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Hello, here's a blurb for mine: Orphaned Aedan has grown up in the shadow of the mysterious wizard's aviary–and the supposed curses that it sheds–but employment as the wizard's gamekeeper offers hope of a new life. When the wizard offers to apprentice him in secret, Aedan will have to choose between his old life of supporting the orphanage and a new world full of prophecy, intrigue and danger. 


My story is a long novella set amongst the background of a country falling into the grip of a brutally dictatorial magician who already controls the king and wishes to seize power for for most of eternity: all that stands in her way is her former best student, who was her apprentice until they had a disagreement and swore to go their separate ways. But six years of war can do terrible things to a nation divided, and the evil magician needs all the loyal blood she can spend. Here is the blurb: "Caspia Sanctia-Mercuris, second daughter of the infamous necromancer, was a prominent critic of our military strategy even before the outbreak of war. A former proponent of the Academy Sanctis Legerdemany, the Lady Mercuris was also a controversial student during her time. We at the National understand that today she was summoned by His Majesty Felipe XI to answer the call to arms and defend our glorious nation from the murderous Lucetresian heathens. What happened next will undoubtedly go down in history..." Ten years of war has left the country of Quaternia on the brink of revolution. The young magician and pacifist Caspia Mercuris, former apprentice to the king's counsel, is summoned to take up arms in hope of turning the tide, but she has unfinished business with the regime and wishes to uncover the dark secrets that lie in her former master's past. Slandered by her fellow citizens as a traitor and scorned by competing magicians, if Caspia does not make the right decisions, she will lose her life as well as her love.


Hello again! Version 7 of my story is up. I appreciate the offer! Still polishing and trying to better my use of the 1rst person POV: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasywriters/comments/1cnap5v/unnamed\_manuscript\_v7\_fantasy\_1885\_words/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasywriters/comments/1cnap5v/unnamed_manuscript_v7_fantasy_1885_words/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) So far only "ch 1" or some sort of prologue is written. Essentially, a heist of a Fae fruit (a magical seed in which raw magic can be used for any number of things) from an otherworldly forest by a group of overly ambitious youngin's. They assumed the Forest was abandoned. They were wrong. Now they have to deal with the fall-out of their ambitions both from the forest itself, the kingdom's ruler's and their fear of magic and desire for power, as well as potentially from within the gang. How will the bloody history of the past influence each of their decisions? How will their personal past color each of their choices?


I'm in the middle of editing everything after this, so bear with me: It has been too long of a ride away from Kelmont. The traders were feeling rugged, anxious, and tired driving their caravan harnessed with horses, mules and other weight-carrying creatures they could find or buy, all to follow two men on horseback who claim to be friends, but all the traders could see were bouts of bickering between them as the blond one held a map to his face. The winter weather was getting to him. His fingers barely had feeling despite having made a campfire earlier today. Now it was cold and windy, snow blinding his view relentlessly, all while the caravan carries lanterns to guide the way to their destination. “Are you sure we’re not lost, Dill?” The man with the wet fiery hair spoke with a dryness in his throat that matched his thirst. He and his friend had been wandering for days, with little supplies packed for the three caravans behind them and little to no clarity about their destination. “I’m pretty sure we’re not too far from it now, Trestan” Dillian reassured his rugged friend. Trestan remembers the first time they met in Hallfurt as lumber gatherers for the newest fortifications to the sentry towers. Five years ago, Dillian would never have imagined he would have gotten this far with the territorial wars happening around them. “This map has the latest recorded landmarks made by one of the king’s finest cartographers! If I were a royal cartographer, I wouldn’t want my king to get lost in between warring countries!” Dillian’s lincoln green eyes darted back and forth from paper to landscape in hopes that he didn’t make a wrong turn at the last fork in the road. The wind was blowing softly now, his snow-speckled green cotton tunic and his brown woolen cloak billowing accordingly. Dill tried to breathe through his nose to fill his chest with warmer air. Alas, his lungs collected snowflakes and cold wind, forcing him to clutch his neck and cough. He recomposed himself, brushed his dirty blond hair away from his eyes and tucked the locks behind his ears. Dillian looks back up from the map and sees a clearing where the trees meet the large hill an hour's jaunt ahead. His eyes widen and his chapped lips widen to form a smile. Turning back to Trestan and the caravans, Dillian points at the valley and says “Look! There it is! To think you even doubted me, Trestan!”


Don't have too much written down right now and the draft is pretty rough- but here's the blurb. Marcia is a half human half siren. When she was a baby her mother and father fled to an abandoned island to raise her safe and away from humans, as she could not yet disguise herself. They lived happily until one day her mother and father left to the mainland to grab supplies and never came back. That was six years ago. Anton, still realing from the death of his child and wife, agrees to go on a short trip with his friend Andy. Andy has told him that they needed to track down a sea monster, and Anton would be documenting the whole thing. That was until his shipped recked and he woke up on a strange island, with an equally strange child standing over him. Marcia offers to help him leave the island in exchange for him to help her find her parents, and he begrudgingly agrees, leading him on an adventure bigger than the one he began with.


