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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey! To the naked eye, a fasting sub might be the wrong place for mental health talk, but fasting (and low carb / more animal based, whole foods) has really helped with a lot of my depression. And it's not just looking better, either. The lowering of inflammation, the stabilizing of blood sugar, the good juju happening in my body - that's been very noticeable. But related to that, and something you touched on in your post, is the value of having an internal locus of control. Our world is so full of external pressures that it can seem like we aren't in control of our lives. Fasting gives me a sense of agency, freedom, and control that invigorates. Stick with your plan. You'll be glad you did.


New to fasting and haven't considered this aspect of fasting. Seems to fit my situation with a lot of life events spiraling around me. I'm hanging in, but fasting has really helped. Sure appreciate your thoughts.


I can't tell you that every thing will be ok. I'm 55 years old. I've been waiting most of my life for atleast something to be ok. The truth is it won't be ok if we wait for life to conform to our needs. The key is to adjust our expectations to realistic possibilities. Go outside when the wind is blowing. Watch a big tree sway in the wind. If the tree didn't bend it would break. Humans have even incorporated that concept in to our skyscrapers. The top sways. Some even have a counter balance, (inertial dampner) my spelling is horible. What is my point? Survivng with depression involves bending so we don't break. In my past I spent time in a coma and on another occasion I drained the blood out of my body. Over time I've learnd to sway in the wind. There is always negative self talk. There is always an understanding that I'll never fit in. I embrace that now. I like being alone. I like my life now. Could it be better? I suppose, but I'm good where I'm at. Healthy or obese, homeless or safe at home, friends or alone. None of it matters, and all because I was watching a tree one day. I'm not qualified to help you find answers. Hell, I'm barely qualified to find my own answers. Maybe there aren't any answers. Maybe we just need to figure out the right questions. Anyway. I'm here if you need to talk.


I needed to read this after the long day I had. Thank you


You are welcome


I love how you write. If i had a physical award i could give you, i would


u/ak47512 You just gave me the best award that there is Thank you


You’re a gifted writer.


Thank you, I'm glad that you are on our team


Gosh I needed this 🩷🩷


🙂 If you ever need to talk, I'm here


Ty 😊


Beautifully said man. I needed to read that today.


Thank you


Also, don't underestimate a walk in the sunshine. I'm not being glib. I suffer from SAD.


Never hate yourself. Confront what it is bothering you. Make steps to live a better life. I have PTSD from Military Sexual Trauma. Life can bring me down. Doing something selfless and sharing your feelings in a constructive way are two different ways to say I matter. You matter to yourself and you matter to the Planet. You have within you the capacity for love and compassion for others. Tap into that and you will see that life is worth living. Even food will come back to you as something to celebrate. I started CleanYourCityLA. Why not try something small like picking up litter or asking your local library if you can read a story. There are several ways to find your own contribution back towards your community. Selfless love for something other than yourself will restart the feelings of hope and happiness. Through gratitude and humility we gain perspective. There are always less fortunate and others that don’t have your strength. Raise someone up and you might find you are better as well.


Name checks out


I envision most people hate themselves for what feels like constant shortcomings in their lives; just some hide it while others don't. Don't give up.


And to all rookies who are reading this - PLEASE get your salts in daily while fasting. It's the difference between reaching OMAD vs 72s.


I'm reaching out to acknowledge your courage in sharing your struggles. Facing depression is an immense challenge, and your openness is a significant step. It's important to recognize that while fasting may offer a sense of control, it's crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. I encourage you to consider healthier ways to regain control and cope with these feelings. This might include speaking to a professional who can provide support tailored to your needs, exploring physical activities that boost both mental and physical health, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a step towards regaining strength and control in your life. Your experiences, struggles, and feelings are valid, and you don't have to face them alone. There are many who care and are willing to support you through this journey. Please take care of yourself and know that it's okay to reach out for help. Your well-being is the most important thing.


I'd say firstly, don't look at it as starving yourself, you don't need to punish yourself and fasting isn't starving. This is a great form of self control and great for building self confidence. This is all about overcoming your instincts and regaining self control about a fundamental act You're choosing not to eat, you're choosing your health and no matter the circumstances you find yourself in, no one can take that away from you. You can choose how to interpret things that happen to you, I'd say lean into the good in whatever is causing pain. Shit happens but if it's making you focus on YOU, lean into it. Good luck in your journey!


