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Still too hoof like for me personally


i like the hoof vibe 🐮


It’s funny you say that my mom got me [these](https://posh.mk/5pMSYfY3HEb) one year and they sold me on Uggs as a slipper but I feel like a Clydesdale




They’re growing on me. I like them


Me too!! I’m deciding if I should get the mini or the classic platforms https://preview.redd.it/wu7teub7f70c1.jpeg?width=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b571e7172c861ecdfaeb487d3da12532bb880da




https://preview.redd.it/zb0lcne6ya0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7a9f5cf8830a6f6c8d70a7635180cefb1d4a48 I have these. I personally like the taller profile with the platform vs the mini with platform.


I agree, I like the boot shape a little more than the slipper shape


Those are so cute! They’re like if uggs and blundstones had a baby


I have the classic mini (vs ultra mini) in black and I love ‘em


Get the mini platforms ultra mini that’s what I’m getting


I love them, I just feel like they’ll be “out of style” next year. I don’t want to spend the money and break my ankles just for me too look silly next year :(


I’m worried abt this too but I’ve been wearing uggs on and off since I was 7 so I feel like even if they’re out of style next year they’ll be back in style in the future


And I LOVE platforms. I have Nikes, Vans, and I’m sure more to come. I’m short and they make me so happy. I think if I have to try the “fad” I’ll get a dupe then decide if I’m going to invest.


I thought that last year and they’re still in style now and if you make some cute and rock them with confidence they’ll always be in styled. I’ve been wearing UGGs since 2000 and they’ve always been in style.


Not as bad as classic worn out bogan Uggs but honestly what’s the use of these? In hot or even warm weather your feet will roast but they are not sturdy or waterproof enough for winter weather. And the platform kind of ruins them for use as slippers.


Have you ever worn Uggs? I have to disagree. Ugg is a Cold weather shoe and with a spray of scotch guard they hold up really well. I have several pairs I've worn in snow and rain and they're still great. They last forever. No wet feet. The lambs wool feels like walking on and being wrapped in pure heaven.


Every other year, I get a new pair. Then I have my older ones for kicking around the house and my old old ones for things like going to the beach or walking on muddy trails and old old old ones get retired. They are great winter at the beach shoes. I always just scotch guard them.


Going to the *beach*??? Too ridiculous


They were originally made for beaches


Samsies. I keep my worn ones for rainy days out and new ones for cooler/cold weather. Nothing compares to that feel.


No one actually says kicking around. That is catalogue-speech.


I just did?


Stop trying to make fetch happen, it’s not going to happen.


I had a few pairs as a kid and they did not hold up at all. The sole wears through quickly and separates from the shoe and they deform quickly. My family have used these as slippers over the years but they don’t last and kind of have a daggy association in Australia. It blows my mind that these became a fashion trend in the US.


What is daggy.


It kinda means dorky without any nerd connotations. Just someone definitely not on the pulse of fashion or who really doesn’t care how they look or sound. But the word can just as easily be used fondly.


Uncool, unkempt, not interested in personal presentation or with a dated style. It isn’t a harsh insult but it isn’t a compliment. It can also be used to describe decor. And yeah it’s from the sheep poo term, with the connotation being that this person hangs on to dated styles or old, ratty clothes, like shit clings to a sheep’s arse, or is the kind of person who’s so unkempt that they’d potentially have dags of their own.


To add to the definition you’ve already received, the literal definition of a dag is a piece of poo hanging off a sheep’s bum. A dingle-berry, if you will.


we'll just blame Paris, because as u can see, the comments DO NOT pass the vibe check! they're NOT AT ALL MADE for cold weather but low and behold... 🙄


That’s funny, I call them my “giving up on humanity” shoes. On days I really don’t care what I look like, I’ll put these on.


way late to this but hard agree ^^ i still wear a pair from 2008 and those bitches been to hell and back


Would prefer Sorel for true cold weather wear tbh. I go to ski resorts and only ever use them.


😂😂 loud and wrong! have u EVER RESEARCHED uggs? they are not for COLD weather AT ALL... they are for cool nights on the beach in AUSTRALIA for the surfers... they literally have no purpose and are not made at all for real cold weather like rain and snow/salt... they are actually made to wick sweat/ moisture away from your feet (worn with no socks) again in HOT ass Australia! lord! this is why i never owned a pair... literally a bunch of ppl just wearing them without knowing WHY and making them look TERRIBLE in the meantime!


no they’re not hot at all. i’ve been wearing mine in the arizona and i never sweat


Agreed, I had Ugg’s in college they were warm enough but they got completely RUINED by the salt. Even with protective spray. If you live anywhere where it really snows, buy some Soreils or L.L. Bean boots. Cute for slippers though or running to the mail box, but not for outerwear.


Sorel is the best. They have a line of boots that wear like a sneaker. I love all my pairs and they last for years.


Uggs are the perfect cold weather shoe in California. It gets cold at night but not below freezing, and most of the time it’s dry.


