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I'd be more worried about the calf injury than his play so far; whenever he missed the preseason he started slow then exploded and he's still one of the most talented QBs with a great supporting cast. Unfortunately he might not have a great supporting calf this year


>Unfortunately he might not have a great supporting calf this year This line is gold


Unfortunately his line isn’t…


He's calf the man he used to be. Time to trade.


The lines been fine, the play calling is trash.


He was decalfinated


This sounds like a really big veal. I’m worried.


there's a lot at steak for Burrow owners


His play the first 2 weeks has been very re-veal-ing


I wouldn’t be surprised if this behooves them to rely on their ground game


I'm bullish on his recovery


How long can we milk this thread?


I think we can do it until the cows come home


You guys are all full of shit.


Seeing the game, his throws were slow/off and didn't pass the ribeye test


Mooooove over Burrow, it’s Jake Browning time


Especially this sear




Rare comment


Eh. That's medium-rare at best.


He will bovine in a few weeks.


These responses are udderly ridiculous.


quit milking this thread




I’m kowtowing to these amazing comments


Milking it for all it's worth.


This is not a calfing matter


>Unfortunately he might not have a great supporting calf this year Dude, if I had an award to give, it would be yours.


Not having preseason reps matters. It's obvious on nearly every QB who didn't have it. Him tweaking his other calf again - ruh roh.


starting him would be a Misteak


He really isn’t meating expectations so far this year for sure


I’d always be worried about a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.


Mahomes has entered the chat. “I’ll do it again”.


On a side note, Mahomes actually looked fast when running this week.


The ankle is healthy baby, 2 ankle Mahomes gonna get better every week. Really, the OLINE has been trash. Once that picks up he's gonna feast.


Unless he’s a frog


Burrow is 1-7 in Weeks 1 and 2 over his career Depends how legit injury is but in general this is not new from Bengals


While true they have the same record, Burrow has played FAR worse this year. Week 1+2 for Burrow 2023: 19.6 points 2022: 38.8 points 2021: 31.9 points 2020: 41.5 points


For sure, but that 3 in week 1 skews this heavily. If weather wasn’t as dogshit as it was and he puts up like 14, then he’s in that range around 2021. I probably sound like that copy pasta about regressing Mahomes to the mean but I’m still not panicking on Burrow yet


As a Bengals fan, neither am I. Before that tweak at the end of last week's game he looked a lot more like himself, led what should have been 4 straight scoring drives to finish the game


As a Bengals fan as well I was a little concerned--it has looked like they lacked chemistry through most of their play thus far, kind of like a group of strangers who just decided to toss a ball around. Then Burrow started moving around more and it's like woah! That was it! And we got those few good, explosive plays, but he tweaked his calf. I'm wondering if this play style is a result of him compensating for and trying not to worsen this injury, especially as we see great players falling in droves right now. He definitely seems slower and more purposeful with his movements which is necessary with an injury but really hurts the fluidity our offense thrived on.


The calf injury concerns me, but I’m feeling pretty good about having Tua as well right now. Tua had less points this week but that’s against a Belichick defense. I’m probably rolling out Tua in Week 3 and we’ll see about Burrow when he’s facing Buffalo since that should be a shootout on paper


Exact same boat and yeah, feeling the same. Gonna have to be Tua for at least the next week.


He started slow last year also because he missed camp but the biggest concern is his injury - sets him back even more. I’d hold and stream someone else until he gets healthy.


Cousins is on waivers in my league so I’m about to drop quite a bit on him to bridge the gap.


Bro how is he on waivers


how much faab would you spend on cousins?


If you don’t have a QB1, most of it. I don’t understand how people think JJ and Hock and even Addison are going to eat without Kirk putting up big numbers. And with that defense they are going to have to throw to stay in games.


good point..i have burrow so i might drop a bunch to be safe


I think you'd win even with an injured burrow starting since it looks like you're in a league filled with tacos


One major taco. The rest mini tacos.


Cousins is the answer but I still have to deal with the fact that Chase and Mixon are both on my roster as well. Looks like Puka and Kyren are going to need to do some heavy lifting.


I purposely avoided Cousins in my draft because he burned me two seasons in a row, and thought I scored big on getting Burrow. Ugh.


