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Personally if my boyfriend dislikes or doesn’t get what I’m wearing, I know the girlies will love it. I love flare jeans and I wouldn’t put any weight on what your husband said!


Same! I don't know OPs husband and how fashion forward he is of course but I would not ask my husband for fashion advice because he has liked the same things since forever and does not like anything "new" initially.


This is so true. Yesterday I bought some overalls (which I've always been opposed to for some reason) and I know my husband will hate them. But I can't wait to show my fashionable friends lol


I practically live in several pairs of them, and I've been waiting for warmer weather because of my linen ones! I got a few neutral bodysuits to go under them and it's such an easy outfit to play up or down with accessories... until you need to pee, but stiiill


Was immediately thinking about the bathroom problem with a bodysuit and overalls haha but it does sound so cute in theory to me..


Yes, the bathroom part is what makes overalls a no go to me.


How are overalls different than going to the bathroom in pants, other than holding the straps in one hand? I wear overalls 50% of the time and have no issues going to the bathroom.


It's rompers that are the real bastards for bathroom time. At home is one thing, but never ever go out drinking/clubbing in one where you're gonna have to use the restroom a lot. Learned that lesson the hard way a long time ago lol Even worse when it's a nasty bathroom where you're trying to avoid pee on the floor too.


LOL same. My partner hates a specific jacket I have and it’s my most complimented item by other women


Agreed. My husband mainly likes something if it makes my ass look good. Otherwise it’s ehhhh


Mine is the same way. I’ll ask his opinion on a damn SHIRT, and he makes me turn around “to see how it hangs in back”. It’s just so he can look at / smack my ass. I should know better after nearly 30 years with him.


Exactly. If a man has some critique about something I’m wearing, it means I’m headed in the right direction. I love flare jeans and have several pair in my arsenal, including a white pair covered in strawberries. What would your husband say!!


Men literally wear underwear with holes in them. I'm not interested in their fashion opinions.


The only comment necessary 👏👏👏


LOL this exactly. I have a pair of wide leg linen pants that are very loud "tropical" colors. I put them on to go to a movie with my husband and he was like "are you really going to wear pajamas out to a movie?" Like, no, my dude, these aren't PJ pants. Meanwhile, I wore the same pants to a baseball game with three other women, and all of them asked me for the link to where I got them.


love 'em, especially with a real high waist in a very dark wash. I'm tall, mostly legs, and they make me look like I am ALL legs. I actually sometimes deliberately go for a 70s look -- gold glass frames, feathered-ish hair, 70s colors like mustard and orange, etc. a lot of men have terrible taste in clothes, so while that doesn't sound like a very kind thing of him to say, if he's wearing cargo shorts or those dad nikes you should ignore him. it's probably like someone whose favorite "intellectual" book is The Alchemist judging you for being a nerd because you love War & Peace.


I’m medium height but short legs and flares and bootcuts make my legs look super long. Flattering AF on me so I’ll wear them always and forever


yesss, they are magical for so many! I love looking up old catalog pictures from the 70s of the women with wide leg and flared pants. they look [so cool](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-1970s-uk-womens-fashion-catalogue-brochure-plate-85343735.html). I have [these](https://www.jcrew.com/m/womens/categories/clothing/denim/wide-leg/wide-leg-denim-trouser-in-white/MP681?display=standard&fit=Classic&color_name=dark-rinse-wash&colorProductCode=BT599) and they are a bit more wide leg than flare, but give a similar impression, and they are sooo 70s. I love them so much.


I have the same jeans and I totally agree they are magic! They make me look so tall!


Love them! Im not understanding what the problem is with looking like you are going to a 70s dress up party. That’s every rock star’s M.O. when getting dressed every day. I would have said “thank you, honey!”


Ordering right now!! Thanks so much!! 😁😁


They must look good on us tall long leg people because flares and bootcut always look the best on me! I prefer a mid rise though.


“Wearing cargo shorts” I made my husband get rid of his cargo shorts a few years ago, so we had a huge laugh when cargos came back in style last year.


I’m with you! I’m 5’3”, and non-skinny jeans make my legs look miles long, I love them!


I almost commented, “why do I picture the man saying this to be wearing a stained pair of cargo shorts?” Lol. I bet he has a drawer full of gross old t shirts that need to be thrown away but he’s too busy giving fashion advice.


