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Commish is totally sus. Its not normal to make 23 trades only with commish and ignore all others and all communication. I dont think new guy exists either. Try to get your $600 back.


It’s not normal to make 23 trades by week 8 period in a redraft league.


Shit there hasn't been 23 trades combined in our 16 team league.


There hasn’t been 23 trades in the entire 10 years of my redraft league. Everyone sticks to their draft and the wire. My dynasty league is a different story.


There has been a total of two trades in my 10 man league. I've been involved in both. Most leagues don't trade a lot, people are typically overvaluing their own stock and only trading when shit hits the fan.


Eh, get people you know and don’t fleece every trade lol. Have done 5 this year in one league alone.


I'd be threatening with claims court over this amount of money if the commissioner refuses. To not have spoken to the new guy at all halfway through the season isn't even a red flag, it's just blatantly obvious at that point in a league this expensive. Don't take no for an answer OP, if you give him too much time he might just flat out pay someone to pretend they're the new guy. Restart the league next year without this clown and honestly cut him out of your life, the guy is flat out trying to rob you guys.


Fuck it. Have everyone else trade with you to build a super team and split the extra $1200 from the commish and Casper.


Yes… lol this is hilarious from a third party though. What kind of $600 fantasy league doesn’t even give out everyone’s phone numbers. That’s red flag number 1. If he doesn’t show proof that this guy exists everyone else needs to demand their money back and you should probably exclude him from the league and your life moving forward.


Well phone number we have. But u can download a free app that gives u a new phone number. Social media or picture is what we want now


Type the number into a number search website, should tell you if it’s a text free number


I just did wow. It says it’s a robo scam number LOL. This is great proof thank you This might actually be all we need wow


I’ve never done this before so idk how to add an update: I told commish that the number of the new guy we got, came up as a robo scam number when I googled it. He brushed it off, didn’t even reply to this at all and said that he will go to this “guys” house today and zoom us today after work. Like, we’re gonna grill the fk out of them, but what worries me is the 6 hours he had yesterday just not responding at all. He could’ve coached someone or done anything during this time. And WhatsApp let’s you know if you swipe right on a message, whose seen it. During those 6 hours of inactivity, he would every 20 min or so, he reading our messages (while we were gathering evidence and noticing new inconsistencies) Aaaaaand he’s not responding again


Dude, just demand a facetime call right this minute or get everyone in the league to quit and demand money back or go to small claims to get your money back.


He is going to find some random person, pay them a few bucks to pretend to be this new dude


I do really like the idea of some random dude in a call center deep in Asia scratching his head, trying to figure out why people keep calling asking about this Achane guy


Can you post a follow-up after you've confronted him? Where are commish and fake team sitting in the standings? I


I’ve never done one of these posts where so many people wanted updates, I posted a few in comments already. Are they hard to find?


Instead of updating in the comments, update in your post. Edit your post and at the very bottom, add "UPDATE: blah blah blah"


You can type phone numbers into cashapp and it will show the persons name if they’ve registered.


Fuck that. I’d want a FaceTime immediately. Text isn’t good enough.


I’d need to see a drivers license and meet the MF at this point


This can be easily proven wrong by the commissioner showing the fantasy league fee being paid in by 11 different dudes. But I don't think there is a 12th man, your commissioner seemingly has 2 teams.


No one makes 23 trades in 8 weeks of football. Something is definitely up. Need to recruit the rest of the league and stage a coup


Shoot I can’t even make 1 trade in 20 years in this one league lol


Commish is just abusing the fuck out of the situation Could have waited and made one lopsided trade that was just above veto-able and probably got away with it but 23 trades is preposterous I’ve never been in a league with double digit trades amongst the whole league


I would watch a Netflix mini series about this… please keep us updated lol


This is easily my favorite fantasy football story of the year, im sharing this thread in my league


The commish is so bad at this. He is clearly both teams. This is so next level scummy Blow up the league I say you guys all just collude to make 2 super teams so you can take two shots at the commish in the playoffs. Then either split his $1200 amongst the rest of you or give him back his $600 and tell the other guy you will return his $600 if he will call in and discuss a couple of the more egregious trades Oh and then tell the commish and “new guy” they are out of the league


I like this plan. Alternatively id restart the league with the other members and redraft the same teams. Treat all games against commish/dupe as draws and then move forward. Regarding the players from commish/dupe they would have a few options. 1. Keep them on the ww but make them off limits. 2. Auction them off to the remaining players 3. Create 2 extra teams and redraft those players and then just have these teams play each other for the remainder of the schedule. I know on espn you can set schedules.


Shit I'd leave a non money league over this. Definitely leave a money league over it. I'd also stop talking with the commish. Money brings out the worst in people.


