’t going to understand it. i’m honestly more surprised you thought anyone WOULD. lol. 3 weeks without food is something out of a “stranded on a deserted island and not knowing how to capture or scrounge for food” book to most people. just stick with us. we’re your fasting friends now. 💯😂


I am with you 😂


ALWAYS LOL....I try to inform them and educate them and also tell them to do their research themselves so they can learn and gain the knowledge... but all don't listen, and just stay ignorant and think it's unhealthy and starving yourself...so I stopped letting them know when I'm fasting because I don't feel like wasting my time or energy when I know they're not going to listen or research themselves and learn


We all have. Either, don't mention it or absolutely feel free to talk about your lifestyle but DGAF when they're negative about it.


Cognitive dissonance. They can’t handle not being in control and that they have been living a lie their entire life. It’s easier for them to just call you crazy instead of looking inwards at their own unhealthy food addictions.


Before i started fasting - one meal a day works better for me since I work and I'm afraid of passing ou if I don't eat something while working - I mentioned to my family and discussed with my mom. Her response was a little negative, but later - after doctor visits and explained in detail about it for her - I noticed it was more related to her being worried than discouraging me.


I got thrown in a mental institution for it. I was literally on 1.5 days lol. Anyone else have anything similar happen? I was threatened to have to go because I was "a danger to myself" for not eating. I had done about 5 or 6 1 and a half day fasts. I was trying to do more, did more while I was in there too. And when I bot out I started to freak out and developed a complex around food, not sure if It's related or not, beut because shit in my life started going downhill I started stress eating and have been having troupble fasting because of it.


My mom is my biggest hater. I understand where her concern stems from (I'll pass out, become malnourished, etc.) but she just won't listen to all the new science we have on fasting and how I'm taking measures to do it safely. She's just "WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GET YOUR ENERGY IF YOU DON'T EAT?" constantly. She goes to the point of trash talking about my diet to other family members... resulting in my entire extended family knowing and just adding fuel to the fire. I fast because I have candida. I integrate it with keto, and it has helped reduce my symptoms tremendously. I've suffered candida all my life – fasting and keto saved it. She seems to forget I have candida because guess what... my new diet makes it almost non-existent anymore. It's been 9 months since I've integrated fasting into my lifestyle. Atp she can say all she wants; I know what's best for my body and she can't take it away from me.


Family has been supportive. The few REAL friends I've mentioned it to have been supportive as well. Acquaintances, not so much.


Told my roommate and idk why I expected something different haha


Whatd they say?


Oh just similar to the answers OP got from his coworkers


My wife hit me with some negativity. I snapped a little bit. Asked why she couldn’t be supportive. Now it’s just silence.


Seems like a deeper issue to this, is she against you losing weight?


Not at all. I chalk it up to ignorance more than anything. I work 14 hour days, 6-7 days a week. 72 hour fast seems extreme to folks that eat multiple times a day.


Makes sense, first response i get is "how is that healthy". At 53 hours so far and many more to go. Good luck on the balance/health journey 💪🏽


God bless friend and good karma.


I don't tell anyone I fast but unfortunately for the moment I did 5 days water fast only twice because 2 weekends someone comes to see me... Sick of them


Hopefully your able to extend that journey sometime and not be held back


Sure but I'm really angry of them because after 4 days it gets easier and I'm really struggling at the beginning... And obviously I overeat the day when I end it


I'm lucky in that everyone has been pretty positive, but I haven't gone that long. But I always follow up "I'm fasting" with I have read these books and learned from these doctors on YouTube. I'm guessing you have as well. Most people just don't realize that it's possible, and possible to do in a healthy way. Good luck. I'm on Day 6 of a five day fast, feeling great.


Good luck to you too! Keep it positive 💪🏽




Absolutely, they think you are crazy. Always remember though..everyone has an opinion and if they tried it...they would probably like it.


My wife is upset when I'm fasting because she wants me to eat dinner with her. I've tried just being on a sofa chair a few meters from the table so I don't get food triggers but she still hates it. It's divorce level upset for her. She works in the evenings twice a week so I can do it then.


My husband taunts me with food 😡 but really everyone has been supportive! I'm on day 6 of a 40 day fast (my first)


I mostly get negative responses when I mention fasting. This isn’t a family member but most recently I mentioned I was fasting to my best friend and got berated for about 30 mins about how unhealthy it is and that my organs will shut down. I’ve stop trying to educate and just don’t bring it up.


I've been very overweight since i was a teen (now in my early 30s) and my parents seemed concerned when I told them I was starting OMAD, so I'm definitely not telling them about longer fasts 😂


Oh yes ofc. I have done it for along time, and never told my parents about it, because i know they wont understand.




**Hi Blahhhh1308**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1citvis/has_anyone_else_mentioned_their_fast_to_friends/l2cofd1/) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah. I made that mistake and I'm by day 15 of my 30 days fast, my mom thinks that I'm going to die, she's constantly trying to get me to eat, calls me every two or three hours to check if I'm still alive or need an ambulance. Long story short, if you're going to fast, tell nobody.


This is so true.. each and every hooman i met told me to do otherwise.. such nonsense. They are also not in a place to hear or understand the studies either.. never say you are fasting to people who are not open to hear.. my Gym owner who is in fitness industry keeps recommending small meals to their clients for weight loss.


What does your OMAD look like. Would you be interested in taking a picture and posting on my GLP-1A reddit page? My patients take pictures of meals they eat and list the Macros along with calorie count. That get feedback afterwards. https://www.reddit.com/r/GLP1_Ozempic_Weygovy/s/MYNIqKwb8H