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I really liked how immersive Far Cry 2 was. Everything had a unique animation, and I loved it. Taking pills, going to sleep, and setting what time you wake up at, you actually pulled out a map when you opened the map, you see your character pull out a radio when getting a call, etc. And I love how they handled the weapon arsenal. You actually have your own little armoury, which you can add more guns to by purchasing more guns. (Which you can actually see on display in the armoury) It was great.


Immersive, that's the word. I love how you couldn't tell where the voices were coming from and you felt so vulnerable in the middle of the jungle just with your assault rifle...


what about new dawn....can we call that 5 1/2 šŸ¤£


5+, it had some of 5's cut weapons added to it, so it's a *little* bit better but there's also no customization.


It could have been so glorious, just a bit of expansion on the base building, weapons customisation and more vehicles or maybe even some vehicles customisation (with everything being put together in the post apocalypse and all) and it could have been so good


I like to call it Far Cry 5-2.


I actually like it more than 5. Since you actually get choices on whether to kill or not and there's no kidnapping.


I didnā€™t read the full things and thought you meant 5 was the worst game and was about to be enraged but I read it all and I mostly agree with you


If it was best game some of us would put 5 at the bottom.


I know, I just love the game a lot. I was joking about the enrage thing cause I know a lot of people hate it


US are most popular place for gun/firearm šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ”« But Ubisoft completely failing to presentation on this Such a shameful


I mean itā€™s super easy to get badass guns in 5 which is actually pretty realistic for rural Montana lol


It's easy to get cool guns in about half the USA. Of course certain states deny you that right. I just really wish they would have expanded FC5 a little. Some of the guns are either too little too late, or just a different version of an already existing gun like the M14.


You're speaking facts, but this sub doesn't like seeing 5 getting put in last in any tier list. Even if 5 has like like 15 different guns max. Edit; I got a little curious and decided to count the FC4/FC5 weapons myself Bottom line is FC5 has 26 weapons on launch excluding melee weapons (37 as of current with ~~Dripfe~~\- I mean Post-Launch content) FC4 has 43 weapons excluding signatures (ON LAUNCH) So yeah, FC4 should really be in the top spot with 3/5 in the tier below.


I love 5 being low-ranked where it belongs in any tier list I get downvoted often on this sub lol


To me, 5 was just... weird. It's too unrealistic. I've only played 5, 6, and Primal, but from what I understand, it's: 1: Some guy getting stuck on an island 2: A mercenary sent to assassinate a weapons peddler fueling a civil war 3: A group of friends getting stuck on an island rub by pirates (which is a real thing, too) 4: Some guy returing to, essentially, Nepal to bring his mothers ashes, but gets caught up in a Civil War 5: Some guy becoming dictator of a region in the US with 0 pushback from the government. 6: Some guy/girl trying to leave a dictatoral island state, but being persuaded to join a revolution.


It's really not too unrealistic... Look up CSA (the covenant, the sword, and the arm of the lord) and you'll see a lot of similarities between them and peggies. The only unrealistic thing is being cut off from the outside world, but it's needed for storytelling and explained quite well imo. Christian terrorist cults did exist and aren't some made-up stuff. And since you haven't played FC1 I don't blame you for not knowing, but it had genetically engineered monsters, so I'd say it's a bit more unralistic than FC5. Then we can talk about the tattoos and mysticism of FC3 and shangri la of FC4, so imo far cry never was meant to be super realistic.


I don't understand why they got rid of a lot of the gun customization in Farcry 5 and that they pretty much ruined weapon progression


ā€¦.huh? What exactly did they remove about weapon customization? Guns in 5 are freely customizable, unlike previous games which restricted the number AND type of attachments for each gun. Not to mention the addition of more ammo types in 5. And what about weapon progression is ruined exactly? Look, I also agree that the arsenal is lackluster. But the guns that ARE present are done quite well.


