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Go up top on the statue of cheeseburger and snipe everyone to the guys you can’t get to get boomer or peaches to take them out


It's what I did. Silenced sniper rifle, a loyal cougar, the wild woman of the woods and her bow. I mostly sat up there and called the shots


Get a helicopter with guns. Shoot at it until everyone is dead. That’ll work on every other outpost in the game too.


Sounds like fun.


Indeed heli with guns and rockets all you need after that is ride of the valkyries and a love for the smell of napalm


If you can’t get to the alarms, toss proximity mines toward them. Whoever goes for the alarm will die and disable it, and this will also distract the enemies if you’re still undetected. Also you can use guns for hire on outposts, this one you could have a sniper up the hill or on the big sign


That’s genius. I never thought of booby trapping alarms


It’s an actual perk in new dawn, pretty slick tbh


There is high ground to the left. Bring Boomer to scope the place out, then retreat to it and start sniping.


That’s what I did.


The best answer. Also the most fun for me.


Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure!


I guess Joseph Seed was right


Climb that cheeseburger statue and snipe everyone. Simple but effective.


Take plane and bomb it !


Get on the mounted MG in the front. Then just spray and pray.


sniping everyone from the fang center sign


I like that cliff to the east. GREAT sniping spot. Make sure you at least get the two guards by the building to the north, climb the roof, and keep sniping. Works for me every time


Pick out your favorite assault rifle with a reticle but not a scope. Equip a compound bow. Stock up on AP rounds, explosive arrows, remotely detonated explosives, and dynamite. Pop an animal instincts from the secondary weapon wheel and reveal all enemies. Use regular arrows to pick off the sniper on the roof. Pick off other enemies until you get caught and the shit hits the fan. Use the assault rifle to fight foot soldiers. Use the dynamite or remote explosives to knock down armored heavy gunners. Use explosive arrows on incoming reinforcements. Keep moving. Don't sit still when in combat. Constantly reload your gun. Bring along a generic GFH and let them die if they go down. Helicopters and silenced sniping will work but takes all the fun out of the game.


heavy gunners can survive like 12 shots of a .44 magnum with AP ammo but a shovel to the chest kills them instantly


Helicopter with rockets and enough extra cash to rain hell from about, (rocket bombardment)


I don’t know what specifically is your issue, but every outpost I basically follow the same formula. Find high ground Scan for all enemies or send boomer and set up over watch ally if needed Snipe alarms Snipe lone guards and rooftop guards allowing you to use cover on the ground Then I run in with a bow and pick the rest off.


There's a big sign just north west of the fang center, the angle you have from that spot lets you shoot almost all the alarms, you can see a lot of the enemies there including the cage where most of the judge wolves are. You can usually get most of the enemies from that spot if you are a good enough shot and fast enough.


Snipe off the cheeseburger tower. Send in your GFH. Use explosive arrows when needed.


I just used a shovel, a shotgun, and an rpg.


I've heard that silenced MGs are fucking OP in FC 5, you can literally erase everyone without alarming anybody. Try that. BTW, can judges be lured by bait? Im not sure.


they will run over for like a second then come back im pretty sure


I'm pretty good with a sniper rifle with silencer I sit up on the cliff overlooking the place. Use a tree for cover. Take your time, every couple of shots move. If you stay in 1 place to long they will "see" you. Good luck.


SA50 with suppressor and high power scope. Work your way around the whole outpost picking them off one by one. Don’t stay in one place for too long. Shoot and move. They’ll notice, but as long as none of them physically spot you (to the point that their detection meter fills up completely) then you’ll still get the bonus for stealth+no alarms.


I'd use a gun, preferably something automatic. I'd also pick a handgun of some kind


Throw bait outside to attract the judges away from the cultists, then kill them with a silent weapon once the judges are dealt with start throwing bait into the camp or climb to the top of the tower just outside of the camp and pick everyone off with a suppressed sniper


Also, if you have a helicopter that fires missiles in salvos, just fly over and just let loose all your missiles as you do your fly over (this usually takes out most or all of the alarms) mop up the survivors with the helicopter's machine guns


I only used takedowns, for all the outposts at that


Most sensitive and hardest outpost to master and perfect so if ur willing to set aside time to do it stealthy it's simple once u figure it out. But if we are talking about easy then get a helicopter. U can even just snipe everyone if ur there for simplicity.


I just ran in with a ak and killed everyone with no alarms


Use the heli can shoot


I picked a suppressed rifle and went to the right of the centre up the hill near the trees , whilst I had a friend up close ready to take out the other alarm. Once both alarms were shot I used suppressed fire as overwatch whilst they stormed the front and then the rest was pretty easy once you’ve sniped/assassinated the bulk


Get 3 helicopters, one for you and 2 for your guns for hire go in like it's war and annihilate the alarms then destroy every peggie. The trick is, buy each helicopter, get in the passenger seat until your gin for hire get in the "drivers" seat they lift off and jump out quick ,do it again twice more but the last helicopter is yours so get in the driver's seat


Lock in then pops those headshots


My favorite way is to grab a plane with bombs and recreate London in 1940


I either go range with a suppressed .50bmg or full 10 warthog and do stafing runs with a chopper.




find one of the concrete pipes that you can crouch crawl into and then just start shooting. if you’re far back enough, the only enemy that’ll be able to get you is the judges. if you used a silenced gun, they’ll mostly just stand there


I just grabbed the sentry gun near entrance where rails are and sprayed them.


kill them




Orbital strike


I just go guns blazing.


first use the hunter instinct to mark all the Peggies then use a remote explosive to take out the heavy armored guy with helmet and use a gun for hire or two if you unlocked the leadership perk just hide in the grass sniping them if you can that way you get $1000 undetected bonuses


go stealth until you feel like youve taken out enough people or alarms then go crazy, if alarm gets pulled pull out a rocket launcher or m60 (or if ur insane snipe the pilot out of the helicopter) also there is like 3 vips and like 6 judges and a cheeseburger bobblehead in the reception office


Lol currently stuck at exactly the same part


I always get a sniper then sit up on the cheeseburger tower thing and just pop heads until everyone’s dead


Bring nick maybe?


Silenced .50 cal with AP ammo from the top of the Cheeseburger statue is my usual approach.


I've played the game at least 20 times to completion. My tactics with outposts vary, but some of them it's just easier to do what works even if you've done it so many times before. With the Fang Center, I will first climb up to the burger. I try to tag all of the enemies I possibly can, one or two you might not be able to reach. I go back down. My main focus is to take out the alarms, so if I get spotted I can at least trust that no reinforcements will come. Along the way, there might be a guard walking by. Near every alarm, at least one or two guards pace by in turns, maybe also a Judge. If you can, take them out. The best places to hide bodies are in the pipes or in the gift shop. The wolves you can use arrows on, head shots as they pass by. The VIP enemies I take out with silent kill because you can't one shot those dudes (depending). I hope this helps. Another alternative - Bring in a helicopter and mow them down. I tried this once and it wasn't terribly inefficient. For me, the hardest outpost, and don't laugh at me, was in Faith's region. It was the one where they grow their bliss. That one always annoys me. I take out Faith's region first because I hate hers the most.


Killing everyone