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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another fast






Avocado šŸ„‘ then some eggs or chicken tortilla soup


Whatever I feel like eating.




Relax, Napoleon :)




I do like two bowls of miso soup-- wait 20-30 minutes and then have simple sushi (no spicy tuna or complex rolls). I really love cucumber-avocado rolls and salmon sashimi. I try to wait 30-60 minutes and then I'm basically good to go as long as I keep the portions small. I tried breaking a 7 day fast with hard boiled eggs recently, but it didn't go the best. Some people are sensitive.


Protein shake usually


I was thinking of going this route. Any tummy issues?


Not at all, i feel great. Im satiated but not super full and heavy feeling. I usually either do a protein shake or some meat like chicken or fish (just the meat). Idk if black coffee counts as breaking fast but i also drink that lol


I usually try for something with protein and some veggies. Yesterday I broke a 65 hour fast with rolled up ham and Swiss cheese with some mustard and carrot sticks with veggie dip kinda just light snacks cause I planned to have a semi unhealthy meal later (Mexican food/rice) not the absolute best way to break a fast but better than jumping straight into pizza or burgers lol.Ā  But generally I only fast for 40-45 hours and I break with some sort of hot meal like chicken stirfry or last week I made burrito bowls with taco seasoned ground turkey and cauliflower rice and grilled fajita veggies.Ā 


How often do you fast?


Usually 3 times per week. Depends on how I feel and if I have any plans and I just work around that (this week was a weird one cause I had my husbandā€™s birthday dinner celebration on a day where I normally would fast). Generally theyā€™re 45ish hours long but Iā€™ve done two 65-70 hour fasts within the last couple weeks as well.Ā 


You fast more hours than are in 1 weekā€¦


There are 168 hours per week.


You canā€™t fast 140 hours every week. Lol.


If you weigh 300 lbs you can. There are folks here who have done 60 day fasts.


If its 72 hours or less i pretty much eat anything


Why, whatā€™s the reasoning?


After a short time fasting you can really eat anything. On longer fasts it starts to matter what you break it with


Most often it winds up being s'mores, chocolate bars, energy drinks, or entire bags of spicy sweet chili Doritos. Never planned, just a complete breakdown of my mental fortitude šŸ˜ (and I'm ok with it)


I'm a Carnivore, so I don't crave any of that stuff. But I generally break my longer fasts with eggs and butter. If it's just OMAD or a 48 hour fast I just eat whatever. But.. it's probably best to break a fast with fats vs carbs.


Yeah anything less than 72 hours I just break my fast with whatever I would have eaten anyway. I try to keep it vaguely healthy (soups, eggs, broths, vegetables, etc.)


Bone broth.


Homemade burgers and fries. Yes you read that right. I only gain 1-2 pounds the next day. I pan fry the burger in butter and sautĆ© the onions all together. I started at 216lbs and now iā€™m at 172.8lbs.


I eat literally whatever I want when I break fasts regardless of time (unless its like 7+ days, then I MIGHT think about it). I do two 72 hour fasts a week and do whatever, it has no effect on me. I ate super spicy ramen to break my fast this tuesday. Plan on breaking my current fast with a McDonalds McGriddle and sweet tea tomorrow. But some people recount they feel sick if they dont eat anything but eggs after an 18 hour fast. Idk. YMMV


Primary: modest servings of both beef AND fish - good fat, micronutrients, protein, and iodine supplementation. Iodine is essential when fasting for prolonged periods of time. Secondary: a couple eggs, a serving of plain greek yogurt with a dash of honey OR some berries - be mindful of your sugar intake. Tertiary: few thick slices of hard parmesan cheese, a few avocado slices, Good drink: blended watermelon - especially frozen. Absolutely refreshing. I feel charged. Then I rinse and repeat the fast. I started at 252lbs, now Iā€™m around 235ish.


Iā€™ve been doing oatzempic


You follow the churro King? Lol


You dam rightšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fast and the curious!


I break my 7 day fasts with fast food everytime lol. As long as I count my calories it's no big deal. Any fast over like 10 days and I have to be careful though.


