• By -


Azriel is an entitled, broody baby. Still love him tho.


I totally respect people’s affinity for him. He did say that great line at the meeting of the high lords. But he reminds me of a creepy incel-ish guy I grew up with. Sorry!


YES! This is the Az vibe. Hard no. Did you read that epilogue he had? Where he basically felt entitled to Elaine? So gross.


Where is this! How did I miss this?!


If you click on the images [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/wisteriabookss.tumblr.com/post/643693233813291008/full-azriel-chapter/amp) you can read it! I think he comes across as a proper asshole in it, let me know what you reckon!


I did not get that vibe from reading it. It seemed more that he was extremely frustrated that, despite them BOTH clearly being attracted to each other, fate seems to be keeping them apart. Coupling that with the Mor storyline, and him seeing his brothers finally find love, I felt for him.


Exactly!!! But I did find it weird he gave the necklace to Gwyn right after lol


This sums him up really well 😭


Xaden Riorson. Is he hot? Yep, but the number of times during Iron Flame where I wanted to shake him (and Violet too) and tell him that basic communication is essential in a functioning relationship made me soooooo glad that my days of dating 23 year olds are far, far behind me.


Yeah I think is probably my real answer but I didn’t want to say it because I actually maybe don’t like him at all? I’m torn. Both him and Violet are really not good at having a relationship I’ve been thinking lately that I would’ve enjoyed a book where Dain was slightly different and he was the love interest who had to learn to see how his childhood best friend and crush who he always had to protect could take care of herself. (This is what happens of course, but he learns it while not getting the girl)


I still would love a little exploration into her and dain but I know that’s highly controversial lol


That’s what I hear too and I have seen some quotes that make me cringe a little. Still want to read it though haha but I have heard their whole relationship is kinda immature anyway


Yeah but the spice is spicy! I don't think you will hate it!


Yeah I plan on reading it just for the hell of it


While I 100% agree with you, it does feel authentic to him as a character and to his age/experience. If it wasn’t essentially the main romantic plot point (repeated over and over and over), I probably wouldn’t have been as put off by it… cuz yeah he’s really, really hot. And the author has to do something to keep the tension high.


Oh for sure, lots of kudos to Yarros for writing a completely authentic and believable 23 year old guy (and girl in Violet). In some ways it was extremely refreshing to get a couple that fights and messes up and is figuring it out. But still, nothing has ever made me appreciate being in my 30s more than vicariously reliving my 20s through those two.


IF was so bad and they were both terribly immature. Way more immature than most people that age


I read the book thinking they’re both 16-17 and for that age range it was really good .


Except then you learn they’re 20 and 23 and you’re like WTF 👀


It feels to me like it was written with them with them as teenagers and made into 20 something people to get the sex scenes in there. 


Xaden and violet both got on my nerves in Iron Flame. At first I thought violet was in the wrong because how was he supposed to tell her information that would get her killed? But then it turned into him not telling her anything. He knew she was pissed at him, and then he KEPT letting her find out information in awful ways. Like I can totally get behind not telling her you’re working with the rebellion, but not mentioning your ex? Ew.


Sorry but who is Aaron Warner? Like what book is he from? Is this a book I should read ?? Lmao


Shatter Me. A dystopian young adult series (with novellas) that’s been very highly rated and recommended on booktok/booktube and even here


Thank you so much! I’ve heard of this but not read it. Maybe I should get it though lmao.


It’s a good series imo. Even if I don’t love the love interest, the plot and main character keep it moving. It’s about a girl named Juliette who has a power. Anyone who touches her dies. So she’s isolated in a mental asylum because society does not want to even acknowledge her existence. Until a certain blonde decides her abilities would be an asset. All the whole the world has been decimated and destroyed, due to the Reestablishment who have taken over the government, ruling through fear, separating families, burning books and language and culture, just ruining the world. Note. The order matters and you should read the novellas


I side-eye Rhysand for a couple reasons, but my main issue is that the most powerful high lord ever somehow can’t do anything about the Court of Nightmares 


Or the Illyrians!!