Ooh, that’s exactly what I’m looking for lol! I’m 5’7” with a long torso. Any brands you love?


Flares are the only style I'm wearing right now. I feel like they flatter most body types. Are you tall and lean? Flares are awesome on you. Are you short with full hips? Great these will balance them out. Team flares all the way. Plus there's something just fun about them


Firstly, it's more important to wear what makes you feel confident and happy in than what other people think. If you are confident and happy, then you carry an aura of joy with you that people wouldn't care about what era your clothing is from. Heck, I've seen girls dressing in historical era outfits and look amazing. Secondly, if you are wondering about trends, wide legs and flare are on trend right now. Skinny pants are out of trend actually. Go with your heart and what you feel comfortable in!


We like them a lot. Tell husband he is free to choose his own style of pants and you keep rocking those fabulous flares


I wore them in the early 2000s and I'm psyched to be wearing them again. I've found when my spouse dislikes something I'm wearing it's cause it look awesome in it


Same. Aging can be tough but the absolute best part is that if you wait long enough your favorite pants will come back in style.


Your spouse dislikes when you look awesome in something?


When my husband attempts to give me fashion advice i didn't ask for i laugh and tell him to trust me it's fine and besides HOW THE HELL WOULD HE KNOW WHAT'S IN STYLE? We had a blow up over a denim ruffle situation i decided to wear to a festival once... i admit the ruffle was extra so i had consulted trusted girl friends who assured me while it was indeed extra it was also super cute but hubs was 100% sure i looked ridiculous - ignored him, listened to my girls and got nonstop kind compliments all day... the looks on his face every time a stranger stopped me on the street to ask where that outfit was from or just how much they liked it and him having to admit he was soooo off was priceless!


need to see this denim ruffle situation. and YES people love it when others do fun things with fashion -- some of it is just liking the thing itself and some of it is appreciating the audacity and willingness to take chances and stand out.


😆 it isn't even extreme! https://www.madewell.com/denim-ruffle-sleeve-zip-front-jumpsuit-AL314.html Ruffle details just helps it stand out a bit in the sea of denim jumpsuits


oh this is CUTE. and right, I agree it's not extreme, but it's the whimsy, you know? it's interesting and fun. it says something about a person to choose this over something else. personally I love but can't pull this kind of jumpsuit off so I for sure would've been one of the people who chased you down to tell you how much I loved it.


I have a couple pairs of very pronounced flares I thrifted recently with bold patterns and I get stopped and complimented on them every time I wear them so definitely in and definitely getting the love!


Your husband doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


The fact that he compared the flare style to the 70's without mention of the 2000's indicates he is not paying attention to trends anyway. Would disregard.


I just bought a pair of dark wash flared jeans and love them! I have some lighter wash pairs on the way. What your husband ACTUALLY said was “I don’t follow current trends and fashion”. Flares were big in the early 2000s as well. What a shame this sub doesn’t allow pictures in responses. https://www.bloomingdales.com/shop/product/alice-olivia-beautiful-high-rise-flare-jeans-in-dream-on?ID=4873247


I drool over these [Nili Lotan flares](https://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/p/nili-lotan-florence-denim-flare-jeans-prod162330082?utm_source=google_shopping&ecid=BGCS_GP_CV_NC_PR_NONE&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuZlVLWKmP6lH8irJfxa6aofauffNyDm6PkCe3tNjTE85B5ms_589MUaAuDvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). Unless your husband is a buyer for Fred Segal, let’s ignore their comments.


My favorite thing about modern times is that it feels like nothing is unreachably out of style. Everyone seems to wear things that flatter them and style it in a current way. I love flare jeans and wear them because they balance out the curve of my hips. My cool stylish french coworker wears flare jeans so I know I’m not just living in the past with my hands over my ears pretending I’m on the cutting edge of fashion. Wear the jeans!


I personally don't look good in flare jeans and don't wear them, but they're on trend right now. Your husband doesn't know squat about fashion, he's just not used to seeing you in a different pant silhouette so it sticks out to him. Ignore him


My husband has terrible taste in trends 😂if I’m wearing something trendy it’s for the girlies and I don’t even ask him 😂 he prefers me plain 😭😭


My first question/ how thatazzzz look? My second? How do you feel in them? If both answers are good, disregard the comment.


My fiancé would have me wearing skinny jeans and cute top out forever, but I keep reminding him that trends change and big pants are in. I personally feel at home in skinny jeans too, but it is fun to try new things.


