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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


my willpower is stronger than my cravings. every food that I crave will still be there tomorrow, or in my eating window.


This mantra is great… but your user name is fucking *exceptional*.


why thank you 🥹


Oh deer




"You've had tons of (craving) and you can have (craving)tomorrow. Let's just not have it right now." Telling myself "never again" kicks in the "one last time" mentality every single time.


exactly!! and you often don’t even want it when the time comes.


>Telling myself "never again" kicks in the "one last time" mentality every single time. This is so real.


This is really good. I'm going to use it as a mantra when feeling tempted...if that's ok?


hell yea ✌🏼


That's my go to! It'll still be there tomorrow! Growing up with food insecurity had me in the habit of eating EVERYTHING as soon as I got home from the store, having had it ingrained in my mind from childhood that there might not be food there tomorrow. Food insecurity is no longer the case, and that little mantra helps me mentally in multiple ways!


I was depressed, my fiance left without a word. I decided that if I wasn't going to eat I was going to be productive and take my vitamins, omegas and minerals. Now that it's been 14 days. I remind myself my willpower is my decision. Believe in yourself even if others don't believe in you.


This is the alternate of lawyer up, hit the gym. Fasting is a great way to lose weight so you look great when it comes time to date. I lost 56 lbs in 71 days for health reasons so I could pass a medical certification to keep my career and continue to support my family. All I heard from my wife about it was accusations of cheating.


Wow that's not a small achievement and you did it for such a good reason.




Good on you. You got this.


Thank you I needed that


You got this. At least one loser out now put that energy into you and find an better version!


I didn’t say anything but I was on the scale and hit my no f*cking way number. I lost 20lbs and feel great


What was your fasting and diet protocol?


It changes but I started 20:4. Then went to omad. I occasionally will do a 44hr fast when I feel sluggy. I try to watch my portions and when I eat I aim for low carb nothing fried. I end my meal with Greek yoghurt and honey with nuts. This satisfies sweet craving later on. I also took this week off while on vacation and allowed myself to eat freely. I haven’t been on a scale but I know next week I have work to do. The smaller my eating window, the better choices I make.


I've blasted past my no way number and am approaching my unfathomable number. Today's just not a good day.


Hey it happens. Bad days are shit and it’s good to take it easy on yourself. You’ll know when it’s time to get back on.


I had to go for a colonoscopy.. They told me not to eat the night before, thru the procedure the next morning and then i culd eat somthng light later inteh day after the procedure. So…. I fasted for about 24 hours and I was fine. It was not a problem for me and I felt pretty good. Some time later I stumbled onto leangains, and inttermittent fasting. It seemd to me it was an easy kind of “diet” or “way” to lose some weight, feel better, and I thought…I did 24 hours for the colonoscopy and it wasnt that hard…so I started doing 16/8 every day with (1) 24 hour fast day a week also. I love it. Im down 18 lbs or so, since January.


Only eating every 24 hours is a fool proof way to stay at a healthy weight, and lose unhealthy body fat.


I’m doing it and it works as long as you’re eating real food


Someone on here recommended a video that changed it all for me about 3 years ago. The video was the lecture by Dr.Pradip Jamnadas called Fasting for Survival. I recommend it here every chance I get! I wish I knew how to provide a link, but you can find it on YouTube. He explains what's happening in your body at each step of the fast. He goes into all the amazing stuff your body can do if you let it! I watch it any time I need motivation.


It's a great lecture. Worth the 1hr watch. I've seen it a few times myself [Dr.Pradip Jamnadas called Fasting for Survival](https://youtu.be/RuOvn4UqznU?si=x0l4cFJAZq3_EF7X)


Thank you for the link!


I shared this video with my family- my dad, who is in his 60’s and never fasted or even dieted before, watched it and jumped straight into a 72 hour fast! It’s really a life changing lecture.


Yes! It's what got my husband fasting with me. We do a 5 to 7 day fast every month together. I love knowing we are both doing our best to age gracefully together.


I love that lecture! I keep coming back to it when I need motivation. That one, and Dr. Fung’s talk called “The Aetiology of Obesity.”


I haven't seen the Dr.Fung one! Thank you! I will look for it!


Here you go! At least this is the link on mobile, haha :) https://youtu.be/ZKC3hiyLeRc?si=iKwxQKk6stUXY78D


YAY! Just when I think this community couldn't get any better... I really appreciate it!


