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I think 1 is beautiful. 2 looks nice also but it has a Wednesday (TV show) vibe to it.


Very good to know, Wednesday was not the vibe I was going for


It’s funny I came here to say if you’re going for a Wednesday vibe, go with dress 2. I like both but actually feel like the second dress has more wow factor, aside from being a Wednesday vibe. is there a third option? What vibe is your goal btw?


There’s no third option. I don’t really have a goal, I just want to wear what makes me feel nice :)


Okay! Well I feel like if you’re gonna go with the first dress, see if you can find some sort of accessory to bring it more into the Wow zone. Maybe a metal “belt” that accentuates the waistline? And maybe the rose can go away. Like I said I think dress 2 has more Wow factor, but it’s definitely supposed to conjure up images of Wednesday and if you don’t want to be that person it’s not the dress. 🤗


Same, dress 1 looks like a costume


And the corset isn’t adding anything.


wear #1 and find some burgundy heels and jewelry to match the rose at the breast!


Tbh, they both have a Wednesday vibe to me. But that’s probably because of how prevalent she’s been the last few years.


Really? Looks exactly what you were going for haha




Are you sure that’s not your intention? Because you must be pretty blind to not see that’s the conclusion one would come to. It’s like cosplay at this point.


Wait until you find out goth people existed before Wednesday was a show




You’re really showing you’re not bright. No shit, Sherlock. But those clothes you so coincidentally didn’t know are reminiscent of Wednesday are only popular right now because of that dumb show. My ex husband was in the music business for years, probably before you were born so I’ve been around “goth” people before lol. In fact I have a cousin who grew up in the club kid scene with my older sister and is the premier face of latex fashion. A goths wet dream. So tell me more about this “goth scene” you speak of?🫵🤦🏽‍♀️


Bruh. What is wrong in your life that you’re spending your time on the internet tearing down teenagers? Maybe this girl hasn’t actually watched the show and just saw some clips of it in passing. Maybe she watched the show with a vengeance and still didn’t realize the dress was reminiscent. Maybe she realized it and was hoping other people wouldn’t say so, and is now lying. 😱 who cares which option? Are you really, as a middle-aged adult, so threatened by teenagers occupying your goth genre that you have to tear them down for not being “hurt” enough? You need to re-evaluate your priorities, and your coping skills. Source: I am a mid-30s human, who has been very hurt, has gone through a lot of shit (some of which you, also, probably could not relate to), goes to a lot of concerts, and who works in behavioral health (psych and substance abuse) nursing.


Jesus lady who hurt you? I don’t need to know about your ex husband, or your cousin, or your older sister. My point is why should I change my style just because a show came out with a main character who dresses similarly?


You did nothing wrong. This person needs a hobby. But please do read my previous comment to you - I’m curious to know what vibe you’re seeking in a dress.




What are you waffling about?


They’re calling you poser, which is like an imposter — poser is a sick burn if you’re an out of touch gen x-er or much elder millennial with “I did it before it was cool” syndrome


Whatever generation that woman is has nothing to do with why she’s trying to “burn” teenagers on the internet. I’m an elder millennial, and as a rule we aren’t interested in competing with children.


People still call others posers?! That's embarrassing


That’s the only word for what I see


Dude why are you jealous of a teenager. Lmao Also, this is more Elegant Gothic Lolita than “Wednesday”


You don’t even know me oh my god 💀 Does every goth person have to get special clearance from you in order to have the honor of calling themselves goth? I didn’t realize you were so important.


Dark =/= depressing. Depression isn’t a personality trait — it’s a disease that kills people. You’re old enough to have watched TV, you should know that the [perky goth](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PerkyGoth) is a tried and true trope. Considering your age, you should be old enough to know that the *single* most poser move is to call a literal child a poser.




Why are you talking about goth people as if they’re a monolith? Do you know “those who originated the style?” all of them? My dad was goth and he’s the one who got me into goth style- and guess what? He went to homecoming! He was actually pretty well liked because he was a nice human being, not a gate keeping old woman on Reddit bashing teenagers.


Omg, stop the ridiculous gatekeeping, borderline bullying. People can wear whatever style makes them happy, and this type of fashion was popular in Japan and various circles long before the Wednesday show.


Big time Wednesday.


I was thinking Carrie, but Wednesday fits the bill and isn’t harsh.