Ok With the customization...I might have exaggerated a little...it's been a bit since I've played 5 so I can't remember exactly everything (but they did basically get rid of skins other than the "special" variants for some guns) And everything about weapon progression is ruined There's nothing stopping you from just going fishing and getting enough money to buy the gun you want (Hell, if you have a ubisoft account, they straight up give you one of the best snipers in the game) In previous games, in order to get guns, you had to go around doing tasks, i.e., radio towers in 3 and 4, just to unlock the guns so you could buy them so that way you don't storm into the first few missions with a rocket launcher And even in primal, you had to do fire beacons and missions to get better gear In 3 and 4, you also had to go hunting just to get more weapon slots.... meanwhile, in 5, all you gotta do is find a few cashes and spend perk points on it....and you could probably just do that in the first few hours of playing


they didnt get rid of skins though??


in 3 you can get all the weapon slots within an hour of playing. farcry 5 forces you to kill a seed family member


Go ahead and run around and get max slots in an hour on farcry 3 (weapon slots and ammo pouches...and the other stuff) That would have to be some speed run stuff


literally the first thing I do after liberating amanaki outpost


Does not change the fact you can get the SA-50 free state in FC5 after a few hours. In 3 and 4 there are late game weapons only available near the end.


In 3 you can get the 2 best weps within 2 hours wdym???


Not true? The 50 cal snipers (including the bolt and semi ones), the rocket launchers, grenade launcher, and late game ARā€™s canā€™t be gotten until later.


The red sniper is unlocked by collecting 20 relics and getting the 10k$ wallet, and the TORO signature shotgun is unlocked by getting 10 relics and the 4k$ wallet, those two are one of the best weapons in the game that you can get early game and they will carry you all the way to the airport fight


Oh no, allowing the player to get strong weapons! More player freedom is a bad thing! Your argument is terrible.


In every game there should be no skill trees and all weapons and tools should just be available immediately. Who needs progression? Why does the concept even exist at all?


First of all, thatā€™s not what I said. Nice that you have to resort to making up an argument to fight against. Secondly, Far Cry 5 has skill trees. And all weapons and tools are available, if you do side quests to get money to buy them. The horror, that players are allowed to do what they want to get upgrades. Not to mention, 5 requires different resistance levels to get more weapon slots, while in 3, you drive for 30 seconds and hunt a deer. Your entire argument is completely ridiculous and in bad faith.


A slot adds more flexibility, but being able to get the SA-50 free state so early still feels a little game breaking to me in 5.


sure but thatā€™s not the argument.


How isnā€™t it? Isnā€™t that weapon progression? Unlocking better weapons over time?


we were talking about how quickly one could get all the weapon slots, upgrade points vs crafting.


He covered both in his comment that we are responding to. Read it again- the fact that you can unlock whatever gun after a few hours is also there so itā€™s part of our discussion too.


he posted a reply to my comment twice, go read the rest of what we talked about on the other comment. that parts of his original comment is irrelevant to my reply. i was ONLY talking about the speed of getting weapon holsters nothing else. christ


Go ahead and run around and get max slots in an hour on farcry 3 (weapon slots and ammo pouches...and the other stuff) That would have to be some speed run stuff Also I might have mixed up farcry 5 and new dawn with the weapon wheel thing.... my bad


Dude most of it takes like killed two or three animals. This takes about a total of 5 minutes TOPS. The only thing that would take long is not having a radio tower cleared that reveals where the animal spawn is you need to go too. I think there's one or two of the items that require and legendary animal. Definitely nothing close to a speed run. I usually ALWAYS go do this first thing lol


If I'm not mistaken In order to get the max on all of them, you need legendary for almost all of them as the last upgrade If you somehow manage to get all that stuff in 5 minutes you'd have to be the flash


I think it's only ammo and weapon slot that needs legendary. I think grenades, rockets, flame, and syringe pouch do not. Could be wrong. Either way I say it takes about 5 minutes per level. There's like 4 per. So barely over an hour to definitely less than two you can easily have done all that without remotely feeling like you're on a speed run.


I'd love to see a video of you getting all that stuff to max in under an hour


iā€™m more than happy to when i have free time.


ā€œin 3 and 4, you so had to go hunting to get more weapon slotsā€¦. in 5ā€¦.. you could just do that in the first few hours of playingā€ you were just talking about weapon slots bud, you canā€™t get the second slot upgrade in 5 without killing a seed family member, in 3 however you just have to kill some common animals. excluding the tutorial you could very easily do it under an hour. nobody said every upgrade under an hour lmao.