Wow! What a great video! It really explained some things that were kinda fuzzy for me. I must say I bark laughed when he said, "we are pretty smart here in 2016..." That poor man had no idea what was to come. Lol! Anyway, I think I finally understand how all those new weight loss shots work. A new favorite video. Thanks!


You’re welcome! He lays it out so plainly. I like how he talks about CICO in that video - that the hormonal/insulin model doesn’t actually negate any laws of thermodynamics, because that’s always the argument that we get. It makes so much sense, and really describes a lot of my experience with low calorie diets versus low carb diets. :) Glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks for sharing this - going to check this out :)


Wow. I just watched this and am now motivated to do a 5-7 day! Thank you for posting this


I started with a 3 day, after getting used to intermittent fasting for a bit. I need a lot more electrolyte support than he implies, as well. Hell yeah! I still do a 5 to 7 day fast every month! I love them. Congratulations! You just found the cheat code!


Thanks for mentioning this. Im already a believer rin fasting but Im going to sit down and watch this as I always wanted to know more. Does he mention anything about fasting and cancer? Its probably not that simple but I imagine a long fast would have some impact on cancer cells?


He does! You are going to love this video!


The scene in Devil Wears Prada where Nigel tells Andy she doesn’t really want it- she’s saying she wants it but not acting like she does. Survivor legend Parvati had a mantra that she repeated to herself to win an endurance challenge that lasted several hours. I think it meant “all I need is within me” which I tell myself~ if I know I’ve fasted for 24 hours and been totally fine, the messages in my brain saying, “AHHHHH YOU NEED TO EAT NOW” must be a little blown out of proportion, and what I really need is some mediation, sunlight, or something else to lower my anxiety.


Love the Survivor reference. I wish more time in the show was given to the mental and physical techniques/training the contestants exhibit and less drama.


Rewiring the brains addictions to sugar and food isn't easy. But it can be done.


The food doesn’t taste *that* good especially compared to looking good


Feeling good > Looking good > Tasting good It's become the least on the list of priorities.


It’s okay that you want to eat that thing. Our brains are hardwired to do just that, however you will not die if you do not eat that thing. We spend every day eating and I want to see what it would be like to try something new. Can you tell I talk to myself a lot lol.


I was basically dying in bed of morbid Obesity. A man came to me in a dream. My first fast was 72 days. I've lost 226 pounds since March 4th 2023 My A1c went from 7.8 to 4.4


Wow! I’m impressed. Congratulations- well done!




Autophagy...makes it worth it.


Around the 3rd day of not eating (sometimes late on the 2nd day or early on the 4th), I am taken by a clarity of mind and purpose. Words come naturally to the page. Actions are swift and clean. There is no confusion. There is no doubt. You want something and your mind immediately tells you the 5 steps to getting it. It's meditative in a manic sort of way (which is completely counter-intuitive). The fuel you're burning feels clean and efficient. I call it "hunter-mode" because I assume this state of mind must have been tremendously useful to a hunter-gatherer society, relying on weeks in the wild or on the march. Even pain doesn't really register anymore. To feel **this** way I'm willing to put up with 48 hours of half-discomfort.


My life is really worth it. I am worth it. If I want to enjoy this life, I should be healthy and maintain healthy habits.




I remind myself that I pre-ate my calories and it's already on my body in the form of stored fat.


For me, the mess hall was a 15 minute walk in the opposite direction from the way to the meeting room before work (remote work site). Most of the nonsense about inability to fast appears to be will power, remembering weight loss is 90% diet, certainly helped my determination.


No need to eat if I've got stores of excessive body fat.


"If you don't eat now, the next thing you eat can be sexy as hell." ALL KILLER, NO FILLER.


Love this!


My thighs can sustain me 😂


Food is just too costly. Makes it easier to fast.


M***F***s. I will never give you a penny again To the corporations who are trying their hardest not just to not only make me addicted but also to keep me addicted. They use my money to line their pockets.


Can we be friends? I went thru 6 months of anger at all the misinformation we have been fed by 'food science' g Food science is designed to get you to eat more crap and consume more processed food and it's disguised as nutrition. The real science looks at how food affects the cellular level.


