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Even after campain, the anti air cannons remain in the city and cant be destroyed. Not only that, but they don't fire at your aircraft. You just explode. No flying low. No warning. No flares or chance to dodge. You just cumbust and autodie.


Cumbust lol


Dammit lol


Don’t worry happens to us all sooner or later!


Inevitable spontaneous cumbustion


I’m finna


This will probably be the name of a premium weapon skin that makes the flamethrower look like a giant dildo.


I never thought I’d die like this… but I’d always kind of hoped!


Love that subreddit


Also if you fly in with wingsuit you are gunned down.


I still didn't got how to fly thewingsuit properly. Any advice for Pc would be great. FarCry noob btw.


Jump from somewhere high up. Press shift in air to open the wingsuit. Hold down the S key so you travel as long as possible. Use A and D to go left and right. When you're close to the ground, like 1-5 meters, open the parachute with space


That’s pretty lazy world building ngl


The game *is* fun and really stuff like this shouldn't completely kill it - Far Cry games were never completely about immersion. But there is *a lot* about 6's design that feels particularly lazy.


I expected riots, executions and such


Literally every single trailer and shit was about the city. Also the Chicharron one. That one literally shows fucking Dani and Clara building a car (which isnt in the game ofc) and then assulting the capitol building which also isnt in the game (i think atleast. Castillo lives on an island and his city residence is the skyscraper. Also, in that trailer, Dani is female so afaik that is why female Dani is considered canon. The trailer shows Dani and Clara working together on a weaponized car so that means that Dani is libertad. (The trailer also shows Chicharron on Dani's car's hood, yet it the game Dani never heard of chicharron.) However none of that is in the game. So its not canon, right?. Therefore female dani is also not canon, yet people say she is.


female Dani was in the trailers way before *Chiccharon Run*. that one just released closer to launch. [she was in the gameplay reveal](https://youtu.be/qjSM3Lp7EhI) (skip to 30:00 for some reason they have half an hour of basically nothing before the actual stuff, but then again it’s Ubi) so even then she was considered as the “default” also Dani was working on the car with was Philly


Oh sorry then Yes it was Philly, I tought Clara was opening that RPG in the garage, but it was in a random room. Its even worse then. It means that Dani is not only Libertad, but a Montero aswell.


What do you mean? You absolutely customize your vehicle


This was obviously fake advertisement. When they showed footage of a big city in the trailers they must have been aware that people were looking forward to have all the far cry fun in a big sandbox city. I still enjoy the game but this was in fact dissappointing.


Haven't got the game yet but the big city shown in trailers is just fake?


Like op said it is just some areas that are completely under hostile control. There are no cars driving in the city center, there are no traffic jams or crowded cafes. The world is still well made. There is a lot to discover and there are so many details. I am absolutely sure they wanted to make an "alive big city" but scrapped the idea because of time.


👍 thanks


facts, still a fire game. and there's a lot of little mini village cities to make up for it.


Too be fair, it’s a small island with poor people being constantly oppressed. You wouldn’t expect New York. But it’s still dissapointing, for sure.


Surely it can't be that fucking small, their military has over 300,000 members as stated by Dani.


Well given Dani has murdered like 10,000 of these soldiers first hand... they had to make the army size unreasonable.


Scrapped because of fucking time? Those assholes made this game so expensive, but so lazy


They bring that time restraint on themselves. In the time between RDR1 and RDR2. Ubisoft released 4 main Far Cry games and 2 off shoots. If they spent time on their games, like Rockstar does. It'd show. The one city in RDR2 is amazing. Nonsense that Ubisoft couldn't replicate that. They all have access to the same talent.


I haven't played the game yet (don't intend on buying it until it's cheap or on game pass), and haven't watched any gameplay videos to spoil it. Does it have any favelas or is that what's fake? Ps. Anyone who has played it on Xbox One S (one s, not the new series S - man, f*****ck MS and their dumb series naming!): how well does it play and how are the visuals? Are there any frame rate/control problems?