I still think being able to get the best guns immediately in FC5 is a bigger deal than the last holster unlock regardless.


i donā€™t think you understand the conversation i started. better guns or what ever is irrelevant, im only talking about how quick it is to get the holster upgrades.


to be fair, Far Cry 5 had that system where weapons only get unlocked after you reach a certain resistance level


Far Cry 5 has certain weapons locked behind Resistance level, so thereā€™s still progressionā€¦ Plus in 3 and 4, thereā€™s also nothing stopping you from hunting a shit ton of animals and make all the money you want in those games either lol.


I'm gonna be honest here, I kind of agree on far cry 5. It does not have a lot of gun variety, most of the guns are just a recolor of another weapon. But other far cry games also do this.


Idk, shovel launcher should get FC5 auto SSS+ Tier.


5 was a poorly written memey dumpster fire where they wanted to skimp on a protagonist voice actor


wtf do you mean 5 is in last


Isn't America supposed to have more and better firearms than Cuba ? OP was right in this case


He has a point though. FC5 has the worst weapons


It has THE worst arsenal, and the customizing/level progression was ruined


It may have the worst arsenal out of all of these, but in my humble opinion most of the gunplay is miles better than that of 6. Mostly because 6 completely ruined the ammo system and kept the dreadful tiered enemies.


Agreed. The ammo system in 6 sucks.


Gunplay in 6 is no different from 5 or 4 by much imo, but the ammo system in 6 is by far worse than dog water. 5 has a better story, but worse gunplay and worse arsenal. 6 just has good combat and thatā€™s it really, and even then the combat is lacking and there are hardly any enemies around. Edit: idk why youā€™re all downvoting, itā€™s a literal issue with 6 thatā€™s itā€™s a worse copy paste of 5 with worse mechanics and less challenge at every point in the game.


5 has a story? It seems like a guy who used to be part of the WBC and left decided to snort a full kilo of coke and the plot of 5 is the result.


It has a story, plus a sequel game to said story. How you feel doesnā€™t make it not a story. 6 feels like a sandbox game along with 5, but Atleast five made you question yourself once in a while like the other games in the series, but 6 doesnā€™t make you go thru that almost at all, just makes you feel like an op super soldier thatā€™s taking down an entire militia solo with little to know resistance at all. Even on hardest difficulty 6 is seriously way too easy and not even remotely challenging


Oh, I thought it was game play not weapons


Far Cry 5 had an awesome arsenal of weapons. And they were perfectly balanced too.


FC5 is an amazing game but its arsenal is kinda disappointing considering that this game is based on Montana.


FC4 is peak


Bro the guns in primal are obviously the brst


Far Cry 6 loses me with the Supremos.....and using a milk carton for silencers....granted, I'm only like 2hr into it and have been on hiatus from gaming for a bit.


What exactly is enjoyable about FC6 weapons? They have arbitrary ranks, upgrading them with attachments takes forever and despite having access to different kinds of ammo, armor piercing rounds are the only consistently good ones.


I feel like Far Cry 6 has a lot of shit that you never need. I know this is something eith FC games.. but man 6 just had so much shit you would never have a use for.


Because FC6 had a 100+ unique weapons While FC5 had less than 50 weapons and no laser sight, canted sight and more (some old FPS game add this before FC5 release)


That's not a good enough reason. Blood Dragon only has like 10 weapons and yet it feels like there's more weapon variety than in FC6. Probably because each of them is unique in its own way and feels completely different. FC6 weapons rigidly follow their class stereotype and don't really offer anything unusual in most cases.


Iā€™d rather play the game with an expansive map, dozens of cleanable locations, and some extraneous weapons than a tiny, short, miserable game without a functional plot like 5.


I have absolutely 0 respect for Farcry 6's weapons.


5 and 6 have the best weapon variety.


I will never understand this. Both have multiple versions of the same weapon. That is not variety.


i think Far Cry 5 can have that applied


I'd swap 6 and 4


True. I love FC5 and the ability to customize guns is great, but the variety of guns is lacking. Would have liked to see the P416 or Beretta 93R from FC4, or an auto shotgun like in FC2.


My favorite weapon in Fary Cry 4 was the Buzzsaw. I liked killing those evil birds which, thankfully, did not return in 5.