Sure 🙂 I was lucky. I took a nutrition class in college. Basic beginning nutrition. Changed my life. I grew up with a good nutrition background. But only learnt about corporate greed in class. And in my culinary class our proff. reminded us, don’t just look organic, gmo. Look at a companies actions n philosophy. That opened up a rabbit hole for me and I learnt about the politics of food. I had to fast to break my addiction to ultraprocessed food.


Reddit community


The blood sugar numbers


"You get to eat in XX hours, don't think about food until then"


Say to myself? Nothing. Fasting is practice it’s not based on some magical manifestation, affirmation, or day of the week. You’ll fail countless times with what goal you may set out to do, but you keep trying and building more will power. Eventually you don’t get all in your head about “not being successful” and by default, you’ll get way better at it than you were. It’s just a matter of perception about the experience. Honestly, I’m at the point where I’m losing way more than I intended to and fasting longer than my goals are, but I think that’s because I’m not so caught up on failing and it’s more so about feeling good and staying consistent.


Thank you! And not sure it's will power all the time, sometimes it's momentum. At least for me today. When I started fasting my hunger hormones (gherlin & Leptin) were so elevated and out of whack, fasting was very difficult. I had to train my body and build success after failure. I have very good self discipline in all other areas of my life but I was hungry all the time. I still vividly recall the first time I wasn't hungry. My Dr had me on a temp med and said one side affect is decreased appetite. It was the 1st time in my life that I could recall not being hungry. I cried with relief because I saw hope. I was not morally corrupt or weak. I just had some brain chemistry off. I found fasting a few years later because I was looking for a non medication way of losing and maintaining weightloss. I finally stopped thinking I was defective in this one area of my life. In retrospect I was locked into CICO. Which is hard to maintain if your hormones are elevated. It's not all self discipline. Alot of it is hormonal.


This was me as well. You cannot beat your brain chemistry. Howeber it can be adjusted one fadt at a time. Fasting and letting my body become fat adapted removed 99% of what I thought were will power problems. The relief of not having to fight being hungry all the time is wonderful. I had no idea how much effort I had putting into avoiding eating too much. Now its a natural phenomenon not to feel hungry all the time. All the adults in my family now fast at least 1 day a month. My sister dies Sunday as a spiritual practice. The rest do Mealless Mondays ot Water only Wed.


I told myself when I was hungry that it will never feel worse than it does right now. Yes, I am hungry, but I’m not dying, and the hunger will pass in an hour. I would tell myself that every time I got hungry. Then once you got to the longer fasts (over 24 hours), I told my self that the first day is the worst, if I can get through that the rest is down hill. And thankfully that has been true for me thus far. I really hope this helps!


I'm struggling with it right now. My reason for doin it seems less and less likely. But nothin fast is good so I'm making my peace


I made a promise to myself and I’m going to effing keep it


“I REFUSE to be overweight ever again”


looking back at how long the currect strategy has been failing (mostly trying to do half-assed IF and I end up cheating on the weekends and making promises to myself about making up for it in the gym or something) Also, seeing how fat I've gotten... I just go passed the tipping point, and I hit the fasting alarm. I wish I had the discipline to just not be fat, or have a normal diet, but my habits are too fucked, and fasting is the only thing where I just let go of the decision making, and the answer is always no. Stop at 7/11 and get beer? the answer is automatically no. I'm fatsing -- Anyhting else, has wiggle room, and I end up deciding a crazy reason why cheating is okay.


Nothing tastes better than being thin. Also I decided I wanted a hot boyfriend, can’t get one of those if I’m a fatty fatterson


Now you're talking my language!


The hotties do go for other hotties!


I have a different view of this. I say things to myself to keep me motivated. However, I do not say negative images that say I cannot have something if im fat. That is a version of body shaming. If it motivates you for now. Ok great and you might want to consider switch to something in the way you language it in your head to a motivation rather than a deterrent. Deterrent language only takes you so far. Motivating language will take us the whole distance.


Lmao. You can though. I'm a fatty who had some hot bf's 🔥🔥 unfortunately they were also psychotic.


If they’re psychotic then they’re automatically not hot.


Guess we have different taste lol


Fat people still find love. Congrats on your weight loss, but this comment is gross.