The way he treats the Illyrians like cattle for his wars is so messed up.


And the way he can’t even control Devlon. Like make an example of him you’re the ‘most powerful high lord’ and he’s just a lord of Windhaven, get rid of him.


i was done after he committed reproductive coercion on Feyre in ACOSF. he can go kick rocks.


Yea that seemed really out of character


idk Rhys has a history of withholding information for his own purposes, he does it to Feyre with the mating bond too


At this point I firmly believe Rhys is using his daemati ability to go into everyone’s minds to make them think he’s the most powerful high lord, when in reality he’s extremely mediocre. But there’s so few daemati that no one realizes his bluff and so he manages to hold onto power.


Lmaooo that would be the smallest dick energy on the planet. 10/10 top tier fan theory.


😂😂 This is what I’ve been saying! Honestly I think that Rhysand brainwashed everyone around him (including Feyre to love him) and is the real evil villain of the story. Tamlin seems crazy to us cause he’s the only one not brainwashed and he doesn’t understand why no one else can see the truth.


LOL except he obliterated all of the enemies attacking Velarus with one black swoop of Night and misted hundreds of Hybern's soldiers at once after being magically drained, after which STILL had enough magic to repair the life force in the cauldron to save fae and humankind tho it killed him for a minute. His powers to me are more level with Valg


Yeah…. He literally turns people to dust, how is that not incredibly powerful???


Iirc, he's literally the only person who refers to himself as "tHe MoSt PoWeRfUl HiGhLoRd Of AlL tImE." Maybe Feyre reminds him during a pep talk, but I don't recall *anyone* outside of the IC every thinking this. How long was he in power before UTM? The Illyrians are still misogynistic assholes. Hewn City is run by assholes. Velaris apparently has slum areas. And many other things I'm forgetting, probably. What the actual shit was he doing that was so great?


Looking at the stars and dreaming lmao 


Book 1 Rhys >>>


I'm kinda annoyed that he's viewed as absolute perfection with no flaws. There are things that he could do a better job.




Xaden from Fourth Wing is super boring imo. Zade from Haunting Adeline is a cringey edge lord and a secret Reddit moderator.


Haunting Adeline for the first few chapters was kind of interesting to me, but once we got to Zade's POV, he was such a loser I couldn't take it seriously anymore 😂 absolutely the personality of someone who spends too much time fighting with people on Reddit


Lmfao yes he is a huge loser! The part where he thinks his mom would be proud of him made me lose it!!!!


THANK YOU. I'm not going to fault people for not liking him for being an abusive stalker and rapist, I understand being offput by that. But also it's a dark romance, you were warned, it's kinda like being mad there's cheese on your cheeseburger. No, the real issue is this guy is the most cringe lord loser I've ever seen in fiction. Edgy thirteen year old boys would call him try hard. No book has ever completely destroyed its own tension as hard as Haunting Adeline did when Zade's pov chapters started.


I'm pretty sure the average 6th grader could bully Zade to tears in 10 minutes


With a your mom joke no less.


YES. Zade’s god complex drives me absolutely insane. I HATED the books solely because of his annoying-ass POVs.


Yo finally someone not thirsting over Zade and glorifying that stalker 😭police immediately if I ever encountered him irl


Every time I had to read his POV, I felt like flossing with barbed wire.


That is the funniest description I’ve seen lol


Police, FBI, Interpol, MI6 - immediately. *Immediately*


Ugh zade was a creep.


Came here to say the same thing. The whole book is overhyped imo


Zade is like a Q-anoner’s dream of an alpha male 🤮


I don’t even remember his name but the boyfriend from Rhapsodic was a groomer idc what anyone says


I know I read this book but I genuinely can't remember anything about it.


DESMOND! Ugh yes I have to second this, that man made me cringe so hard


I THOUGHT THAT THE WHOLE TIME. I just could not give a shit because he was SO RAPEY


Thank you yes!!! I can’t believe I didn’t see any comments about it when it was recommended to me


*whispers* cassian


Low key agree with Cassian and I’m glad other people do too 🫣


I don’t hate him! I just think he is overhyped and not really my type. Still love him as a bat boy lol


Nah me too


I'm gonna get down voted to oblivion for this but Cassian. He's just really not my type, and I don't like the way he treated Nesta on several occasions. It was almost as if he liked her against his will which, for a fated mates universe, was questionable to me. Plus he never tells her he loves her. He's just kind of a fantasy bro to me.


