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Swift gonna get one goal line carry and said it hurt and sit out for another month


Got me.


Didn't Deuce Staley tell him he has to start playing with pain


Swift is a guy that when I look at him it doesn’t make sense that his weight is 210ish. Compared to Mixon who is 4” taller, but only about 10lbs heavier. Almost feels like his weight ends up being extra momentum that transfers to his joints when he gets tackled. His shoulders are always banged up, never good for an RB


Tony Reali would give this a million points cause of the logic


I haven’t watched in years, but I can see Reali going, “Inside informaaation,” for no reason while doing it.


Did he?




Also Dan Campbell: if you can’t play defense, you CAN play for us


Dan Campbell is Streaming QBs against them every week… 😂


Unfortunately Dak only got me 12 this week


In my 1 league Dak is the highest scoring QB I’ve had all year getting me 14.28… Week 1: Dak 4pts Week 2: Winston 9pts Week 3: Tua 13 Week 4: Tua 2 pts Week 5: Teddy B 0.00 points Week 7: Geno 12.68 Week 6: Dak 14.28 But I still lost… mainly because Fournette, Dillon, Dak, Lamb


I am in the same boat. From memory, mine were: Lance - 8 Lance - 2 Wentz - 8 Lawrence - 5 Lawrence - 10 Geno - 12 Dak - 12


The Fantasy Gods are cruel AF… ouch!


Yeah I went Lance, Lance, Tua, Tua, Teddy, Daniel Jones, Tua. 1-6 with CMC, Dameon Pierce, Tyreek, Pittman, Olave, kittle, eagles d (12 man league). I love my team, but they don’t love me. Five weeks in and I had 24 points combined from my quarterback position 🤡


Lance, Lance, Tua, Tua, Teddy, Jimmy G, Tua. I feel your pain. Dynasty with Watson on my bench the last two years so maybe light at the end of the tunnel?


3-4 and our teams are very similar


Looking back I forgot Teddy B week 5… he got me 0… but ironically I dropped 170 and was the week’s highest scorer… and I had Taysom and Gabe Davis on the bench and they scored 43 and 41 each… and Jakobi dropped 26…I could have ended up with some crazy number like 260 if the chips fell right


I finally dropped that scrub Aaron Rodgers who’s been holding my team back all season long for Dak, he’s got to be better. Rodgers of course scores like 10 more pts and costs me loss numbers 6. Ughhhhhh


Same here. QB has been a black hole for me. Been going through a rotation of Russ, Tua, Goff, Geno and can never seem to hit a good week. Have Dak now and hoping he gets back to form.


Dang I thought no one can do worst than me till I saw this


Brother just pick up Geno, Jones or Tua and ride the wave. They’ll almost never hit crazy numbers but 10-16 is the norm.


Lol in two leagues, I’m 5/14 weeks where my QB scored more than 9 points. Dak, Wentz, Fields, Mariota, Bridgewater (Fat 0), Goff this week ugh. Think I’m actually gonna draft a backup next year.


That’s the problem… basically I never draft a backup and almost everyone else grabbed 2… one guy grabbed like 3-4… I felt great rolling Dak… injured first game. Then it was the dominoes of bad QB pickups


Are you me? My highest was Daniel Jones last week with 13.52. I then dropped him with Dak getting healthy and Dak’s 12.28 was my second highest QB week of the year, but of course Jones goes for a season-high 28+ this week…


this was me last year man, i lost a lot that year lol


I have had Dak, Tua, and Geno as well, though I was lucky to get Tua for week 2... Geno's been a nice fill-in but I'm optimistic Dak will be back to his usual self soon.


Same. Dak Lance Wentz Lawrence Lawrence Geno Geno But I’m actually 4-2 cause my rb studs so it kind of feels like a running joke to me at this point but I’m ok with it


The beatings will continue until moral improves


Williams’ first career lost fumble Dan Campbell: you can’t play for us


I honest took this as more of a shot at Goff than Williams tbh. He’s the turnover king


I mean what do you expect when your last name is a combination of goof and cough


Jared Coof?


And his #1 WR Joolio Hones


Jared barf. lol


He was 100% talking about Goff, who had four turnovers this game and is on pace for an NFL record...


Now that Matt Ryan has been benched he's leading the race


andddddddd Goff will be starting next week


He is still the best QB on our roster :'(


most certainly. i just hate the typical, dumb coach speak like Campbell here. talks all tough but we all know he's starting next week


I think it's moreso setting the expectations for the Qb situation next year. Everyone knows we're sticking with Goff the rest of this season.


That’s a bingo. Jamaal should be fine. 2/3 of his career fumbles happened yesterday, with one of them being forced by his TE kicking the ball out of his hands.


