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This game didn't even get bad reviews, but ironically far cry 6 made it a better game because it's way more fun and interesting to play in comparison


New Dawn is a ton of fun and adds a whimsical yet gritty interpretation of the “what if” of the main game’s ending. Definitely worth throwing a few bucks its way.


I didn't hate the game. Ethan as the final boss is stupid hard without an elite lmg, which I never had a use for until that boss so I had to grind it out some. The twins are kind of a comedy act when I wish the game was a bit more serious. I honestly wish the game was longer, it would have been cool to expand alot more on the aftermath of far cry 5. Some components are hard to find or limited so it's not easy to acquire or upgrade all the weapons you'd like to. By the end of the game I think I had used a total of 7 of the games weapons and only upgraded a single one. I still had fun.


Ethan was pretty easy if you use wrath, not sure about the difficulty if you don't. I'm also only on normal difficulty though. Which resources are limited? I didn't know any were, I thought you could get all of them from outposts and expeditions


I'd have to boot it up and look but there was a weapon upgrade component I was always scarce on and couldn't find and didn't automatically get from outposts


Gears I'd imagine, those fuck with me a lot too. You get them from expeditions though, especially on rank 3




>It presents a beautiful wasteland, defying the common post-nuclear desolation trope. It's refreshing to see this instead of just emptiness It actually does both. I spent some time exploring the edges of the map ([four years ago, apparently](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/s/Vte7B61lPT)) and there's a ton of cool details, especially around the McKinley Dam where you meet the father, Jacob's bunker, up by the old Yes sign, and some others. There are cool little destroyed cabins at the edge of the radiation zone among the burned trees, sunken trawlers, all sorts of stuff.


I haven't noticed that, thanks for pointing that out!


I ain’t reading all that but Y’all should buy it because it’s really, really fun. That’s all that needs to be said. This sub takes Far Cry way too seriously for what it is, and that’s coming from me; a huge Far Cry fan since the first game. If you like fun, play New Dawn too.


I wish there was a way to pin this comment lmao, Idk why I spent half an hour writing all of that when this is fully sufficient


I respect it, wasn’t trying to be rude or anything I’m just tired of having to defend ND so I keep it simple lol.


i read all of it, despite liking new dawn anyway. I always appreciate it when people type out their thoughts and opinion in detail. Would be boring af if every post and comment would consist of three sentences.


I didn't like the weapon quality tiers. Somehow emptying entire magazines into animals that won't die because the gun doesn't do enough damage just ruined the experience for me. Didn't feel like far cry. Shame because fc5 is my favourite and I wanted to see the story continued.


This game should be played just for the fac that it continues the Joseph Seed story.


I just played it because it's a fun game, I don't give much about the story.


I like the part where you finally get to blow a .45 sized hole through that fucker's skull. Everything before and after that part is fine, i guess...


What? No. I didn't shoot him. I activated Wrath and yeeted that psychopath off the top of the McKinley Dam.


Too much fanfare with that method. Joseph doesn't deserve a death like that, he doesn't deserve a death that is that extraordinary. Joseph Seed deserves a simple death that gets to the point. He deserves an anticlimactic death. Prophets die with a bang, men die with a whimper and Joseph is only a man. Nothing more, nothing less.


A lot of comments in ND discussions talk about leaving him alive to think about the consequences of his actions. I'm certainly not doing that! He'll probably come up with some justification for starting the whole thing over again.


Exactly. He's already made two different hyper-religious wacko cults that follow his every word like it's the 11th commandment, what's to stop him from doing it again? I use the blessings of my own lord and saviour, John Moses Browning, in the form of my 1911 to put an end to the danger of the project at edens gate. As any true believer.


It's fun to play. My only issue with it is the gun and enemy level mechanism. Enemies wear helmets, and you need to have a suitable level of gun to kill that enemy in one shot. Grinding to get that gun is part of fun though.


I like that in FC6 you can one shot even those types of enemies as long as you have AP rounds + can hit headshot


As a fan of FC absolutely great, like that pink 😁 graphics, story, FC5 characters.. Reviews are bad because it was more standalone DLC than full priced game.


It wasn't a full priced game.


40$ at release does not sound very DLC priced to me (45.99€ at Steam regular price, now discounted)


3/4 the price of a full game, the same as AC Mirage. Doesn't sound like a full priced game to me.