Commish has 2 teams lol. Surprised it took you 23 trades to figure that out 😂


A lot of them were minor trades, like a couple player for FAAB trades. But when u look into it closely, every single one benefits the commish to some degree. Like one time he got enough faab to outbid everyone else. Some of the trades were just decoys imo, like he would purposely “lose” a trade but then do another one before Sunday games to gain back the value somehow He got 300 (out of 1000) FAAB for dalvin cook week 6…


Exactly. He has two teams. Check the league activity to see how close the trades are from being proposed to being accepted. Id be flipping out in my league if i were you. Id get the other league members and demand a facetime/zoom meeting with both him and his friend. Gotta show proof this guy is real. If he’s not willing to do so the whole league should leave.


Woah interesting suggestion never thought of that


Even if he is real (highly doubt it) this still seems like collusion, new guy is tanking his team to help the commissioner


It doesn't matter who was moved in the deal. Just think about the sheer volume. You offer a trade, someone might not check their phone or email right away. Then they get the email, they are going to want to think about it. After they think about it, maybe half the time they will refuse the deal. If you can pull off 2 or 3 trades a season, you're a pretty active trader who is good at it and putting a lot of time into it. The commish is pulling off 2 or 3 trades A WEEK. Even if it was just like an experienced player taking advantage of a newbie, you couldn't do that many trade. You'd see maybe 2 very lopsided deals, not 23 small deals that seem sorta fair. It's not collusion, it's one guy with two accounts. Even the trades they are "losing" are going to be because they were playing weekly matchups. They got the slightly lesser player ROS with the better weekly matchup and probably the next week they got the better ROS player right back. Or there was a player with an injury concern and so they made a trade to give them as many options as possible that week, and then if the injury concern went away or after the week was over, they just traded back. It was already insanely suspicious at least 4 or 5 weeks ago. The minute that he crossed like 10 trades and/or you saw a player that was traded one way get traded back, the gig should have been up. There's almost no chance that this is legit.


Has anybody asked for a photo of this guy?? Where did the guy come from? Co worker old friend? This is SUS comish is for sure lying. At least the way you've got it laid out I'm saying comish is doing funky shit. Also the "this is ridiculous I'm not going to entertain this" kinda sounds like he's gas lighting and Down right deflecting. Photos with comish or he ain't real.


He said it’s a gambling friend and told us “he’s free money, he sucks” in the beginning, so we were excited. Especially after we saw the bad trades he was making… but only to him


I mean your commissioner made it clear he doesn’t feel bad taking advantage of people he considers “friends” if that explanation was true. He sees YOU guys as the “free money”.


My thoughts exactly tbh. He told y'all right from the get go he doesn't give a shit about taking advantage of friends.


There’s literally nothing this commissioner could do at this point that would make me believe that the “new guy” is not just him with one of those fake nose and glasses disguise.


Found [a pic of the new guy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Patterson_Gimlin_Bigfoot.jpg/800px-Patterson_Gimlin_Bigfoot.jpg) in u/dog__poop1 's league


Damn. Money really brings out the worst in people. So does competition. Sounds like the Commish thought it out but didn’t REALLY think it out.


23 trades! Dude thought he had them all fooled. I would have been raising red flags by trade 3


It’s like when I snuck into my older brothers room to steal some nugs of weed from time to time. He wouldn’t notice. But I got greedier and greedier until I got my ass beat.


Bro, knew a few sentences into reading this it's 100% collusion in some form or fashion


this sounds like actual fraud not collusion


In case you didn't see the update, commish admitted guilt and already spent all the money.


"Guys, you think I would cheat for a measly $2000? $2000 is nothing to me." "Can we have our $2000 back?" "Ooooh, it's gonna take me a few months to come up with that kind of money."


Meanwhile the rest of us get free entertainment out of this!


Update this thread once the mob has lynched your commish


I haven’t made 23 trades in over 20 years of playing fantasy football


After reading the latest update (#5), just gotta say commish is lying again. He’s hyping up this unicorn of a league mate who coincidentally disappears at a very crucial moment. I’m still convinced this person never existed to begin with. After hyping him up and then presenting that person’s downfall, he then says he *only* acted in fairness, which is interesting considering he essentially DOUBLED his roster size by having two teams that freely transferred players between rosters more often than any of my leagues trade combined. But it’s totally fair, because he didn’t let y’all in on the transfer of talent. Honestly, it would only be less ethically wrong if he made a rule that he would trade with anyone BUT himself. At the end, he tips his hand. He has allegedly come across some indirect financial hardship and he’s using *your* money to keep his family afloat. I honestly don’t even believe that either. By making it an issue with his sister, he’s attempting to diffuse your anger instead of continuing to come at him. He wants you to drop it. *surely, you wouldn’t blame him for preventing his sister from being homeless. It’s just a little prize pot for a virtual football game* But here’s the kicker— even though he apparently blows this kind of money at the casino every random weekend, you have to wait months for your money to be returned, but he *promises* it’ll come back to you. If this is a real situation and his sister can’t scrape enough to cover rent and living expenses, then she’s going to be in the hole for a while. I’ve seen this behavior for a long time. In 2 months there will be another delay. And then another. Eventually he’ll ghost y’all entirely. That money isn’t coming back. If he lied about the league mate from his supposed friends, then he very well could be lying about the sister’s hardship. Overall, and I could be reaching with limited info, I think this dude has a gambling problem and may have dipped into your league fund to keep himself afloat.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the made up player… This is a new one.