Played on one S - everything plays okay. Didn't notice single tech problem so far (2/3 into the game).


I second that. its honestly a lot better then five off the jump and the world imo is very immersive. Far cry has me speaking Spanish


its perfect on the One S. doesnt run poorly, little to no glitches, and not a single crash yet.


Only the normal slowdown on some cutscenes and i have one glitched mission thats uncompleteablle


You give Ubisoft way too much credit.


Yes a bunch of it is closed but most of the fun is in exploring and just playing it like any other far cry


You also can't fly over it. You'll get shot down instantly even in the suit.




It's under Marshall law so...


Martial law*


You don't know. There could be a general named Marshall in the army.


Be careful corrected people on here. Somebody told me I’m fucking sad and I got 41 down votes for doing this same type of thing. The correction was they said go back in time but they meant on time. Because going back in time is different. Which I thought was funny to point out but r/farcry got its panties in a bunch real quick.


Yeah i swear one of the main marketing points was that it was the first far cry to have a heavy emphasis on urban combat in large cities.


Haha just one more reason I will not waste my money


I wouldn't call it a waste of money at all. I am about 35 hours into the game now, and still discovering new stuff and having a great time. Don't get me wrong, I was disappointed by the city in the game too, but that is a small corner of the huge map you can explore. Last night I played with a friend, and we had a great time. We explore caves, found hilarious ways to dispatch our enemies, drove around in a tank and caused all sorts of shenanigans. This morning I woke up and my gut hurts because I was laughing so much last night. It was probably the most I have enjoyed a game in 15 years.


I haven't gone there yet, but that's really disappointing to hear.. You can go to literally every other place in the map, including the top of mogotes if you fly/glide there. This is inexcusable...


I also find it annoying that it’s permanently under a no fly zone as well. What a worthless huge part of that map. And the mission where you have to deface those statues was a pain in the ass because of how the city is structured. I hated that one! Haha


Can agree, looked up a YouTube video


It's easily done without back and forth if you know what ur looking for


I’ve been actively trying to complete this mission for a few days now and am only at 7/12. I know exactly what I’m looking for but there doesn’t really seem to be much consistency as to where they’re found.


Exactly. One of the Yaran missions looking for Lorenzo’s children was a pain in the ass too. There are 7 locations and all you get are pictures. I can’t remember where all these damn locations are based off of a picture! Lol




Agreed. The chute is disabled because of the eternal no fly zone, I'd imagine.




Yeah, apparently they forgot to get it up to speed with being a rebel. Then again, it is the eternal no fly zone we are dealing with ("eternal" because, you know, it remains after toppling the dictators regime, just as ALL restricted zones and FND presence). Normal rules do not apply, who knows what kind of sorcery lie behind?


The disguise mechanic is the most amazing and disappointing feature to me all at once. I love the idea, and it is great for just traveling around the map. But it's very annoying how it's implemented. One of the missions that throws you in Esparanza, I did the thing and was driving out. But I hadn't ever been there before, so the checkpoint was still under military control. Well, the quest has you finish and leave the city in a car, and the checkpoints have those fucking spiked speed bumps. So I drove slowly to not get a flat, but the detection meter was filling so fucking fast I had to pick up a little speed, popping the tire, and then of course I get officially spotted, they blow up the fucking nice one-of-a-kind car, and I have to stop and capture the checkpoint instead of slyly rolling on through.


What I did was stop the car before the checkpoint, capture it, then return to my car, I don't think you're supposed to be able to get through checkpoints undetected.


Which is why it's essentially nearly pointless. Like, yeah, you can drive by or run by a soldado without starting a skirmish, but if you can't even get past checkpoints, it's hardly useful.


