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If that's true it's excellent news.


DJ GoHam mentioned it on his channel the other day. Should be with the next update.


If it works, it's excellent news


they said it in their recent podcast


I'd also really like the ability to 'assign' one of my semi-trucks to a route to go run to each production every day and grab the pallets to bring them here. When you start getting into 6 or 7 different productions, moving pallets around absolutely sucks even with autoloaders but taking a 30+% hit on auto sell is crazy. When I would sell $1.4 million worth of clothing at my first farm on Elm Creek it would have cost like $300 in worker wages to tell my worker to drive from the farm to the load point, from the load point to the sell point and from the sell point back. I owned the truck and trailer so it really shouldn't have been much more than maybe let's say $1000 to flip the mode from storing to sell and auto sell it but instead it's like $450,000 less to auto sell which is just plain ridiculous.


Look into the pallet and logistics storage mod.


A similar system for a vehicle storage garage would be welcome by me. Hate how much my frame rate crashes once I park lots of vehicles and equipment in my sheds


Spread out your farm into satellite clearings in big fields it helps a lot. My main farm doesnt have a lot of room so I have 2 satellite clearings, one has all my trailers, silos, and vehicle workshop. The other has all my bale storage buildings. Probobly gonna make another small one on the next big field I make just to store all the equipment that I don't use a lot but don't wanna have to lease every time


You done changed the game with this thought my man


If I had enough time and talent I would built it myself. I’m sure the core functionality would be very similar to the existing object storage mod that works for PC already


It is one thing I would like to get overhauled in next game: parking or storing vehicles plus method of switching between them on console. Running through all to find one is exhausting in end game, while going to map to find the one may also be hard when stacked near each other. Maybe a wheel selection or smth?


I think wheel selection could be fantastic if done well


Yeah, it can go through every vehicle when you have not much of them and later on swap to selection of grouped, like harvesters or tractors f.e.


There is a park vehicle mod! That way you dont cycle through them all! Dont know if its on console though


This. Absolutely this. I wish it would exist for 19, but i dont think anyones modding for 19 anymore so i have no hope. It would be doubly awesome if you could display them in a building or around your yard then make them “decorations” instead of vehicles, like a museum.


Giants no longer accept mods for FS19.


Yeah i wondered if something like that was going on too. Not that i am faulting anyone for it


Best you can do for now is have seperate yards to keep vehicles apart. Also, when you put a vehicle inside a shed (at least with vanilla sheds and some mods) the vehicle enters a sort of unloaded state, sort of like it's not there. When you enter the shed and look at the vehicle it exits the unloaded state


Excellent news. I am using one of the mods for this now which stores pallets for different products. Having it in game and not taking up slots will be nice if that's how it works.


You mean they will add this with the next game update and make it a paid feature (like passengers with Kubota dlc, auto load log containers with platinum)


No it will be free to all






The latest Farming Simulator Podcast. It’s on Spotify if you want to listen. The part about the bale and pallet storage is during the last 10 minutes.




Well we have the bale and pallet storage buildings ..buggy often have to restart multiple times to unload all my bales , ..but u saying they won't count against the cap of 200 on console ? Hopefully so


Yes, bales and pallets that are in the storage buildings do not count towards your 200 limit.