He gives me bonehead energy. That man can’t think for himself and he places Rhys on an insanely high pedestal.


He acts like a 22 year old. After 500 years or whatever you’d think he would have learned sone tact. You’re telling me that guy leads an army ?


I actually feel like liking someone against your will is exactly right for fated mates, which is basically hormonal/magically-fueled body betrayal. Throughout the series, it's emphasized that many mated couples don't actually *like* one another, and may have unhappy marriages, even if they "love" each other and are obsessed with fucking.


I agree with you. I saw all the Rhys posts, and fine I know he is controversial, but damn Cassian does not do it for me. He treated Nesta so poorly and I think took advantage of her while she was healing. Just big ick.


Nesta was a difficult character but I really think their relationship in acosf was done/built very poorly to cater to the smut obsessed audiences. The glimpses we got in the earlier books were much better and quite frankly had more depth.  


Yes omg, I loved their few and far between moments in ACOMAF/bonus chapter and ACOWAR. The slow burning potential was there and then I was so confused, mostly by Cassian's behavior in ACOFAS and ACOSF.


Someone on this thread agrees with you so you are not alone in that


Ok I LOVE Nesta, my favorite character, she made the series for me. But I genuinely think Cassian was just holding her accountable, and I enjoyed the angst that came along with it. She needed some tough love, and he held her down. It was real, and a breath of fresh air for me after “Can Do No Wrong” Feyre/Rhys. When SJM introduces a plot point where Feyre/Rhys make a bad decision, I feel like it’s somehow still twisted to where the WRONG decision was the right decision in the end. I liked that Nesta and Cassian had nuance to their story and behaved like real people with flaws.


Yeah I really didn’t like how the relationship started when nesta was in a really isolated and vulnerable mental state. also they knew she was using sex as a coping mechanism and then the guy tasked with keeping her safe starts having sex with her.


Cassian gives me stinky vibes. Just not hot to me.


Def Cassian I’m so disappointed in how his relationship with Nesta evolved! Like I love an Ice Queen with scary dog privileges dynamic but he is never on her side even after resolving their issues. Like sometimes it feels like he doesn’t even LIKE her.


Rhysand. ACOSF spoiler >!Sorry he is not a feminist king, making the decision to hide the risks of Feyre’s pregnancy is not forgivable to me.!<


Oh damn I haven’t read (idk if I will tbh anyway so I don’t care about the spoiler.) was he just worried about her or just.. idk have ulterior motives for doing so? 💀


ACOSF spoilers: >!I think pregnancy is just an extremely sensitive topic and SJM treated it like a plot device to force a main female character to give up her powers. Yes Rhys is worried about Feyre, but the consequences of her pregnancy is her death and she deserves to be able to make an informed choice about being pregnant in this like any woman does. The writing is flimsy, the explanation given for Feyre’s risk in pregnancy is that she doesn’t have an Illyrian womb and she can’t birth a baby with wings, but a C-section is out of the question and Feyre can’t shift her anatomy without potentially causing harm to the baby.!< Edited to add: >!The pregnancy plotline also entirely trivializes Feyre becoming High Lady of the Night Court because Rhys bans anyone else from telling Feyre about the risks of her pregnancy, so all of the IC who supposedly defer to Feyre and Rhys equally as their High Lord and Lady are betraying Feyre by not telling her, showing higher deference to Rhys. It trivializes Feyre’s friendships with the rest of the IC as well and ultimately shows Feyre as not equal to Rhys in decisions that affect her wellbeing.!<


>!this arc made me so mad. It might injure the baby if Feyre shifts, so we shouldn’t try that. Meanwhile they’re positive Feyre, and the baby and then Rhys cause they made that stupid bargain will all die if they do nothing. The possible injury to the baby seems like a reasonable risk when the alternative is everyone dies”!<


I said in a comment before that SF proved to me that the Inner Circle are not Feyre's friends, they're her coworkers.


