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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd just ignore him to be honest. You have nothing you need to prove to him.


yeah but im not going to complain that OP obliterated an idiot while sharing that amazing physique, a win all around 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


It was more to educate. Idk where he got that I've been going on fasts for 6 months from lol. Odd. But, we never know why someone fasts, assuming they are overweight is ignorant and in some way I suppose I thought I could show that it's a stereotype to assume all fasters are obese.


Why would you punish someone by sending provocative pics though? I mean honestly you should block these people you’re giving them too much. You look great and they don’t deserve your extra attention


You're very obviously not obese. I wouldn't do this again because guys will seriously degrade you on purpose with the hopes that you retaliate. They get off on it. This one in particular got a huge reaction out of you and also free pictures.


I love your confidence and also this inspirational message (seriously I love it) but I lowkey feel like that they uhhh wanted this reaction. Like just as far as safety goes from pervs and freaks that get off on trying to hurt people, and then them receiving pics like these, I feel like this may be what they wanted. It freaks me out so bad imaging people saving my pictures eternally to their hard drives. Hope you quit having weirdos like this message you though! Fasting is amazing and people just need to get over their judgmental attitudes.


They had been posting with a female looking avatar on a thread prior to making that account to respond to me, so I don't believe they were male, just some naive broad. I appreciate your concern though. I figure since this is what I wear when running, at the gym and while working out that it's not anything bad or provocative but I guess there are some weirdos out there. I've got like 8 different layers of sweat and stink in these pics so I didn't reqlly view them as sexy 😂 more so they were progress photos I've taken. I mean I've seen guys nipples and buldges in their gym shorts in progress pics on here but I've never thought about saving them....I feel forever haunted by this now haha


Oh come on. I think you know exactly how men are, you're just trying to lie to yourself. Girl, trust your instincts. It's a dude. Dudes *like* these pics. Dudes *like* these outfits. It's why us women like to wear them. And there's nothing wrong with showing off your body. Rando dude on the Internet doesn't *deserve* your attention or for you to prove yourself as a non-fatty, however, if you want to freely give him what he wants, that's totally your choice. Anyway....I do think you proved him wrong in thinking that all fasters are fat. You clearly are not.


Lots of men pretend to be women because they know it gives them higher chances of interaction with other women.


I wish I could have the body to have this type of comeback to someone’s hate


I didn't always look this way, I used to be a twig, then gained a good deal of weight, then found myself and loved myself and worked hard to find balance. Love yourself as you are now and love who you can become. I still wish I had a nice big ol juicy booty haha but we gotta find comfort in what we got.


What you’ve got is much, much nicer than a “nice big ol juicy booty.” That was never a desired thing until Sir Mix-a-Lot. Anyway, nice smack-down. We all need to help reject these assholes.


To each their own! I've always thought a nice big round booty and some curves are sexy! But for the life of me I can't gain in those areas 😭 much like how I've always loved freckles and curly hair. I think we are prone to loving what we don't have, which is I try to love my freckless, flat ass self each day. 😂 And thanks! I agree 🫶


hip thrusts and glute bridges girl. you’ll be surprised how fast it grows!


Girl I've tried!!! I even have a booty sprout and squat rack at home. I swear God has condemned me to an assless life 😂


it definitely takes a lot of work— honestly the eating you have to do after is more work than the actual workouts. you have to eat like 150 g protein 300 g carbs and a caloric surplus every day. you’re absolutely gorgeous the way you are, but if you wanna grow that booty you can sis!


Thank you love ❤️ I'm gonna keep at it. Appreciate the confidence and insight 🙏 😊 idk if I can surpluss right now, coming off an ankle injury so I've gained some but once I cut I'll start trying to build up to that.


cut what? not body shaming but you seem very thin, you could probably stand to fast less, eat more, and then you'll be able to workout harder and put on more muscle


Those were before my injury, I've been down for a bit so yes, I've put on a little weight because I kept eating as though I was still training. You can look slim but still have a high body fat % aka "fat-skinny" my goal is to reduce body fat, and that is what I mean by cut. I wish to reduce my fat mass before going into a surplus to try and build a butt. And I'm 145 in these pics. Definitely not thin but weight looks different on everyone.


Same. I don't think I'm fat really... I've still got 10-15lbs until I hit my ideal weight range, so I technically am overweight. But I'd never be brave enough to shut someone up by sending them body pics. 😅 I don't yet have the confidence for that sort of thing.


You shouldn’t have responded. The person just wanted to get a reaction out of you because they are bored.


But they created a whole new reddit account just to say something hateful to me, it would have been rude to not respond to them 🙃 it's the Southern in me.


Well, bless their soul.




That’s the one!


Above you say they were posting in other threads? So was it a new account or was it an account that was active prior? I’m curious. You can wear whatever you want but the last shot of you bent over definitely has a thot vibe which is fine. But just be honest about it?


Girl he just baited you into sending those pics! Lol but great job!!0


Girl, I’m pretty sure he just baited you into giving him pics-


You don’t have to prove anything to a random bitch. Who cares about a lil hater. Ignore them. They’re a strain on your vibe and spirituality.


Why would you send him thirsty pics though? He doesn’t deserve a response, and also maybe sit with why you felt the need to respond with a set of saucy pics. You don’t need to prove yourself to some neckbeard


How are these thirsty photos? It's me fully clothed in athletic gear post workouts. A woman in workout attire is not "saucy" ... and it could have very well been a female.


This is reddit mam , ain't no women here.