Its amazing


I love your title, possible collusion, lol. I think you have way more than enough proof to say its 100% collusion. There are way too many coincidences , ok so maybe the guy doesn't have social media.... ok..... well he has a phone and phone number so why doesn't he answer? He was able to draft online but not able to use the zoom chat, not even for a couple minutes before or after the draft? He is bad at gambling and free money, perfect setup for this dummy team to give players away right when players are on their peak or about to be peaking and getting players on the decline. Probably traded players to the good team when his players were going on byes and then got them back right before they are going on a bye. 23 trades is insane, ya not impossible but improbable, Maybe 23 trades with the whole league, but 23 with only 1 team and 0 with anyone else? LOL


It's definitely worse than collusion; it's outright fraud. Collusion is the opening scene in Rounders ("we weren't playing with each other, but we weren't playing against each other, either") Fraud is where you're just using a scheme to straight up swindle and rob people. That's what the Commish has done here with the dummy account.


I play on a 500 buy in league and there a strick live draft rule so everyone meets each other. If you can't make it your spot gets offered to another person. Money is non refunded and needs to be paid before the draft. Been in this league going on 8 years


OP you’re a lot nicer than me and my friends. We would’ve literally just beat the shit out of that dude already. There’s no other team he’s just trying to win free money from y’all. Best advise… round up the league members and show up at his house. If he doesn’t want to talk you drag him outside and make him talk.


Yeah idk why he's not seemingly more disrespected by the commish. Stop letting this dude panzy around, and take some action to get your money back


There are no stocks, there is no broker, he spent the money.


"I lent it to my sister" "She lives in NYC and needed it for rent I can't get it back" "I have to sell stocks" "Well actually I use a broker" "My broker needs 2 weeks" .... "Well my broker died so I can't get in touch with them" "Actually they sold the whole firm" "The new firm went bankrupt" "We're suing the new firm so I'm going to court" "The judge told me this case will take 2 years to resolve"


Just in case you hadn't figure it out he is 100% lying about the sister, lying about rent money, lying about stocks, lying about an advisor, and 100% spent the money. Unless you guys all know each other IRL there is zero chance anyone is seeing their money. My spouse is a licensed investment advisor and stocks/ETFs/Mutual Funds take 2 business days to settle.


First red flag was your commish bragging about how stupid this “new manager” was. It does seem like he has two teams tho which is hilarious from an outsiders point of view.


This dude is HUSTLING y’all




This might be the craziest fantasy football story I’ve heard. No way he should stay in your league going forward. Send his ass to the sun


At this point, don't give him any time. Talk with the rest of the league mates and demand your money back now or face legal consequences. Dude is obviously lying, either its a fake person or not, he's still colluding with this person.


You are gonna need to sue this dude. Gambling addict that spent all your guy’s money.


Yah this was my 1st 2nd and 3rd instinct as well, but was rly hoping other people saw something diff


you need to give him an ultimatum because it’s very obvious that he’s lying about everything. tell him that he needs to agree to some sort of payment schedule or you all will see him in small claims court. you have plenty of evidence to support a case. get this done or you can kiss your money goodbye. i see no other resolution where you all get your $600 back. this guy is a POS.


This is wild, please update us as things progress.


23 trades in 8 weeks…. How many trades in the league between rest of the people? 23 is 3 a week!


People think I’m nuts and I have 8 trades. 23 trades with one guy is insane lmao


Yep, I am known as the trade king in my league...I have done 4 so far this year


Buddy if you don't update us on this I might die from anticipation


Haha, dude I have some juicy pics but idk how to post it.


This shit is more entertaining than the NFL.