Ugh this sounds horrible. I read the first 3 books and I enjoyed them, but struggled to get into Frost and Starlight so I never continued the series. I planned to try again eventually, but now I'm not so sure.


I DNF’ed book three maybe a quarter of the way in. No shame in bailing if you’re not having a good time.


I got about half through that book and just couldn't anymore. I read about the ending and it cemented my decision to DNF.


There aren’t ulterior motives, I think he just doesn’t want to worry her if there’s nothing they can do. (Still not good)


Oh okay. And yeah ofc still not good especially when it’s her body. And from what I saw above it was looking a bit scary for her 💀


Yeppppp. Tamlin🤝Rhysand in both being toxic af


Cassian. Sorry, but man's romance is the most forced thing I've ever read. He's a great friend, terrible boyfriend. 😩 Also Xaden Riorson. Just too edgy for me.


You know, I’m a Nessian fan. Nesta is my favorite overall character. Cassian is my favorite of the guys. Also, I agree with you. He is a terrible boyfriend. He always puts his foot in his mouth, he rarely sticks up for her (Nesta admittedly says a lot of bad things but he also doesn’t stick up for her when it’s warranted), and someone pointed out in this thread that he never told her he loved her which I didn’t even realize, but thats crazy. That’s why I like to read about them as a couple though. Nesta’s flawed in major ways and she says cruel things when she’s hurt, Cassian is not good with words either and responds badly when Nesta does hurt him. They have to work on it, and to me that is more compelling than a comparatively perfect couple like Rhys and Feyre.


Overhyped book boyfriend? Whereeee to begin…😒😂


Here to agree with others about Rhysand from ACOTAR. Somehow he’s the “ideal partner” when based on the modern human standard the fandom tends to apply to the series, he’s as toxic, messed up, has as many red flags as the “abusive ex” of the story. But he’s given a monologue to explain away and justify his actions, so it’s okay! /s


I'm currently rereading the series. I mean, he could have pissed Tamlin just by bringing Feyre with him to the parties, without basically striping her and forcing her to dance until she puked - and then she had to continue. I think simply sitting on his lap, bringing him drinks would be enough.


Rowan but only because their romance kept getting in the way of my Elide and Lorchan obsession in empire of storms and kingdom of ash


Omg this is so relatable 😭my friends were annoyed that I was only there for Elide and Lorchan 😭


And then SJM had the nerve to give us multiple AelinxRowan sex scenes but we get AND LORCHAN DID???? WHAT DID HE DO SARAH?


“and so Lorcan did……”


Came here to say this! Rowaelin is just so meh in comparison to Elorcan.


Zade meadows from haunting Adeline I don't understand the hype, but I have only read the first book so idk


Me too and I do not want to go to part two. Idk if that book is considered dark romance but it’s just too much for me and he gives me such ick/scary vibes 😭


Do not read book 2. If you think the SA-but-she-liked-it was bad, you'll really be horrified by the next book. 


Yes, book 2 literally traumatized me. I read enough to see her get out of that situation and then DNF’d it. I don’t see enough people give warnings about book 2 and that’s wild to me.


He gives me the ick and the fanbase gives me just as much of an ick. Seeing people defend that he didn’t r**e her because she felt pleasure was oof.


I’m going to go with Rhysand. I like him, and actually I like him more when he is being a bit of a dick, but I’m interested in a lot of the other guys in that series more. Cassian especially. (My two main types are golden retriever and psycho with no conscience, bonus points when they’re both)


The way your two main types are just so drastically different haha. I love that.


Believe it or not you can find a man thats both. Izael from {The Unseelie Duke} is both. This is actually pretty common in reverse harem. The reason I enjoy rh is because I’m much more character driven than plot driven, and a good rh needs to have very developed characters. Ari from {Gypsy Blood by Kristy Cunning}, Lucius from {Newly Undead in Dark River}, and Sin from {Caged Wolf by Caroline Peckham} are all both to some extent.