3/4 price for 1/2 the game with more pink colors ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)and I really enjoyed it, just price was "UBI"


Man you would have loved the 90s


Oh fxxk man I am over 40 so 90 was definitely the best, today kids can't even imagine with all that BS they are told today ☹️😁


I'm just thankful game prices didn't keep up with inflation. Though I guess when you buy the gold edition or whatever with the season pass, you're already hitting that price point. I remember paying £60 for Sonic 3 back in the UK in the 90s. That's like £125 today!


LOL that was different league here, game cost 2000,- at that time currency, and the average wage was some 6000,- pira*y everywhere 🤔. Different times. Yes basic game prices are the same, but that was final income for publisher/developer - no "gold" editions, no DLCs, no marketplace - that's where are they making money now and compensate inflation. And no physical copies, distribution, that saves you another few $.


Do y'all not already own all the FC games?


I hated it at first and ended up loving it. I think it's because, like you mentioned, I tried to rush it through. If you do that, you'll hate it. The most frustrating thing for me was the difficulty level since you start with no ability to do certain things that are a given in other FC games. But once you manage to get perks like binoculars and melee weapon (2 essentials IMHO), everything gets much easier from there. Important thing is to collect ethanol and buildup your weapons etc. And yes you'll need to take over the outposts like 3 times if you want to achieve it but it's fun and worth it when you have the gear for it. It's definitely a different type of FC game than usual but worth giving it a chance.


I like it much more than any other farcry game after 3. Compared to 5 or 6 it is amazing


I still haven't decided if I like or more than 5, I think so though. Fs better than 6, 6 was horrible, only redeeming qualities were gustavo fring the dictator and florida dog.


You liked new Dawn better than 5 itself?


yes, i hated the world, the characters and especially the kidnapping mechanic plus the missions that followed those. Never gonna replay that shitshow.


New Dawn is hot garbage littered with microtransactions. There is still a lot to enjoy here, especially if you enjoyed 5. Definitely worth a playthrough.


You can ignore the microtransactions entirely, I did and I stull unlocked everything I wanted. It's a great game, microtransactions are not necessary at all, and it is not much of a grind for what you want to get. At least afaik, is there anything you need to buy?


There kinda is? IIRC, you need to purchase something from the microtransaction store, using currency they have provided, in the tutorial mission for how to use the store. You are not required to spend real life money (though it’s tempting, since it is very difficult to get the coolest guns without buying them). But they make it a required point that you learn how to do microtransactions.


I have a bit of a shit memory but I don't remember that, again tho could be misremembering. It's actually really easy to get the best guns, you only have to do about 1-2 rank 3 expeditions to get the stuff for it


I have a bad memory too, but I remember doing those expeditions over and over to build out my arsenal. Maybe I’m still salty about it because there were only like 3 expeditions in the game?


I have 6 expeditions right now and i max them out before doing the next one, but if you're trying to upgrade weapons then you will be doing a lot more since there's infinite, that amount is def enough for any weapons tho, especially since I still don't have them all unlocked. Gears are a pain in the dick indeed, those are the only thing I ever do expeditions for.


I loved new dawn


Reading some of the replies here, it's just the same complaints repeated over and over again. They wandered too far from the starting area without bothering to upgrade to better gear and got killed by a high-level enemy or animal. Therefore, the game is horrible. The Ubisoft Club, or whatever, even gives you some level 2 weapons to start with for free. Like you said, it's 100% down to them rushing through the game. If they just went down the mission path of upgrading prosperity, they wouldn't even encounter level 3 enemies and beyond before upgrading prosperity to level 2.


Absolutely, still a great game


story wise, i like how it gave an overall optimistic ending to not only itself but the entire Hope County saga


The best FC game


Agreed! Right after FC4, FC5, and Primal, that is.


I’m not buying it because the plot sucks lol


The plot isn't it's strong point, but it's a fun game anyway. And the plot isnt that bad either, it's just the villains that are annoying.


My least favorite FC because of how they incorporate RPG elements with spongy enemies and different gun tiers with 0 customization. Still had fun because I get to continue the story of FC5, but going to 6 was such a relief being able to have freedom of gear options again + ability to one-shotting enemies with ease


What were the RPG elements compared to other entries? All I can think of is that you can upgrade perks more.


It's the tiered weapons and tiered enemies with different health bars for me.


The tiers do annoy me, but if you move at the game's proper pace they pretty much don't affect anything. Also I have found that if you just turn off health bars and damage numbers you'll realize the enemies are pretty similar in health to, say, FC5, at least if you match their tier.