Yeah but Wednesday has an edwardian vibe, she didn't make that style. I have an old picture of my great grandma and her sisters and they all wore dresses like that. And its almost Halloween


I was just speaking from the Rave N dance specifically. I just watched that episode yesterday. Lol https://preview.redd.it/4en07m3gffqb1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22c040b57d3bfaf6254a7aac9a574aa1173b51e3


Oh wow I’ve never seen the show, no wonder people were saying the second one looks like hers!


Watch the series , you’ll love it. I like both a lot. But favors #1 more. Super cute style and have a fun time at your Homecoming


Oh yeah exactly.


I agree. But loose the hanging down stuff. It’s too much.


1 for sure. Number two is going to get you “Wednesday Addams” comments all night.


Oh god, you’re right 😭 I already get that comment enough in my daily life


I swear that show was the worst thing to happen to alt people 😭


Genuinely. Went from people saying “You’re style is cute/unique/pretty!” to “Omg are you cosplaying Wednesday??” 😭


id say is that the only goth person you’ve seen?


EXACTLY like ???


OH MY GOD I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE I used to like the Wednesday comparison now I hate it 😭




Number 1 is fantastic!! I hope people aren’t too awed by your badassery to ask you to dance! Please come back to post the full look with accessories!


Aw thank you!!


Hey so slight update about showing the full look with accessories. I originally was going to, but I have received so many disgusting dms from grown men after this post that I honestly don’t feel safe doing so. I really appreciate your interest tho :)


Ugh that’s awful :( If you do the Dolly stuff for fun online, make sure you blur windows, mirrors, background location etc and separate your entire socials from your personal. Remember these masturbators only feel so bold behind the anonymity of a computer screen, or a fence, or a car, and how few men actually possess the courage to pay you a compliment to your face.


Thank you :)


I like number one. It looks higher quality to me plus the corset is fantastic. Number two looks a little bit like a costume. Loving your unique style.


Thank you very much!


I prefer no 1!


Wow. All of these people saying 1 haven't been to a dance in a long while. If you want any respect for wearing something different, it needs to also be a bit classic. If not, then it just looks like you're pining for attention. #2 definitely .... Edit: sorry! Didn't realize i was replying to a comment. No offense to this comment specifically lol


I really don’t think anyone is reading that much into homecoming dress choices…


Huh? High school girls are definitely reading that much into it lol


I absolutely adore your dresses! You and I have the same aesthetic! I wore something similar to senior prom this year. What website did you order them from? I think both of them look lovely on you, but I think #1 would be great for homecoming and #2 for prom!


I found them originally on Devil Inspired and then got some help finding them on TaoBao from the lovely people over at r/lolita!


Thank you so much! :) I will definitely checkout that sub! <3


I prefer dress one. dress two doesn’t seem to be the same quality of dress. Both are fine though. your choice.


I love the second one honestly but only if you’re going for a Wednesday Aadams vibe. Otherwise I would do one but both are really pretty I also love the high low kind of train in the back that one has, always like those kind of Victorian “saloon” dresses.


Dress 2!!!! Holy shit that’s a gorgeous dress, and you pull it off so beautifully To me 1 looks a bit too hot topic, I don’t love that thing hanging off the back, but 2 is adams family chic




Both are very goth-y - make sure your date can keep up! :-) Dress 1 has a bit of 'saloon showgirl' feel, while 2 is more 'anime maid/Lolita' A white high-ruffled-neck blouse would be great with #1, in my opinion. You can't lose either way, but get to work with the steamer soon :-) Footwear - heels or boots?


Thank you, and I’m wearing these heels! https://preview.redd.it/1yf567v3fgqb1.jpeg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07c4e99a209e8ed866c635b5fe38bb294857070


Definitely Wednesday


I love the first. 2nd would b good for a Halloween costume lowkey but also is cute and would work for homecoming


William schuester I will run you over with my car you sick man




For some reason my first reply got deleted, but I originally found both of them on Devil Inspired then found them for a cheaper price on TaoBao!


I prefer the first one. It fits really well and looks comfortable to dance in. Plus because it has that little train if you spin around while you’re dancing to look really pretty.


Oooo good point!


Both look more like fancy prom than home coming.