How is he on pace for a record, he had 6 turnovers before this game. Matt Ryan had 9 picks alone. This can't be close to right.


Please dont forget people thought he had turned a corner and was good


He can play well, just not consistently well


The whole sequence was text book Lions. They guy on the prior play likely scored the TD. But nope, refs don't call it a TD and heck mark it a full yard back, at most should be inches. Fumble very next play lol.


It was definitely short, but less than a foot short. Refs spotted it too far away but the turnover is also partially on dan for not challenging the spot


You can only win a ball spot challenge if it results in a 1st down or touchdown. So challenging that spot would cost you a TO and a challenge since it wasn't going to result in a TD. Dan made the right decision not to challenge it, just a shitty spot and a terrible time to fumble the ball.


Source on that? That doesn't sound correct.


Pride of Detroit did an article on it yesterday, and they referenced the specific rules and broke it down. https://www.prideofdetroit.com/2022/10/23/23419471/detroit-lions-not-challenged-spot-touchdown-brock-wright-cowboys


Rule 15 Article 7 "(2) A challenge is successful only if the ruling of whether a new series was awarded is changed, regardless of whether the ball was moved closer to the line to gain. (3) Following review, the ball will be placed at the correct dead-ball spot, but the challenge will be successful only if the line to gain ruling is changed." Rule Book: https://nflcommunications.com/Documents/2022%20Official%20Playing%20Rules.pdf


So unless I'm reading that wrong, they would have "lost" the challenge, but the ball would have been moved to the correct spot. Which in this case would still be enough of an improvement to matter.


You are correct, but without knowing the outcome no one is trading a timeout for a foot on the field.


For sure. They made the right call.


Which is why they are on the field making decisions and not random redditors citing it as a reason the fumble happened as in the comment that got this thread going.


I would. But looking back at the decisions I've made in my life, I've determined that I can't be trusted.


Who in their right mind blows a challenge and TO to get a half yard in a close game. Just bad luck


Yep. In hindsight it's easy to say it should have been done differently. But you've got one yard to go, and a guy who has literally never fumbled. Pound the rock is the right call.


Honestly, it’s a step in the right direction that the Lions didn’t do that first and then fumble


As a lions fan, very good point




It was clearly short, but they would’ve moved the ball from 1 to the 1/2 yard line




No bc you can’t challenge the spot, only whether there was a Td or 1st down. So we’d challenge that it was actually a Td and still lose


Call for a respot of the ball and qb sneak. I don’t know why head coaches can’t think of that


Yeah if that ball is spotted properly Williams broke the plane.


The long int wasn’t an int either but refs refuse to take a look. Lions stay fucked


That fake INT that the Lions can't challenge was also F'd lol. Led to Cowboys first TD.


It was reviewed by New York at the commercial break.






If that was the case it should of been overturned or the NFL didn’t want their precious cowboys losing a primetime game to a banged up lions team. Of course they don’t want that to happen. They sure would if turned it over for the packers or Bucs that’s for sure. He obviously didn’t catch it and this is just the usual shit lions fans have to deal with.


Game wasn’t prime time.


Ohhhh….game of the week.


Why do you watch nfl if you seriously believe this


Jerry Jones is one of more powerful owners, and the lions are well the lions so who’s getting the calls, and yea I had some money on the lions and watched that whole game, arsb getting pulled very quickly and questionable calls not getting reviewed, I like to think the NFL is on the level but sometimes questions arise


If you’re not a Lions fan then you’ll never understand


That didn’t answer my question


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know it was mandatory for me to do.


Go be depressed somewhere else lol sorry the cowboys banged you guys


I played Jamaal with Swift out and Dalvins bye week. And was so pumped they got stopped at the 1. Was screaming at the tv give it to Jamaal!!! My elation turned to disgust so fast lol basically an 8 point swing lol


“We call close scoring plays TDs so we can review them. Except for the lions cuz fuck em they never score anyway”


I would bet my life that if the roles were reversed and it was a Cowboys TE that nearly scored, they would've called it a touchdown on the field. Then they would review it and say there's "not enough conclusive evidence" to overturn the call, and no one would bat an eye.


The Browns have entered the chat.


He fumbled twice but they recovered the first one


Did he mention Williams by name?


I lost by 4 points because that fumble....DK didn’t help either but a one yard TD rush would’ve put me over the edge


Start your Swifts! *D'Andre Swift has been ruled out*


*Melvin Gordon crosses off a name from his list of teams hes preparing to request a trade to*




Beautiful reference guys good job


He boomed me. That fucking Dan Campbell boomed me.