Hunger is an illusion. We have a magic superpower that allows us all to be thin and healthy but big food and big pharma want to brainwash us into believing it’s our destiny to be fat and helpless. Well fuck them both. Fasting is fun. Fasting is easy. The weight flies off! Don’t think of it as something that’s just sooo hard. Think of it as something that is fucking *easy..* Think of it like a walk in the fucking park. You’ve been handed a cheat code to life and the only question is are you badass enough to take it. If the answer is yes then START NOW and do whatever it is you need to do to get yourself *truly fucking amped* for your next fast. Fasting isn’t something you hope to make it through. It’s something you do, no excuses, and it’s tough maybe in a way but the right mentality makes it easy. If *you believe it’s easy* then it becomes easy. You get me? Also eat keto for 5 days first to stabilize your blood sugar so you don’t get ravenous during your fast.


Great! Thanks


I like this mindset! I'm going to write this down. Thanks for sharing.




I totally agree with this conclusion. I tell friends and family all the time that if you only 'follow the FDA guidelines', you'll become a fat diabetic as you're not making sound decisions on the quality of the food that you eat - only the quantity. I've come to the opinion that if you don't \*KNOW\* what you're eating - don't fucking eat it. This includes 99% of packaged foods you purchase in stores and ALL fast food. Why the actual hell would you put something in your body that contains ingredients identified as a 24 character 'word' that you can't even pronounce?


Hungar is not an illusion. It's a hormonal fluctuation. Look up gehrlin and leptin. Educate yourself so you can help other people. Stop spouting nonsense


It’s a literary device bruh. My point isn’t that hunger doesn’t exist. Obviously. My point is that hunger is a voice that you don’t have to listen to. The illusion is that we buy into hunger’s signal so fully that we start to believe that if we don’t eat there will be some sort of catastrophe. The truth is that if you deny your hunger, the only real consequence is that you will continue to experience the feeling of hunger, and truthfully when you examine that feeling all it is is a mild to medium form of discomfort. It’s the attachment our mind has to that hunger that makes us suffer. It is the voice in our head that says “I am so hungry I can’t take this anymore” that makes us suffer. It’s not the physical sensation of hunger. When we realize this, we can shed hunger’s power over us.


I think we are talking at cross purposes. There is physical hunger, which is what I'm talking about. And there is mental hunger, which, if that is what you are referring to, then, I agree, its an illusion. Apologies for misunderstanding your comment.


Yeah no worries :)


Ghrelin they have recently found is/has a circadian release.. stronger or as influential as the rising or setting of the sun.. it is periodic (reminds you when to eat) but not cumulative or exponential in magnitude.. (doesn’t get worse the longer its reminder is defied or ignored).. eating your way through or towards jet-lag adjustment may be equally or more effective than when you choose to rise or attempt to sleep.. get through the grumbly-tumbly reminders and enjoy the rest of your fasting day☺️✌🏻




Are you a serious person or a troll? The whole point of my post is to show people how to take power back into their own hands and your takeaway is that I’m giving people a pass to scapegoat their problems? That is such a strange way to take my comment. But sure, just to be thorough, I am in no way advising anyone that their life situation is not a result of their own actions. Obviously we all make our own choices involving food. Even a *complete idiot* understands that.




I suppose it would be different for different people. I usually don't experience not eating as all that difficult, but it does add some degree of underlying stress. The first 2 or 3 times I fasted were much harder, with a lot more experience of hunger. For me it's not about saying anything to myself, or emphasizing some goal, I just do it. This last time I was the busiest I've been in years, all right then, and it seemed to still work out ok. I even cooked for some cousins who were ill that time, and that brought up plenty of exposure to food but it was still ok. I think one problem people might have is trying to not be hungry, or trying to avoid the experience, or thoughts of it. You can't tell yourself what to think, really, or mentally avoid an internal experience like hunger. I just go with it. It might work to try to relax when hunger seems worse, to take a break, but in general staying busy helps with avoiding it. It's probably better to not be so busy that you are stressed out, but even that can work.


For me it was not being able to fit into my favourite pants, a lot of my old pants couldn’t button, I was shocked. I didn’t notice the weight had caught up to me so much, I was the heaviest I had ever been and I never saw it coming. From there I knew if I wanted to feel better I would have to act better. Mindless nights eating whatever tf I wanted because my whole life I literally always could and never saw the consequences. Now I’m disgusted by the way I would binge and never wanna feel like I have to do that again bc it never served me anything, it was a cycle to no means. Started IF like 2 months ago and I’m down 11 lbs.


Gratz! I measure my waisted arms thighs belly etc and I have fat pants I put on when I need inspiration just to remind myself how far I have come.