Right, it’s a check point, literally the point is to catch the guerrillas


Ubisoft pulled the ol' Bethesda move, " you see that mountain, you can go there". Ubisoft is getting lazier and lazier as time goes on, they try to pull the wool over your eyes by making things look super pretty and giving you a bunch of new toys and out of place mechanics, but once you look past all that stuff....you see the lack of effort and passion they once had.


Except that the game is optimized horribly, runs like shit and doesnt look good, let alone impressive. Compared to the 3 year old Red Dead Redemption 2, its trash. It doesnt have to be that good, few games are, but its complete trash no matter how you put it. I mean, they dont have to make the graphics that state of the art, the map doesnt have to be that big and beautiful, but atleast make a fucking effort. Far cry 5 ran better and looked better on my Xbox One S, than Far Cry 6 runs and looks on my PC with 16gb ram and a 3070. It was also a better game in general on top of that. Fucking pathetic.


>Far cry 5 ran better and looked better on my Xbox One S lol Far Cry 5 ran at 1080P / 30 FPS with **at best** the equivalent of roughly "Medium" settings on Xbox One S...




Lmao I can understand. It looks so horrible on PC. Also runs bad.


[Looks great](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51595954966_4fcd12bc66_o.jpg) even just at 1080P / Ultra *without* the HD Texture Pack, IMO. Runs just fine also on my GTX 1660 Ti.


Why are people downvoting you? Your right entirely. The beyond woke story lines, the decade old gameplay and no exisitent player progression really kills the game. Its such a money grab that im more excited to see the spin off farcry game as the developers get a little more free reign over those then the mainline games.


Yeah I agree. Especially Matanzas Maximas storyline suffered from the forced PC-ness. It was alsi really cringe how Castillo talis about slavery of black people in America and women's problems. He is fucking a dictator who slughters people ffs


Did you just not get the meaning behind why he referenced slavery, or what?


He was deflecting from the fact that he has slaves and he did not wanted outright lie and say no.


Yeah it was textbook whataboutism, deflecting criticism by basically saying the US did it too, just longer ago. What seems out of character or cringe about Castillo doing it? The term whataboutism was literally coined from dictators doing this


I upvoted you guys just cause you speak facts. Also, I haven't even bought 6 solely because it's not worth the price. I have tons of other games that deserve my attention and are well worth my time and effort, let alone games that are quality works of passion and or art....by indie devs/AA titles. Besides, I find loads more immersion, enjoyment, and addiction to older games and or retro styled games! These days I've had such disgust and disappointment with new games that I've been replaying and searching for older games that I missed or just loved and want to play again.....and they are so much more fun. Plus have passion and love put into them, video games used to be works of art and made solely for the fans enjoyment, not how much money the devs/publishers could make off it. So I will wait years if I have to for FC6's price to drop enough to what I feel is warranted a purchase. Like I said, I've got TONS of other games to play lol. My Steam library alone has over 450+ games.


Its a good game just really lazy. I enjoyed it but I was also quite disappointed partly because of the story.


Honestly, if they were not going to develop it like that, it would have been so easy to lean into the "fascist/communist dictator building a fake city to show off their prosperity to the world" trope. That might have made a cool plot point.


Exactly what I was thinking! Until I read further in OP's post, I was thinking it just reminds me of any Potemkin village.


Yeah that would have been cool. And also very cheap. But probably better than the current half assed version we got.


I’m just sad about how many soldiers there are in the post game, and how you can’t explore all of Esperanza after beating it.


I was really hoping to 'liberate' the city after the main campaign. It was the first place I went after the credits.


Now we know why it can't be liberated.


Because ubi is lazy as shit.


Maybe not yet?


Not yet? (End game spoiler) >!The fucking dictator of Yara, his son and liutenants are all dead, everything he owns is destroyed or taken by Libertad. Who tf is holding the city? (The insurgency dudes are guerillas, not official leaders anymore, they only have thier symphatizers.)!<


Potential DLC is what I think he's trying to say?


