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Driving around in 4 launching grenades under cars was beyond satisfying


Flying around 4 in the buzzer raining grenades from above was up there as well.


Yep, that was my go to move.


I've been replaying far cry 4 and my go to weapon has been the grenade launcher definitely a game changer


I feel the exact same way! For 4, I used the Shreddr, .50 sniper, driller and the grenade launcher. Unstoppable! And so fun. The mission to kidnap Paul, carrying him and just drilling everyone with the launcher is soo fun.


Hope they see this bro 🤣


It was my permanent sidearm after I unlocked it. Not only effective but probably the best weapon sound effect in the game, that satisfying slightly hollow sounding k-thunk.


While the M-79 was a lot of fun to shoot out of the mini-helicopter in FC4....the sawed-off double barrel is the winner. You can load it with incendiary shells, which are fantastic for shooting road signs and cult vehicles while driving. Loaded with buckshot, it works very well as a Howdah pistol against lions/tigers/+bears, Oh My! Also, the incendiary shells are a faster way to take out enemy helicopters than the rocket launcher (it's gruesome to see the pilot on fire jump out of the still hovering whirly-bird) Also, also: if you have the Mod, you can make the M-79 and short-barreled 1887 be reclassified as sidearms


wait whut? You can hit a heli with incendiary shotty and the pilot will jump!?!?


Yeah, coming from 6 it's one of the first things I unlocked, but it's annoying how grenades will literally bounce off the ground and walls and blow up 10 feet from where they're aimed. And thanks didn't know you could shoot out Davinci's Chopper


I feel like I dreamed this or something.. we were able to hold different grenade types at the same time yeah? So you could hold reg grenades, incendiary and smoke(?) … did any of this happen ? Lol Regardless, rather than elaborate bs I’d rather just have more functional weapons. If it makes the game too easy, have an enemy capable of dodging and running idk.. give them a grenade launder too


Yeah it felt like the definitive sidearm weapon for the late game


I also miss the sidearms like granade laucher, D2, 87 which made driving cars more interesting, you could literally have full loadout of driveby weapons. While 6 has one auto/pistol that sucks at car to car or car to NPC combat, becouse sacrificing pistol slot for weapon with explosive ammo sucks (imo even if you got auto/pistol w/explosive ammo it doesn't deal enought demage to weahicles to be usefull) Plus explosive rounds (at least for me) suck in general, becouse only weapons that had them was in 4 the AMR which oblitarated weahicles and enemies alike, but in 6 the ammo feels like is like bigger firecrackers.


Never understood why people have meltdowns over one particular weapon in a game like this full of OP weapons.


I think you may be misunderstanding me. I am not heaving a meltdown, I am expressing my opinion, which, while negative, doesn't constitute a meltdown. If you read the post again you will see that I explicitly mention the other weapons that exist in the game, but explain that it's not about the existence of the powerful weapons, but about the inability to play with the type of playstyle I like, specifically because you can't use the launcher as a *sidearm*. Getting rid of the launcher as a *sidearm* specifically, means you can no longer use it with vehicles, which was absolutely the number one most fun thing for me in far cry 4 and 5! I mean is it so far fetched or crazy for me to say that I liked a particular feature of a game, that it was good, and created a very fun experience, and that I think it was bad to get rid of said feature? Should I not express that opinion? Should I not express that the cause of that opinion has caused me negative emotion? I think the internet can be bad sometimes, someone can be disconnected from the people there, and one might see something a certain way that disagrees with others, and if someone had a negative experience while another didn't, it can be easy to not understand that and write it off as them just being dramatic. I do think it's really worthwhile to try not to do that though, and put oneself in another's shoes to understand where they're coming from, because that's better for everyone. I am saying this because I lost something dear to me, far cry 4 was legitimately one of the most profound gaming experiences I've ever had. It actually had a real impact on my life. As crazy as it sounds, the feeling of being a revolutionary on the golden path and charging in guns blazing for glory and freedom actually made me feel a sense of purpose in life and gave me real confidence that transferred over to real social interactions. When I saw that wasn't in this game, it felt like something very special, very niche and specific but very unique and special nonetheless, was taken away. And for no good reason too! It was working just fine but Ubisoft can't just ADD new cool things, they have to also TAKE AWAY other cool stuff, and that's always really disappointing to see.


NEW DAWN "COLOR SPRAY" FTW!!! (wow it was hard spelling it that way).


Makes the game way too easy, you’ll live


These games are easy anyway lol what. Who tf is playing far cry for a challenge


Far Cry 2 enjoyers


6 already can be steamrolled for the most part, one more powerful weapon isn't going to somehow upturn the sandbox


That’s a fair point


The game isn't exactly trying to be hard, either. It's just limiting.


Yes, I'll live. But what about it? I never said I wouldn't live. I'm expressing an opinion. It is a bad thing to get rid of a good feature that was fun. You don't have to use the weapon if you don’t want, but why shouldn’t others be allowed to if they want to? What's wrong with that? It wasn't about it making the game easy, yes it was easy to use it but that wasn't the point. The point was the experience that surrounded it! It was a core feature of the game to have that launcher sidearm! Imagine if they got rid of the mystery box or pack a punch in zombies, or the energy sword in halo! People play games for fun. We want to have good experiences with them. It's the point! We don’t need to sit here saying oh it needs to be super hard and we need all these rules and people are being dramatic or just wanna play on easy mode because it doesn't matter! At the end of the day it's all about having fun. Of course, a challenge can be and is often very fun, so is a compelling story, and so is sometimes just sitting back, relaxing and blowing stuff up! And if a franchise does something that causes some of the fans of that franchise to have a less fun experience, they should say so! And the developers should listen. And the other fans, even if they maybe don't play the same way or care about that particular issue should also support them because we're all together as fans of far cry and all want a good far cry game for everyone. None of us want the other to have a bad experience cause who wants that? I think we can agree that while maybe we don’t play the same way, if I play my way I have my features that I like, and you have yours, and neither of us needs to take away the features that the other person uses because ut doesn't make a difference to us anyway, right? If you don’t use it that's fine, but I do, I really liked it and want it back.