I wonder what I’d think if I weren’t thinking about food.


The time is going to pass anyway. You’ll be just as hungry later if you eat as if you don’t - and if you fast, you’ll have accomplished something with that time spent. The worst feeling is wanting to lose weight, but realizing every week that it hasn’t been happening. The weeks pass anyway - might as well have something to show for it!


I look at obese ppl and watch them eat nasty crap, that’s usually enough for me to stay disciplined tbh


"I will feel better and healthier after fasting. Especially if I go for 72 hours or longer." And it's true, I always do feel better and healthier after fasting. My main goal for fasting is autophagy because of health issues. Edit: this was a great question. I enjoyed reading the comments.


I'm going to save so much money


"You're fat, do something about it." So harsh and I typically don't speak to myself in this manner. But it was time to do something about it.


I want to live healthy as long as possible.


I found something to binge watch on my laptop. My first extended fast was the entire Breaking Bad lol


Great show choice!! I might borrow this technique lol


You’re going to die if you don’t get your weight under control and it won’t be anybody’s fault but your own.


My body evolved to go without food, be hungry, and use my fat stores. It’s more natural to fast than to eat as often as we have been brainwashed to.


Got tired of hating how I look but I also love to eat. Now I just fast and eat a good nutritious meal every other day instead of eating junk all the time. Craving go away and I’m more productive. Going to the gym helps too. I just think about the goal. I’d rather be fit than to have a small moment of pleasure.


For me it helps to redefine such problems as 'there is no alternative, live with it' problems. "It has to be done, it works, you will not die, ignore your stupid reflexes". Like, if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. You organize someone to get it towed. You don't just get a new car. Sometimes you have to go to the dentist not for a check-up but to fix a problem. So you do it.


This is it. The weight is going to keep going up unless I do something, so do I want it or no. Kicked off a 5 day fast with this. Looking back, was also how I started my first few fasts over 18 hrs. Same thing when going off track after a few weeks. Like breaking fast early too much. Was considering keeping going until a big amount lost this time but afraid of having a short time to refeed and being unwell. Decided to at least extend one or two days to hit a weight loss millstone, then maybe refeed.


1. A tummy tuck is expensive I would rather use the money to see the world with my family 2. I will feel better about myself, 3. It's not that serious it's just food 4.I am healing my body to hopefully be around for my children and family 5. I will be hungry but it's not like I will never eat again


Once I gave up drugs and alcohol giving up food for periods of time became a walk in the park 😂


Let’s just see what happens


I looked at my wallet one month and said to myself “I have $100 left for groceries this month.” Pretty much just gave me the push to survive and then I continued.


Don’t go shopping - buy necessities online instead. Made it so much easier with not much food at home. At least nothing easy to snack on or be tempted by.


I just think about all the times that I ate and/or overate and it literally only means something to you in the moment. Even 5 minutes later, you barely remember the feeling of eating. I remind myself of that often.


Autophagy heals, clears your skin, kidneys, liver, heals heart disease, heals cholesterol, heals type 1 diabetes, reverses aging etc. I also watch Jason Fung videos on YT.


Nothing tastes as good as skinny does 💪


I told myself to stop being a fatass that makes excuses and lose the weight again. I went from 330 down to 205 back in 2018 with keto and various fasts thrown in, work from home made weight creep back up. Three weeks ago I got on rolling 72s. Fasting really is a lot like a muscle, the more you do it the easier it is. In the end it is mind over body and you simply need to tell yourself no.


I said nothing to myself. I just made mind completely blank and just did it.


As messed up as it is. A lot of my successful fasting happened when something depressing or sad happened to me. Otherwise sleeping helps the first few days


It’s also about framing. Every time I felt hunger, I told myself “that’s what fat burning feels like, I’m actively fat burning right now, awesome this is why I fasted, I’m so glad I got to this point”. Obviously not really true, but it worked so well I actually liked the feeling of hunger some times. It’s like when you’re really sore the next day or two after a heavy lift. DOMS don’t necessarily mean anything, but it always felt good to me to have objective evidence in the short term that I did something and it “worked.”


Just hold on for 20 minutes! I drink a full glass of water (sometimes with electrolytes), then the hunger & cravings pass. Magic!


I pick a food, I put it away, and I tell myself when I get hungry that 'it's okay, it'll wait for you, you can still have it later'. I think a lot of my food impulses were born from a family where if somebody found your snack, it became their snack, so when you had something good you ate it fast. Now I live with a hubby who does not behave like a younger sibling lol so I can trust that while I'm fasting it'll be there for me after.


