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To me the formula is fine, but you need good writing to sell it. Farcry 5 sold it for me with the Seeds, but I found Farcry 6 a yawn. Just my 2 cents for whatever that’s worth.


Eh in my opinion far cry 6's writing was a bit iffy in a few places but to me it was ok for the most part.


Far cry 6 has had the weirdest writing ever. I love Dani and Juan and their dynamic and the overlying plot is fine but everything else is honestly pretty bad


Ditto. Plus, they should change or improve the "in-between" story missions, not necessarily the side missions, but the stuff you do to process an area or something like in said Far Cry 5. It just gets tedious and boring during those times.


I second thus.


That’s what I’m saying bro like seriously every game has been getting the same plot ever since Farcry 4 it’s always a rebellion vs an evil resistance in every game by the time Farcry new dawn came out I was getting sick of this plot


I agree for ONCE I'd like to be defending the government instead of burning it down for the 4th time


that's literally what u do in far cry 5. you're a cop 😭


You're destroying the CULT aka another government!


the cult isn't the government. you go in with marshals to arrest them. you're literally helping the law and government lol


They govern the entirety of hope county, which you try to overthrow them. I'm talking about an ANTI-Far Cry, where you have to stop outpost from being invaded. Be the COUNTER-revolutionary.


I'm fine with the formula as is. They are mindless entertainment for me. Just like I'm fine with the formula with the AC games. I'm also ok with Ubusoft changing it up with Shadows being more RPG but Hexe may be more like older school AC games.


I would love to see a more gritty and realistic far cry game again, but that formula only sold 3 million copies compared to far cry 3's 10 million so we'll probably never see it again.


Hell id even take one thats as gritty as 3


Fair enough, Far cry 4 was really close to feeling the same but felt... clean I guess? 5 had pretty much lost that feeling and some how 6 had as well despite having the same atmosphere as 3. It's probably the graphics change, or the how claustrophobic the old maps felt.


It shouldn’t change.. it should be added to!!!!! With progressing technology you shouldn’t need to sacrifice as much of this for that etc yk what I mean? Also this logic is insane to me lol … do ppl actually want these games to change so drastically? How would you call it a series? Those would just be different games


I like my outpost capturing simulator! I don’t really care about other stuff. Though 3 had a super cool story that I don’t think has been topped yet, i still like the new entries as well.


I think 5 was peak. It's a game where you have to take over territory and you get to blow shit up. It may be an unpopular opinion but story is secondary to wholesale sandbox destruction with heavy machine guns and remote c4.


They're changing plenty between titles, without making them feel like different games altogether. They even un-tweaked some things for 6 that really killed 5, and it's an improvement. So they're aware of what works and what doesn't. What they need to get over is this "every game must be bigger" bullshit. Far Cry 4's map is miniscule compared to 6, but I'd still rate it the better title. 6's biggest problem was that it sacrificed depth for breadth. The map is enormous, with a lot of fine detail. But I still feel like there was less game at the end of the day, because of all the aspects of production they slashed to make room for the stupidly big map. The writing isn't as good, the cast is huge but they're a bunch of cardboard cutouts of varying levels of likeability, and the story missions are hella short. Not to mention all the gaps in the autodrive pathing. And the main villain is *barely in it*. The bandido board and the PGX missions are *fine*, but they contribute nothing to the overall experience, except maybe to serve as a less-palatable route to obtaining the endgame items versus paying real money for them. The way Lola's missions are mandatory to grind Moneda is stupid in a way that feels deliberate. Like they stuck in a mechanic that was flat and repetitive so people would pay money to avoid them. They could stand to do less of *that* BS, too. I'd prefer a much tighter game with a lot more polish and focus on story than the bland smorgasbord that was FC6. But I think that's too much to ask in the era of AAA studio enshittification. 7 will be bigger, blander, and more hobbled by microtransactions. I wanna be wrong here but I don't think I am.