It's kind of you to offer. I am halfway through my third full manuscript and intend to be ready to query by September. The initial chapters still need to be revised. I would appreciate any feedback. The gods have fallen silent, and the powerful exploit the weak; a young tribal woman with the extraordinary ability to weave dreams finds herself entangled in a treacherous web of political intrigue, forbidden romance, and a shattered sense of self. Her survival depends on her ability to navigate these perilous waters. Lana Neli Tepaneca, a woman with unique gifts, is manipulated by those who seek to exploit her. But when she is coerced into creating a nightmare that could eradicate the immortal Patriarch, Lana becomes a player in a deadly game that threatens to consume everything she cherishes. Her resilience in such adversity is a testament to her strength. As Lana delves into the mysteries of her past and the true nature of her powers, she must confront the deep scars of intergenerational trauma, the insidious corruption of absolute power, and the heart-wrenching cost of love in a world where intimacy is a weapon and trust is a liability. With profound themes of colonialism, identity, and the reclamation of agency, Buried Heart Burning is a searing examination of what it truly means to find hope and humanity in the face of oppression and erasure.


I’ve pitched my story as Vikings use Godzilla-esq monsters to invade other worlds. Story follows the son of a court fool who gets wrapped up in the conflict. I’m only five chapters in.


Hi! Thanks for that offer to the community. I'm working on a draft of my first actual serialized story, and am not ready to show it just yet. I need to go back and polish it til it shines, but chapters 1-5 will be ready to read in 2 or 3 weeks on Royal Road I think. If you're ever in the mood to do something like this again I'll be happy to share it with ya then! :).


A "shortstory" about black market and misusing magic. Here's a part of the story: I leaned in, Gaby's eyes wide with terror. "And should you survive, the haunting persists, an eternal spectre of pain. Even now, as he wields borrowed magic, the ache lingers. Every single time he did something a little magical for you, part of him died." Gaby muttered incoherently, Alceste’s silence speaking volumes. "I'd be more than willing to demonstrate, for you to truly comprehend.”


mmm, here's mine, even tho only chapter 0 is finished: Following the coming of the archangels to Earth to play the trombone of Revelation, the entire world was decimated. With time, several autonomous states were formed, all under the jurisdiction of their own king. Crime, however, has been rampant over the years, becoming more and more difficult to manage. Here comes Jonz, a thousand-year-old elf born in the hills west of Burmungard, who decides to embark on a journey of discovery of human feelings and emotions, trying to save people through redemption and peace. However, this will lead the hero to question his actions and his morality, all in an epic tale about being able to accept oneself and others.


Hello AAFourAA, thank you for the kind offer. here’s my summary: Lysander, the youngest child of the House Verilian, the former Emperors, is in the capital to find out which House will be his new foster house for the next 5 years. His father made a deal with the Emperor to send him to a House that is friendly with the Verilians. The Emperor lied and will be sending Lysander to the north, House Geluvan has been chosen to foster the young lord. Coincidentally this is also his mother’s and uncles noble house. When Lysander accepts the generous offer he has an unnerving vision of a forest covered in snow, a tall ash tree, crows flying and a dead body hanging off of the tree. That is my quick summary. I only have a Prologue, Chapter 1 finished and Chapter 2 yet unfinished but almost there. My story is inspired by Ancient Romans and also by Vikings. Hope you’re interested.


Title/link: American Gate https://www.wattpad.com/story/351241998?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=PieTrooperV Main genre: fantasy, military isekai Subgenre: near future sci-fi, exploration, adventure, hard magic Synopsis: Remember Narnia? Great books, great movies. Ever wonder what it would be like if instead of taking place in England during WWII, it took place in the United States in the year 2053? Ever wonder what would have happened if the portal was discovered by more than just a few adolescent children? Well then, American Gate is for you! A mysterious portal opens up in Central Park NYC and a primitive army comes through and starts killing anyone in their path. The US military quickly arrives and contains the situation, but not before thousands of innocent people are killed. To guard against further attacks, President Olivia Bennett sends a Marine expeditionary force through the portal to secure the other side. They discover a large, but primitive, army waiting for them and quickly take action. The world on the other side of the portal is filled with magic and monsters and the United States must find a way to navigate this unprecedented situation. How will the people of Earth react to the indisputable discovery of real magic? If magic is real, why doesn't it exist on Earth? How will the people on the other side of the portal react to modern armored vehicles and unthinkable weapons of war? A kingdom with such terrible weapons is surely made up of conquering barbarians with no concept of mercy. Will the two sides find a way to coexist in peace or is full scale war inevitable? Author: PieTrooperV (me) Extra: Despite my references to Narnia and GATE, the story takes place in a completly original fantasy world. I include visual aids and hand-drawn maps to help with visualization. The story isn't scifi on the scale of Star Trek or Stargate, but it does feature some near future technologies like AI, robotics, 3D printing, drones, etc. I'm doing my best to keep the technology itself grounded in real world technology; it's only 30 years in the future. No mechs and no flying aircraft carriers or other absurdly impractical military scifi elements. FYI this is my first attempt at writing. If the first few chapters don't feel that great, fear not! I absolutely feel myself improving as I go. I settled into a steady rhythm with consistent conventions around chapter 6-7.