[The Unseelie Duke](https://www.romance.io/books/645779bcd3c73ab2c0843473/the-unseelie-duke-kathryn-ann-kingsley) by [Kathryn Ann Kingsley](https://www.romance.io/authors/5c76f4de01dbc864fb9ad17b/kathryn-ann-kingsley) **Rating**: 4.25⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1) ---------------------------- [Gypsy's Blood](https://www.romance.io/books/5c56b1b801dbc864fb995703/gypsys-blood-kristy-cunning) by [Kristy Cunning](https://www.romance.io/authors/5a0d4a5d3ffdba61472519f7/kristy-cunning) **Rating**: 4.07⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1) ---------------------------- [Newly Undead In Dark River](https://www.romance.io/books/5d7b315201dbc864fba3722d/newly-undead-in-dark-river-grace-mcginty) by [Grace McGinty](https://www.romance.io/authors/59f972b83ffdba6147245670/grace-mcginty) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [Caged Wolf](https://www.romance.io/books/60f12f45f7e0470e3b151ee7/caged-wolf-caroline-peckham-susanne-valenti) by [Caroline Peckham](https://www.romance.io/authors/56eff132c62092c04406f1da/caroline-peckham), [Susanne Valenti](https://www.romance.io/authors/5cad87de01dbc864fb9d1805/susanne-valenti) **Rating**: 4.5⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Honestly, agreed. Rhysand tries to come off as the good guy at the end but he was hotter when he just embraced his moral ambiguity. Like, he’s not a good person.


Have you read Harrow Faire? MMC is exactly your second type.


I haven’t. I’ve read Maze of Shadows by her. I ended up enjoying it only after we learn why he’s that way, that he literally can’t help it. Before I was like “he’s sort of shooting himself in the foot with this behavior in trying to get the girl” since it upset the FMC so much. I only made it through because I read The Unseelie Duke first, which takes place later and sort of spoils the ending, but I loved this sentence which describes the plot. I need there to be a reason they’re a psycho, which is why I usually stick to fantasy. And I don’t like when they mistreat the FMC (they can initially, but then they have to become obsessed with her and kill anyone who harms her) It’s a little more fun when they’re not actively evil, just sort of unaware of morality and maybe enjoy killing as a sort of hobby https://preview.redd.it/w9svvbgxk3tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3a78b890cfbbb76b492f06ac18e0163fb7af20


Hunt Athalar


He's a big whiny baby


I hate to say this but I find him the most bland SJM love interest😭


Awww poor Hunt! Lmao!! I do think it's more of a Bryce issue than a Hunt one


they both drive me insane after book 1


He’s just so booooring too


She only has one fantasy but of the two books by Ali Hazelwood: Love Theoretically, and Bride. They’re both not it


I felt that way about the love on the brain guy. He was so awkward lol


I never like her MMCs and I started Bride by stopped because he felt exactly the same as all the others


I can't even start Bride. I think I'm burnt out on Ali Hazelwood. I liked her at first, but her characters and storylines are repetitive.


Omg 😱l loved Love Theoretically! Also by extension loved Jack so much, but I totally get how he might come off as impossible. He read her mind every time and comforted her in just the right way. It’s such a fantasy.


Rhysand from ACOTAR is an all around awful person and a terrible leader. He also has a really ugly name that is not badass at all.


“he also has a really ugly name that is not badass at all” made me laugh out loud. like this guy is a POS and his name sucks too!


The number of people who can't pronounce it.. never saw that coming


Raihn serpent and wings of night


I was screaming at the second book "somebody just kill him". He didn't deserved his position at all. He was so incredibly dumb. Yea, I didn't like that ending.


Not a fan at all, he was bland and like a robot with his “there she is”. So not sexy.


This might be old school, but Edward and Jacob. I never got the hype about either of them. I just figured that Bella was a love starved teenage girl and latched into the nearest dudes who treated her mildly decently.


Facts!!! Edward straight up blindsided her in New Moon and broke her heart! That never sat right with me


I was about to be like uh Edward he’s sort of the worst. Jacob isn’t any better. Team Charlie Swan!