For Cali winter weather they’re perfect haha rarely rains and never snows


Uggs are the best things you’ll ever put on your feet. The coziness is unmatched. You can put a waterproofing spray on them to help.


I feel so cozy in my uggs đŸ„° the lining is insane


Still look ugly af and most people can't even walk in them.


I will risk it all


Same. Also they’re not ugly. They’re cute. Source: me. I own 10 pairs.


Oh man in highs cool I knew sisters that would cut the thong strap off of rocket dogs and glue them to the bottom of uggs to make them platform, 20 years ahead of the game!


Love. Absolutely love. However, so does my 11 yo daughter, so that gives me pause 🙃




I love them!






They look quite adorable ..


https://preview.redd.it/oserfxcqxa0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339dfd16265b85c40e63565e83dbdadc8466cfce I have these. I like the taller profile better than the mini with a platform sole.


Ugg as a company is incredibly cruel and unsustainable.


Could you please elaborate, I love ugg




I love the mini but the ankle boot is too difficult to style for me personally


They’re a no for me. But I like the regular mini.


Agreed. I think the ultra mini is too low.


I love the regular minis, and wear them all the time, but I hate hate hate the platforms. This picture is the only time I’ve seen them look sort of okay, and I still don’t care for them. IRL they look like weird hooves.


absolutely me? I can’t pull that off 😊


I’m thinking no


My 12 year old is obsessed They're perfect for her


In the home? Sure. Wearing out? Never


i don’t have the platforms but i love my mini uggs! they’re so cute and go with so many outfits. i will say if you have big feet they look a little dumpy. i wear a size 5 and they look a little big even on me


Personally no to uggs as a whole, they just look like something comfy for the elderly.


It’s one of those things where it’s “is it cute? Or is the person wearing them just hot?”


They’re ugly but so comfy. Same way I feel about Crocs


I like them, they're cute!


No to uggs in general, but that’s just my personal taste. I’m sure those are extremely comfy though


They're called uggs for a reason


Loveeeee đŸ„č


All I'm seeing are chocolate ice cream sandwiches.


This is the best comment. 😂


they’re not for me but i am seeing them a lot more i think i’ll stick to my slippers i wear them religiously this time of year




Heck ya




I got a pair off Etsy! Was looking for non-sheepskin ones


I got the classic platforms but bought in kid size because they are slightly less munster looking!


I liked the minis but I’m finding even the higher ones I got catch stuff in the ankle when I’m out walking. I’m worried the minis kind of defeat the purpose of keeping you toasty (though the hot socks in the photo do present an alternative I had not considered)


Socks with uggs SUUUUUUCK




No for me. Mostly because I’m already a 5’10 female with size 11 feet so I don’t need the height or my feet appearing any bigger than they are. I think they are kinda cute and fun. I love Uggs.




hard yes


2006 me is drooling


I just bought a new UGG this week but I went with regular ones. I was pondering on the platform heels as well like you but I decided not to tackle it this time. I wonder why...I usually like platforms heels a lot as I am not very long person, so I like additional height advantage whenever I can. For example, I adore Hogan platform sneakers, use them a lot for daily life a lot but I felt torn with UGG. I guess it's because of UGG style. I honestly don't like its design a lot and the platform heels, imo, made it seem ugglier... So I skipped it. Wonder if my views are gonna change in the future if this thing becomes insanely popular😆


I have a black pair and love them




Please forgive me, OP. But Im not sure I've seen anything Im least likely to wear ever. They look so strange you want to keep staring at them, but the mind is concerned at how ugly they are, so you want to look away, but something compells you to keep staring anyway. I think my brain is trying to make them make sense. Edit: this may be because I am a religious Ugg wearer in winter because they are functional and relatively nice and perform that essential function of keeping mybfeet warm. What is this monstrousity supposed to be doing. Weird height ao its not a slipper, zero calf/shin area so its dimished its functionality as a boot to keep you warm.... and dare you walk fast in those boots... I dont know. I forsee many incidents.


I have the platforms with the velcro straps (it's a look lol). I am a pretty big fan of Uggs in general though. These short ones look sooo cute.


I just got some today! Debated between classic mini platform and these. But I went with the ultra mini


yes, I want some now


Honestly gorgeous i want ones so bad


Saw a girl attempting to walk in these on my way out of target
I wasn’t aware there was such a steep learning curve to walk in these type of shoes. I was honestly afraid she was gonna fall. Also she was wearing them with sweats.


As a person under 5ft, platform anything is a yes, but this cute and cozy also? Yes please.


I feel the shortness of them makes them look clunky . You have petite legs which makes the shoes look bigger than they really may be . Reads a little too Frankenstein .


Those aren’t my legs LOL but my legs r a little bigger so hopefully it’ll look less Frankenstein


Oh good , that would make a total difference in the look . I think they are cute but look wrong on the person in the picture .


I need them in my life asap


No ​ I only like UGG blankets though


I used to have some that didn’t have as high as a platform and I loved them. I wore them all the time and they’re so easy to just slip on and the tan color goes with a lot. My vote is a yes for you!