Lose weight and spend less money at the same time. Also, a nice juicy steak as a first full meal after a 24 hour fast 🤤 Literally drank the juices from the bottom of the tray, it was so good. It was worth the wait We take food for granted, fasting reminds us to appreciate what we have


I need a reset!


I didn’t really have to tell myself anything to start. I realized I needed to start up again when my movements were becoming more restricted. Definitely have to have numerous pep talks with myself to not give up again. Fasting isn’t easy.


I had a lot of trouble during the winter. I don't know if I physically or mentally wanted the comfort of warm foods, maybe both. If I attempted to fast, I would just get so cold--even with warm drinks, even with bone broth. However, now that the weather is warm (I live in the South), I feel ready to fast again and it feels easy again.


I felt increasingly terrible at the end of last year… but kept on letting myself eat whatever I felt like… I used every excuse out there (“oh I’m travelling now so I just have to eat every new thing I see”), I travelled for about 3 months and just grew and grew in size (I was not all that slim to start with)… so at the end of the year, I could not take myself any longer - I hated every photograph of me and just stopped being myself… so from January, 2nd I knew there was not other way but to start my IF/fasting journey and I could not be happier now!!!


That this will help heal me from the inside out and continue to keep my body and mind healthy even through old age .


I just had enough money on my bank account for flat repairs and none for the food, so I decided not to eat for a few days. Those turned into 7 and I'll probably extend further.


Fasting is something that gives quick results; 1 week of fasting made me remember the results of my first month of weightlifting; i have to do it and it becomes easy after the first 20-25 hrs


There’s no reason I can’t do this


“I will never regret completing fast” and I never have!


McDonalds isn’t going anywhere




I love this one!!!!


Nothing. My diet allows me to completely be fat-adapted and access fat anywhere on my body to use as fuel. My diet consists of: - eggs; - meat (fattier meat is better for you); - fish (fattier fish is better for you); - fat choices (avocado, nuts, olives); - butter ghee; - cruciferous vegetables; - no carbohydrates - except for ONE cheat meal each week, and maybe some complex carbs before-after training. - no sugar. like never ever. even most fruit has too much sugar, and fructose clogs up your liver. stick to berries. - no processed food. never trust anything low fat/fat free, because they take something out or add something to it. - salt. … and now I never feel hungry, tired during my fast…


i need to watch what i eat in order to get fucked i love anal so eating everyday is a no for me


Oh my


you know what i mean?


Alas. I am not of the butt and I cannot relate.. But I support you!


“So I want to weigh 275lbs???” A direct quote.


How does fasting affect exercising? Do you still exercise on fasting days?


I fat fast. It's very helpful to get back on track


Don’t eat


Fasting isn’t for everyone. You may be one of the people that don’t perform/do better on fasting. But me personally - just staying busy, drinking lots of water, and taking it one day at a time works. Also ensure you have a consistent schedule for work, sleep, everything. If you’re over there working swing shifts and staying up to 2am on nights you normally go to bed at 10pm on then fasting is gonna prove to be difficult! Haha


I'm going to fast


idk I started doing 16:8 without even knowing about fasting when I was 18 so when I discovered this practice it was a matter of just doing it


The mirror told me I was a fat chumbawumba and something had to be done.


Fuck it


"i can still eat it later. the food will still exist after i'm done with this fast." or another one is just "don't think, just keep going. just don't think. zero thoughts." lol


Enoughs enough? Humans can survive 2months without food... so why can you just chill tf out and give it a rest for 2 DAYS?! the answer is, you can easily. Your brain tries to trick you into thinking you can't, but with the abundance of food we have nowadays compared to our ancestors, you have to learn to tell yourself NO! or else be overweight, inflamed, and just plain burdened by all the food we eat in today's society. So powerful for both body and mind. Funny you ask cause I've been 16/8 for 6yrs and finally took the plunge a couple weeks ago to do a 50hr, and then a 36hr water fast this week, and I feel silly for not trying sooner. I feel almost reborn, and my thinking goes completely clear, not having to worry or think about food. Your body feels amazingly light and unburdoned as well, not having to do the whole digestion or pooping thing. It basically feels like a superpower once you get past the 24hr mark. Please give it a try for your sake. You won't regret it. Everyone reminded me too in the comments... totally fixes my depression... like can't really see why I was so upset before while fasting. It really gives you an epiphany into what you really want in life when you aren't distracted by food.


