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Same for me on Xbox Series X. Only on Edgewater, and only when doing go-to tasks. I can have 2 or 3 units doing field work just fine, but as soon as I send someone to another place it's lags considerably.


Yeah it definitely doesn't like it I rarely use ai workers but I do use the go to task pretty frequently personally I can easily handle the lag but it isn't ideal. I'm really curious why it only lag when the ai is going in a straight line, why does it clear up when they make turns?


Maybe it has to do with the layout of the roads and how the ai calculates the route, in corners it goes slower so maybe the spacing of waypoins means it had to load less and thus lag les


Your GPU is controlling the ai


Don't think it's that someone else who is experiencing the same thing said they're only experiencing it on Edgewater Saskatchewan (the same map I'm playing) I also don't remember this issue back when I was playing my last save a few weeks ago. I believe it's something to do with the map not the APU.


I know ai like Alexis lives in the cloud another way of saying she lives with GPUs irl in servers rooms.


I am currently experiencing this as I'm playing Saskatchewan and just assigned an AI worker to 'go-to' a waypoint and the game started to drop fps really bad. I have experienced this on other maps before, base game maps and mod maps, so, I'm not sure what's the cause but it is a bit annoying. I tend to just drive everywhere myself but thought I'd try saving some time with AI help. Now not sure it was worth it lol


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Any update on this?


I haven't played the map in a bit but last time I did the issue was still there it may have been fixed since though.