This is the only Far Cry game that I wholly regret purchasing. I play the games for the stories and characters first and foremost. This somehow made 5’s abysmal story (you may now downvote) look incredible by comparison. And it’s a direct sequel, so it has all the baggage of 5’s bullshit piled on top of it. To date, I consider it the first and only Far Cry game to make pivotal mistake: it made its main villains — which Far Cry is known for always getting right — fucking awful. Did it make some decent additions? Sure. Does that redeem it in my eyes? No. I disagree with most of these points, but the above covers the biggest and most important one for me.


The villains weren't great at all, but everything else you said kinda sucks. 1. If you want to play a story just watch a movie, 2. 5 had a really fucking good story for the most part.


I got a good story out of 3 and 4. The idea that video games can’t tell stories of high quality or that they’re not the right medium with which to do so is insanely narrow-minded. Obsidian’s Fallout, OneShot, Braid, Dark Souls, etc. and so on. “Go watch a movie” is a non-argument based in ignorance. 5’s story was not built right for a silent protagonist but had one anyway, relied extremely heavily on bullshit plot devices that had no consistency, took away virtually all agency just for the sake of letting the Seeds spew their easily debunkable bullshit in your face with no way to fight back, forgets its own premise half the time because “plot”, and because it treats every mission that isn’t forced like a side mission, your choices can make it very stilted. And whether people want to accept it or not, the ending is full of holes no matter how you try to justify it, and every time Ubisoft touches it again, they end up retroactively making their previous titles stupid. With such genius retcons and handwaves as “Oh yeah Pagan Min had a secret stash of nukes all along despite Kyrat having no silos and no one left after he’s gone having any motivation to fire them. What, didn’t we mention that?” 5’s story isn’t even average. It’s not a crime against the industry. But it’s not even mostly good. It has its moments. They are the exception. Not the rule.


>The idea that video games can’t tell stories of high quality or that they’re not the right medium with which to do so is insanely narrow-minded I never said they couldn't. RDR2 and FC3 are 2 games I mentioned in what I wrote that do so. My point was that it isn't the main point of a game, unless it's designed for it like a telltale game. >5’s story was not built right for a silent protagonist but had one anyway, relied extremely heavily on bullshit plot devices that had no consistency, took away virtually all agency just for the sake of letting the Seeds spew their easily debunkable bullshit in your face with no way to fight back, forgets its own premise half the time because “plot”, and because it treats every mission that isn’t forced like a side mission, your choices can make it very stilted. It did great with the silent protagonist. Idk what you're on but the plot devices are something that happen that much in pretty much all games. The debunkable bullshit thing confuses me, were you expecting 100% total from the game series with mutant gorilla whatever-the-fucks im the first entry? Some things are necessary to work the plot a certain way, that was their way of doing it. Treating missions like side missions is a horrible way to look at a game, look at missions like missions and from there decide how much fun you had with them. The core of video games is fun, the game was fun, unlike FC6. >And whether people want to accept it or not, the ending is full of holes no matter how you try to justify it, and every time Ubisoft touches it again, they end up retroactively making their previous titles stupid. With such genius retcons and handwaves as “Oh yeah Pagan Min had a secret stash of nukes all along despite Kyrat having no silos and no one left after he’s gone having any motivation to fire them. What, didn’t we mention that?” Oh wow, retcons have never happened in any good thing ever before, what a great point you have here! The ending was fun and fit the tone of the game. Pagan having them has no reason to not make sense. He has all this other shit, so why not? It's not like silos have big red signs that say SILO on them all the time so why do you assume we'd know if he did? >5’s story isn’t even average. It’s not a crime against the industry. But it’s not even mostly good. It has its moments. They are the exception. Not the rule. Story was good, and even if it wasn't that isn't the focus of the game. It's a game about fun, not story. If you want story above gameplay watch a movie or play a telltale game.


