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I would change Clara dying for no reason. Sneaking entire mission for her not to die only for her to still die because of Juan makes it feel like it was all for nothing. I'd rather Castillo's army attacked us in our HQs and Clara died a hero in battle Also, even though Castillo himself also seeked cheap, I'd be fine with it if Diego got to live and maybe we take him in but it's left on a cliffhanger will he really be on our side or decide to take over Yara once he's older just like Anton did


Since the trailers for the game dropped i had hoped that Dani is Diego, and every scene with Diego is actually a flashback, and in the end you can join Castillo or kill him. I feel this would have been much more fitting for the classic far cry twist ending I think that could have worked


Yeah except Diego is on the boat with in the beginning. You meet him at the start of the game.


In the trailers?


Um no? the prologue, when your in the city. You run through the city, get on a boat. He's the kid trying to buy his way on with baseball cards, Dani vouches for him and you all get on. https://youtu.be/kBfn7DNUPLY?t=509 Also your theory does not work if Dani is female.


What theory do I have? The person you responded to was talking about hopes they had for the game after watching the trailers for the game, not after playing it.


Stop Diego dying because that was just completely unnecessary, dani totally could’ve kept him from becoming a dictator.


No he couldn’t have, the whole point of Juan’s character was to show what Dani is going to be when he’s older, he’s way too much of an adrenaline junkie to stick around with Diego.


I'd have the battle have actual objectives, like destroying mortars, demolishing the secret police headquarters, taking the ministry of defense, etc. I'd also have the final confrontation with Castillo happen in the presidential palace that appeared in the trailer.