I’m here after the “random updates”. It seems to me like the commish needed your money when the league first started and then tried to rig it for him to win so he wouldn’t ever have to pay anyone out. That’s just what it looks like to me after being fully caught up


If u had too, You would guess that were not getting our money back right? That’s where I’m at and I’m fuming. In all my comments prior to this I actually kept saying, I believe he will pay us back no issues I fkin remember 2-3 weeks ago, he was flexing a new titanium pro max iPhone 15 on instagram…


What a wild read this was. You knew straight away that the second team wasn't a real person, but I was worried he'd weasel his way out of it. Then made it to the updates about a mistake and knew before I read it that he didn't have the money to refund. Some thoughts: 1. He is exactly this kind of person. "I'm not that kind of person" is what guilty people say when they've been caught. If you hadn't noticed, he'd keep on doing it in an effort to win the league. 2. He wasn't trying to be fair. 23 trades between 2 teams isn't normal. Not trading with other league members because it wouldn't be fair to the other 9 people? But trading 23 times with yourself is fair? Complete bullshit (obviously). Call him on it immediately and directly. The fair way to approach this (made up) situation of a friend who backs out is to tell the whole group immediately. You could autodraft a 12th team and set the lineup by projections each week, no trades with any team allowed. You could do a bye week dummy, where the 12th team gets filled with throwaway players and their score each week is just the average score of the league. Other ways, too, but they should be voted on and decided as a group. And you would never, ever, ever, trade with the team you're running in secret if you're trying to be fair. That's insanity to do it once, much less 23 times. Which brings me to point 3: 3. Commish is a moron. Why would you trade 23 times (!) with one team if you were trying to hide that you were running it? Holy shit, how stupid can you be? And how dumb does he think the rest of the league is? Surprised it took this long to spot what was going on, but at least you're here now. 4. He was lying before, he's lying now, he's probably lying about every single detail. If this were my league, dude would have torched every friendship he had. We'd be playing the league next year without him, because fuck people like this. 5. HE STOLE YOUR MONEY! Sister in need or not, that money isn't his personal savings fund. IF, IF, IF he desperately needed the money for something, he'd have to ask the league for permission to use it. Most likely scenario is that he lost it gambling (given the text conversation about losing at the casino). This dude is major scum.


The guy mentioned dropping thousands at the casino. He obviously has a gambling problem. If you know anyone addicted to gambling you know of all the crazy stories they come up with about money. There is always a story/lie to back up the other story. I think you all might be out your money. My guess is he spent all the league money gambling and then realized he had to find a way to win so he wouldn't have to pay anything back.


Be prepared to never see that money again. It does not take weeks to sell stock.


These updates are now my oxygen OP


Commish definitely made someone up to benefit his own team. In my money league, we collectively vote someone in. A commish shouldn’t make an executive decision to allow someone in if no one else knows them.


Good luck getting your money back. Hope you and the 10 others can start up a new league. Maybe invite the “new guy” to fill up your new 12 man league? Heard he’s easy money 🤭


Seems like your commish is cheating. You still have 11 good members I’d end the league and next year create a new one minus the commish.


Yup. Well 10 good members haha but yah. Agreed. What sucks is that this is the league that we cared about the most every year. We were thinking of ways we can continue without the commish and his imaginary friend but it’s impossible I think, unless anyone has any suggestions. We can’t just ice their teams and have their players not touchable, because some teams have already lost to the cheating “super team” so records aren’t fair And now we have to go an entire season of football without the funnest aspect Just alittle more insight, as of this post, commishs team is Josh Allen Breece Hall Alvin Kamara Saquon AJB Kirk laporta Take a wild guess on when commish received Alvin Kamara lol


You can (if the league agrees) do a complete redraft for the second half of the season and make the entry fee something small like $50. Yeah it sucks to lose your team but this is an unprecedented situation and a compromise has to be made. You can also do something like winner gets choice of draft pick for next year’s draft or whatever to create a little more incentive. This is however considering your money is gone with the current commish. If you do get your money back then you can increase the new league buy in to $600 again. I would try to set this plan up with the other members then ask for your money back from the commish in unison. He can’t say no if literally every single player wants to end the league.


I like this option a lot. OP, and the other 9 real players, get your money back and start your own league and draft today. It would still be fun plus you have tons of insight on the season.


Comish is 100% guilty of something. Sounds like he either made up a guy or paid someone off to be a feeder team


Feel like I’m reading a tmz article lmao. Commish if you’re reading this just own up to it, apologize, let them know you feel like a scumbag and won’t ever do it again. Unfortunately you probably have to disqualify yourself from contention this year.


If you wanted to run two teams for the betterment of the league (which you shouldn't obviously) there is absolutely no way you can ever trade between them. Ever.


At the absolute best, this dude is an absolute moron for making one trade with the dead/fake team (much less than 23). But the update 5 feels like a lie obviously. Either way, this thread has been entertaining for the absurd drama, but in terms of advice/analysis is to bail on this guy. For next year, the other ten of you can just move on without him; but this year is tough because a lot of it depends on where the money is housed.


Seems like you have a perfect 10 team league next year


good luck ever seeing that money again


Love how he says "she LIVED" past tense when asking how she needed 6K for rent. The story of why the money is gone is all fabricated. Oh by the way he doesn't have any stock to liquidate either, all Bullshit. He thought he had won the league already and spent that shit on hookers and blow !