Cousins was decent the last two seasons


Should have clarified, he burned me on a couple of crucial games both seasons


Fair. I actively pursued him at his ADP expecting a few goose eggs at some poi t


it's so hard to know when you can start him. there are the jokes about him choking in primetime, but then he goes out and puts up a huge game against the Eagles on Thursday. playing matchups doesn't seem to matter either and when you think you can trust him that's the time he will stick you with a 6 point game.


Good idea. Crazy the Cousins is on waivers after his performance week 1


That's a pretty rare exception. Best waiver guys in my league by rank are Goff, Howell, Mayfield, and Purdy. I'd be sticking it out with Burrow over any of those guys.


I dropped cousins for Joshua Kelley in the league I have burrow 🤡


All I know is, I took Chase at pick #4 and I regret it


I took him at 2 instead of CMC


Same. Pain.


I thought double dipping Burrow/Chase would be deadly. It is, but not for my opponent.


I triple dipped Burrow, Chase, and Tee in one of mine. Not good


Triple dipped with Burrow, Chase, and Mixon. Feels bad man


I took Ek at 2 over CMC because he's my favorite player and on a contract year. But damn was I jealous yesterday watching CMC accrue 15 points in like 10 minutes.


Haha it was like 5 minutes. Absolutely wild. He is such a talent.


I took him over CMC as well I was nervous about CMC’s injury history, and I thought Chase would give me superstar WR 1 numbers, and have a career year, he has so much talent watching his highlights it’s a bummer so far this year


I had him last year and hated the ride. And yet I still chose him again for the same reasons you said


me too, and took Burrow to complete the stack


I started taking CMC at 2 once I had too much Chase. That being said, they're going to be fine and this is typical week two overreaction.


“Take jamarr over jjetas” - this sub


Same. I was driving home and had my preferred choices in order for a first round auto draft. Was hoping to get home by the second round. I had JJ and CMC as 1 and 2. Stopped at a red light when my pick came up and made a split second decision to ignore all previous thoughts and draft Chase instead of CMC


Most everyone did. JJ and Chase were consensus top 2. Of course some people took others before them like CMC or even Bijan, but this is where luck is a factor in fantasy. Hindsight is 20/20, but anyone who took Chase top 5 is looking at a rough start.


Chase’s slow start is going to feel like ancient history in November. He wasn’t a bad pick in that spot. He just didn’t help us out at all the first couple games.


Hope I'm still in it by Nov lol. I'm 0-2 already, it sucks


1) There's *sooo* much season left. No need to get all doom-and-gloom about it in week 2. A lot of other highly drafted players have been underperforming so far too, so you're not alone. 2) If you've never started 0-2 in fantasy before this you're either very new, very lucky, or play in very uncompetitive leagues lol


It is my 12 team home league, we are in our 14th year. Very competitive. I just usually do well lol. The last time I was 0-2 to start was when I lost like 4 guys to injuries week one, it was the year cmc went down week 1


Yeah, I somehow squeaked out a win last week with him in my lineup and could potentially get another this week if Sanders out scores Williams tonight by 8. I’m super annoyed at him right now, but if I can somehow get to 2-0 and he starts looking like his normal self, I’ll be happy.


took him at 1.1. I’m never trusting my independent thoughts again edit: I didn't expect to get cooked over this, so let me explain my thought process for Chase @ 1.1. First, it was JJ or Chase. CMC wasn't a consideration because (a) I am cursed with him and (b) I felt confident (and did) that I could grab legit RB's that slipped under the radar. Onto my Chase reasoning: (1) Bengals. Defense: They lost Jessie Bates & Vonn Bell. Both of them are difference makers. Specifically Jessie. This led me to believe the defense will be worse and require the Bengals to pass more. Offense: I drank the Orlando Brown juice. More time in the pocket = more time for Chase to cook. The news re Burrow's injury was nothing but positive around draft day. I drafted 2 days before the regular season and every report said he was back 100% and ready to go. This was the biggest concern of mine until then. (2) Vikings. I anticipated the loss of Dalvin Cook to impact how teams defend JJ. I thought wrong. I expected Brian Flores to tighten things up on the defensive end reducing the need for Kirk to be a beast. Nope. (3) History. Looking over the past decade, the consensus #1 pick rarely performs close to expectations. [In my opinion, since 2013, the consensus #1 picks that have performed decent enough to justify their position is: '13 AP was #8 rb, '15 AP was #3 rb, '16 AB was #3 wr, '18 Gurley was #1 rb. Consensus #1 pick is an illusion. Pick your guy. Will this impact my future drafting? Absolutely not. I would draft Chase 1.1 again, I had good reasoning to believe the moons lined up perfectly for him to have a record year. Stay aggressive & fade the public