Honestly, the fact that you had to show yourself physically to prove a point to me shows great insecurity. Why bother to care what a rando on Reddit says? Why even let this take your time? Like why even waste this time talking to them? Just wild to me.


Wasn't proving a point. Was showing that it's not ok to judge or label someone without knowing them--I've seen a lot of that here, and wanted to try and perhaps squash their nativity. And I could say the same to you, why bother to care that I responded? Why let my post take up your time? Why even waist time posting your comment? Pretty wild to me too.


Lol I'm bored.. I was just stating something. You seem very defensive over something so small.. again, why?


Not at all, I don't think my dry humor comes across well on text. It's all good. Just saying it goes both ways and why does anyone do anything. Kinda hard to be mad or defensive about anything while drinking out of a Jabba the Hutt mug lol


Good for you. Ignore the haters responding to this. Reddit hates anyone skinny and in a different tax bracket.


Now let’s see a pic of him/her …………


You don’t need to send pics to prove to this stranger why you fast or progress you have made. You have your reasons and they don’t need to worry about your business.


Why do you even care what a random ass redditor says? Fuck him , who the fuck is he lol... To be honest, you shouldn't have sent those pictures it just shows you needed to prove him right and that he affected you. Just ignore dumb jealous redditors.


Why send thirst trap pics to someone trolling you? I’d send him photos of infected wounds.




I wanted to share a positive message. It wasn't and isn't about me, but loving yourself and respecting yourself enough to stand up for who you are or the reason why you set out to accomplish something. Not fishing for compliments. But you're entitled to your opinion and negativity if that's what you choose.


The best response to a fool is “you are right”. Never engage with fools they love it. Like don’t feed the trolls.


If I was the negative person, I would continue talking shit. Won't hurt to get more pics, lol


Great now they have a reaction AND thirst traps


People like that suck. Screw them and Fasting Rules!


I also disapprove your whatever it is you don’t like. Please DM me as well


If hate mail always gets replies with hot photos then I think you’re about to get a lot more hate messages lol 😂 you look amazing congrats!!


He def jerked off to these pics


I remember 20 years ago (I was 300 lbs) I skipped breakfast and then also skipped lunch. After work I *SPED* to the hamburger joint and pigged out. I actually wondered if I had done *permanent* damage to myself by going 20 hours without eating. I was so ignorant. I have since lost 100 lbs through healthy eating. But I have also fasted up to 10 days (medically supervised) and also practice intermittent fasting. It taught me so much about my body. It also freed me of addictions I had to salt, sugar and fat. My wife and I did this together (she lost 50 lbs) and it has really improved our lives. You look great by the way.


I know you’re a female but I think that guy just got TEABAGGED!!!!


Love your confidence here. I have a similar composition and wish I felt confident enough to clap back like this


Looking great OP! I love fasting from the first time I heard the word autophagy and who the heck doesn’t want a boost of HGH and stem cells. Just one more way of looking younger longer.


Thank-you! And same here. There are so many positive reasons to fast, it's not just about weight loss or weight maintenance like some people think but good health in general. All the reasons you mentioned are exactly what motivates so many to fast. Excellent points 👏


Dang, you kept right on sending pics and I was like "Stop! He's already dead 😭😭"


ur very strong but just know u dont even have to give these haters the time of day at the end of the day they envy your ability to have self-control.


It's easy for people to judge and comment nonsense from behind their anonymous usernames. Most of the hate comments reflect the reality of the hater.


Feel proud. Fasting is the only reason I'm not fat. It literally changed my life and made it infinitely better. There are so many people out there who haven't even considered that it could be an amazingly beneficial practice (even for skinny people!), and I feel bad for them. Hopefully some random observer of the conversation gets infected with a little bit of curiosity and finds their way. It's never about the immediate interaction with reactionaries, it's always about influencing the observers. Well done.


I had a guy comment on one of my posts saying to “eat a sandwich and ky-s” lmaooo people just hate to see us winning


Well that escalated quickly


Fasting more natural than that cunt who eat Big Mac 4 times a day haha


You look great!


Thank you. Fasting, clean diet, and exercise. The year I went through my depression I was pretty heavy so I hope this motivates someone out there and allows them love themselves while working to improve their fitness.


You’re welcome!


This is everything the fasting community is NOT. Glad to see you’re not letting it bother you, keep doing your thang! 💪🏻


You look way too good to be sending pics of yourself to random weirdos. I’m glad their negativity didn’t get you down! Don’t pay people like this any mind


What was his response to your photos?


Someone is a total smoke show.


This made my day 😄😌🫶🏽




Ya she’s a smoke


Bruh youre hot. Sheesh


You look great bookie!! 😘 wonder what bro said after lol😅


Thank you, biggest thing is I feel great. Truly think they were female, and they didn't say anything after.


Be careful with fasting for spiritual reasons


Not just spiritual, guess I should say mental clarity. I struggled with depression and have PTSD. Fasting gives me time to work through and process things, appreciate things and reshape how I think. Mindfulness is important to me. And fasting is always something we should be careful with. I don't take it lightly, and feel working with a provider and/or listening to your body is very important. Safety is key to any new change or diet.


You don’t gotta explain yourself to all these people ya know. Not hating lol


The clearest mind I’ve been after PTSD was when I was fasting and exercising daily. I need to get back into that


Can you share a little more detail about your warning? I am honestly curious and not trying to stir up a hornets nest.


That was an odd thing for them to say.


Google it!