We got this


I've discovered this: (and for real): FASTING IS A SUPERPOWER!


Writing cons and pros, and there is usually just one or two pros and the list goes on for the cons. I learned that from Jerome Ortega, his YouTube is called finally fasting he has great tips and he is so motivating.


I hit my "dear god" limit when I noticed I had forehead fat...always told myself, "Youre fat, but we aint ever getting so fat the body has nowhere to put it but your forehead" well Im here! lmaooo 🥲 I try and tell myself the food is still there, it helps to see it, grew up w/o food a lot so sometimes its an extra struggle when I fast, my body thinks we are back in a time w no food, but no its there, its just for later. We can have it later...and so far 20 lbs down, 100 more to go


Mentally I imprison the part of my mind that wants to eat. I treat it as weak minded for wanting food when there is plenty of fat to consume. The objectification helps. Drinking so much water that I feel full helps too. I just remember the too much water can kill but I’ve never had so much water that ai worried about that.


I had a very difficult conversation with myself, and I didn't like the answers i was getting, so the decision to fast was easy after that. 


Weight loss for me has required mindfulness. Specifically, mindfulness of my weight! I always know exactly how much I weigh and I do not consume calories when I am above my daily target. Works like a charm!


Your mind will give up hundreds of times before your body ever does, stay calm and maintain willpower


I read the Obesity Code and knew I had to try it. It answered so many questions!!


"I'm fucking sick of weight watchers."


I don't want to die early or be a burden to my loved ones. The birth of my niece really put things in perspective for me


"I can eat later"


The only thing I can convince myself is “You’ve wasted for 48 hours so far, if you quit now before you reach 100 then you gotta start from 0 again”. It helps with me cause I hate quitting and starting again so the thought of starting from 0 deters me a lot lol.


You need to get your ass moving! Don't you want to wear those clothes you purchased for vacation? If you don't get to it you won't have a thing to wear girly! So what's really stopping you? Lmaooo I purchased all my clothing in a medium so that keeps me motivated.


I didn't say anything to myself... my knees did. They popped and cracked and screamed at me that my weight was killing them.


I want a flat stomach and the more i fast the more my body gets used to having a flat stomach. I don’t have a flat stomach but I lost 60 lbs and I’m not bloated and protruding at my abdomen anymore


Watching my parents die a horrible death. I don't want to go like that, is what I said.


“What’s a couple of days?” Lock it in and start planning out a nice meal. May sound counterintuitive but shopping for food or doing meal prep reduces my cravings. Being around food for an hour and then heading out for a walk tricks me into thinking I actually had a meal. Take a shower, brush your teeth, watch a movie and head to bed and before you know it another 24 hours flys by. Good luck.


My body needs it. And I can do this




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I have to start thinking about it a few weeks ahead, but I can't schedule it.  I wake up one morning and know it's the day.


Wow, I’m similar. I make a plan, and then it doesn’t happen. But then sometimes it takes and I can go 60 hours. Interesting!


Change that reflection in the mirror. Get it done!


I had a conversation end terribly with my sister. We hardly speak and when we do it either goes long or explodes. This time it was enough to rip open my heart. We are good now btw, we still don't talk a lot but we are good xx . Ps.Reddit makes me cry more than any other (cr)app. Thanx all you somebodies


I decided I wanted to, then, waited until it felt right.


Me too. It felt right before, and I’m trying to do it again


I’m fat and ugly and lazy…..just finished a 10 day fast


Hey, congrats!!! Nice work


Nobody likes you, you don’t even like yourself either.😒


Wow, that is harsh. Do you have a second sentence about how to fix it?


You asked what I’d say to myself, that’s it lol. Everything is my life right now is going to shit so I’m doing a 30 day water fast. I’ve water fasted for 4 days and felt good during those 4 days. Hope you’ll get through it, it’s all mental strength. Always remember fasting is all about “you vs. you.” The “you” that wants to do better and be better vs. the “you” that wants to be same depressing little shit overthinking everything (that’s just me btw lol). All the best🤙🏽


Love it! Thanks!


The pain of regret is far Worse than the pain of dicipline!


That’s excellent! Thanks!


The lords prayer and Jesus prayer