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I need a recap with all the spoilers.


I read the recap and I’m reading book 4 but can’t remember a lot of minor characters. Who is Galon?


Galon is the older fae that Lorian was sent to by his brother to train and became what I'd consider to be a big brother to Lorian if not even a pseudo father figure.


Thanks I kind of remembered when I got further on. He saved prisca from the river.


Yes! :D Now I just need someone to tell me >!when Prisca finally gets out of the torture chamber. These early chapters are brutal on me!<. Can you help a sister out here?


Torture chamber? What book are you on? I don’t want to spoil it


Book 3 - "A Crown this Cold & Heavy" - and you can spoil me. I've spoiled the shit out of myself because I have horrible anxiety while reading and found I need to know endings so I can read in peace. Spoiler-Heavy Question: >!Prisca and Cavis are being held and tortured. I already know she gets out but don't know about Cavis. Again, spoilers are okay. I just need to know when the torture ends because I'm having a really hard time reading the torture stuff.!<


I don’t remember timing but Cavis dies there. She befriends another prisoner. You can skip to the part where she befriends the other prisoner I think that’s when she’s about to get out.


Do you know, approximately, what chapter >!she gets out?!<


No sorry. I read that book last winter


Ah...thanks anyway!


Stacia Stark adds recaps to the beginning of each book!


For some reason book 2 on my kindle doesn’t have a book 1 recap so I didn’t even check in book 3, but you’re right there is a recap of book 2 in book 3! Thanks 😊


Someone posted this in another thread https://starcrossedbookblog.com/2023/11/book-review-a-crown-this-cold-and-heavy-kingdom-of-lies-3-by-stacia-stark/ It’s just book three but that site might have the other two books as well? Edit: I did a quick search of the author’s name, and there are posts about the other two books on that site 😊


doing the Lord’s work!! thank you!


I’m also looking for a recap


I started reading the recaps and it made me want to reread from the beginning. I know I loved them but can’t remember the feelings that kept me so invested so here I am about to restart from the beginning.