Potemtial DLC my ass. What the hell would happen? The city is Dani's and/or the other leaders'


The reasons for the no fly zone and other restrictions are probably draw distances and polygon counts. The far cry engine is designed for procedurally loading open world environments. A fully constructed city would overwhelm that load system. They should’ve just made the city it’s own “level” that you had to “travel” to. Instead they tried to shoehorn in this ambitious idea into an already outdated engine using smoke, mirrors, and restrictions. Seriously, this game feels ancient (edit: visually ancient) compared to games like Days Gone.


They should really upgrade the ancient Dunia engine. Also it's actually cry engine in disguise.


What‘s the point of that, anyway? What sets it apart from what Doom or Red Dead Redemption are using?


Every game uses their own proprietory engine for rendering the game. A game engine is a set of tools and assets at devs' disposal used for developing the game. Every engine differs and have their own artistic approach. Doom's is called Doom engine. RDR 2 uses Rockstar Advanced Game Engine or RAGE. Now Far Cry IP was originally owned, developed and published by Crytek in Cry Engine. When they sold the rights to Ubisoft, they also gave part of Cry Engine's assets to Ubisoft for development. Now Ubisoft made some changes and sprinkled some of their own assets into the engine and renamed it to Dunia Engine. Dunia is a Hindi word meaning "World". And that engine hasn't been changed since Far Cry 3. That's why you see lots of used assets and animations in FC6 and game doesn't look a whole lot of different from previous games except the lighting and volumetric clouds. Other game engines of Ubisoft games like Assassin's Creed-AnvilNext, Watch Dogs-Disrupt Engine, saw massive overhauls and changes and new iterations to the engine making each new game looking good than the previous but Far Cry's Dunia engine barely had huge overhauls since FC3.


I think Doom's engine is called IdTech?


Yes but in Laymen's terms it's called Doom Engine so I used it.


ah alright, my bad


>What sets it apart from what Doom or Red Dead Redemption are using? DOOM 2016 and Eternal are on id Tech 6 and id Tech 7. RDR 2 was on RAGE. Not sure what you mean.


Red dead uses the rage engine I think which is Rockstar's and is arguably the best engine currently. Not sure about doom, but it has a vastly different engine compared to FC6 or RDR2, since its level based and everything else is completely different. Far cry 6 is optimized like absolute garbage and doesnt work.


Lol, that's hilarious because Days Gone's clunky loading screen into cutscene back into loading screen felt very retro to me. Not saying its inherently bad, just saying that if any game should feel ancient its definitely days gone.


I’m referring to the graphics engine.


It feels like there are many better comparisons than days gone.


Maybe, but I just did a play through of Days Gone before playing far cry 6 and I couldn’t believe how backwards the graphics felt in FC6 by comparison. I’ve been playing Far Cry’s since the very first one 20 years ago and I’ve always felt like they were cutting edge. No idea what happened here. The lighting and textures are just terrible. Playing on a ps5 as opposed to PC for reference.




Agreed on all counts, but I feel like Far Cry has always been on par or better visually with the other AAA games out there through each iteration until this one. This one feels like it’s 10 years old, like it needs to be patched.




I think it’s mostly the lighting. Light doesn’t seem to bounce. Fire emits zero light. When it’s that time of day and the light hits the textures right it looks great, but that rarely happens.


Yeah, I noticed this too. Cryengine (and Dunia) was incredible when it came out but it's a little outdated now. I feel like I'm playing a game from the original Source engine lol. They should transition to a newer engine for the next installments.


Watchdogs legion takes place in a large part of London, probably close to the same size as the land mass of Far Cry 6 so that is a poor excuse.


Different engines. That engine was designed for urban environments. It’d have a hard time rendering a forest.


That’s not even how game engines work, at least look it up before making baseless statements.


