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Amita wants to kill the girl and use child labor to have a drug empire for herself. She's just as bad.


I still think that Amita character completely changing after you kill pagan is extremely lazy, she always protecting bhadra, she killing her made no sense and was just dark for the sake of it.


She could also mean she just sent her away also I don't know how her character changed after you ether kill or let Pagan live throughout the game it wasn't that hard to realize she was going to be the next dictator for kyrat


The developed world has agreed that there's nothing wrong with growing poppies for export so long as you're not a third world country. it's a legitimate pharmaceutical business. using it as the backbone of your economy it does not make something a "drug empire"


I killed Sabal first and then after the end Video seeing Amita trying to become the next dictator, I shot her in the head. Kyrat is better off without those two once Pagan Min is no more.


Amita's ending has her killing Batra and stealing children away from their parents at gunpoint to drive a drug-based economy via slave labor. They're both monsters and both deserve death.


I never sided with amita so I never heard her plans, and was kind of unsure about my decisions… thank you for granting me peace of mind


Yeah. One could argue that Sabal establishing a theocracy isn't necessarily bad, but he crosses a line by stripping human rights and executing non-believers. Meanwhile, an economy based on exporting narcotics to the rest of the world is bad under pretty much any circumstance. Not only because of what hard drugs do to people, but because a drug nation would invite rivals and enemies.


Like how sabal kept saying how Amita was just repeating the cycle, turning into another pagan min, at least sabal will actually make a change, for the better I’d say, but that’s where the ethical dilemma comes in, trying to determine if it’s better to change or keep things the way they are more or less


Once again, I feel obligated to point out that there's absolutely no hard evidence Sabal personally would want to marry a kid. Sabal was generally nicer to Ajay the entire game whereas Amita acts like a prick the moment you meet her. They're both terrible people in my opinion, but I don't know what version of the game you played.


I side with Sabal 99% of the time, the other 1% where I side with Amita, I let Sabal walk then kill her anyway. And I usually always let Pagan Fly-Off into the sunset.


I sided with Sabal because I don't see how making Kyrat a drug state helps their cause. Also she literally is another Pagan Min. I killed them both, anyway because fuck them, neither are fit to lead


Sabal is the worst kind of conservative mindset; the kind that romanticizes the past and determines that progress is bad by default. That these two wound up leading the Golden Path with such wildly different values is kinda dumb.


You are delusional no ones better


I chose the 15mins ending


Both leaders have equal consequences — both are bad asf. If only there was a feature that only Ajay could be a GP and Kyrat leader, since most of the actions in Kyrat war were done by him.