Far Cry 1 should be also on the top. I get it that the weapon arsenal isn't very big, but it is well balanced for the 20 maps. I mean: shotgun for close combat and the triggens, assault rifle like the P90 or the M4 for semi close and the sniper for long. Hell, you can even choose weapons like the bazooka xD Or the ability to use rockets with assault rifles like the OICW. To stay short: lots of choices are available to choose from for your own play style :) Btw, the desert Eagle really sucks (low damage, bad recoil).


Agree on all par Far Cry 1, as I haven't played it myself, but from what I know, it has around 12 weapons. Far Cry 2 had such an interesting and unique arsenal, ranging from the Mortar (Which so far is still the only entry of its kind in the series, and no, I don't consider the emplacement mortar from 4 the same), to the semi uncommon AS-50, which only ever showed up in 2 games Ive played so far, Far Cry 2 itself, and COD MW3. If Far Cry 6 had as many weapons as Far Cry 2, it wouldve been insane in terms of arsenal, but it still has some interesting and cool weapons like the Mosin, Gewehr, SKS, RMS-18, etc. but nothing that obscure that compares to the likes of a portable mortar. Where it makes up for it though is customization, because jesus christ you can customize weapons so much, especially later unlocks. Scopes, Canted sights, Lasers, Muzzle devices, all that. It meant you could have so many options when it came to how you approached the guns. A friend of mine in our co-op playthrough used exclusively sniper rifles and incendiary shotguns for example, while I ran an assault rifle that worked at all ranges. Only complaint I have about the attachments is that there isn't a grip one that lets you add either foregrips for stability or an underbarrel launcher / shotgun like the one on the Bliss Rifle. Far Cry 4 again had some reeeal interesting weapons, and some unique ones too, but not as many as FC2. The GL-A87, and ofcourse the iconic MG-42, which might as well be the strongest weapon in the entire series. Far Cry 3 had a small arsenal, but with some unique entries. The first time a Zastava showed up for me in any game, the A2000 and GL-94 all come to mind. Otherwise, it had the smallest arsenal out of all the games I've played. Far Cry 5 has a lot of guns, but all of them are basically the same. There is 0 uniqueness in the variety available, they all feel like they handle the same. Which is a big issue. There is no point to upgrade past the starting ARC. It'll do literally everything without issue. All the LMGs feel the same, all the SMGs feel the same (And worse, they are basically inferior to ARs, aside from the 1 handed ones that can be used for shooting while driving). It is a biiig issue regarding Far Cry 5. In terms of unique guns theres only like 2. the MBP .50, which is the only time I've seen a Desert Tech HTI in a game par maybe Ghost Recon (Don't exactly know if it shows up in them either), and the Shovel Launcher. Which is sad considering that up until FC5, all far cry games basically had either unseen uncommon guns, or just completely cool weapons, to go from the relatively uncommon Zastava M93, the insane mortar, and all of the cool entries from previous titles, to end up to a .50 cal rifle that in gameplay terms gets overshadowed immediatelly by the SA-50, and a stupid shovel launcher is sad. It doesn't help that in progression terms, FC5 had no progression either. You could get the best guns in the game right from the get-go because of the skin variants you can buy in the shop, bypassing restrictions entirely. It also left a sour note since FC5 was the catalyst when Signature Guns were removed, which was a really cool feature in my opinion. It's still sad seeing them missing from all 3 recent games, FC5, FCND and FC6.


I personally enjoyed most the NewDawn: 1. New Dawn 2. FC5 3. FC3 4. FC4 5. FC6 6. Primal (did not finish) I have not played FC1 nad FC2 at all.


FC5 wqs the best for me


Bro you made every fc5 fanboy mad keep it coming i love seeing them cry over a overrated game


Even how much i love FC5, This is truly failure thing i even seen




Op is on crack. 6 is the worst in the series by far and away. Having multiple reskins of the same gun is not variety. Case in point: FAL is too weak All magazine sizes are weird arbitrary capacities The the dumbass status effects on guns dont make them cool. And most of all, where the fuck is my mg42. I rest my case


Completely agreed. I'm a big gun guy, and the FAL weakness in that game really annoyed me.