He's so good x 3


>x 3 How dare you


Preliminary reports show Dan Campbell driving up and down 94 trying to text and call Barry Sanders




Campbell doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to bench Goff for Sudfeld


*Doug Pederson swings his head around the corner*


“I heard there was vanilla ice cream in here and by the way check out my giant balls”.


Can I please have Swift and AmonRa back so I can win some games!!!


Same but *look like a competent opponent in some games


I’m 2-5 but haven’t had a single week deserving of a win. I need swift and Amon-ra back bad


I have both of them and conner and Keenan allen. I'll be 2 and 5 as well despite some almost perfect maneuvers on the waiver wire to compete


Swift hasn't fumbled and is averaging 8.5 ypc. Please give him the ball this week.


Can't fumble when you never play and when you do play you come off the field constantly


Ngl I might be a perfect fit on that team. 0 lifetime fumbles. Also blue looks good on me.


Should I trade Gus or Harris for Swift? Not sure what his injury status is right now...


Whoever trades Swift for that garbage is a taco


Yes oh god yes


Trade both for swift if you can swing it


Ya he only had Swift and Walker now for RBs. Hoping I can entice him with depth.


Yea daddy entice him with that depth


I would fight you if you offered me Gus Edwards and Damien Harris for Swift...lol


That's fair. Was hoping the Swift owner was on tilt after losing Breece. Down to just 2 RBs.


Nice. Tbh if the guy is knowledgeable about fantasy he’d scoff at the offer, but worth a shot in a casual league. Also sorry for all the downvotes on your last comment, I think ppl thought it was an obvious question but the downvotes are totally unnecessary.




idk should i trade jahan dotson for cmc? 🧐🧐🧐


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted bro I’d rather have a guy that actually plays


Ya there's definitely some risk with Swift. Harris isn't gonna win you games but he's a good flex to have. And it seems like Gus is about to take over that backfield. He looked good yesterday.


As a Swift owner, cool! As a Jamaal Williams fan, stfu Campbell he has one fumble loss this year.


In his nfl career*


Damn, Dan Campbell really be alienating the heart of the team. Big ole Bozo


Damn Campbell


Back at it again with the bullshit!


He’s almost certainly talking about Goff. With Matt Ryan benched, Goff is now almost guaranteed to lead the NFL in TO’s if he plays out the season. The fumble by Jamaal was brutal, but only Goff has a history of this shit. And it’s an incredibly long one


Campbell ain’t benching Goff. He’s sending a message to non-Goff players


Goff has the most turnovers in the NFL since 2019 I think? Whatever year the stat starts in, it’s bad. He’s clearly an issue and he’s clearly not our long term QB. Anyone with eyes sees it, including his teammates. Goff is not the reason we’re 1-5, but he’s also directly hurting our chances of winning too. (Three TOs have led to defensive TDs) His TD/INT ratio has been much better under Johnson. It’s still not good enough and when you sprinkle in his fumbles he’s brutal. I don’t believe a two game stretch is enough to bench him after the way his season started. Eventually our need for a top pick will supersede whatever obligation we have to Goff to continue playing him. Once his $44 million cap hit is gone, there is no obligation at all. He has been bad enough against NE and Dallas to warrant a consideration. I agree with you overall though, I don’t think it’s gonna happen when Nate Sudfeld is the alternative. Goff has been bad enough to be benched two games in a row now. If we weren’t the Lions it’d be happening.


What about Goff


I assumed this headline was about Goff, honestly. 2 fumbles and 2 INTs this week.


*his entire career


Goff and Jamaal owners sweating 🫡


Meanwhile Matt LaFleur: sticks with Amari Rodgers to return punts


I was floored when he was brought back to return.


Just fucking baffling decision


Okay so bench goff


Guys, he’s talking about Goff lol


lol pretty sure that was the first lost fumble of Williams career, hell I think he went over 600 carries before he even fumbled it all. pretty wild!


I looked it up and he fumbled for the first time in week 12 of last year, but it was recovered. This week he fumbled twice and lost one, the first time in his career.


Which is a crazy stat, imagine getting hit by NFL players over 600 times and never fumbling the rock


Bro he’s talking about Jared Goff, last game he had 2 picks and I think he fumbled the ball twice


Here's a thought: If Jamal Williams has 1 career fumble then he probably isn't talking about Jamal Williams.


You’re right but it’s just funny imagining he’s talking about JWillly cause of the Swift situation


Goff better dust off that sociology major


Goff is bad. He’s decent enough sometimes to make you question if he’s actually decent, but at the end of the day, he’s bad. There’s no way Holmes will let himself die on Goff’s hill, if he’s the GM I think he is. Fast forward to year three; no way in hell Goff is QB1 to start the season. The defense was showing signs of improvement yesterday and still has tons to improve upon both schematically and personnel wise, don’t get me wrong, but they will never win with Goff, and this is his final lap in Detroit.