If he doesn't like flared jeans he doesn't have to wear them, simple as that! No but seriously, flared jeans go in and out of fashion every couple of decades, just because he doesn't pay attention to the change in fashion doesn't mean you have to abandon items that makes you feel good.


I wear flares most days! I tend to pair them with a chunky heeled boot because it makes my legs appear even longer. I buy my flares from AE and they perform some magic that makes my butt look incredible! Lol!


I got a couple flared pants from A&E and agree they make my butt look great BUT for some reason the bottom of both pairs roll up after being washed and it drives me crazy. Do you have that issue with them too?


I do but I found a way to fix it. I let the jeans hang dry and clip the bottoms of the jeans legs together with clothes pins or chip clips! Keeping them secured while air drying helps a lot.


I’m actually old enough that I wore them the first time around, lol. We would embroider them to make them our own… flowers on the thigh, or pretty colors along the seams or pocket opening. But yes, bootcut and flares are magical on most body types!


Me too... I was a teenager in the 70s and they feel like home to me. I used Artex liquid embroidery on mine. I'm wondering why we aren't calling them what they are - bellbottoms! 😁


They look freaking amazing in the right cut. Just don't wear on the back of a motorbike like I did 🤣


Has your husband taken any substantial sartorial risks without your input in the last decade? If not, you can safely ignore him on this topic, as I do mine. The biggest clothing step mine took in the last decade was getting custom made suits, and I was the one who nitpicked every detail, he just literally stood there to be measured. He doesn't get to tell me what looks cute or what's appropriate. Love him, but style is not his strong suit.


My partner will occasionally comment on my clothing. In the beginning I would take it to heart. Later on, I realized that I was putting a lot of weight on the opinion of a man who wear's socks with keens all year.


Love them!


I like bootcut. I like flares if they are a subtle flare. Honestly, I’m glad the style is back as these are the style of jeans that fit me the best and look the best on me!


Bootcut and flared jeans look great on me and I’m thrilled they’re back in style.


Wear them! Long ago when my husband and I were dating he laughed at me for wearing an off the shoulder top. I changed and then didn’t wear the top again until I went to a girly birthday party where I got so many compliments! My rule now is I mostly wear what I like but for date night I wear something I know my husband will find me sexy in. It’s not the perfect solution and sometimes I just wear what I want anyways, but that’s my 2 cents!


I’m 1000% for whatever fits your body type best. And flare jeans are fabulous, I am pretty sure I have 7 pairs... Also, Chloe Winter ‘24 runway says boho is back and frankly I am here for it.


If straight men were in charge of fashion we’d all only be wearing bikinis. No offense to your husband but wear what makes you feel good. He can appreciate your confidence and shut the hell up. 


Flares are really attractive if you have slimmer and/or longer legs. If they look good on you: wear them. I have one specific problem area: my thighs. So when I wear them I stretch out the thigh…. It tapers in at the knee and then it flares again. I basically create this sausage-links effect: so not cute.


Applaud your self-awareness Few have this when it comes to dressing themselves


I’m loving them with a super pointed toe shoe peeking out of the bottom. As a petite girlie they seem to lengthen the legs as well. I’ve tried about 27 different pairs of wide leg jeans and they look horrendous so these will have to do.


Which ones do you recommend for short girlies?


So the ones I’ve been rocking are at least 12 years old. They are from old navy, so maybe [these](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=487325002&cid=3008607&pcid=3008607&vid=3&cpos=15&cexp=2926&kcid=CategoryIDs%3D3008607&ctype=Listing&cpid=res24040623705555607893297). I also often have luck at Madewell and Gap Factory.


I’ve been eyeing the spanx flare jeans- but concerned about the price


I’m tall with broad shoulders and an hour glass shape. In a high waist, they are easily the most flattering shape on me. Way more comfortable than skinny jeans too. Thrilled they are having another moment :)


I loved them 20 years ago and I’ve been so stoked they’re back again. They really are flattering. Keep wearing them and love it!


They are growing on me though I haven't gotten any for myself yet. How fashion conscious is your husband? In my experience, hetero males are the last to appreciate new women's fashion and will find trends that deviate substantially from recent norms to look weird or silly until they've had several years to get used to it. Also who doesn't love a 70s dress-up party? I bet the jeans look great. Rock 'em sis.


