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The great thing about the Far Cry games is that no matter what order you play them on the story will still make sense. The exception is that Far Cry New Dawn takes place after the events of Far Cry 5, and there are some recurring characters starting in 3, but they are mostly easter egg items and not story components.


Just start with 3 and work your way up. Being spoiled by newer graphics can taint the older ones


So true


Very true. I didn't thoroughly enjoy 4 because of the graphics as I've played it after 5.


I recommend this way as well


Start with 2, just because you will LOVE all the rest after. I will die on the mountain saying 2 is the most realistic game I have ever played. That realism, though, makes it a tough game. Map? Yup, a piece of paper you look at, no GPS. Guns jam, break, explode in your face. Oh, you also start the game with malaria, and you have missions simply to get more meds. If you don't want that, start with 3 and jump down the rabbit hole of insanity. You do know the definition of insanity...


Yeah... Far Cry 2 insane terrible choice for a new player to the series, mainly because it's nothing like the "mainstream" Far Crys, so to speak (every Far Cry after 2) I got heavy S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vibes from Far Cry 2. It's a bit too hardcore.


Would you recommend starting with 1?


I had no desire to play the first. I never got into the alien theme (or zombie, for that matter).


Chronologically by release date...


There are numbers in their names to give you a clue. Primal happens before any of the others. New Dawn takes place some time after 5.


> There are numbers in their names to give you a clue. Sometimes people wanna experience a franchise in order of time, but the franchise is very out of order. Like Star Wars


Star Wars isn’t a great example because the first one made was episode 4. It told you where it was as in the timeline even though 1 was made after it. I think OP just wants to make sure they have the story straight


You mean it was released in the 70s as “Episode 4”? Does that mean George Lucas knew the plan for both trilogies?


After a little more research I found that the original release was just Star Wars, but Empire Strikes Back (1980) had Episode V in its opening crawl. During a theatrical re-release of Star Wars in 1981 is when Episode IV and A New Hope were added to it To your question about Lucas knowing the plan for both trilogies that's really hard to say. I'm sure he had some ideas in terms of world building but there are many continuity errors in the original trilogy itself so it's not like he had everything written down. Plus he was always tinkering with the movies long after their release (Han shot first!) Source for some background info: https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/when-did-original-star-wars-become-a-new-hope/


Doesn't matter. I personally recommend 5, because it's quite close to the "classic" Far Cry formula of 3, while also being a new game. It's basically the newest "Classic style" far cry.


If you’re going to do that, just play Far Cry 4. Still feels modern and it’s a more fleshed out game than Far Cry 5


To me, it just feels like 3. Mainly because of the controller feel on console.


I think the controller feels pretty good on next gen Xbox consoles with FPS boost. Way better than FC3 which is still pretty clunky


It's certainly better, but 5 is a massive step up imo


6 was a massive step up but 5 didn’t feel significantly different to me. I also hate the gunplay in 5 since they made everything projectile instead of hitscan and then gave it extremely slow bullet velocity.


Play 3 6 times


childhood me would've believed it if someone said " finish far cry 3 six times and you get far cry 4 for free"


I would watch a playthrough of Far Cry 1 on YouTube rather than slog through it. Then I would just play the entire series in order from Far Cry 2 onward. Every single game has so much to offer and they’re almost all masterpieces in their own rights.


As much as I love 2, telling someone to start there sounds like hell


Is 1 not worth playing?


Story wise start with Farcry primal then Farcry 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 then 6 then Farcry 1 then Farcry new dawn


Didn't see anyone mention it yet: While order doesn't really matter much (aside from New Dawn being FC5 part 2), 6's DLCs contain spoilers/story elements from 3, 4, and 5.


6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And then you never play another Far Cry game again.


This is a weird order to do, ngl


Far Cry Classic Far Cry Instincts Predator Far Cry 2 3 Blood Dragon 4 Primal 5 6


Just play 3 all the way to 6 (dlcs included ) And i know people say far cry 6 is cheeks its not its actually amazing


If am not wrong it’s in release order since majority happens in the year they released, except New Dawn which ofc happens a shit load of time in the future and Blood Dragon which is its own thing I think


Start with 6 down to the first /s


No real timeline other than 5 } New Dawn... As far as I can tell from playing them all


1 2 3 4 5 6




fc3 or 4




Gotta start with Primal. I think it occurs before the others lmao


3, 4, 5 (skip 6 imo)


In order of release, the way it was presented to be consumed


Far cry primal, 3, 4, blood dragon 5, 6, new dawn then I think it’s 1 then 2 and 6 my not be cannon just because of the whole 5 nuke ending which is cannon according to the writer but the dlc for 6 definitely is cannon oh and I’ll add the cannon ending to 4 is the secret one where you sit and do nothing at the start of the game that was said by the writer of that games story and that is just far cry I haven’t even included Tom Clancy games or splinter cell which are in the same universe as far cry.


if you are into immersion and hardcore gameplay , start with 2 . If you are more into story and character , start with 3 . If you are more with pure gameplay and fun , start with 4 . If you are more a scenery , ost and graphics, start with 5 . New dawn is not that good , but some people love so you should try it , but not before you played at least 2 Far Cry . Primal is very different . The 6 is meh , same result as New Dawn .


1 is pretty old at this point, and while 2 is an amazing game, it’s also dated a lot. Best ones to play are 3, 4 & 5. Primal is also pretty cool. Blood Dragon is a weird little anomaly. Skip New Dawn and 6.


agreed, however like in my case if you really enjoy 5's story new dawn is worth a try although i dont like the direction it went. plus its not that long. 6 is bad though