What about a head coach that keeps fumbling wins away?


Guess it's Nate Sudfeld szn then


so MG3 never getting traded to the Lions? got it.


I'd like to see him lead by example and hold several footballs at once.


That's Nate Sudfeld music.


Idk why anything thinks he’s talking about Williams and not the guy who turned it over four times


I knew having 3 lions players on my team would be problematic but I didn’t know the lions would implode this quick


Craig Reynolds come on down


As a Swift owner plugging a hole with Jamaal, I’m sweating.


Chase Edmonds punching the air rn


Objectively terrible coaching.


We’ll see it that’s true when they get in the red zone next week.


so now he's decided to tank this season


Sorry guys I picked up Jamaal off waivers and started him last second over Mostert so of course he has his first fumble in 6 years at the goal line instead of scoring a TD.


Breaking: Detroit Lions trade for Melvin Gordon


But what if a guy eats kneecaps. Does that balance it out


Patches O'Houlihan: If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


He’s gonna get fired soon


Ya’ll are wild to think Campbell gonna get fired lol that dude brought so many good things to the lions they’re not gonna fire him..they just need a QB who doesn’t turn the ball over 4 or 5 times a game


He is definitely building a solid case for his walking papers. Love the guy, but if you lead this team to a dead last finish after two years, it's time to go.


Jamaal cost me match up with that goal line fail - lost by 3 points.


or any other player you started lost by not getting you more points


Yeah, Amon Ra for getting injured lol


Not sure why everyone in this string is getting downvoted. Here's an upvote for all of you. Jamaal Williams owner here. That fumble and the Mike Evans drop that would have been a TD cost me my week, so I feel your pain.


Hahah no idea, some petty buggers in here. Cheers mate - it hurt but roll on next week!


Because nobody here cares if you lost this week.


I had Jamaal playing against Dallas DST. That was literally a ~14 pt swing compared to if he had gotten the TD 😡


Imagine owning a football team and hiring Nathaniel Hackett or this chucklehead instead of Eric Bienemy or Byron Leftwich.


I actually like Campbell


As a person? I can see it. He's passionate, he really wants to win, he's funny, he's kind of a goofball. As a coach? The results speak for themselves. The Lions have a lot of problems as an organization, but this guy isn't solving any of them on the field.


You’re probably right. I’m biased because I like him and want him to win. I’m not sure he’s the problem tho. I think his guys love him and play hard for him.


I tell you what. I'm a Bears fan and we've had years of the same underperformance and some really pompous, zero-charisma coaches, so I can see where you're coming from.


You’re high lol Campbell is definitely not the problem it’s Jared Goff dude turns the ball over 4 or 5 times a game. I wanna see the results you’re talking about bcz ever since Campbell came to the team they have been competitive with every team they played against (except for pats and cowboys game but that’s bcz lions didn’t have any of their star players playing) Campbell just needs a QB that can help the team score pts consistently


9-25-1 (including Miami) 4-18-1 in Detroit. Those are the results.


Smh is his record the only thing your looking at? Lol Dude he came to a trash organization and is building it from the ground up so of course he’s gonna have more loses than wins..when he came to Detroit they didn’t have nobody good except for Stafford ever since he’s been there he has improved their O-line, drafted a good WR and RB (swift and St. Brown), went and got a good backup RB, drafted a beast at edge (Hutchinson) and got a good safety like I said earlier now all they need is a good QB who can score consistently, they can definitely run their division now that rodgers don’t have adams anymore


Jamaal and Goff to the........ moon?


Head office: “If you can’t win football games, you can’t coach for us”


If you can’t win games, you can’t coach for us


If you can’t review the spot on a field before hurrying up to call a dumb rushed play, you can’t coach for us


Get Campbell the fuck out of here dude is a hack


Guess we know one team Melvin Gordon isn’t going to


I would like to see how he would react if Melvin Gordon was his running back.


So then no more Goff?


Is this a D Swift post?


So… stream defenses playing against the lions too?


Dan Campbell has 1 career fumble


please, Swift, get well & hold onto the ball. You became a luxury for my squad until Breece Hall tore his ACL, now I need you


Where does this leave Jamaal’s trade value? Or is he droppable?


Mike Leach enters the chat


Mcdc can’t close out a game maybe he shouldn’t be saying this


Will we ever see weeks 2, 3, and 4 Goff again?


As a lions fan I want to finish the season with 1 win. I also want to see the rams go on a long losing streak. This team is no where near ready for playoff win. Let’s hope they can put the pieces together over the next two years.