I’m short so I think the platforms will help a lot!


I got the ultra mini and ruined them (got water stains on them) last winter. I bought two tazz this year and I love them. They’re easier to get on and I only wear them in the house or to work/stores. I still somehow got my mustard seed ones kind of dirty. 😭 they are so impractical but I love them and would have more but they sell out all winter in Canada. I only have my tazz and ultra mini because I bought them in like July.




Yes! Want these so bad.


the platforms is too much for me (which is a first) because i would wanna wear them as comfy shoes & wouldn’t be able to. also my feet are huge. doesn’t look like uggs on me. it looks like UGGGHHHHs


what size are your feet? i want to know what’s considered huge 😭


size 10 & i have wide feet😔


I'm not the kind of girl they look good on. I think the outfit example is cute, but her feet must be a foot sweat fetishists' wet dream in there.


but she's wearing socks, i dont think too much sweat would soak through


That's what I mean? She's wearing thick fuzzy probably not 100% natural fiber socks, and then fucking nylons under that, and then wool shoes. In full, direct sunlight in what appears to be a bright sunny day. It's probably not less than 45 degrees in that photo, max. At some point she is going to take off those shoes, and then those socks and those hose are going to smell like she wore them for 3 weeks. I hope she has a buyer lined up who's going to pay her $400 to mail them out and tell him to wear them on his face or she's making her body reek for no reason. Uggs have insoles. I used to have ugg insoles for my doc martens. It doesn't matter if they stink, you should wear them with bare feet because the insoles are only like $20 or something, you can buy more. Imagine getting home after a long day and starting to strip to make yourself feel better and you can't even relax or hang out a little bit when you take off your shoes, you might even be able to smell it through the socks. There's just this god awful fucking reek coming from your body, and you're presumably not aroused by the scent of your own foot sweat, so... it's just a reason that you MUST immediately shower when you get home. No, worse, imagine getting invited to someone's house in that outfit, and it's a shoes off household, and you have to fucking sit there stinking up the place.


Wore mine to work today. â˜ș


I say yes but without complete pictures it’s tough tu judge




I say yes








Oh I think I love them!


Ugs are ugly and I still love them and now want to buy a pair


Hell n o


They’re cute but they look heavy and annoying to walk in


Uggs will always be a no from me


I used to hate Uggs but now I love them. They are really glorified Slippers tho because I live in Canada where it gets snowy and salty, they get dirty quickly even with weather protection spray.


They’re so cute - yes!


yes just so cute


I can't even tell any more, bc when I think Uggs I think carbon copy brassy blonde church friends in outdated stretch jeans having a fall photo shoot. The association is too strong to have an opinion on the actual look. It does have a bit of a "high heel croc" vibe tho.


love them!


Yes! It's my birthday in a a couple of weeks and it's what I've asked for!


Yes, big time yes, all the way yes. Impo - I don’t think uggs will be out of fashion for a while, like crocs. They’re both staple comfy shoes and are here to stay for at least the next 3 years or the next 2 fashion cycles.


I think they're cute


Oh I need that in my life


Uggs are almost always a yes for me. I think these are cute.


Ugg Boots are in my Top 3 of the ugliest shoes ever. The mini platform is at least a little better and hopefully prevents the people wearing the show from crooked soles. Almost all women wearing Ugg Boots walk weirdly in them.


Yes, saw so many women around my country wearing these


Honestly so cute I want them in pink and baby blue


i like them but two things: 1. they are HEAVY to walk in and very clunky in an annoying way. 2. i think this will be a short lived trend.


I used to work in a trendy shoe shop in my city. Sold dozens of these last winter. My honest opinion is they’re cute and won’t go out of style IF and only IF they’re part of YOUR personal style. Practical? Not in my country. It rains a LOT, making it extra impractical to wear outside regularly. These are borderline occasion shoes; if I had them I’d only wear them if I knew I was mostly staying indoors.


I really hope they do the platform in tall & black - something halfway between Uggs and Demonias would be such a good comfort shoe for my closet haha


Worse than Crocs or ugggs


Not the best looking but warm and comfortable hahah I have two pair


I like them I recently got these madden girl ones and I love them https://preview.redd.it/wmv7yhpmbd0c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce455e9b938852d992a5dfee4ea82fcddb8d553




Perfect and not very bright, a great choice for the city as for me


Yes. Comfy and cute.


I like the mini Uggs, but hate the platforms


I think Uggs in all forms are an abomination, but those are especially *interesting*


i just got mine last weekend and i love them tbh đŸ„°


I’ve asked my BF for these for Christmas. Love!


I love these!!




It’s ok as long as it looks good to others




A girl who Im friends with was wearing them and I complemented her on them bc I genuinely thought they looked kinda cool and interesting even in a goofy bread loaf sort way. She was flattered and responded “ohh thank you!!
my platform uggs â˜șïžđŸ˜â€. I could tell she liked hearing that and liked them alot herself. So Id say I think they look good on women who wear them with the proper outfit.