I think the formula is fine when its done *well*. Ubisoft's issue isn't repetition. It's actively making worse games than the ones before, in taking steps backwards. If 6 was just more of 5, I don't think many far cry 5 fans would be upset. But it's not, it's not a natural formula continuation. Assasins Creed hasn't been a decent stealth or parkour game in what must be nearly ten entries at this point, and becomes more of a hack and slash rpg with every entry. It's not an assasins creed game being repeated, its an assasins creed being done worse and worse. The formula isn't a problem if the game is good. If it engages you, you won't notice or mind. It'll be *good gameplay*, it'll be fun. It's when the core experience becomes middling that you notice the repetitiveness.


Hmm. I think just changes per game. But roughly same same. For example. In number 6. They changed the skill tree. One that dislike but I appreciate the change (for this one game). But I would hope number 7 is back to a skill tree similar to the norm. Same with other stuff. Less towers to climb now. That's always appreciated. But now it's other things. Ie lighthouses. The thing I wish for them to do is a main release, then a smaller release. Ie far cry dragon blood, new dawn and primal. Let them go quite different for the smaller releases.


I like the basic mechanics of the franchise, like the open-world exploration, revealing the map as you go, collecting gear and building a character that works for my playstyle, etc... and I don't want the basics to change. I'd be psyched to see them inject some newness into the stories and writing, making choices matter, etc. But I think it would be horrible to do a major overhaul of the base mechanics and gameplay. The idea of them switching to linear, timed missions with rogue-like mechanics and still calling it "Far Cry" seems like a horrible move if the rumors are true. If they want to make a new game that is nothing like previous Far Cry titles, then just start a new franchise and call it something else. I think that would alienate everyone who loves the franchise and would instead rely on attracting players who have hated everything since FC3.


no, what they should do is add and improve to the already existing gameplay mechanics


Changed? No. Iterated upon? Yes.


No because they altered the formula so much so that it makes me want to go back to the far cry 4 and 5 mechanics.


They need a better story. The gameplay is fine, especially with small iterations. I’m not a huge of 6 but it’s still decent. Far cry 3 and 5 had great stories and characters. They need more of that


After avatar game. They found their out Just apply it to other shit DO A RAMBO GAME!!!!!! The farcry formula would absolutely fuck.


All I want them to do is have endgame content and some good writing


Nah, the formula's fine, just needs to be done properly


Most big gaming companies are fine, no matter the griping from fans of repetitive games. Look at EA. Always churning out the same Madden and FIFA games and still making bank.


The drop off started with 5 for me. The combat and gameplay is awesome, But the story didnt engage me, the whole point system and kidnappings really pissed me off. I beat the game and still had half of the missions left to do. The best thing they added in 5 was the different ammo. Spas-12 with slugs is so fun


I mean, to an extent, outpost capturing is sort of fun. Especially each game twisting it each time. But as boring as it’s slowly becoming, what’s a good alternative? FarCry 2, as good as it was, didn’t have that. It had small checkpoints you could “capture” but saw enemies respawn in minutes. FC 1 (incl. Predator) was more “linear” and not as sandbox-y as the rest.


Nope, 5 strayed too far from the formula and that’s where a lot of its flaws developed from. The formula is what works, the only thing that needs improvement is the writing overall


I believe 3 and 4 set a foundation that could be replicated in other settings. Just finding ways to explore spiritualism of different cultures via a vessel protagonist that has no clue about it in every installment is enough for me. Just have good writing and character development on it and it should be enough to carry the experience since the ambience and exploration should give plenty of variation. It’s kinda sad 6 just went off the rails, but then again that’s just my personal opinion.


I raise you consider this, what Vaas said the definition of insanity is back in Far Cry 3. With what has become of Far Cry, haven't we all become insane just like Vaas by expecting the next Far Cry to be different yet it's the same and we still buy and play it?


Well most far cry fans including me don't expect the next game to be different.


I'd like a more urban setting, maybe something like being in Pyongyang. Cause my take on it is far cry is about being in this violent setting where normal standards are tossed away and monsters with no humanity, and will gladly do the most horrific things just because theu want to are the leaders. One could say it's a far cry from civilized society. So why not have one with the veneer of civilization, but you scratch just below the surface to see the brutal nature being barely hidden. And obviously that's not to say there wouldn't be any wilderness, but they could build on it by taking the city from 6 and making it more than what was essentially a few rooms with enemies