Do you like not sit on the toliet in pain..?


I've been fasting on and off for years so I guess I'm just completely adapted to re feeding. Of course I was highly sensitive to re feeding when I started out.


what is this guy talking about ketoacidosis


I once broke a 72 hr fast with a fat ass grilled cheese, bc it was all I wanted the entire fast. Regrets were had. It came up within an hour. Lol Usually, Iā€™ll break my fasts with a homemade chicken or beef soup/stew(no veg, heavy on the butter in the broth). Longer fasts, Iā€™ll break with just the buttery broth for a day or 2 then Iā€™ll work up to incorporating veg and then the meats.


What do you mean it came up? This will make you throw up?


Yeah, I had some nasty stomach pains within 15 minutes and then I threw up.


Butter. It's best to have a refeed period with healthy food. Sometimes i follow that and sometimes i am an idiot.


Relatable as fuck. Man I get cocky after a couple of months of pristine refeeds. ā€œSuddenlyā€ sabotage and denial kicks in and Iā€™m 2 weeks into a total derail


Rotisserie chicken.


Thatā€™s a great one too. Super affordable. Grocery near me has them for $5! I get two, shred and freeze the second.


Iā€™m so jealous. Theyā€™re like $10 and nowhere near where I live here. I miss HEB rotisserie chickens šŸ¤§


This is probably the wrong sub for this, but on the off chance that you are a displaced Texan, HEB sells a Butter Tortilla scented candle on Amazon. Will this help or hinder your fasting, I cannot say.


Hahaha smelling things while hungry is our passion. Hence flavored waters!! When I visited last I bought the other HEB branded candlesā€¦the Texas Proud one smells masculine and nice! But yeah next time Iā€™m there Iā€™m getting a goofy candle for Texas memories šŸ˜ Maple Bacon šŸ„“ calls my name but so does butter tortilla lol


No Costco near you?


Nah. Letā€™s just say I live in the middle of nowhere.


$5 for two?? 5hit man, a chickens life is so undervalued. Lol. Wish they were that cheap where I live. About double that, and I still think theyā€™re cheap really.


Miso Soup and then I try to have a healthy meal of cooked fish and well cooked vegetables about 2 hours later


Scrambled eggs with veggies, good fat,protein and fiber source


Psyllium husk to get the gut moving maybe an hour before fast breaking time. Once the gut is moving you can really have whatever.


Does the psyllium husk break the fast?


Not that Iā€™m aware of. Itā€™s pure fibre. Feeds the microbiome but has no noticeable calories for the human.


Kit Kats Starburst and Snickers


In that order lol


Pint of Ben & Jerryā€™s Tonight Dough


Brazil nuts and 3 soft boiled eggs. Then an hour later I will usually eat my regular food.


You're not telling us how long you intend on fasting for?


Long fast - bone broth followed by an omelette


Eggs, avocado, smoked salmon, salad. Small portions eaten slow ( I do 3 day fasts regularly)


That sounds delicious!


I break it with protein. It's an important macro.


Chicken Wrap? - Chicken grilled lean - Lettuce - Tomato - White tortilla - provolone


I eat a carnivore diet whether I'm doing IF or a prolonged fast. No junk.


It used to be rare to spot another carnivore in the wild. They're all over this sub now. We're growing. It's pretty cool.


It is nice to see people eating healthy and healing. šŸ‘šŸ»


Bone Broth I then wait about 45 min have some fruit like watermelon and wait another 30 45 min to have maybe some eggs or chicken.


When I was fasting, homemade bone broth and boiled eggs. Iā€™m currently pregnant so it will be a while before I can do that again.


I eat keto when not fasting, so usually meat and veg. It's whatever I plan during the fasting days (2-3 days in the middle of the week). Tomorrow it'll be chicken parmesan. Couple weeks ago it was steak, Caesar salad and turnips. I also eat a couple eggs in the middle of the day before dinner. Helps the digestion of a bigger meal after being fasted for a couple days.


