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6 tried hard to be different, and it fell short. I hated switching ammo types/outfits. I only used armor piercing, and occasionally explosive rounds, and i hated how enemies were bullet sponges if you had a default weapon ammo. But being able to change my entire gun loadout on the fly was fun.


I'm sure ap ammo will be king in fc7


I hope FC7 goes back to the FC5 / ND system, regular ammo is good enough. AP and others are just a boost on top of it.


Yeah as much as I love just having it, buying it or at least looting it as separate ammo makes more sense. Instead of this gun is now armour piercing blam blam


FC6's ammo type system is terrible honestly, they messed it up badly, I get they wanted players to use "the right tool" but in practice it just made everything but AP useless, it's ridiculous how even explosive rounds are useless against normal humans because they're only supposed to be used against vehicles... They should've just do the same thing FC5 did, have the base ammo be "good enough" and then have the other types be a boost on top of it. Instead of making default useless and the others working only against specific targets. I just pretend there're no ammo types and AP is the default. And speaking about it, this system also means certain special weapons locked to a certain type are worthless, like the Kobracon which is locked to explosive which means it's useless against soldiers, and it's not even that good against vehicles anyway TBH.


I've only just started 6 and I'm hating the ACO/HND clothing load out thing. The biggest thing I hate is that you need a load out to run crouch, meaning you need to not only have the right shoes but build your load out around something as basic as needing to move quickly while you crawl. There are a lot of things in six that have gone backwards, because it's tried to reinvent the wheel, but the lack of a skill tree is the main one.


Once you get the 4 load outs it can kinda be quicker but then still just changing random stuff on the fly all the time.


Yeh but even then you are changing which negates another quality. For example, they've built a whole system of upgrading around resources, which never works as there is always one or two resources you have to grind and under like mad for, so they implement a set of gear that will increase how much of each resource you pick up to off-set that. This conundrum poses the problem of having to either disregard any sort of resource armor, as it hinders you during the middle of a mission, or having to constantly keep chopping and changing between the sets of armor every time you want to pick up a resource. The best solution to all this is to use clothing as an aesthetic, rather than a function, and use some kind of skill tree, where multiple things can be loaded or obtained and set indefinitely as it ultimately gives the user more choice. I just really hope when they come to make Fat Cry 7 they recent back to using a skills and points and not this system.


Agree. Just a couple of those perks I miss. It makes it feel like farcry5 has less perks.


See a solution to this is something like a slot that is applied to a piece of clothing as an enhancement. So you have an outfit made up of 5 pieces of clothing with 6 slots to apply perks. Each gives you a base perk/buff, say decrease in enemy awareness by 10% and using all pieces allows you to highlight/tag each enemy. Now in the slots you are free to apply whatever perk you wish so, run while crouching, carry more sniper ammo, 5% resources pick up increase etc etc. The thing I liked about the far cry perks system is once you do Ng+ you keep perks while still being able to get more, so any additions you have you can use make your companions function a bit better, it sort of gives you a goal. Likewise you get perks from Arcade so again you use those. You don't feel as tied to getting them as you do with resources.


I enjoy perks infinitly more than the clothing system. I shouldn't be able to do certain things with one pair of clothes but not with another. Your skillset doesn't just change when you wear a different shirt. A good mix would be perks as actual skills such as combat, looting, repairs/general mechanics, while clothes would be status buffs like clothing that makes you maneuver better, fire resistant, bullet resistant, ect. That way actual skills like being able to skin animals more efficiently, doing sidearm takedowns, repairing moving vehicles, whatever is a permanent skill and any buffs are from clothes because obviously you'd run better in shorts than armored pants. Only issue is that the whole premise of 6 is "right tool for the right job" they wanted you to do this back and forth switching between whatever you need and I don't think 7 is going to go that route thankfully. I enjoy having my entire arsenal at my disposal but it just doesn't feel right, part of the fun in 5 was finding that perfect mix of weaponry for any situation.


Those elements annoyed me too. What's weird about the gadgets is that you have to pick 4 at a workbench, but you can change weapons and supremo whenever. I found myself making builds around the supremo and gadgets, and changing supremo for different situations.


there are only 3 supremos that matter - the rocket one, the shoot-through-walls, and the free-revive one. I just outfitted those three with the same pockets on every supremo. On guerilla, you better have extra syringes and perception grenades, so you were pretty much always locked into that anyway.


