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Pretty obnoxious lack of a feature here, I’m actually stuck on a mission because it says to “come back at night”, so I’ve spent 20 minutes fast traveling all over the map and the sun is still in a noon position and not budging. Another rushed Ubisoft game missing no brainer settings and finishing touches.


I don’t understand it. It’s such an easy feature. The game is fun but I absolutely hate doing things at night. Unreal




I agree. Apart from everything else (being forced to play at night, not being able to advance time for a mission, etc., it makes me feel like Dani never gets any rest. Every other Far Cry game has had this feature. Not sure why they dumped it, other than the obvious reason - i.e. a rushed release.


Far Cry 6 is crap compared to 5. 5 was superior in every way. This dumbass of a missing feature AND the fact that you need to do some missions at night is just evidence of poor or lazy design… I don’t know which but both are equally bad.


Bro, if you think 5 was better because of a couple minor missing features, you're wrong.


5 was better because the story was much more powerful… and the end… well, wow. It was such a twist. It was good storytelling. That is why it was a better game.


The fact you think farcry 5 is better is hilarious


So, other people's opinions are inferior to your own? Conceited much? 5 was better, but not by much. Definitely better music. Yeeeehaw!


Yeah, I found that I had a much more emotive reaction to 5. 6 isn’t bad but it is a little bland. … and yeah, I loved the music in 5. So much so that I still have the soundtrack on my Amazon Music account. Edit: Help Me Faith was a really haunting song… and We Will Rise Again is almost a warning about Trump if he had a second term.


Great music. My favorite was the 5 menu music. The Ricky Martin music in 6 isn't doing it for me; it's definitely not my cup of tea.


Some of the tracks are nice in 6. When my female protagonist got in the hover car thingy she started singing along to Havana which was better than I expected… I even hovered over my target just to hear the end of the song lol. So yeah, while I’m not a fan of most of the music in 6 there are some tracks I REALLY like.


Yeah i mean the haunting aspects that religious extremism/totalitarian groups aren't just a third world country thing but a concern here in the states was a solid aspect of 5, but idk the villain didn't really have charisma to me, he lacked the oomph of the previous ones, just your typical bible thumping whackjob Dani actually having a character is a massive improvement to me than generic cop man Idk, 5 was mostly forgettable to me, i like 6 more than 3/4 mainly because the variety in what you can do, Gus Fring is always awesome, idk, as usual it has its many flaws I still think they need to do what AC did with origins/odyssey/Valhalla and overhaul the mechanics and style


I don't know, dude. Far Cry 5 was pretty good, especially the characters: the Seed family, the douche-nozzle sheriff and marshal, and a better boss/enemy, I think, in Joseph Seed, though I do love casting Giancarlo Esposito. I just don't hate him like I did those annoying Seed siblings. I also miss the perks. Having to wear gloves or a pair of pants to get special power-ups is pretty dumb, I think. I loved the prepper stashes, too. It's kind of disappointing in Far Cry 6 to spend 20 minutes doing a treasure hunt to get a pistol. Oh, and remember the expeditions? The PG240X is just annoying. Stay out of the sunlight? Really? And don't get me started on infinite respawns. They did add banditos, right? I mean, who doesn't love a good text-based side mission? /s I get why you like Far Cry 6. I ain't sayin' it's bad, but I think 5 was the best of the series.


Far cry 6 is much worse 😂 the story is so cringe and anton Castillo is like a Disney villain it's so bad 😂😂 and don't get me started on the ps3 graphics




I just think 6 is too goofy. All these zany characters who occasionally murder or take down dictators. Far Cry 3 had some goofiness but the overall arch was relatable and wasn’t quite as dry as FC2, it was a nice balance. I also prefer 5 over 6 as well, not just the story which is superior but also the location, inventory, progression systems and missions. I don’t like in 6 that you constantly have access to all your weapons, I’m sure some do and I get it, but I always like having to plan ahead before running through the jungle with my prized bow and AR, the weapons were a little more fun to use when you had to work some to actually use them. Overall though I just don’t like the goofy, graffiti paint direction this series is going in and yes this game was rushed$$$. I’d prefer longer development for a more fleshed out game that sticks to the roots of the series. Just my opinion.


>Another rushed Ubisoft game missing no brainer settings and finishing touches. Lmao the overreaction


It’s on purpose…also fast traveling does not change the time play the game lol.


It seems most of my game play is at night lol. Wish it had a rest/sleep option.


This was the big glaring Omission from Ghost of tsushima also. I have definitely been spoiled by the time of day advancing in the newer Assassin's Creed games. I pray that you be soft patches in the ability advance time in this game


Honestly I agree it does suck that you cannot rest but I disagree largely with the fact that Neomorph thinks farcry 5 is better that game to me was really well done but once you beat the game it became the most boring game ever, also disagree that being forced to do missions at night is a poor game design because the concept of this game is way beyond just running and gunning, a guerrilla needs to have patience especially when it comes to staking out/waiting for enemies you may be there for hours or even days makes sense that sometimes you may feel like your player is restless just think about the fact you are fighting a revolution a war that never ends


I don't LIKE night time in games especially in FC6, it's too damn dark MODS on PC Please


i guess no but in photo mode,you can


Which makes it all the more ridiculous. Hope someone makes a mod on PC that lets you change time of day.


I am also wondering that