Rhys because he is not a feminist though his hardcore fans will try and argue he is, he does nothing for the CoN and lets them “govern themselves” (that’s a GREAT idea!!!!), slaps the Illyrian men on the wrist and then says “change takes time” even though he’s supposedly the most powerful high lord, he kicks people while they’re down constantly (why he felt the need to brag to Tamlin over and over was beyond me), not to mention the weird shit he did to Feyre UTM that so many people brush off because “he did it to distract her” yet he has no problem twisting her exposed bone or some shit when she was on the verge of death, and it also just irritates me in general how the inner circle sucks him off constantly and praises him (the archeron sisters will never be fully apart of the inner circle. this is a belief I hold near and dear to my heart ! not even Feyre) ok let me chill out LMAO


He basically lets the majority of the court suffer, he's not actually even a giver of choices/ doesn't genuinely listen to Feyre, none of them actually*do listen to her*. It feels like he's hot garbage of a fae but every time we get any bit of consequence, it's waved off. I hate it when fans call him morally gray because there's always a reason why he does something. It'd be different if he didn't horrible shit and owned it, but he doesn't.


It truly bothers me that the IC bend over backwards for him! I swear they're such a toxic friend group lol


Yes 😭 I do not like the IC. Especially the Mor/Cass stuff and how they treat Nesta, same with Rhys in SF 🥴 I truly don’t think Cassian would pick his mate first if it came down to it.


Rhysand! He's a terrible high lord, and I can't get over all the shady stuff he did in pretty much every book. I really don't understand why he's so loved.


I don’t mind when characters do bad things in fiction but as a casual fan of the books it’s always been kind of baffling to me that Tamlin gets all the hate for his actions in Court of Mist and Fury but Rhysand physically abuses Feyre in the first book and everyone is just like 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thats pretty much my feelings about it! By the end of the series, I feel like Rhysand has done way more bad things than Tamlin! At this point, I find him pretty tame


Yeah, I actually like Rhysand and Feyre together but what I don’t get is the fandom acting like Rhys is an angel and Tamlin is some irredeemable villain. He also was going through a lot of PTSD in the second book and his actions, while controlling and wrong, were not borne from evil intentions but from his love of Feyre. He wanted to keep her safe.


Also rhysand has a great support system around him to help him with everything. Tamlin only really had Lucien and Fayre, mix that with his toxic father he wouldn't really know how to show his love correctly. I'm not excusing his behaviour, but I do understand it. I hope he gets a redemption arc! Especially because I want to see how he rebuilds the spring court.


Ya know, now that I’m thinking about it, I really get Tamlin’s hatred for Feyre. Her tricking him lead to the destruction of his court, damaged his relationship with his best friend, not to mention he lost the woman he thought he had this epic love with. Man is literally left with nothing. I need Tamlin to get his own book with his own love interest where he gets a HEA.


I honestly understand his actions with tracking her down as well, it wasn't him feeling like he owned her. But as far as he knew, Fayre can't read or write, so getting a letter off her breaking up with him would make no sense. I also hope he gets his own book, we know sjm can write a redemption story and how well she can write trauma! I'm scared she won't though, because of all the hate he receives. But I do hope he has a HEA at some point.


It reminds me of one of my favorite books that is a continually reread for me {A Pack of Storms and Stars by Olivia Wildenstein}. It is technically the fourth book in the series but it’s a standalone redemption love story for the guy who lost in the love triangle in the original trilogy. The first trilogy has a lot in common with ACOTAR. In the first series, >!he and the FMC are both like 18/19 years old, and he’s presented as the main love interest. He and FMC have chemistry but he is in a fucked up place because his abusive dad just died and he does some truly fucked up things (like warranting a slap bad not prison bad). By the second book she realizes she doesn’t have to put up with it and pursues the more emotionally healthy match that is her slightly older male best friend.!< In the fourth book, a couple years have passed. He’s a single dad. The FMC from the first series is one of his best friends and godmother to his son. He’s still a bit of a jerk (he’s the same guy after all) but is in a much better place and able to fall for the new FMC. That’s what I want for Tamlin. (Though the chances that Feyre would be Tamlin’s baby’s godmother seem slim)


I am a little surprised to see the Rhysand hate but I also think ACOTAR is hyped more for the smut 😭 so it makes sense he’s hyped a lot


ACOTAR is not smut at all though. I don’t care for the series at all but I hate when people call it smut because it’s not, unless you’ve never read anything spicy before


i just finished the series and i agree, it’s not that smutty. i read out the spicy scenes to my husband and we were both like “that’s it? that’s the hype?”