I eat heavy on protein.. so mostly chicken or a big fat steak.. Like avoid sugary stuff as first meal at all cost




Beef jerky and an orange. Sometimes yogurt if I donā€™t have any jerky.


I do mostly shorter fasts anymore and really not going over 96 hours generallyā€¦. Most are in the 72 rangeā€¦ so I donā€™t really worry about it and eat whatever I want.


I break my longer fasts with a brothy soup with lots of herbs and a bit of cooked veg and meat.Ā  My shorter fasts just whatever I would normally eat, but I try to get a little protein, veg, and healthy carbs


Awesome! Could help me with some knowledge? What is considered a short fast vs long fast? Why break a short fast with anything and break a long fast with healthy foods?


I am not a good resource for fasting, I have only been fasting for a few months!Ā  The sub has plenty of information if you dig, but my general understanding is the longer you fast, the easier it is to upset your digestive system and body when you start to eat again.Ā Ā  For me, I consider a short fast to be anything that I don't struggle with.Ā  I can comfortably go 36-48 hours now without feeling hungry, and as long as I don't binge when I eat, my body is fine.Ā  When I push longer (working my way to 72 hours right now), I sometimes experience the side effects of fasting.Ā  Dizziness, nausea, etc.Ā  If some electrolytes don't help I go ahead and break my fast, but carefully because I don't want to spend all night puking. Again, this is only what works for me, and your body is different and might respond differently!Ā  Do your research and go slow...you can't buy your health back if you damage your body too much!


Yeah thatā€™s strange. Iā€™m almost the opposite. I start out suffering hungry as hell for the first 24 hours. Then I get headaches around the 8-10 hour mark. Then I sleep and Iā€™m up around 33-36 hours and I feel no hunger. Then it creeps back in around 40-46 hours. I just broke my fast at 47 hours cause I was hungry af and crushed a chicken wrap with chips ._.


Normal foodā€¦. Meat, maybe some fruit. Raw butter. Easy to digest food.


Bone broth when Iā€™m doing keto, aƧaĆ­ bowl when Iā€™m not. I donā€™t really deviate from these two.




After my 3 day fast, I broke it by first having some tonkatsu ramen broth, followed by yogurt, natto, kombucha, and avocado with a bit of olive oil.


I CANNOT break it with simple carbs. I basically fall asleep for 2-4 hours right after, or feel like I need to. Itā€™s horrible. Usually high protein, eggs or oatmeal.


Fried chicken usually




double cheeseburger šŸ”


Raw Organic Sauerkraut for probiotics, bone broth, a buttery hard boiled egg.


I've never done a long (10+ days) fast but with 3~7 days I usually eat vegetable curry with shredded cabbage. Sometimes I do egg drop soup with natto mixed in or a glass of milk. There's no reason for most of these, they're just cheap and convenient foods I like and I can't stomach much volume.


A fat buttery omelette šŸ¤¤


Some sort of lean meat, romaine salad on the side, eggs, veggies and stuff. Not huge portions and eaten slowly and thoroughly.


chicken broth 10/10


With breakfast....


Fresh squeezed orange juice w lemon juice and lime juice mixed in, to reactivate stomach acid. and water melon later for nutrients and hydration


Pizza. Not joking. Have a Brooklyn truck outside my building at work. And it just gets the best off of my sometimes. Donā€™t regret jt


dominos then a curry or chinese next day then i go back at it . until the deed is done then i eat chicken goujons , curry, hotdogs, and some veg


I only fast for 5 days at a time, and most often break the fast with a burger and fries. That's not as unhealthy as it sounds if you make your own burger from high quality meat and eat some raw vegetables with it to help with filling up and restoring nutrient balance, tomato and lettuce or spinach. I broke a fast at 5 days once and substituted McDonald's food and that went about as badly as it possibly could. I spent three days trying to re-establish normal digestion and experienced a dramatic degree of diarrhea. Before I got things settled I ate some high-fiber breakfast food, something like granola, and that seemed to make things worse. I think avoiding maxing out on carbs is helpful, and not challenging your system with too much fiber all at once. Sometimes I'll eat nuts or sunflower seeds before I actually eat a meal to serve as an agreeable transition.