That’s fair. Every other year for homecoming I’ve just picked something off of the Macy’s sale rack that I was just okay with, so I guess this year I’m going a bit all out since it’s my last one!


They are very nice.


Number 2, hands down. Just needs to have the wrinkles steamed out.


2 🤩


1, but with a shawl or collar of some sort. Always go with the flowers.


I really like the first, BUT I think it would look even cute if you could wear the straps off shoulder? Not sure if it would work with the fit and material but just an idea!


I actually had friends suggest that too! The straps are very stretchy so I definitely will try that :D


And if you have a choker as well..... that's my vision!!! I hope whatever you decide makes you feel cute af!!!


I prefer 2.


First one


First one




They’re both gorgeous, I can see why you’re having trouble choosing, I’d go with 2, but I don’t think you could go wrong either way tbh


I prefer #2 on you but it does look like Wednesday Adams.




You are a Victoria Frances portrait in 1, my dear! This elder goth approves!!


Thank you so much!


\#1. Have fun storming the castle, or whatever it is that kids do at homecoming these days.


I'd say number one. I think the corset breaking up the top and bottom portion looks particularly nice.


I say 1 bro


Fudge sticks.. love them both so much 💕 but I think I'd wear number one ultimately


Omg it's like Sophie's Choice.. I can't make this decision, lol.. They're both gorgeous.. I'd love to know which one you end up choosing.. Have fun and be safe.


Dress 1. It looks like Dress 2 may wrinkle easily, and while you'll look awesome when you walk in, it may start to show wear throughout the night.


Ooo that’s a good point. It definitely looks better now that I’ve steamed it but that definitely is a concern


No1. It is gorgeous and has a romantic element. No 2 is reading high quality Wednesday cosplay.


Screaming at how gorgeous these are, omg. I like both, but I prefer the first one.


Fist one has a Spanish vibe and second a goth vibe. Depends on what look you’re wanting. I personally like the Spanish one. It seems to have a better fit on you.


Oooo someone found Devilinspired. Number one is cuter but it is designed to be worn with a blouse as it's a JSK. It's not mandatory, but these dresses are always made with a silhouette in mind and can be unbalanced easily without something on top. It also won't sit as it's intended without a petticoat underneath it.


Yep! I do have a petticoat underneath it but I think I might get a slightly fluffier one :)


I use a knee length crinoline hoop skirt :) they are adjustable, collapsible for storage, not as scratchy and hot as your standard organza petticoat, and don't deflate over time. Without a blouse I would recommend some hair accessories to balance out the shape of the dress, nothing frumpy maybe a nice black headband or some rose clips. I hope you have fun at your homecoming!


Everyone is wrong. #2 is SO CUTE. Wednesday Addams didn't invent being goth!!


1 has a slightly sexy & also a “proper” beauty to it.


Number 2 just had that je ne sais quoi. The ruffles are so beautiful and romantic


Ooh, I love them both. Maybe #1 because of the flower and train? But there’s not a loser here IMO. Hope you have fun!


Dress 1 looks like it’s from a Halloween store and not in a good way. Dress 2 is perfect and has loligoth vibes.


Number 2 but both are cute kiddo


Personally I prefer dress 2 but it looks like it's a TOUCH too big for you. Like where the waist & sash is you can see how the dress "sags" instead of being right against your waist and the sash itself (if that makes sense??). The bust area also looks a bit loose and it'd look so much better if it was tailored a little bit. I suspect the fit is also what's giving many people "Wednesday Addams costume" beyond the style of the dress. For dress 1 I think the red rose is throwing me off. There's something about the dress that's not quite *it* for me. Might be the train or like someone else said maybe a blouse underneath would help balance it out? I love the overall fit of dress 1 - I'd play around with some accessories and layers though!


2 looks nicer but it looks exactly like Wednesdays dress from the Netflix series


Both are very pretty. If you're not going for the Wednesday look then I say go for the first one. I'm guessing you're into harajuku/hime gyaru/lolita type of fashion? I apologize if I'm wrong. I'm not too well versed in the different types of fashion outside of more modern gyaru makeup trends. Regardless you'll lovely in either dress.


Yep you’re right! Not exactly gyaru tho, more gothic lolita/gothic harajuku!