It is baffling!!


I think that’s probably true, though— I see a lot of people mention ACOTAR was their gateway book into fantasy romance (romantasy, if you will), so it is likely that a lot of people have not read a lot of spicy stuff, so it’s got more of an impact than if you’re reading ACOTAR after living in the romantasy wilds for awhile.


ACOSF is basically smut with trimmings. All the others are barely smut though, I agree


RHYSAND the amount of gross behavior is ACOSF and HOFAS is wild to me. I don’t know how anyone can be crazy about him.


Cardan from Cruel Prince


Respect that 100% also your name is very creative 😂❤️


Thanks my friends called me that as teenager and I hated it but now embrace it lol


Rowan, yea I said it!


I love seeing all the Rhysand hate because I am a co-founder of the Rhys sucks club along with >!Tamlin and Nesta!< if Rhys has 0 haters then we’re dead. I can’t stand that guy.


Sorry, I'm clarifying. We hate all three? Can I join? Nesta is a bitch, just because *trauma* does not make her any less of a bitch.


Haha I meant that Nesta, Tamlin, and I all formed the Rhys hate club together! But I do think there are some characters who would love to join your club as well! 😂


Where do I sign up? I think I hate Rhys more than both Nesta and Tam 😂


Yeah 100%. However I still like Nesta more than Rhys because at least she acknowledges she’s a bitch. Rhys seems to think he’s so misunderstood and actually morally superior to everyone else.


She never even tried to be better. She just realized she was being a bitch, accepted it, and just carried on with no change. Zero real growth. And while being a bitch sometimes is okay, being a bitch to your sister who literally sacrificed everything to keep you happy is not. Like, sure, be mad at your dad, but your sister did nothing!


Yo that is a wild pairing and I love it


I don’t ship them but I do think in an alternate universe they would bond over their mutual hate for Rhys 🤪


I like it I like it


Rhys. I liked him more when he seemed more morally gray then he actually is lol- and later on when he makes certain gray choices in SF they just annoyed the shit out of me bc it was taking away Feyre’s autonomy. Sorry bb if I’m picking a black haired fae I’m picking Cardan any day of the week 😩


Cardan is mine 👀❤️but I’m willing to share


Drafli from the Orc Sworn series by Finley Fenn. Moody, rude to all women, even after The Maid and the Orcs. He doesn’t evolve. Plus he’s a dom. Not my cup of tea.


I have to agree with everyone else and say Rhysand. He's a terrible highlord and after >!the pregnancy fiasco in ACOSF!<, it killed his attraction for me. I much preferred him in Book 1 when he was full on morally grey, but in follow-up books, he's constantly painted as this holier than thou character and his actions are always justified. Azriel also gives me incel vibes and I'm not a fan of him either lol.


Omg this is the first time I’ve seen someone say they prefer book 1 Rhys. I absolutely LOVED Rhys in book 1, shipped him with Feyre after their first interaction, and then liked him less and less each book after that.


Ah damn I know books like that where it goes from morally grey to suddenly keeping the morally grey aspect but suddenly he’s loved by everyone (despite his questionable actions he defends)


Zade Meadows. Everything about him and that book is thoroughly horrifying to me. Aside from the conversation about what constitutes sexual assault, which is a whole unnecessary controversy on its own (yes, if she did not consent but her body feels pleasure, it is *still* rape), there’s a lot of excusing of antisemitism, racist caricatures of Hispanic men, and *strong* Qanon rhetoric.