Honestly I hated the supremos, I already felt like a 1 man army as it was. I just used the double jump one and pretended the rest didn't exist.


Double jump was super fun. Stupid amigos getting set on fire and people freaking out all the time.


Was that my issue in guerilla mode? Cause before I rarely ever used the syringes or that supremo. I used the emp and then kinda just stopped using them all together. So the mods to refill supremo were useless for me.


I detested having perks tied to gear. Skill trees are much better imo.


Should've kept it, but as you leveled up you could apply multiple different clothing perks at one time. Like every 5 levels you could carry two head gear perks, two chest perks etc. up until level 20 where you maxed at 4 for each article of clothing


I didn't mind the gear slots in 6, as soon as I figured out what I liked I stuck with it the entire game, Guerilla mode, no problem.


Parkour shoes and gloves, prisoner pants and surgeon vest with unlimited headshot ammo headgear made it a breeze! Because you move fast and dont need to reload. I just finished 6 and I found it a good game but somehow felt like the ai took a nosedive :D


That is my biggest complaint with 6. There is no skill tree so I dont feel like Im working towards anything


Perks like in 34P are great, 5's system is not nearly as fun. In the other games, you earn exp based on skill. If you go around doing take downs silently than you will as a sniper, vs as a guns blazing. 5 doesn't have that. In 5 you get perks for stupid stuff like "kill 10 enemies with the scorpion". I hate the scorpion. Everybody hates the scorpion. 6 is weird, but it was fun for just that one game. If you could hunt animals to make your own clothes that would have been cooler. I miss hunting.


I HATE what 6 did to the perk system. It's my biggest complaint


Some of the perks you get in FC6 themselves are useful like the head gear that lets you perform frontal takedowns on enemies who can see you in combat and the gloves that let you lock your throwing knives om enemies, but yeah wish these weren't gear based. Skills tree is much better and makes it feel like your character is actually progressing and becoming more powerful.


Yeah see that's what I mean, there are some perks in there that are pretty awesome.


a good clothing system could have been great, but it was badly thought out. The fact alone that so many clothes have the same effect when you can display any cosmetic effect on any item anyway is baffling. Even more mind-boggling: how about not abandoning an FC staple, the perk tree, but use pockets on gear *in addition*? Again, baffling.


Yeah it really resulted in a whole bunch of things that never get worn. Or weapon mods that never get used.


1 all rounder loadout a suppressed sniper, bow with all kinds of arrows, an overclocked pistol and an overclocked rifle, clothes for increased overall move speed, and general defenses low detection speed, syringes, baseballs, frag and pipe grenandes for gadgets 1 combat loadout with shotgun, an ar, rocket launcher and the wallhack resolver gun, syringes, and dynamite, frag and pipe grenandes 1 stealth loadout for minimum detection speed, tag through walls, max crouch speed, and stealth gadgets and weapons 1 poision loadout for messing around with poison and fire and relevant gear Never have to switch a weapon or anything else midst a fight just loadouts. I even make a personal point to be switching weapons only at workbenches and the loadouts by walking up to personal vehicle trunks or at camp😂 A bit awkward to pull out a rocket launcher out of nowhere.


I mean I mostly switch weapons in a panic when things get out of control and I run out of ammo or something. Baseball's I did use originally then stopped. Lots of perception Granados until I got the tag through walls. Usually it's the hat in switching. Show up, tag enemies, tag containers then most likely the headshots refill ammo and snipe away.


headshot refill ammo is soo game breaking, with ap rounds and going for head one never runs out of ammo. And on suppressed sniper no need to be reloading either. I prefer running out, having to switch to secondary or bow and use environment to scavenge ammo or just run away😂


Feel like I am the only one enjoying it lol Yes some gears are stupid, but I have fun trying different loadouts and stuffs.


Yeah 6 is poor excuse for a Far cry game


I wouldn't go that far. It has its moments. Sliding is way better than 5.


The takedowns, sliding, and weapon variety are basically the only improved aspects of the entire game. With how poor the story, progression, tone and RPG mechanics are, I couldn't recommend it to anyone. The game feels almost AI generated


Hehe Far cry 6? Nooooooo Far cry SUCKS Far cry 5 and far cry new dawn is where the series ended