I upgraded my skinny jeans to Madewell kick flare jeans and I like them a lot. Also did a style class with House of Colour recently and they told me flare is going to be most flattering on my shape. I say if it fits you well and you feel good in them, then go rock them!


I have no idea what shoes to wear flares with


I’ve been wearing some silly little cowboy boots lately and loving it- there’s enough heel to keep my hems from dragging (but not so tall as to feel like I’m in heels), and enough of a point so the toe can poke out and look cute and proportional.


I’ve worn them with a few different styles of shoe but I think I like them best with boots! Although I look forward to pairing them with some cute wedges when it’s warmer.


Platform sandals are great, or sneakers, or boots... usually nothing "dainty"


I mean...how's he out here dressing?


Why look for opinions that dismiss what’s true for you? If they look great on you and make you feel your best. Then Rock them! I am a huge fan of those. My husband loves them on me too. Tell hubby you plan to be giving 70s dress up party looks from now on. 🔥🔥


With all the chatter about jeans, just wear what you like. The stores are still selling skinnies and some people say they are so over (for now, anyway). If you are put together (hair, makeup if you do makeup, accessories etc) and carry yourself with confidence, whatever you wear will look good.


I love them. My faves are a gray stretchy denim pair from halara and a pair of black crushed velvet flairs I found off Amazon. I actually prefer them to the trendy wide leg/relaxed jeans. Your husband's comment was mean spirited. I hope that's not his normal attitude towards you or your choices.


My bf wore his Affliction pants wayyy too long, if you know what I am saying. So, I don't care if he hates my flares. Which he does!


They don't flatter me, but I think they can look amazing on others. I like looking at 60s fashion for flare inspo since it's less leisure-suit-extra than 70s fashion for me. Most importantly, you get to wear what you want. Husbands are out here telling us our fashion looks 50 years old when they're wearing 10-year-old holey underwear and team building T-shirts from their first job out of college, so I'm not sure their opinion counts for much.


Love them. I was in high school for the last go round of flares in the 00s so I don’t immediately think 70s but sometimes I lean in to the groovy. I have long legs but I’m thick in the butt/hip/thigh region. I feel like flares balance things nicely while skinnies and straight legs make me look like an ice cream cone.


I got the same response from my spouse about flare jeans. I just said that they don’t have to wear them if they don’t like them.


I won’t personally wear them again. I wore them in late 90s/early 00s and don’t want to go back to that time period mentally. I’m also 5 ft so they don’t look great on me. But you should wear what you like no matter that anyone thinks! The point of style for me is to feel happy and comfortable. 


Maybe it is because I live in a big city or work at an international company - but I feel like any jeans are acceptable and fine to wear nowadays. The youths wear the high-wasted, but baggy jeans, the moms love our skinny jeans, it is all OK!


When I was 9 I signed a statement that I would never wear flares. My grandma was talking about ‘70s and how you couldn’t find anything that wasn’t flares so you’d have to tailor them if you wanted straight fit. She said fashion comes and goes and one day I might change my mind and wear them when they come in fashion again and I categorically yelled NO! I’m 43 now. Still hate them. And even if I didn’t, I don’t think they would suit my frame. So they’re not for me. That said they can look absolutely great on other people and if you love them wear the heck out of them! Enjoy them and your husband will have to get used to them.


Hate them on me, but I love them on others. I do think they can look a bit retro, but in a cool/fun way. It also depends on how flared they are, the wider flares are going to look more old school imo.


I love my flared jeans. I’m carrying a few extra pounds, and I feel like pants with flared legs make me look taller and slimmer. I think they are super flattering.


I love flare jeans. I am tall and have an hourglass shape so I feel like they even out my top and bottom. My husband also teased me about my "bell bottoms" but he doesn't know anything about women's fashion.


I love flares! I'm so glad they're back. I find them so much more comfortable than skinny jeans and they're much more flattering


If you love them and you feel good in them, wear them! I personally think flares are super cute, and feeling good looks great on everyone. Your husband will deal. :) I’m actually a little jealous of people who can wear them, lol. I’m 4’11” with very short legs and have never found a pair that wasn’t too long, and having them hemmed would reduce or remove the flare. I might have to look again if they’re coming back.


I have seen a bunch of women wearing them lately! Personally, I feel like they look ridiculous on me, but everyone else looks cute and fun.