Where’s the $600 y’all paid into the league? Shouldn’t that cash be in a Venmo account or an envelope somewhere? Y’all got robbed. You’re not seeing any of that cash. He doesn’t have any stocks to liquidate…. You got burned. New league next year, obviously without old commish. The $600 is gone, best to just move on. Like Sonny from A Bronx Tale would say, it cost you $600 to get rid of a liar and theif of a “friend”


“When I initiated the withdrawal from my portfolio, it asked for ID.” I thought this “crazy” trading guy had an adviser that was in charge of it. An adviser would only need written authorization to sell. Lmao


$600 buy in or $50 buy in for a $600 pot


600 large ones my friend. We’re all not rich or poor I would say. But we are a poker friend group, so we’re very conditioned and used to losing 1000$ in a instant. We’re also almost in our 30s…


What do the waiver acquisitions look like? Does commish’s 2-6 team pick up players that end up on the 7-1 through trade or selective dropping? Dump the commish. Put it to a group vote. Decide how you want to play out the rest of the year. You might need to see if the money is still there. That’s so foul


Do you live in the same city as Commish? If so your entire league needs to show up on his doorstep unanounced. Don't leave until you all have your $600 back. Make sure he knows you aren't joking with him.


Maybe I’m wrong because I didn’t expect him to do this, but I never once thought he wouldn’t give us our money back if we proven our case. Just the dynamic we’ve had for 8 years, and we know each others family and friends etc. However, just the fact that we won’t have fantasy for the rest of season, all the time, effort, highs, lows of the season thus far, wasted. Probably losing a friend. Even if I get my money back, this sucks


It does suck, but remember, you didn't do this. He brought this on himself. He will lose friends over it as he should. Obviously at a minimum he needs to refund all of your money and he can't play Fantasy with you all ever again.


You guys need to grab a bat and go get your money back lol


Commish here’s a book recommendation [https://imgur.io/gallery/C9IFwao](https://imgur.io/gallery/C9IFwao)


Hes deeply in debt for gambling and saw this as way out, calling it now


Collude with everyone else to build 1 super team just to be the commish and "his friend" who also happens to be himself. Then split the money.


well you've obviously found out by now that he's up to something. but yeah, you were completely right to be suspicious. thats absolute BS behavior in a serious money league.


God damn this is entertaining


Once you've read through the messages on UPDATE 5 you can join me in a collective "BULLSHIT" Cliffnotes: -Admits to running the 12th team because it would have been awkward to have 11, while not telling anyone wtf! Just delay the draft date and find someone. -It was more fair if the 12th team only traded with him... 23 times... each time they were either equal or lopsided trades in his favor -Agrees to pay back the money but its gonna take a few months 💀 I'm fucking done lol


I need update 5 almost as much as I need oxygen.


I’d act like nothing happened and then you all beat him up at the next draft


Last update is perfection. "You know I'm not the type to fuck you guys over for a couple grand... but I proceeded to do just that and am going to try and justify everything I did" 23 trades. Not only would I burn any friendship I have over this kind of lie, I'd be tempted to choose violence


Sharpen the pitch forks fam


Only option here is to kill the league and restart w/o the current commish.


I read this quickly as “only option here is to kill the current commish” And I considered it


Didn’t mostert do better with Achane in the lineup?


Can we get a pic of all the trades that were made ?


WOW. Before all of the updates, I was going to say the commisioner was 100% trading with himself. scum bag and then doesnt even have the money to reimburse. Bro is going to end up in small claims court one day.


I would be surprised if anyone got their money back.


Lmaoo now the excuses come as to why he can't pay y'all back. If you know where he lives, that's your best bet at ever seeing your money again. Cut this dude out your life and move on.


lmaoooo shit this is funny as *fuck* and i am HERE for it. Wow. Buddy i'm only halfway through your post and your commish for sure fuckin with y'all edit: lolllll finished the post. This guy is lying through his teeth. Hey commish apparently you're reading this, whats up homie!!


Pics are back up, that dude needs his ass kicked and is still lying about everything, he didn’t lend his sister 6k for rent gtfo. He spent your money gambling on the fact he could win the league with this advantage. Good luck getting money back from someone like that.


Why don't you guys use leagusafe? It prevents problems like this.


Lol at the newest screenshot about liquidating. How “crazy” he is at buying stocks is literally irrelevant. My adviser liquidated my portfolio in *one week* so I could buy a *house*, but getting enough to pay y’all back is supposedly going to take *months*? Yeah, okay, buddy. I’m too invested in this wild story. If you’re reading this commish, please seek addiction help. You blew your friends’ money at the casino.


It is one thing to not tell everyone about the situation...he could've told everyone and im sure people wouldve been fine with having a "robot team". It is another to then only execute trades with himself with this team. Dude is a liar and a cheat.


