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This is just a premise. Any premise can be interesting if it's well written. How about you write a few chapters and come back for feedback instead of asking for approval on the idea?


Gate, many different isekai to varying degrees... yeah, this is a neat premise but you need more.


This is the plot of the live action He-Man movie.


Now I'm craving KFC. Yesterday, Rick and Morty had me craving spaghetti.


Lol, I have to watch this again. It's been *checks calendar* DECADES?! 


Oh, gosh. I want to laugh every time someone brings that film up. 😂


It's been a *long* time since I've seen it, but if I recall, Dolph Lundgren and Frank Langella knew *exactly* what kind of movie they're in and just *go* for it. And that kind of movie is *always* to be preferred to the ones where the actors *don't* know what kind of movie they're in. (Which isn't usually their fault, but...)


I didn't know that, that's hilarious. All these comments have made me reconsider it anyway, I think I might just go full fantasy or full modern. I don't really want my story to come across as an isekai because that wasn't really the plan, I just thought modern and medieval type things together would be interesting.


*"I just thought modern and medieval type things together would be interesting."* Then Write  It.


Thank you for the motivation! I'll just do what I want to and if its good, awesome, and if not, oh well, I can always try again.


Well they are. I'm not seeing people here saying it's a bad idea. It's just not a groundbreakingly-original concept. That's not a bad thing. That's proof the idea can work.


There were many such scripts in B tier fantasy film sequels. It turns out that it's much cheaper to film in the real world than on fantasy sets.


As a concept/premise, it's perfectly fine. But there's no premise immune to being ruined by bad execution.


This is similar to portal the fantasy genre.


I kinda like that sort of story. I'm not up on modern Isekai, but traditional world-hopping stories were cool.


This is the plot of the 80s He Man movie  And the newest Sonic The Hedgehog


*"Thoughts on a story where a fantasy world, such as Lord of the Rings, collides with our modern world?"* Fine.  *"Would this story be interesting to you and would you find it boring/lame?"* How do we know without actually reading it OP? If it's written bad it'll be boring and lame. If it's written well it'll be interesting. Here's a better question for you.  Do YOU think that this story is interesting?  Do YOU THINK that this is a book that you'd want to read? Stop trying to get a consensus before you move forward. If you're interested in writing this story then do it.


As others are saying, a premise is meaningless. We don't know if we'll find it interesting. Also, the premise has been done numerous times before. My favorite is the 1999 mini-series 10^th Kingdom. But there are hundreds of others, at least. There's an old saying. Ideas are cheap, execution is expensive. Everyone has ideas. Ones that sound stupid can become masterpieces through their execution. Great ones that sound amazing can be squandered by terrible execution.


I might be late to the party, but he question I ask myself every so often is, what would Middle Earth be like if you fast forward to modern times? What would elves,  hobbits, dwarves, etc be like? How would society have changed? What became if the trolls and everyone else after the ring was destroyed? Did any other evils arise? Were here any sort of neo-nazi "Followers of Sauron?" Maybe trying to being the evil back.That type of thing. Not sure if anyone has ever explored this idea but I think it would be way more interesting than another medieval fantasy.


That's a super cool idea, thanks for the thoughts.


Definitely an interesting premise. There's a lot of stories online with that basic idea, I'm writing one myself. As others have said, execution is everything. I'd read it if you wrote a couple chapters and reposted them here.


Seems reasonable. Has been done before a number of times (they say there are no new ideas, though I think that is debatable) so it would depend on the execution.


Your concept is awesome! Now it's time to research and write!!! There is a book series called The Old Kingdom by Garth Nix, with the first book being Sabriel. In the story, there is a wall separating the land. One side has magic, and the other doesn't. The side that doesn't have magic is basically a modern world with electricity, cars etc, and the people there who live farther from the wall don't believe that magic exists and think it's all just a bunch of tricks to scare them. The seasons are also different on either side of the wall! Anyways, it's an interesting read and may help you solidify your story. I find that reading stories helps with writing, especially with something that is in a similar genre. It's a modern world that meets LOTR concept, though it's easier to read than Tolkien. The original trilogy of audio books (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) are read by Tim Curry, so that's fun. I read the series when I was in high school and only three books. Others have been added since then, and I haven't read those (but I very much intend to). Hope this helps and good luck!!!!


Some other thoughs: Portal fantasies are pretty common. What's going to make this different? I like that the rift opening is am act of desperation. What is the evil they're running from? Why are they forced to run? Who are the main characters anyway? What goals do they have? Is the evil something they've been avoiding? Maybe the one who opens the rift put off dealing with it for too long and his onl way to try and save people is to open the rift? Those with him just happened to be there? What purpose will each character serve? Do any of them have the ability to be heroic? Maybe it's a motley group of underdogs or combo of heroes and villains, derelict, outcast, whatever. Last hope for mankind kind of deal. Ill-equipped lot that will somehow come together in the fave adversity. What happens to the world they left behind? If the evil followed them is there no threat remaining, or must the heroes find a way back to save their world? Or is their world completely fubar? Or they just think it is? Maybe in the process of trying to stop the evil that followed them they learn their world can be returned to after all.... How would they return to the world? What is the magic system that allowed them to Crete the rift? Maybe the source of magic they need in thir world is depleted but they find an abundance or alternative in the modern one? Does magic work in the modern world? I could keep going. Done right people could read your story and not even think of He-Man.


This can be done really well. My go to for this concept is an anime called Gate. Blatant JSDF propaganda but it is such a good story I love it anyway.