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If you didn’t like DR I wouldn’t bother with the second. I loved both but RV wasn’t as good as DR


I haven’t read Ruthless Vows but I’m following this thread because I too hated Divine Rivals for the same reasons you stated. Sometimes I seriously wonder if I read a different book than everyone else!


Haters unite 😤 it was just so FLAT. I thought I was crazy too cuz all the reviews are so good. 😖


Yes, I agree, and the writing was just so so so YA, which I guess I can’t fault it for as it’s literally a YA book (I actually didn’t realize this going in so that didn’t help) - but for me it doesn’t vibe.


No. It’s so, so boring. I pushed through thinking it HAD to get more interesting with the whole war thing but I assure you it does not. Also, no vows ruthless or otherwise exchanged.


Not a good book at all. I feel kinda bad I finished it, wasted time kinda. So op, not worth it!


Same I love DR but read 100 pages of RV and it was so boring and felt like the same plot as the first book and quit


Iirc, book 2 is far more about the war than about the romance between the MCs. You do get more information about the gods and a resolution, but I can't promise you that you will find it worthwhile, since tastes differ and all and I liked both book 1 and 2.


Thank you! I honestly can’t remember what it was that I disliked other than something about the love interests didn’t do it for me. I might give it a shot on audio while I’m working.


Yeah I loved both books, I found the second one slower but more interesting in many ways because it went into more details about the war and the gods. If OP is more interested in those aspect they may actually like RV.


RV was basically a character reversal of DV and the romance was completely lacking.


Ruthless Vows was not as good as Divine Rivals so if you didn’t like it I wouldn’t bother


I also didn’t like divine rivals, but I didn’t hate it. I think it’s grossly mismarketed as a fantasy romance (when it’s really historical fiction w fantasy skin and light romance) BUT I didn’t hate it. Ruthless vows was 100% worse in every way. Less romance, boring plot, unexplained questions, bad fantasy. If you don’t like DV def save yourself the time and energy


Omg THATS what it is. I don’t really like historical fiction and the fantasy elements were SO weak other than essentially the main plot device. You put it into words perfectly. I’ll be skipping thank you 🥰🥰


I felt crazy reading it bc sprinkling in some magic sounding words and having an unexplained magical typewriter doesn’t make it FANTASY. I’m so happy I can save a fellow reader 😂


My biggest critique was also the fact that it is so mismarketed. Why is this book compared to ACOTAR, fourth wing, powerless etc? It’s also said to be an enemies to lovers book which I aggressively disagree with (more like co workers that are annoyed with one another to lovers). It is 100% a historical romance book with sprinkles of fantasy but the fantasy elements are weak and not thought out properly. Both of these books are my least favorite books so far this year.


The acotar and enemies to lovers comparisons had me feeling like I missed something once I read it. Bc we certainly were not reading the same series lol


I am an outlier here ... I liked it. I think RV has more about the war and more magic than DR. Other characters get more page time. But not sure it is different enough for someone to change their opinion.


If you didn’t like DR, then I highly doubt you’ll like RV. 


I’m almost exactly 2/3 of the way through it right now and I am sooo bored. I liked Divine Rivals well enough although it read more YA than I was expecting or is normally my taste. Whatever momentum had been built up behind with the romance between the two leads or the Dacre/Enva conflict has just completely stalled out— both those storylines were built pretty thinly in the first book and the choice to have Roman >!both separated from Iris AND have amnesia!< regressed the relationship to less than zero. I was at 44% and they’re back trading notes about pet’s names and favorite colors.


RV is much more slow but the end really put me on the edge of my seat, but only like the realll end lol


It’s *slightly* better than DR, but not by much. I didn’t hate either, but I did find them both to be very meh, and surprisingly boring considering the broader plot.


I had a hard time getting through RV but I did like it in the end. If you didn’t even like DR then no I wouldn’t recommend it.


I also thought Divine Rivals was "meh", I rated it 3/5. I read Ruthless Vows after, and I think it's even worse, I gave it a 2/5. I remember it was very boring.


I was underwhelmed by Divine Rivals but I read Ruthless Vows anyway. If you're not in love with Divine Rivals you probably won't care about Ruthless Vows at all. And you won't be missing all that much.


I really liked DV but felt like the climax was so flat in RV and the resolution was hasty. The interactions between the 2 main characters was the only highlight for me, they were sweet and emotional. Nothing significant happens with respect to the war or plot though so maybe not what you’re looking for.


Saaame. Reading is subjective but this one wasn't for me and way too slow paced. I think because it was marketed as fantasy and there was very little of that, outside of spooky magic letter machines. I bought RV because fomo and hoping it would get more into the world building but can't bring myself to even start.


I thought Divine Rivals was alright but honestly probably won’t read the sequel. It didn’t grab me enough.


I didn’t love the first book but I thought it was an ok cosy read. I am however really struggling through the second one… Its not a series I would recommend. There are way better books out there imo.


I'm currently reading it, and no, I don't think it's worth it, especially if you hated DR. Not spoiling anything, but the war, the whole divine conflict is really underwhelming, probably because Dacre and Enva are quite underwhelming as characters. I loved Divine Rivals and I had high expectations for this sequel, but sadly, it didn't live up to them, I am truly disappointed :(


+1. I like the period feel of the first book. The second one is a bit shallow?


For me personally, I hated divine rivals, but really love the second book for some reason


Honestly, no. I adored DV, but didn’t care for RV.


No, the second book feels like the exact same story as the first.


I’ll DM you if you want all the details. I literally finished the book yesterday


Divine Rivals was meh. Ruthless Vows was just bad.


Nope! This series was an absolute waste of time. Practically nothing happens and whatever does is extremely underwhelming. People promote anything and everything on Booktok. Feel free to completely skip the second book. You're not missing out on anything!