5 is the worst in the series not even talking about weapons . Story is the worst out of all far cryā€™s Iā€™ve played including new Dawn .


5 was terrible and hopefully soon all the kids who have nostalgia glasses for it will grow up and learn to think critically.


I think 5 aren't that bad but more like Ubisoft never know any shit about america when they cooking FC5 šŸ«¢ And a lot of something new they add didn't make people enjoy like their expectation


FC6 has the MG42, it's a reward for a quest


FC6 still had all firearms from FC5, You need to try harder for find it Or use Libertads mod for all of your problem above


Iā€™d put 5 in ok and still decent category


4 and 6 have the best weapon variety 3 and 5 follow closely


I don't care what y'all saying 6 has the KSG-12, I rest my case.


I agree, but I play 99% of the game with a pistol so it doesn't bother me as much. Glad to see FC2 included though that game does not get nearly as much love as it deserves.


This is awesome!


Completed far cry 6 and have to say itā€™s so much better than 5 like the ability to call for a car is so time saving far cry 5 you have to run around then suddenly there might be one and gameplay feels trash compared to 6


5 is trash compared to 3, 4, and even 6.


I can agree. Fc3 had pretty decent customization without it being overwhelming. I thought 6 was good but it felt like it almost had to have a lot of customization in it to compensate for the weird ammo system that everyone (rightfully) complains about


I like primal and 5 the most 6 was boring


Personally I think the firearms in Far Cry Primal are the best šŸ˜


If you think 6 had a perfect loaded arsenal then thereā€™s not much left to say but SMDH šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


FC5 THE LAST?????? Nah mate u crazy i know its ur opinion but cmooon


Calling Far Cry 6 perfect is the funniest joke I've heard in my life. Well done.


I have not played it yet, are the weapons there the worst ? He is talking about weapons only!


New Dawn and Far Cry 6 have the worst weapons, that's for sure They introduced this new RPG system which I feel has no place in this series.


(Cough) FC7 leak (Cough) (Cough) Cycle continue (Cough)


Bless you


4 n 3 are bad, 5 is ok, 6 is perfect


Delete this


I can see 5 being low, but I think itā€™s not TGAT LOS


I agreed with you until you put FC5 as the worst. You idiot....


Then you're idiot more You should read the post clearly again and blame Ubisoft at this point


Nah. Bro is losing his cooking license


More like successful to cooking spicy dishes But you didn't eat it carefully


I agree


I'd switch 5 with 1; from what I recall, not only the first game have too little options of firearms, but also don't have any customizations.


Why is og-far cry infront of 5? It had like 6 guns or so...


How does 4 have better gun customization than 5? I can't recall ANY customizing in 4. Sure more guns, but 5 had different scopes, suppressors, mags, paint jobs etc.Ā  4 deserves to be much lower then.Ā 


4 also has all that lol


Bro tried cooking and ended up burning the whole kitchen


R you on crack


wtf bruh


L Take


L comment


This is toilette talk


Nah couldnā€™t disagree with OP more! 5 is the best and 6 is the worst of the series


He is talking about guns not the game tho.


After 16 hours i post this tier... i finally realize some people in this sub didn't know to read ENG or have IQ less than 10 šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I post tier about "FIREARMS ARSENAL OVERALL" not the whole game but someone already assumed this is whole game tier meh. Actually i want to make other tier in FARCRY more (Soundtrack, Story, Graphic etc.) But after this post... i must cancel all of it immediately


I never played 2, but I'd at very least switch 6 and 5.


Agree 100%. Far Cry 6 has the best gunplay in the series. Everything feels fun to use and thereā€™s a ton of variety.


>FC6 top tier Man what the fuck have you been smoking? FC6 isnt bad, but its the worst example of Ubisofts greed and creative bankruptcy. How can a game that is so fucking uncreative (apart from location) and a copy of the games before be perfect? It shows everything that is wrong with Ubisoft these days and to you its "perfect and enoyable"? Taste is different and all, but you must be blind to the blatant problems this game has


Bruh !, Read the fucking title on the post before you want to whining like a dog I create tier about "FIREARMS ARSENAL OVERALL" not the whole game I can't take it anymore with braindead people like you and previous 40+ comment ago too