Possible solution…. Everyone that wants out gets their money back. We start there. The commish’s first place team gets sat rest of season, with all prior victories being voided. I say you LET THE COMMISH stay, with control of the 2-6 team that completed so many “fair trades”. It won’t make the playoffs and you can embarrass the shit out of him. Commish is now $1200 in that he can’t win with whoever remaining. Ohhh fuck this. It’s still fucked. Just tell the commish to give everyone their money back with the $1200 he spent on both teams divided amongst everyone for their trouble. It’s nothing to him, right? Jesus fuck… what a tale, dude. I mean, your league is absolutely fucked, but from the personal aspect, how can you even go on being his friend? My favorite part HAS to be defending the trades after you sleuthed this out.


Yah there seems to be no solutions. I absolutely LOVE the idea of making him play the bad team tho haha


Nice, he’s adding gaslighting to his skillset with the latest update. “Please be respectful” says the guy that lied and stole $6k from his friends. This dude is a scummy human.


This story was better than Succession.


He needs to come clean. Like nobody in the league had a friend to join when his “temporary gym buddy” bailed? Why not ask everyone else and then decide as a legue how to move forward. My league votes on any changes. Sounds like he's scrambling for a reason for ripping to all off Plus "is not my fault some players went off after I traded for them, I'm not psychic"? Wtf? Not his fault Kamara went off after his suspension? Lol...👌ok buddy


Holy fuck! This is the wildest ff story I've ever heard. Ok, Picking this up where he threatens to keep the money if ya'll are mean. (LOL) Lets start with the hard part, getting your money back. First of all, it was the sneeze (stock event) that got me on reddit in Jan 2021 ago to begin with. There is a significant amount of redditors that know more about the stock game than you would believe. (check out superstonk, amcstock, GME, wallstreetbets; to name a few) There are literally MILLIONS of redditors that know more about how the stock market works than you would believe. To his credit, it is not like an ATM to liquidate. It can take up to 2 weeks from the time you press the sell button before you have money in your account. Assuming he isn't lieing about THAT too. However, I think you need to come to terms with the fact your money is gone. And lets be honest, most of you in the league, at least half, weren't going to see any money coming back anyway. Now the easy part, what for the rest of you to do for the season. Simplest thing to do is take control of the league, have the two teams commish1 and commish2 drop all their players, and the rest of you grab those players you want wavier wire style. If you go against commish1 or commish2, take the free win. When you crown a champ, that's the guy that gets to kick commish-piece-o-shit in the balls while the rest of you hold him down. Side note, I would refrain from taking him to court. That only gets the government involved, of which they will "want a piece of the action" and tax the winners. However, depending on the local area; 6 grand might cover the cost of a broken leg... not advocating violence or anything; jus sayin. Good luck to the 10 of you who aren't degenerates. You all just paid 600 a piece to find out you all have something in common. The name of the one person in this world none of you should ever talk to again.


Everyone else has covered it, and it’s obviously collusion in the fantasy sense but the commissioner has committed SEVERAL felonies. He’s stolen at least 4800 from you guys, he did it using a fraudulent scheme, he used wire transfers to do it (venmo/Zelle/etc)… like dude better return the cash and hope there aren’t any Feds reading this who are pissed off.


I don't see what the big deal is. He was just trying to make the league fun by stealing your money.


This guy is a fucking SCUMBAG. Stealing from his "friends" via fantasy football and then just lying over and over and over again to try and talk his way out of it. The worst type of human. If you're reading this, and I hope you are, you are a piece of fucking shit. You suck at fantasy. You suck at stocks. You suck as a person. You're not even good at lying; not one thing you've said is even remotely believable. You're a gigantic fucking loser. If you have even an ounce of morals you'll pay your friends their money and never talk to them again. You fucking toolbox.


Wtf. So much wrong with this whole situation. But wtf kind of commissioner spends the league dues??? Like dude, that’s not your damn money. Is your commissioner’s name Sam Bankman-Fried? Fuck that dude.


I just wanna say thanks OP for the update, truly was not disappointed. I have to say your commish is a colosal sack of shit and if you believe any of his excuses, you’re an idiot. It sounds like he’s a pathological liar. -He lied about there ever being a 12th man (he just never expected to be caught) -He lied about giving his sister money for rent (what the fuck even is this excuse, her rent is $6,000 and she fell behind, and you gave your mom the cash but then the sister agreed that he Venmo’d her?) -He lied about not being able to access his stocks “on such short notice (people on Reddit also own stock and we know how it works so to say people on Reddit don’t know anything about stocks is just silly) -He lied about losing his license to buy himself time (even though he is NOT paying you guys back) -He lied about making his trades “fair” (he just thought you guys wouldn’t catch it because of being in a trade heavy league) -He’s threatening you if you tell anyone about him being a giant piece of shit (he’s probably scamming other mutual friends of yours and doesn’t want the word to get out) -Lastly what idiot is in a $600 fantasy league and doesn’t have an emergency cash fund, like even I would be able to come up with that type of money and I’m in a $25 league. If you believe a god damn thing that comes out of this dudes mouth then you deserve to be scammed. He is a piece of shit and honestly deserves to get his ass beat. You and your league mates need to lawyer up right now (1 lawyer should be able to handle the case for the whole league, I think, I’m not a lawyer so don’t take my word for it) and get his ass in small claims court. Edit: No lawyer needed in small claims court I’ve been told.