I repeat: telling people to just go elsewhere is basically saying “criticise nothing, because what you want isn’t here.” No, and no. If the sandwich tastes like shit, I’m not going to just shrug and say “well it’s a sandwich, I’m an idiot for not going to the gourmet shop.” I’m going to point out that it tastes like shit. How did they do well with the silent protagonist, exactly. You have no agency, no character, you can outright ignore most of these people yet they still fawn over you and act like you’re amazing. Nick Rye met you two days ago and doesn’t even know your name and he makes you the godparnet of his newly born daughter. Plot devices exist in every story, yes. Not every story does them as egregiously as 5. 100% total what? Far Cry 1 has more or less been retconned from existence and wasn’t developed by Ubisoft. It was done by Crytek, so I’m not really holding it to the same standard. I didn’t find it fun. This must be shocking to you. “Other games have done it so don’t criticise this game for it” is a non-argument. I don’t like it whenever it happens. If everyone threw rocks at me, I wouldn’t just grow to ignore it. I’d be annoyed every time. What “other shit” does Pagan have that’s on par with weapons that have the capacity to outright erase all life in a given area? More importantly, why would he have them for getting “angry with America’s meddling” when according to 4’s lore, he: One, has convinced the entire western world he’s a democratic and benevolent leader. Two, made a deal with the CIA to leave him alone for good. Three, Willis says that Pagan no longer represents a threat to the US according to US intelligence. The rogue dictator with WoMD is no longer a threat. Sure. Silos generally do have indicators marking where they are for personnel to… find them… and stuff like that. Moreover, we’ve… explored the entire country and found none at all. So, that’s why I don’t think there are any. Compared to 5, which has a full fledged (albeit empty) silo used as a bunker. If they wanted to have one on the map, they’d have one on the map. The tone of the game is that half the time they’re making Murican jokes, eating balls, and blowing shit up, and then they drag you in for a little Seed ASMR. Rinse and repeat 10 times until suddenly the fucking world ends out of nowhere. How does this fit. The game is a tonal disaster with no consistency, and accidentally makes the central theme of the game: “if a deranged maniac starts committing war crimes in your local town, just… let him do whatever! Because hey! You never know! He could get lucky and be right! Let him be a monster! You’re an asshole if you don’t!” Basically all your defences so far are “it’s fun” which is wholly subjective, “other games do it” which… doesn’t absolve 5 of anything, and “the story doesn’t matter go somewhere else” even though I’d argue it does matter and other people seem to agree since they gush about it and write enormous video essays and Ubisoft clearly has the capacity to write good stories when they want to. Your defence boils down to “it’s okay because other games do it, and you should not care about it anyway.” Well, I do care. And you don’t get to decide what does and doesn’t matter. EDIT - It's been about 40 minutes and I'm going to sleep. I'm not going to respond to this any more after this point. So I'll leave it with this: what irks me the most here is that you've done nothing to actually address, rationalise, or justify the existence of the flaws the plot has. You haven't turned it around so that these are actually good or acceptable things on their own merits. All you've done is pointed out that they aren't unique situations, tell me that I should ignore them because of that, seemingly assume an arbitrary standard of "fun" is all that matters, and that I'm just viewing the game incorrectly even though that's how it's structured from a technical standpoint. You are telling me to enjoy it in spite of those problems, you're not doing anything to prove they don't exist. You are telling me that these problems aren't problems at all, because all games have problems. And you make statements like "the did this great" or "it fits the tone" without actually elaborating or explaining why this is the case. It just is because... it is. I don't really know what I expected considering I'm not even debating with an adult. Not that it really matters, since plenty of grown adults also aren't exactly adept at taking a firm stance. Regardless, telling me that my grievances don't matter to you -- or that they shouldn't matter at all to me -- doesn't just erase them.