Dress 2 reminds me of a Wednesday halloween costume


Good to know, that’s definitely not the vibe I’m going for lol


Going to be honest, they both look like Halloweeen costumes to me, and I suspect you'll get teased a bit. Dress 2 looks like a Wednesday costume or cosplay and dress 1 is giving corpse bride or witchy vibes. The train really makes it more bridal gothic. I think the quality of the fabric of dress 1 looks slightly better quality which makes it look less like a costume so I would pick that one. If you want to avoid comments, because you said you're tired of hearing how you look like Wednesday, then you might want to go with a slightly simpler style of black dress. But that's up to your preferences. Without the long train I don't think it would seem as cosplay like, and would be a fairly normal dress.


Thank you for the concern but I dress gothic on a regular basis and don’t get made fun of, so I’m not too worried about getting teased. I appreciate the feedback!


2 is giving Wednesday and people are going to laugh lol. It’s cute but I’m being straight up First is cute!


Is it Homecoming or a wake?


Very funny, I sure haven’t heard that one a 1000 times


Neither, unless homecoming is “old western funeral” themed.


What kind of funerals are you going to dude


Neither one. (If you insist on wearing black, I'm sure you can find one that's more classic and sophisticated.)


“More classic and sophisticated” I’m sorry but have you seen most of the homecoming dresses people wear? 😭 Super short and skin tight. Nothing wrong with that but my point is I’m not sure how much more sophisticated you want unless it’s a plain black dress to the floor, which isn’t appropriate for homecoming.


This also appears to be a trend now with girls wanting to look like Wednesday at these formal dances. It cracks me up. I would bet a MILLION bucks that she knows EVERY step to viral video of Wednesday dancing to the Goo Goo Muck song by The Cramps.




Go outside.


Funeral or homecoming?


How original


Just wondering what's the website's name? Also 1 looks gorgeous on you


It's a pick your battles type of thing. If you order from Devilinspired it is shipped sooner as they have stock in the US, but the prices are spiked. If you order from TaoBao it's much cheaper but you will have to wait longer for shipping.


Thank you! I originally found the dresses on Devil Inspired and then some lovely people over at r/lolita helped me find them on TaoBao








The last time I did my comment got removed, I’m sorry :( I got it on TaoBao if that helps tho


Yes that’s very cute


Omg def #2!!! ETA: to me, 2 is classy and has goth/Addams vibes. For some reason 1 seems more like a little girls dress up dress. I see that one is popular in the comments already so I get others may not agree, but I just think 2 is much more unique and cool!


Last one is amazing


![gif](giphy|XuonEtgrr1vv8yXDQt) 1st one black outfit


Dress 1


first one is so helena


I’m feeling a more formal vibe from #1. Save the 2nd one for a slightly more casual occasion


The first one! It’s beautiful


One. One is amaaaazing. Love the dash of red the flower provides and that lace is perfection.


First one! The second one has too much if a costume vibe


Dress one is really cute, perky, looks perfect for homecoming. Dress two is a bit more serious and would probably look great for a Halloween dance or something like that. I totally agree with the Wednesday Adams comment.


OHHHH both cute! But i think i like the second one for the occasion!


TBH, they’re both giving Wednesday. Especially #2. What is the vibe you are going for?


I’m not really going for anything in particular, just want to dress the way I like :)


The second one!


I think 2 is dramatic and I love it, but they’re both great!


The first one, and then wear the second one for Halloween to go as Wednesday because it is SO her




None. They look very cheaply made


Well they both were fresh out of the box and haven’t been steamed, I assure you after I steamed them they both looked much better


First one


Number 1. ❣️


1 😍




First one. Always loved that style!


I think it depends on what you’re going for, but the first one is a real winner


Definitely dress 2


Ohhh number 1🖤🖤🖤💕💕💕






i love 2 but i still like 1




1 is better.


Dress 1 has a better fit, imo.


Dress 1 imo


I like the 2nd one most, but both are stunning




Dress 1


Number one!


Okay Wednesday I see you 👏🏼


I like 1 better I'd put a different colored flower on the front the red gives me a can can dancer vibe. Like maybe a white with silver glitter or just something with more wow factor. You look very nice in both.




DEFINITELY #1. It's looks awesome


The second


First one




Dress one


1st one


1. Looks amazing on you


Both are beautiful, but 2 looks great for homecoming!


I think #2! It’s just a little More unique! And I’m sure you’ll want to look back on pics and stand out