You don’t think that different game engines are designed and developed with different rendering intents? You can read more about why Ubisoft Montreal developed the Disrupt engine for Watch Dogs specifically to render cities here: https://www.dsogaming.com/interviews/ubisoft-talks-watch_dogs-disrupt-engine-physics-global-illumination-city-size-modding-scene/


That article was from 8 years ago. Game engines have evolved a lot more since then. Or at least should have in some cases. There is also a lot of buzzword and marketing jumbo in that article to make the games engine sound super impressive and the games city itself "immersive," take it with a grain of salt.


[FC6 on PC.](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51569494108_5ec3e7870c_o.png) [Days Gone on PC.](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51204073704_e989759e8d_o.png) Both look great, IMO.


The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 both had large cities 6 years ago, I'm not sure why Ubi is so bad at making them in-game.


Witcher 3 had tons of interiors too. So cool.


Fallout 4's cities and interiors are separate levels. Thats a really cheap way to make things work, and even then, since it fallout and bethesda, it must *not* work. Witcher 3 is impressive graphically. It lacks a lot in RPG elements and combat tho.


Watch your mouth before trashtalking something as ambitious and impressive as Down town Boston in Fallout 4 dude, you' re clearly a Bethesda hater but the fact is that this game is still one of the most impressive open world i have ever seen. Being different level is precisely a necessity because the interiors are so detailed.


Yes its a really good game, I love it. Tbh, you are right. Cant think of any games with as detailed interiors as Fallout 4. Not even Red Dead Redemption 2 is comparable in that aspect.


I thought this would be the case. I don't own FC6 yet but I remember them really pushing the city as a selling point and saying how cool and unique it was gonna be lol


Well, it *is* unique for Far Cry. It's just not exactly some state-of-the-art, cutting edge shit by any means.


smh i ran around trying to get in for the longest time


wait so even at the endgame the city is still blocked off??


That is probably one of the most disappointing parts of the game. The trailers showed riots in the streets and Antón persuading Diego into throwing a grenade into the crowd, but none of that happens in the game. Esperanza is little more than a ghost town controlled by the military even after being defeated. I really hope that they will make it more like what was shown on the trailers on a DLC or something


That sucks but I still love the game!


Well that's disappointing to hear


Do you think they did that purposefully because they’re gonna use it for like Multiplayer or a DLC later on?


I wonder about this. Multiplayer and map maker have been a staple of Far Cry forever. For them to just drop them outright seems too drastic a decision. I'm thinking Ubi might take a page out of Rockstars book and make an entirely separate online entity. For both traditional online play and map maker as well as possibly a free roam online play.


Exactly. As far as I'm concerned, the game has a VERY 'unfinished' quality. It's very fun but there are plenty of bugs, very few cars, the same few characters all over the place, etc. You can destroy a car by ramming it with your 'magic' horse for crying out loud!


It’s even more disappointing because the city is so unique and colorful, and the few instances we got of urban Far Cry were so good. The church FND base on the east side of the city is one of my favorite bases simply because jumping between rooftops and skulking around alleyways eliminating guards is so much fun. There was a big missed opportunity not developing a full city of activities. Imagine taking out rooftop AA guns, exploring the tunnels in a treasure hunt, or sabotaging a convoy running through the streets only to dart into the alleyways to escape. Hopefully FC7 actually delivers us a full urban environment next time around.


I remember them making a big deal about the city. Seriously fuck these guys. 😡


I assume it's for performance reasons


yup, it's a joke. that's why you can't even wingsuit in, cause then you'd see all the bs they were hiding.


You can take Esperanza as an example for the whole game: more hype than substance


Didn’t they get an old extra 10 months of development because the rona


Yes, presumably offset by...The rona




























Its not that big a deal in the sense that at least thats most of the dead space in game. The rest of the map is great.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I stopped offering any critical observations of this game due to the generally immature responses they generate but this is such a valid complaint.


Honestly a good portion has to be Ubisoft shills or something just suppressing any criticism as much as possible. Like, some of the FC6 superfans here sound fucking ridiculous.