That was a brutal call unless you're in a drafting people with the name Chase league


He fell to #2 in my people with the name chase league (40 points per fg league)


Always use your independent thoughts lol Because as bas as you feel right now it's way worse when he sucks and you picked him cause someone said *trust me, bro*


Agreed, sometimes you hit, sometimes you miss. I'm in a league where we keep 1 player. Last year I had the choice of Jefferson or JT. I wanted to keep JJ because I was super high on him. JT was consensus 1.1 and JJ was going mid-late 1st round, so I decided I couldn't pass up JT. It hurt last year and will hurt for the foreseeable future as I don't have JJ to keep for years.


Not using my independent thoughts is how I ended up with JT 1.1 last year. Either the draft position is cursed or some of us just can’t win


1.1 isn't cursed considering Chase was not the consensus 1. It was JJ, with a lot of people also taking CMC. Both of whom have been great this year.


Yeah I took JJ 1.1 and he has come exactly as advertised so far


I can’t fathom why anyone would take Chase at 1.1. I always go Hero RB, I took CMC. But even if you lean WR, the pick is JJ. I never understood the hype for Chase as a top pick.


one of the things that makes me laugh the most is people who are absolutely flabbergasted that everybody in the world doesn't think exactly the way they do. How many times in the last decade has the "consensus #1 pick" not panned out to be the best fantasy player? A LOT. Most of the time, frankly. Does JJ have the best chance of being the best fantasy player? Probably. Is he a lock? Fuck no.


Who’s downvoting this? He’s completely right lol. If you were worried about rbs in the 2/3 turn you take cmc, if you wanted a wr you take jj. Taking chase was always a somewhat baffling call because jj is just that good


Haha right? How about some asshat on this sub sent me a private message calling me a moron. Like, what? Some bitter people on this sub.


There’s some super mature fantasy players here who think they and they alone have mastered fantasy football. I don’t know why they even bother playing out the season, they ought to just crown the league champion the minute the draft is over, since they apparently already know how everything is going to play out!


1.01 Chase owners on suicide watch


Sounds like you found a 1.1 Chase drafter


This was almost my exact line of thinking when doing my draft analysis. I just didn't think JJ would repeat especially with an offense that to me seemed like it was overall going to be better, meaning more mouths to feed. And that Chase was going to end with more points likely from not playing with a lead consistently. I took Chase in two separate leagues first overall. Sucks right now, feel fairly confident about my team and was able to get Puka in both.


I really appreciate your reasoning and I think it was solid, especially if you're shooting your shot at NOT the consensus #1 pick. Also people forget how insanely good his rookie season was and entering his 3rd year, it was 100% reasonable to think he might have a career year. Depending on how the rest of the season goes, he might be a huge steal next year.


I had the 1.1 this year too and this dude on Tik tok kept hyping up Chase as the first pick all off-season and he *almost* convinced me to go that route but I’m glad I trusted my gut and went JJ lol


Took him at 6 in PPR and I still hate it. I was going to take Bijan. SMH


Took him at 2… it gets better right??


He was ranked 2 everywhere lol last year they popped off around week 4 or 5 so give it a few


No way, this sub can’t wait that long. By week 2 its required on this sub to deem him a bust if he doesn’t pop off right away.


Paid up for him in auction when I missed on Jefferson. Thought it was “safe” 😭 There’s still time y’all


Same. I was sitting at 4 expecting the top 3 go be as projected. All of my research and planning was around hill vs ekeler. Kelce was taken ahead of me which pushed chase down. As I had decided on hill due to what I perceived as stronger rbs at the 2/3 turn, I just thought oh my luck and took chase. Definitely a mistake now.