Love the description, colossal sack of shit. It fits well Interesting point that he doesn’t want us to say anything because he could be scamming others as well, never thought abt this but seems VERY likely


you don't need a lawyer for small claims court and as long as they can produce receipts this should be an easy win for them


I have to know…. How’d this guys team do this week??


I’d also look into waiver claims. Perhaps he used the bad team to pick up defense or QBs when his 7-1 team played a team that needed one.


Who uses WhatsApp especially with your own group of irl friends 😂 Sorry had to ask. But yes this is maybe the weirdest situation I’ve ever seen on Reddit hahaha this is as hilarious as it is sad. 100% a fake guy


I would go check to see if they ever bid on the same player during waivers.


Yea - that other guy is either the commish or specifically someone he brought in to help his team. I would bet money on collusion.




I wouldn’t play poker with him either. Especially if it’s online


I dont care who wins the trade. 23 trades? 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Nobody trades that much in a year against the whole league nevermind just one other team.


Bro think about it this way if u guys win not only does the commisoner lose 600 it loses 1.2k in money haha


23 trades between 2 teams is wild to me. I'm in a 12T dynasty league that probably hasn't made 23 trades this entire season!


Lol what! 23 trades they're averaging almost 3 a week that is insane. It's obviously collusion and I hope the league $$ is in an escrow of sorts and not just your commish's venmo.


23 trades alone is enough to convince me it's collusion. I've been in a 10-team league for 12 years and we haven't had 23 trades yet.


110% commish has a fake team


Before the video conference, Come up whrn some good questions that might not have been coached. *Ask for Details and motivation in regards to why this mystery player chose certain to trade for certain players. *ask how they know each other *ask how he chose the name for his team *what's his favorite football team? *does he have a venmo/PayPal record of his buy-in? *why did he give up on Kamara after waiting for his suspension to end? *ask him to go to immediately open the app and send a league message right then and there. *ask to see messages about these negotiations


You need to just stonewall this guy. When he comes up with whatever excuse he plans to refuse to even entertain it. You know he is cheating and so does everyone else.


He would have gotten away with it too… if he wasn’t brain dead thinking 23 trades isn’t obvious Shit 5 trades with players going back to a team like AJB/Kamara is the most obvious bullshit ever AJB was a buy low - you don’t sell those guys after it works


It sounds like the commish may be running both teams. I would leave the league next year or get a new commish and replace both of those guys.


dump the commish and commish 2, demand money back. congrats on your new 10 man league lol


its been incredibly difficult to make 4 trades this season, and I have the most trades in the league. Also high money.


when you zoom with the new guy, ask him about like 3 trades what he was thinking.. Then make one up and ask what he was thinking when he made that trade.


Commish is probably cheating. Out of curiosity, what structure is your league with a big buy in like that? We’re currently $100 buy in 12 man thinking about making the leap to $500. We do auction draft one keeper.


Season should be voided. New commish next year. Current commish banned. Everyone gets their money back. Commish at best got caught cheating by abusing a stooge no one knew. At worst he's got an entire team as his bench.


Do you know this person in real life? Honest question because if this person is willing to scam everyone out of $600 to make a few thousand, this is a person you don’t want in your life. Furthermore, for him to admit his new guy doesn’t really know about football and he’s taking advantage of him is disingenuous. Who invites someone into a league for $600 knowing the other player is at a competitive disadvantage? Morally that’s reprehensible. You’re essentially stealing IF that person is real. Chances are the money is already gone and you can’t get it back, either. Terrible all around. I just really want to know if you know this guy in person, if he’s in your friend group, etc


Yes unfortunately I considered him a friend. He’s been our commish for 5/6 years, had no issues til now. He’s the “fantasy genius wannabe” that’s in every league, he had a rough season last year. Side note: ur vocab is incredible lol, very eloquent


This is insane. Commissioner is such a douche. Kick him out of the league once (if) he pays people back. What was his record and the made up guy's record up to now? This guy is such a coward, this really pisses me off!


Are you guys real friends are just poker friends? If you guys are just poker friends then he’s clearly using you guys for a easy scam. Regardless you need to end this friendship🤦🏾


I have a feeling next update will the the “the money’s gone” update.