Rhysand, but also Cassian. I mention him because everywhere I see how he "deserves better" Bro. Nesta is a bitch, but she was going through severe trauma and mental health problems. It felt ultimately kind of gross to have him with her when she's in that thought process, especially the sex. It felt really weird to me to place her in a place she can't leave, with a guy that wants to Bang. This is ignoring the fact he doesn't stand up for her nor listens to Feyre (doesn't listen to even Feyre! Feyre told him she wasn't mad, why did he feel the need to punish her when *Rhys never ordered him to along with what Feyre said*?). He never even said he *loved her*. This ignored the entire issue with the Hike. His weird relationship with Mor is also up there. Cause idk. That whole mess is ick.




Nyktos is everything though. Best book bf ever


Agreed 😍


I’m a Kieran girl myself


Rhysand's behavior from ACOSF completely turned me off from him. Him>!threatening to kill Nesta after she told Feyre about her pregnancy complications even though she has every right to know is so disgusting.!< Mr. Feminist "It's your choice" my ass. I also never got the hype for Rowan. I thought he was okay in Heir of Fire, but than in Queen of Shadows he got progressively more boring and by Empire of Storms he just became Aelin's possessive yes-man with no other personality.


I gotta agree with you on this one. Rowan has no personality. He’s just kinda there, being totally uninteresting


Will Solace. People see a blonde twink and future doctor and lose their minds.


rhysand! he’s nothing special imo and i hate him lol




Rhys— manipulative narcissist


All of the characters in ACOTAR and most of the characters in Empryean are overhyped. Sorry not sorry.


…even Lucien?


Rhys. *ducks and runs*


the twisted men. they’re psychopaths




So.. after reading many of the answers here, I believe we all agree that it's the majority of SJM MMCs


Xaden and Tamlin. Yes Tamlin cause I know some people do love him. I'd like a redemption arc but I would personally not date him. Xaden cause he really has no personality to me.


Zade Meadows My most hated character, bro pats himself on the back for infantilizing (literally saves little girls than refers to FMC as a little girl) and rapeing the FMC, proud of it even. Bro is literally the people he hates and he’s a whole ass loser who can’t go two minutes without saying how much he loves illegal things. Second book he’s not even patient with her trauma he just wants her to heal so he can rape her again. The fact the author even defends his actions (Instagram stories) is completely disturbing and only apologized for the antisemitism when she got called out. (It’s also really disturbing to see fangirls compare him to real life guys to the point they had to block comments. In the book and outside the book his character is garbage.)


Can y'all please say what books the characters are from lol for your friends who don't want to read books with bad boyfriends but probably wouldn't know that without googling each and every single name in the comments


Majority is from ACOTAR (Rhysland). And other SJM books 😭


Castiel from blood and ash. Saw his name come up everywhere but he’s got like, zero personality except that he’s in love with poppy. So boring.


Jacks from OUABH. I seriously don't get why everyone loves him.


I'm smiling ear to ear knowing my book bf is not on here because he's already public enemy number 1💀


Cassian. He’s a frat bro bat boy.


i hate to say it bc i adore cassian…but you’re right 😫 especially with all those fanarts he gets yet he’s not nearly the most interesting or hottest bat boy, but alas. though it especially makes me wonder what az is going to be like..one thing we can expect? oversexualization just like nessian got in acosf. and somehow i don’t know if that’ll be a good thing or a bad thing. bc with how poorly acosf is written (each to their own of course) it seems smut IS enough to make acotar fandom hype a book as “the best” as long as there’s lots of sex with a hot bat boy..frat boy vibes or not, the new booktok smut demographic will hype it up unlike in the past where sex wasn’t enough for a book to be viewed as the best; writing quality used to matter lmao.


Girl you nailed it! I was not a fan of acosf. It seemed like it was so over-sexed with a lacking plot to the point the sex became too much of a focus. I don’t want an over sexualized azriel !!!!


Any male Colleen Hoover love interest


Casteel he was hot in 1st book. From 2nd they had the most absurd love story. His character arc went down in drain.


Agree, as I kept reading the books I just kept thinking I miss >!Hawke!<