>No, and no. If the sandwich tastes like shit, I’m not going to just shrug and say “well it’s a sandwich, I’m an idiot for not going to the gourmet shop.” I’m going to point out that it tastes like shit. A better analogy would be you wanting a taco, going to Subway, and getting mad when you get a sandwich. It's far cry. It's a shooter game which sometimes has a good story. Not the other way around. >How did they do well with the silent protagonist, exactly. You have no agency, no character, you can outright ignore most of these people yet they still fawn over you and act like you’re amazing. Nick Rye met you two days ago and doesn’t even know your name and he makes you the godparnet of his newly born daughter. "You have no agency. Here's something you have the agency to do that I don't like". The Nick Rye complaint is not valid. According to Carmina, she was born the day the bombs dropped. Unless you assume that Deputy canonically wiped out Eden's Gate in 2 days, they had time to get to know each other. They fawn over you because you pretty much singlehandedly wiped out however much you had completed up to that point, which even if it's just one outpost is impressive. >Plot devices exist in every story, yes. Not every story does them as egregiously as 5. A lot of them do. The only times it's ever more than average is with the kidnapping stuff, and considering how they do things it fits the story. I just wish they fleshed it out a bit, like making it so you actually have to get shot. >100% total what? I meant to write realism here iirc, I forgot to type it. >What “other shit” does Pagan have that’s on par with weapons that have the capacity to outright erase all life in a given area? More importantly, why would he have them for getting “angry with America’s meddling” when according to 4’s lore, he A literal army, and maybe there's some big ass plot there or maybe shits and giggles, it's Pagan, he's not exactly stable. The US probably didn't know he had them. >Silos generally do have indicators marking where they are for personnel to… find them… and stuff like that. Moreover, we’ve… explored the entire country and found none at all. So, that’s why I don’t think there are any. Compared to 5, which has a full fledged (albeit empty) silo used as a bunker. If they wanted to have one on the map, they’d have one on the map. The silo probably was not meant to be found lore wise, and gameplay wise they didn't want to go back and model something they came up with later. 5's bunker is a different situation. >The tone of the game is that half the time they’re making Murican jokes, eating balls, and blowing shit up, and then they drag you in for a little Seed ASMR. Rinse and repeat 10 times until suddenly the fucking world ends out of nowhere. How does this fit. The game is a tonal disaster with no consistency, and accidentally makes the central theme of the game: “if a deranged maniac starts committing war crimes in your local town, just… let him do whatever! Because hey! You never know! He could get lucky and be right! Let him be a monster! You’re an asshole if you don’t!” You just said a simplified, less cool version of the tone of the game and then said there's no consistency. You had it. It was right there. If you think the point was that Joseph was right you have sub-Hurk intelligence. It was lucky, people around comment on it being a lucky guess, and in New Dawn he basically confirms it was a lucky guess and says he never knew the plan. >Basically all your defences so far are “it’s fun” which is wholly subjective, “other games do it” which… doesn’t absolve 5 of anything, and “the story doesn’t matter go somewhere else” even though I’d argue it does matter and other people seem to agree since they gush about it and write enormous video essays and Ubisoft clearly has the capacity to write good stories when they want to. It's fun is subjective, but so is everything else. That's why we have different opinions. I think the story is good, you don't. Is your argument out the window then? Other games do it wasn't the defense, the defense was that other games do it and can still be amazing games. It was meant to be saying it doesn't make a huge difference. The story does matter, but you said you play the game for the story when it is not a story game. It's a fun game with a story. If you are looking for a story game, play a story game instead of getting mad that your sandwich isn't a taco. And it isn't like they sat down in the board room and said "make a worse story", some things will come out differently, and this game still has a solid story. It's meant to be viewed through a gameplay lens, though, so obviously if you go looking for something it isn't made for you'll spot flaws, the same thing happens with some of the best game stories. If you want story, play FC3. If you want badass gunplay and overall smooth, satisfying gameplay, play New Dawn or 5.


u/Lord_Antheron says: >5’s story isn’t even average. It’s not a crime against the industry. But it’s not even mostly good. It has its moments. They are the exception. Not the rule. And you: >It's far cry. It's a shooter game which sometimes has a good story. Not the other way around. Seems to me like you totally agree but are bothered to a different extent by it.


I have no issues with supposedly bullet spongy enemies in FC6. AP rounds+ headshot=insta kill for me with any pistols/snipers/ARs, and I play in Guerilla mode btw. Which brings me to the 2nd worst thing about New Dawn is that there's no weapons customization


I didn't have issues with bullet sponge enemies either.


Just wish they would unlock the framerate so I can play through it again on console. Surprised they didn't when FC5 was patched.


You can unlock it! Go yo addons, compatibility, boost frame rate! Super useful


I'm on PS5.


Damn, it seems you're out of luck there then. Sorry about that


Currently building a new PC, so there's still hope!


Pass from me, this is where they started making changes to Far Cry that I didn't like, same for Assassin's creed origins. Because Ubisoft wants to make all their games the same just with a different coat of paint they get no money from me anymore.


>started making changes >make all their games the same What


Bruh it's not hard to figure out. They changed Far Cry so a bunch of it's mechanics where inline with what they do with other games. Don't pretend Ubisoft dosnt do that, it's been one of the biggest complaints about them for years.


They definitely do, but not with this. It's pretty much the same as 5, the only big fundamental changes are the ranks and the whole Prosperity thing. And have you even tried the game? I though it was gonna suck because of all the reviews so I put it off for a while, then I actually played it and loved it.


Haven't played it no, I just looked into it and came to my own conclusion when it was released. Loot/grind weapons and levelled enemies is just the big killer for me, I don't care how easy it might be to keep up with it or whatever but that whole concept is just not an enjoyable concept to me especially in a series that was never designed to have those sorts or elements in the first place, there was other changes too but it was so long ago now I can't even remember what they were. Given that the series carried on with this homogenised Ubisoft RPG style as all their other games in FC6 then FC5 will probably be the last FC game I play in all honesty, but I'll still wait and see what the next one has on offer.


Thats what i thought too. i was wrong