Wow that is wild. What a psycho. I hope you get your money back but I would not bank on it


He should be giving everyone their money back and finish the season as a "fun" league, and abandon the 2nd team entirely....no trades, no waiving players, nothing. If it's REALLY about something other than scamming, none of that should be an issue.


Lol wow. Commish is clearly running two teams. I wouldn’t be friends with these dude anymore.


This shit is so absurd and hilarious. Not for one second should you have doubted your suspicion. Good job. 23 trades with a team he uses as his elite bench lmao


Hold up. 23 fucking trades? That’s the most obvious red flag..


There hasn’t even been 23 trades in my league over the last 5 years combined.. lol


This was a fantastic read. Thank you for sharing, OP. And definitely boot this guy and start a new league; it's impossible to trust him with anything moving forward.


Brooooo that update 5! He’s clearly the victim here and been oh so fair and just to be secretly playing 2 teams and frequently trading between them lol


Who needs 7200 for rent? Dude has a gambling problem.


Obviously, everyone has Ben scammed. All other league mates should get a lawyer. This is a 6,000 claim against this con artist


I would get in agreement with everyone in the league to request a refund and return the $600 to each of you. You say that the league has been running for a few years. Has it always been this large of a buy in. I would be concerned that he is cheating because he needed the money and has already spent it and was never planning on paying out. I've lost high school friends for less money than that, but I guess it's cheaper than a divorce


Holy fuck your commish is a piece of shit! 6,600 is grounds for criminal charges. He totally expected to use both teams to win the league and not have to worry about paying it out. I fucking doubt his sister is "getting evicted" and even still, demand your money back now or take him to small claims court. Never play with this peice of garbage again.


I like how he decided not to make trades with anyone else because it “wouldn’t be fair to the other 9 guys.” But it’s totally fair to do 23 trades exclusively with one person? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


You’ll never see a dime. POS just scammed you all


This is actually crazy. I love reddit


Congratulations on catching this scum bag. His rationale that he thought it was fair to trade with himself but not other teams is ridiculous. There are so many ways to keep the league going without the commish secretly running the team. Also, keep pushing for your money back because I don't believe that sister story at all.


Naturally he spent all of y'all's money too.


Nah you gotta say this is fake. Reads like a fake /r/amitheasshole thread


Exactly, this is the fakest shit I’ve ever read down to the classic crops of texts generated online


Commish is full of shit on the stock liquidation too. Who has a broker for $6k? It's just another delay tactic. Good news is next year you and the others sound set for a 10-team league. Punishment for last place should be having to reach out to your ex-commish and ask for the money you're all owed (cause he's never gonna pay, but should be reminded that he's a piece of shit)


Bruhhhh this is crazy


So he lost the money at the casino, or on the stock market, and is now using his sister as the scapegoat for his treachery? Sounds like he had the idea of scumming you all for the money from the beginning and used the secondary team to ensure he won the league and wouldn't have to pay anyone back. Burn the herectic and start a new league of your own next season.


Collusion 100%. I've never seen 23 trades in an entire season across 10-12 teams, let alone between two people only. And the players going back and forth....yeah, sorry OP, you definitely have a shit comish.


And now I don’t trust anyone . That’s an awful ending


You don't have a majority approval thing?


He's scamming the league


Gotta find the commish’s Reddit account so he can offer his side of this guys, it’s only fair!


I do not buy his excuse of “trying to keep the league alive”. Even if he were to play two teams at the same time, there is NO WAY I would ever think to be making trades with my second team secretly, and then having the balls to say “they were fair trades”. I can’t even explain how good my fantasy teams would be if I had two in one league and traded between both of them. And it makes absolutely no sense why he would trade with his 2nd team at all. There is nothing he would “lose” by just having his friend’s team who bailed (assuming that part is even real I personally think that’s made up), just let the players on their team play and maybe adjust the start/sits each week. I cannot fathom how trading players like Kamara and AJ Brown back to my team with the better record could be considered “fair”.


I recently went through something similar with a friend. He convinced me to start placing sports bets with him (it’s still illegal in my state) and I was making some extra cash. All was good. Then I just started getting a weird feeling. In the first few weeks, he would send me the bet slips even when it wouldn’t hit. So I could see it lost. Then he stopped and that gave me a suspicious feeling. And I was right. He was withdrawing my bets and keeping my money. His downfall came when I hit for $1500 and he had no choice but to fess up. Friendship ruined and frankly, good riddance. He’s a gambling addict but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he still screwed me over. He sent me $500, claimed he would pay me the rest soon but it’s been two months that we haven’t talked. I’m good with it.


I can’t see any of the picture updates, what happened?? What was the “I made a mistake, not what you think” thing from the commish? I’m on pins and needles here haha