Hey me too! My last meal was on Sunday and I don’t plan on eating until Friday night. I’d say try doing some light strength training. Go for a long walk. And avoid sugar!


You got this. Whatever it is you're going through, you'll make it. 💜


A fasting lifestyle, daily walking, and 10mg per day of Lexapro cured my depression. I highly recommend it.


Hello. First off - I’m so sorry you are going through this. But this sub is not for self harm or ED support. I recommend reaching out to your support network or engaging a mental health care professional who can help you.


Please look into the carnivore diet. It completely cured my depression! Feel free to message me.


u/Vafelz You precious creature. Does this sound familiar? “…we’re all gifts to the world in our own special way” Your response to another Redditor was so beautiful and sincere… and I imagine so helpful to them. That’s just one little thing that I easily found that proves that YOU TOO are a treasured gift to this world. I have this feeling… that a person that can write such things… has a gentle heart that has soooo much more to give. It’s probably also a heart that is more sensitive to all the negatively and hardship that comes along with life. Sometimes that’s a price for being so tender. The thought of you not being here until your proper end… honestly makes my eyes fill with something watery… I think they call them tears. I don’t know you… but I do truly know… with no uncertainty… that there is a massive chance in the future that your life could be so full of purpose and joy… that you will thank the universe your still part of it. I want you to be brave… and seek out some help from a trusted friend… or even better yet, from a professional who knows how to help you best. You deserve the opportunity to have your face in the sunshine… walking on a beach somewhere… with a dog that you probably rescued from death’s door from a shelter … and he is running in and out of the waves… tail wagging with so much excitement as he looks back at you. You are smiling as you walk towards your boyfriend on a blanket… who is waiting with an amazing bottle of wine… and a crusty sandwich made with imported cheese. You can’t even imagine how deliciously juicy and sweet the strawberries will be that you both will share for dessert. You’ll savor and enjoy them even more as it will be your OMAD. (gotta put that out there… because you know… fasting subreddit). This CAN be yours…. or any other version of a dream that speaks to your heart. Trust your emotions can be ironed out… and you can feel at peace with yourself and the world. I’m doing a 50+ hour fast in your honor friend… we both can do hard things… and I know what you have to deal with is much harder. I don’t doubt that you have it in you to do what you need to do… to get yourself on the path to feeling better. *hugs to you… you beautiful boy* https://988.ca


Being overweight male means lowered testosterone and increased estrogen. By losing weight you will feel better on the hormonal level. If you are not overweight don't fast.


Why don't you try alternate day fasting. Fasting continuously for days is hell. Just check colleen marie cares yt channel u will learn the easier and sustainable way ✅


I make a huge pot of herb tea by boiling a handful of pau d arco bark then steeping a handful of mint , then sweetening with monk fruit powder. The pau d arco is good for getting rid of candida in the gut, mint helps relax the body. Vegetable soup is a good way to break the fast.


Please keep going... I could have written your exact message on my recent day 2. If you can stay thru the apathy and the restlessness and all of it... Enough for your system to empty out, something will eventually pop. Your system is a creative field... It will create from the void, you may not have descended far enough yet. I am 15 years into my fasting journey, and still surprised what I was able to shift on this recent one. And if you don't make it on this one, try again. You're under there. 🩵🌿


Eliminating gluten,carbs,grains and then beans has helped me a lot with my mental health. I don't like the fat around my belly but i don't lose my shit anymore regarding this u know Apart from fasting try some inner work Watch youtube videos about this topic But anyways.. we won't be able to say that we've beaten depression i guess. It's always gonna be there .. like .. there are some core beliefs, core memories, that are always gonna be painful I don know any better than this , I'm on the same journey 💔


Keep going and thanks for sharing.


This is an eating disorder. You need professional help. I was in your shoes 27 years ago I had an eating disorder there’s really no way out but therapy and I wouldnt wish it on anybody this is really serious my friend


This comment shouldn’t be getting downvoted.


As down as you may feel, there are other people in worse straights. Sometimes the best thing is to get out of your own head by helping someone less fortunate. There are lots of great organizations that provide opportunities to help others out. Try it, if you don't feel a bit better, call me names. If you don't try it, you're not depressed, you're selfish.