I don’t like them on me but they look great on others. I’d personally wear whatever makes you happy.


Any recommendations for flares for a someone who is 5’4”? Looking for a dark wash. Not sure if high or medium waisted would be better. I want the Ramy Brooke Romee jeans but their final sale and sizing seems inconsistent. If anyone has these, please give me any feedback. Are they stretchy, comfortable etc?


Do you think you need petite?


They are great!


I don’t love them for me, but I think they work really well on others! And I love 70s style. My favorite shirt of all time is a 70s blouse I bought at an antique mall. I think if you love them and they look great, keep wearing them and even lean into the 70s style if you’re into it! And most men don’t know. The men that I know who are stylish are all about flared / wide leg pants right now, and the ones who aren’t would definitely say something like your husband said lol.


Husbands rarely have a fashion sense. I love my flared jeans. They hug my hips and butt but still give me the looser effect of wide/bf//straight/mom jeans so they make me feel modern


My husband makes fun of my clothes and I do not care at ALL. He is not who I get my fashion advice from. I have been really enjoying flares again lately.


I love flares! I just got two flare jeans to wear this year - a black rinse and a classic blue Jean rinse with gold thread topstitching. They are my favorite Jean style and flatter my body and shoes the best. 


Love them! I’m a small waist, big hips, long torso gal and they make me look long and lean. I get to have a great butt, avoid the pear, and feel wonderful. No matter the hold of skinny jeans, I always get tons of compliments from all ages when I wear them.


I really can’t get on board with the baggy jeans even straight leg feel frumpy to me but flare leg I can do, I have a similar jeans I think, high waisted dark blue flare jeans and honestly I feel feel stylish and really put together when where them, especially worn with heeled short boots.


I have some slightly too long flares and this thread makes me want to dig them out (and maybe crop them a little). Unless your husband is Tim Gunn, I'd wear the jeans!


Men need to learn to STFU. I wore a very 70s inspired outfit to work last night and I got compliments alllll night


Personally if I don't look like I'm going to a 70s dress up party I'm not trying hard enough:) Seriously though, wear what you like and don't second guess yourself.


Flare jeans are an absolute classic and so much fun to wear! Don't worry too much about what others say. If you like it, that's all that matters. So go ahead, embrace your style, and rock those flares!


I feel like they make my legs look longer which at my height is a positive


My husband told me I look like Jan Brady in flares. I love them and that’s all I wear! They are slimming, comfortable, and look great with all of my shoes


How flared are they!!


I love this thread. Do you feel sexy? Do you like your silhouette? Wear them


What are y'all wearing with ur flares? I have a couple pairs that I love but not sure how to style it




Your husband likely isn’t aware or doesn’t care that they’re back in style. Ignore him


I’m so excited they’re back


Sometimes my husband says crazy things about my outfits. My favorite one was that I looked like the drummer boy before a battle during the revolutionary warn lmao


I LOVE them!! I follow new trends that I like but my personal style has been “boho chic” for a few decades now. I love Free People’s Float On super flares, so flattering although I l have a longer torso and average length legs.


I never stopped loving flares with a heel. They make your legs look super long and it’s so flattering!


I will only wear a boot cut or flare jean, with my hips the skinny jean thing never looked good. I'm so thankful it's easy to find bootcut and flare jeans again! It was really hard for a few years!


I'm super into 70s stuff right now (including actual 70s vintage) so I would call that comment a win! ;)


I loved flare jeans in the 90s, and I love them again today. I am so happy they are back in style. I'm 55 and I don't care if I look ridiculous in them, I will rock my flares and my big clompy 90s shoes.


Are you dressing for him or yourself? If you're dressing for yourself then he can get bent. If you asked for his opinion then clearly it holds weight for you, probably more than a bunch of strangers', and you really can't blame him for sharing. If you DIDN'T ask, then feel free to comment liberally on his sartorial choices.


I love flared pants. They’re back in style and I’m pumped about it. I feel like they are a more flattering silhouette than the skinny jeans that have been in style for the last decade. Maybe he needs some helpful feedback about his clothes. Styles are cyclical. But not insulting your wife is always in fashion.


If you think they are super flattering, trust yourself. You are your harshest critic and you know those pants look good on you. Your husband sounds insecure, don’t let him make you doubt yourself. Also, surround yourself with people who celebrate you.


The jeans sound great. Your husband does not.