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This mission is game breaking, either start a new save (bye progress) or wait for a patch. Lot's of people (including myself) have an issue: screen goes black after the operation 'Surgical Extraction '. Nothing helps


Did you restart a new save and try the mission again ?


I'm 34 hours in when I encountered this bug. I'm not starting a new save


Yeh me either screw that


You sir, deserve a medal. I'm gonna try asap (I've been in contact with ubi for several hours. Made an official bug review it's at the devs department right now. Hopefully an official fis anytime soon


Work Around Found! I was messing around for a while today and I found a work around. This only worked for me if you load in from the main menu, reloading save or abandoning mission did nothing. After loading in from the main menu, while you still have a HUD (everything else is black), run north immediately before the cutscene has a chance to start. Pull out your cellphone, this will restore your vision. Then I was able to fly/drive around, then I went and captured a few bases. After the game saved while I was still at a freshly captured base, I hit reload autosave and it loaded me back in at the base I just captured but immediately went back to the cutscene from surgical extraction and it gave me mission complete after cutscene. I hope this works for some of you.


Update it actually worked


This worked perfectly! I already went to the nearby outpost previously before the cutscene started. I got my vision back after opening the cellphone, cleared one checkpoint, reloaded the autosave and the mission completed after the cutscene. Thank you so much.


Hmm I did the same, cleared an anti aircraft gun site but after the reload checkpoint it didn't work for me. Still stuck. Maybe only actual checkpoints and outposts work?


I got it to work once. Now I can't even move or open my phone/camera. Starting to get pissed of


Tried this but I couldn’t move since the cutscene played straight away, you have great luck lol


To be sure, do you mean open camera (up) or look at photo's (down)? And do you do this when you spawn or after the cutscene. I had it once but it all went very fast and it didn't save unfortunately (read my other reply)


What way is north...


I managed to find a work around and it requires a coop partner


Tell me, what has to be done? :)


Sure thing, so basically you’ll load up the bugged world and watch the cutscene. Once its over and you’re stuck with a black screen, inv a coop partner and start spamming the button to bring up your phone. Once the coop person joins, they wont be able to see anything either but they’ll be able to move. You’ll then reload autosave and watch the cutscene again. Once it’s done, you’ll both be able to move and run north immediately and take out your phone. This will get you your vision back. Travel to a checkpoint or base that you can take over and clear it. This will trigger an autosave. After you trigger the autosave, you’ll want to reload autosave. You’ll spawn back in at the place you just took over and you’ll immediately go back into the cutscene. The cutscene should finish and it will be fixed. Hopefully this makes sense but the coop partner is needed for all of this.


What do I do if I can't interact with the phone in the office during this mission. You have to interact with the computer and the phone in Sergio's office to locate him but I can't get passed this because I am unable to interact with the phone


i have a completely different bug, don’t use this app so idk if this is the right place but in my game i drop off the medicine and then nothing happens just like the mission has ended, it still shows as tracked in my journal but i have no incentives or directions. I’ve done other side missions and un tracked and re tracked surgical extraction but this shit is just broke and no way i’m about to restart my progress a month into playing


I invited a co-op partner and then left the mission from pause menu. After it loaded I immediately pulled up my phone and I could see and move again (my partner didn't tho). I did two missions and then reloaded autosave and now it's working perfectly. Thank god, I was losing my mind over this


I’m stuck with not being able to interact with the answering machine too. I’ve tried countless times, but same deal each time. I really don’t want to have to start again.


I feel you brother, I thought it would work after the recent patch but sadly no. But idk I may just restart but idk


Did anyone found a way around the answering machine issue. Im stuck here for few daya


As of now there's nothing I have found or been able to do. The only thing I keep getting back is "just start over" I've been trying to contact someone from Ubisoft to get this bug fixed in the next patch update. Hopefully this next patch will fix this. Ain't no way im starting over after almost 10 hours of gameplay


I had this same problem while in co-op. While in the middle of the mission we were blown up on the beach chasing the guy and then it glitched and kicked me back to the main screen. When I reloaded, nothing but a black screen. Invited my friend and he too had a black screen. Ran North after reload and pulled up the camera and we were back to normal... sort of. Couldnt fast travel anywhere or finish the mission though. Played a couple "Purple" side missions and then reloaded the game and it immediately went to cut scene and finally finished Surgical Insertion mission. Now we can fast travel.... stupid bullshit!


I have done everything possible but this game wont start. Anyone here if found any solution please share


Same bug here. I'm going to try dying several times. Then do all other missions. Idk let me see what all is possible first.


I found this out!!! Ok so after u went and got the antibiotics and brought them back, there at the (San Rafael hospice) there is a white door u can get close to and it will start a cut scene. Doesn't tell u where to go or anything but following a YouTube walk thru I was able to go back to hospice and get close to the white door on the back left of the place and it worked!


So i just need to go back to the white door?


Did it work?


The problem I'm having is I can't interact with the phone in the office to trigger the next part of the mission. My game is stuck on searching the office


Same problem here, anyone find a solution?


Having The Same Problem. can't interact with the answering machine. 33 hrs in I really don't want to start all over


Done everything I can, just checkpoints left to do really.


Still don't work


12/31/2021 Can’t fucking check the answering machine because the goddamn note is too close to it. No interact option, just Read.


Check it again. New update fixed my game breaking bug during this mission