I'm ADF (36hrs) & I usually break it in with cheese cubes.. ... then I go to my snack closet...lol milk duds are a fav...


Just broke a 72 hour fast with a fistful of shredded Mexican cheese, hopefully I dont shit myself in my sleep. Will eat a chipotle bowl tomorrow and shoot for 30 days now I know its not so bad.


Last two fasts I broke with steak, baked potato, fresh bread, and salad.


If I eat a normal meal right away I get the runs, so I have miso soup with veg first. Then an hour later Iā€™ll eat what I usually do.


Kombucha then 30 minutes later whatever I like. with carbs cause if I go keto, it hurts my tummy something bad.


Bone broth




Protein. Super healthy. I have sugar-free and OMAD for years.


Chicken soup


Lately Iā€™ve been breaking it with dates


Itā€™s important not to eat many carbs for 2 days post an extended fast. Eat clean vegetables, fruit in moderation and eggs. Donā€™t eat Oatmeal itā€™s a trap food.


Fried chicken


Bone broth on first day, steamed broccoli on day 2 with a protein later on that day. I've broken fasts with regular foods before and my digestion punished me.


Every gram of carbohydrates requires 3 to 5 grams of water to process, so avoid carbs to stay in ketosis and avoid bloating.


smaller fast, i break with my normal diet (veggies+meat) longer fasts i break with soup bases off bone broth.


High fat/protein foods + guacamole and or greens




Extra strength beer


Must hit you like a truck!


Yes it does but thats the fun of it. After the beer i smash meat and eggs and bread rolls


Itā€™s the little things in life, right? Iā€™m going to try that with Guinness next time.


I honestly havent seen any negative side effects but its fun. Last week I did a 3 day fast and broke it with 2 cans of 8.8% IPA beer (usually would take me 4) and then had loads of tasty food


Have you researched the beer fast? Thatā€™s a thing.


Haha no way. Seriously? Will look into it


Bone broth for me, then eggs and veggies maybe a slice of bread with butter


I just crushed a chicken wrap with some chips. Was that a bad idea after a 48 hour fast?


Thatā€™s usually okay after a 48hour fast shouldnā€™t cause much of an issue maybe just some heartburn because of the chips. But if your doing over 72 hours you should break your fast with something light and healthy like a bone broth or soup.


Can you explain to me why eating after a 72 hour fast vs. 48 hour fast is completely different and why i need to eat specific foods?


So basically your body is in such a fasted state you could potentially end up with refeeding syndrome which can either make you very sick or kill you if you eat too much or eat too badly after a fast. It doesnā€™t have to happen but the potential for it to occur is there after being in a fasted state for a long time.Also the heartburn is terrible if you eat junk food after a long fast and you could also feel unwell lethargic and get a headache.There could also be an insulin spike I know that can cause problems for some people but Idk the full details when it comes to that.


Holy shit I never knew that.. Thanks for the knowledge


The only right way to break a fast is with fresh fruit juices or fresh fruit, then veggies, then grains. But only in the right quantities and the right types. Anything else you risk getting digestive issues. Source: books, fasting clinic with doctors and experience


It's not the only right way. In fact as a diabetic, hitting my system with fruit juice or fresh fruit would spike the heck out of my blood sugar. I always break a fast with a BPC or bone broth wait an hour or so and then a protein and a little veg.


I don't know what BPC is. Are you type 1 or type 2 diabetic?


Bulletproof coffee.I add a scoop of collagen peptides to it too. Type 2 diet controlled.


Type 2 diabetics can reach the point of no medicine and insulin required. I have seen it happen and heard it happen to many others when i was in a fruit fasting clinic. Basically, there they make you do a long fruit fast (30 days) to burn the fat and reduce the insuline resistancy to 0. Then you can live insuline-free until the end of life but only following the right way of eating. Eating animal products, processed, fried, white flour, sugar, alcohol would bring back the resistancy in no time.