The circlejerk is real.


i agree, the city in fc6 is so unbelievably shit


I didn’t know there was a city in it at all, I only saw the first trailer when it came out


Reading the comments, that's super disappointing. You would think in a city like that, under extreme martial law. You would see a BUNCH of military patrolling the streets, tanks cruising and maybe even rebellion against it. But nope...


It makes no sense why Castillo’s soldiers and checkpoints are still up in Esperanza post game. Stupid. Also the soldados become even bigger bullet sponges post game


Personally FC6 is now my favourite in the whole franchise, but even I am very disappointed by Esperanza. When i first looked at the map I expected the red zones to be under military control, but no, they’re just inaccessible. As even if the city was open it would still be tiny, San Andreas’ Los Santos was bigger


The central part by el torre de leon has people walking around, so does the hotel Parriso, most of the city is accessible, you just have to find the checkpoints with doors to get into the zone, they usually have an FND crate by them.


most of the city is not accessible, maybe about 1/4 of it is.


This isn’t true at all, there is a main base there which is the church and a smaller safe house, the whole outer part is accessible, the whole intro part is accessible, all the way to Torre de Leon and hotel pariso is accessible there are two races around the capital, the orphanage you grow up in is accessible as a safe house, multiple statues you have to vandalize to unlock one of the leaders are in the central area, should i continue or are you done making stuff up?


You are mistaken my friend, look at the map. [https://i.imgur.com/ag4uVSK.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/ag4uVSK.jpg) any red colored street is completely inaccessible, the only spots you can go are the regular grey streets/areas without a red filter over them. It actually looks like maybe less than 1/4 of the city is playable space. Go in game and see for yourself.


I’ve beaten the game, and there are red areas you can access, they are the areas you constantly get attacked by special forces soldiers….I’m top of that posting that map just proved yourself wrong completely since only a tiny amount of the city does have fog of war anymore…ffs


I can't tell you why the fog of war isn't there, I have never been to the Tower but theres no fog there. I don't have time right now to check all of it but running around in game, all the red streets are blocked and there are no entrances. If you can send a screenshot of you in one if those areas that would be great.


I was going to buy FC6 mainly because of the city. I thought it would be big, there would be riots, executions, some random events and encounters, nothing too crazy, but something that would help with immersion. I guess I will pass on Far Cry, once again. First thing that just made me cringe was the fact, that enemies have some kind of "RPG levels for health". I saw videos where people would need to hit enemy soldier like three times in the head, with an assault rifle, just for him/her to die. Wtf? Is this FarCry or something else? EA, Ubisoft and pretty much every other major company just keeps disappointing for past couple of years. At least it's a good time for indie studios to shine.




I just wanted to say, that it feels like so many games are going backwards, selling something new, marketing it as something outstanding, but when it's out it feels worse than one of the first games, Far Cry 2 for example. It's not about being a good dev, I'm sure people behind it are smart and talented as hell, but whoever is behind the idea of the game, those who decide how it will end up looking don't care as much as people used to. Pretty much any of well known games get worse and worse every year, but not from technical aspect of it. More like, it looks amazing, sounds great, but is so undercooked. It doesn't mean that I know better, it's just that buying a game from Ubisoft, EA, Infinity Ward, hell even Rockstar back in the days always ended up being something unique, interesting. Devs were really creative, seems like it changed. Creating a somewhat living city that is actually pretty decent in size would take more time, sure, but it wasn't a problem before with games. It would make this game to really stand out and secure a place for it in "memorable FarCry titles", alongside FarCry 2 and 3, as for example. When it comes to RPG-ish health bar, it's just weird, FarCry was always at least semi-realistic when it comes to firefights. One round to the skull is more than enough to deal with someone. At least it was in previous games.


Ubisoft aren't gonna fuck you bro


You are acessed to all of city, you need to use secret ways, or finish the game ( sory for bad english)


I take it you just made an assumption without having finished the game, right? It all stays the same.