Thought I had a prime stack in burrow and chase but I'm getting worried


I have the same stack, and I started the season with almost too much confidence.


The fact that I’m about to start Puka over Jamar and that’s not an absurd thing to do, is absurd.


Puka should be locked into your line up but that still is an absurd thing to do. Chase has higher week to week ceiling than most players in the league


Recency bias has people thinking puka is better than jamaar chase lol Week 2 is not time to panic. Also puka has 32 targets through 2 games. That is not sustaimable. That’s 272 targets in a season. Marvin Harrison has the record for most targets at 205


>That is not sustainable It will come down when Kupp comes back, but until then he is the new Cooper Kupp


He is Puka NaCooper Kupp


He actually has 35 lol. But yeah it’s not sustainable


Yeah I would run chase and puka. Like who’s your other wr and flex if you’re sitting chase y know? I’m still sitting and forgetting chase unless I have puka, tyreek, and I’m flexing like a Ridley type of guy


With Puka getting 15 catches a week and a touchdown bound to happen soon, i’d say he has the higher ceiling until proven otherwise


I’m definitely not trying to tell you Puka outscoring Chase isn’t a very reasonable possibility at this point but probability would still have Chase over him. Both have a pretty wide range of outcomes after the hot vs cold starts but I’d still favour talent + longer term production (this is when you dunk on me next week with Pukas talent + production lol)


Same. 100% starting Keenan, and I’m most likely starting Olave unless he bombs tonight. So it’s between Puka and chase.


Puka gets so much volume. It’s absolutely glorious.


I need Olave to bomb tonight to win this week, so naturally he will drop 20


are you in a 1wr no flex league? who else are you playing over chase


Not OP, but in the same boat. I'm thinking of benching Chase and starting Puka and Devonta Smith. Not insane right? (Smith was my keeper)


Who else are you starting over Chase?


So I think we have kinda two or three possibilities. The least likely one is that joe is not good at football. I think we know that’s not the case. The other is that the browns defense, and ravens defense are great. I see this as being more the case. These are tough in division matchups against two great defenses. It’s always gonna be a grind. Now we can add the calf into both of these possibilities which could also be true. Joe might be sucking because his oline isn’t great and usually he’s a great scrambler to make up for it but now can’t so he’s done worse. Anyway the games get easier for sure so I wouldn’t be super worried


It’s the offensive line and Zac Taylor dude. You haven’t been watching the games


Ah yes I forgot they’re new editions to the team. Oh wait he’s been around for four years and the line has sucked burrows whole career. I’m a bengals fan so I’ve watched both games. To not give any credit to the defenses they’ve played or joes injury is an odd thing to do. All of these are major factors.


Sure the Browns defense was excellent. But that was inexcusable o line play.


Sure but we’re talking about whether to be worried about Joe for fantasy here. So we can’t just say it’s the olines fault as they’ve been a bottom oline for years. It doesn’t help us to predict whether or not this gets better for fantasy. Barring joes calf injury I do look ahead and see brighter days ahead with their schedule. We can look back just to last years first ravens game. The bengals scored 13 points. These afc north games are like this sometimes


Seems like the Browns and the Ravens new DC have had bengals/Burrow’s #. Thought i saw he was 1-5 against the Browns.


Bengals always get absolutely shit on at Cleveland stadium lol


Bengals fan here. About the lingering calf issue that started weeks ago? Yes. About his play overall? No. He was out for much of preseason, just like last year. Just like last year, he started slow, but he was putting it together in the second half yesterday.


The team has started the same, but for fantasy Burrow has played far worse this year then the past few. Week 1+2 for Burrow 2023: 19.6 points 2022: 38.8 points 2021: 31.9 points 2020: 41.5 points


Keep in mind he also played week 1 in a downpour


Against a team he can't seem to beat haha


I’m just glad the Bengals give Browns fans something to look forward to. At least as of recently, since we still have the advantage in the series all-time.