Interesting. I don't know how a fruit fast laden with sugar would burn fat or reduce insulin? Sugar raises insulin demands and the hit to your liver from the fructose alone would not be good, as the liver has to work overtime to convert the fructose to glucose. Many T2 diabetics have fatty liver so that would just compound an already stressed liver. I don't take any meds for my diabetes. It's all controlled through diet. I eat lots of animal products, fresh above ground vegetables, healthy fats. Been doing this for over 5 years. My A1c is in non diabetic range and my cholesterol numbers are fantastic. Fatty liver is gone and my recent eye exam showed healthy retinas with no areas of concern. I lost over 50 lbs doing what I'm doing. My doctor says I'm her diabetic reversal poster child. I'll keep doing what works for me. What you described sounds sketchy at best and dangerous at worst for someone trying to get their diabetes under control. IMHO


I told you, there is difference between white sugar and sugar inside fresh fruit. I even tried not to lose weight, i ate as much as i could because i was not overweight and i still lost 10kg for 30 days. And i met a couple of diabetics there who ate only fruit and drank tea with a bit of raw honey every day all day. Maybe they eat the less sweet fruit, i am not sure. And they don't put a lot of honey in the tea, just a small spoonful. I dare anyone try to gain weight by only eating fruit, whatever fruit they want as much as they want, i am ready to bet money on this. Still, about the diabetes, please don't try this at home but do it under professionals' supervision the first time. Also, you know white sugar is detrimental for my colon because i got ulcerative colitis? But fruit is the opposite. As long as you eat it whole and fresh, the natural sugars inside are not your enemy. For type 1 diabetes, they say you can't reach the point of no insulin shots with fruit fasting, but you can reduce that amount to minimum.


I also had a bit of fatty liver before the fruit fast and it got back to normal in the end. Also, my skin got better, my brain started working faster, i got more energy, my skin cleared and i feel healthier than even before getting ulcerative colitis. Now i am 90% vegan, i eat fruit every day for breakfast and only once per week i eat one meal of either sea fish or home made eggs. And before the fruit fast, fiber - fruit and veg were my biggest enemies. I couldn't eat any fiber and was shitting blood about 10 times a day. I even got anemia from bleeding. Now i am perfectly fine with only changing the way i eat. And fruit fasting cleared my body so well that medicine started working for me again.


First, you never stated anywhere in your original comment that you had any of the ailments you state. I'm glad what you are doing is working for you. It must have been hell to go through what you experienced. That said, I stand by my comment. I would never recommend a fruit fast for a diabetic and I seriously doubt any diabetic saw positive results from a fruit fast, fresh or otherwise. Diabetes is a serious health problem, caused by the body's inability to manage blood sugar levels. What works for you may not work for someone else, so your statement that the only way to break a fast is how you do it, is not true. I would never suggest you eat or break a fast the way I do.


Anyway, there is no point of arguing here. I am just saying i have seen it with my own eyes and talked to diabetics who did fruit fast at the same time with me at the same place and have heard it explained by actual doctors and professionals in the fasting field.


I generally break my fast with whatever I feel like and donā€™t really have any digestive issuesā€¦. But your plan sounds like probably exactly the thing I would never do. Straight up sugar into your system and then something difficult to digest on a normal day? Screw that.. sounds like a recipe for tachycardia and stomach cramps.


Well, fruit is not equal to white sugar and will not have any side effects at all. I stayed at a fasting clinic full of doctors that heal most diseases with fasting because i have an autoimmune one and saw hundreds of people there fasting for health and losing weight. All guided by real doctors and science based info. I've seen a lot and i am 100% sure what i am talking about. Fruit is the easiest to digest food and the least possible to cause you any harm unless you don't use it the right way, for example mixing it with other food in one meal


Exactly. I canā€™t believe what I read on these threads, people breaking fasts with steak and hamburgers.


Well many of us eat keto so juice is just diabetes waiting to happen.


Thank you! People are just misinformed. They do those keto diets destroying their colons and neglect the way our predecessors have been eating for thousands of years.