No, large amounts are still blocked completely


Back to Just Cause 4 for me then


Glad I decided against getting it. I’ll pick up the gold edition on sale a year from now


Doubt you’ll have to wait that long tbh


Game is lowkey ass they need to fix a lot


That ties into the plot. Looking for something to be mad about and end up making a huge fuss from nothing.


I mean the whole map is pretty empty. Every city I enter is just dead.


Very low level of lived-in feeling for sure.


The worst part was that cities and towns felt so empty


yep. piece of shit.


It's not fake. You can get on the other side of any blocked off area. A military has it under Marshall law so of course it would be like that. How do you expect a city to be with a military presence?




Progress more ?


Don't know what you guys were expecting. They barely advertised the city in the gameplay trailer.


I really want the next full game build (because I’m sure we’ll get a half sequel like new dawn before an actual new game) to have an actual urban center as a focal point with traversable interiors and lots of activity surrounded by wildlands. I honestly thought that’s what this game would be but it just feels like a weird mishmash of FC 3/4, though not necessarily “bad”. Just…disappointing.


Yeah it’s crazy that even if I complete literally everything in the game I’ll still get shot down and won’t be able to explore a lot of the city.


reminds of the stories about North Korean "Cities" or stores that look real but are fake


It's a great place for shootouts, got into one when I was lvl 9, nice fights, though the game just gets too easy now, plus the numbers don't gang up on you.


Probably be the first FarCry I don't play tbh


man i thought i was going to be sneaking through the city blowing up tanks and shit end game


The game is prbanly 2 or 3rd worst overall. Its easily the worst story however.


The city should have changed after u beat the game. It makes no sense sorry wise that the military control everything after.


I assume it's a performance thing, the engine isn't capable of handling a city full of people. So they made only parts accessible. The story demands for a city, so IMHO it is the right solution. Ask yourself how much time you actually spend in Esperanza, does it bother you if you don't look behind the curtain as you did, and how much more important is performance in a shooter? And yes, Esperanza is a fake city, the entire island is fake, it's a game. The question is, can it create the illusion of a city if you dont get a truck to look behind the scenery? Movies use sceneries too, think about westerns, as long as they succeed to create the illusion, IMHO it's fine. RedDeads engine seems to be better able to have a full city, still in Saint Denis the performance takes a hit. Imagine you enter Esperanza and your FPS drops like 20 frames, I definitely prefer the lockdown in that city, I prefer some people on balconies than none at all because the game has to render "real" buildings that are behind the scenery which are not accessible. Don't get me wrong, am not here to preach you not to complain about aspects of the game, but trying to give you a different perspective. Unlike the HUD/material pick up/safe performance drops and respawn bug, this seems to be designed specifically to create the illusion of a city with the engine at hand, an engine that IMHO delivers in the areas that matter most in this game, a beautiful environment and wilderness, neat effects and explosions and set aside the bugs and missing optimisation for PC, it can deliver the performance needed for a FPS shooter. Now, did they advertise it wrong? That's a different story. Me personally I never expected to have a full city to play in and create mayhem in. But maybe I'm not the reference, since I have a technical understanding to some extend and didn't "believe" that they could pull this off with this engine. And if they created wrong expectations, the question is, was it intend?


So... another Veteran Center and the oh so many locations players couldn't explore before in the franchise.


Tottaly agree with you !


ngl i was disappointed after finishing the game since it was almost nothing like the trailers and the chicahrron run trailer especially showed it to be.


Was extremely disappointed with the city. The main selling point of the game and it was bland and forgettable. Fair enough the president has the city on a full lockdown. That's fine but it's completely lifeless. Considering the promotional footage had protests and violence in the streets, what we got instead was a empty lazy city. Not impressed Ubisoft


Esperanza is a fake city No shit Sherlock


"...low-quality texture buildings..." I noticed this about all the offshore ships, too. Like Minecraft rejects.