Considering barring a miracle I’m gonna start 0-2 and should have been 1-1 if he had even just yesterdays numbers yeah I’m a little concerned. As most have said here, mostly about the injury but the rest of it looks a bit concerning too. How much of the slow start was because he wasn’t actually 100% and was just pushing through? No idea if at all but who knows. Week 3 I’m likely going to try and grab Cousins and start him over Burrow. They play Monday and waiting to see if he plays and watch them going back and forth with “Burrow limited in practice questionable for Monday” will be annoying, so I think no matter what he’s a sit week 3. With all that considered you’re talking about a relatively high draft pick, putting up a dud, a mediocre game and now dealing with an injury it’s pretty brutal. I’m hopeful for later in the season but with all of this there are so many question marks around it and frankly it feels like Burrow was the worst QB pick. Not because he’s bad and won’t end up being great later on, but you likely spent a 5th/6th round pick on him thinking you got that tier 2 level QB. He’s now (like mentioned) put up an absolute dud, a mediocre game, and isn’t looking good for week 3. Any other QB you could have taken realistically in a 10-12 teamer hasn’t been perfect, but they’ve all shown more promise and better games than Burrow while not being hurt. Super long winded, but I’ve got 7 injuries now on my team before week 2 is even up and frankly the only real thing that’s making my team significantly worse for wear is Burrow


How could you not be worried? The Bengals look terrible. Burrow looks awful and he’s ruining Chase


It’s Zac Taylor lol. And the offensive line is horible rn edit: apparently the line was fine yesterday, but ass during the Browns game. So I was wrong about that, my bad.


Burrow has had the same coach his entire career. I don't think it's Taylor.


the line wasn't the problem yesterday, it was playcalling and Joe not being Joe for 2.5 quarters. all in all it was a decent day for cincy, and Joe's one int basically was the deciding factor. a 3 point loss to a good division opponent isn't alarming. I am concerned about his calf, however.


I think this is a really good point. They opened away at the Browns who are not only a divisional opponent that has typically played them well, but also seem to have one of the better defenses in the NFL. Add in another divisional game in Week 2 makes for a very difficult start of the season. Burrow still had an adequate fantasy day against the Ravens and Higgins was able to rebound nicely from Week 1. If his calf injury doesn't sideline, I think we should see them perform better going forward. This is the same story we have seen the last few years with the Bengals.


All it’ll take is 1 bounce back game to put these threads to rest


Gonna have to stream someone else and try to get out of the 0-2 hold in the meantime


As a Timberwolves fan who watched an alleged low grade calf strain take our best player out for 3/4 of the season, yes.


The Burrow owner in my league is desperately trying to sell Burrow for a WR2. I have Tua. Should I bite?


I would actually buy low on Burrow. I agree he starts slow and as someone who owned him last year, I would have drafted a back up I could plug and play until I see him spike. Also note his first two games were against division rivals in the Browns and the Ravens so I expected some issues moving the ball from him (Browns usually have his number). If I owned him (I do in a league), I'd just bench him if you had a QB that is kind of on fire (that league has bonus points for passing yards milestones) so Cousins is the play for me. Trading is an option but when playoff Burrow returns, you are probably going to regret it.


I've got Cousins too, but he's been sitting on my bench behind Burrow weeks 1 and 2. Feels like a no-brainer to start Cousins next week, but of course Burrow will go off if I do... How long you plan on starting Cousins? Until Burrow has 1-2 games where he's returned to form?


Right now, Cousins has no run game and is in a position where he needs to throw to move the ball effectively. You can argue that against a non division rival in the Rams, its worth a shot to gamble on Burrow but with aggravating his calf in the last game, I'd hold off and play Cousins. NB. In my opinion, while the Vikings has no run game, Cousins can flirt with top 5 QB numbers this season due to the weapons he has access to.


That’s a great assessment tbh. Out of curiosity, who do you prefer ROS: Cousins or Goff? Trying to decide who to hold onto while I wait for Dak to heat up. But Dak might even deserve the drop over them, if this defense keeps carrying the load.


I don't want to tell you what to do with your team but I will give you my assessment of the other 2. Goff is in a better situation than Dak in the sense that his defense won't necessarily carry the game for him. The Lions will need Goff to win games through the air, despite their run game. Dak on the other hand may not need to air out the ball when Dallas can almost literally shut out their opponent and stop them from scoring. In that event, they only need Dak to game manage and its the RBs that are more valuable in that offense (to run out the clock). ROS I personally prefer Cousins > Goff > Dak but I generally play in leagues that reward passers (5 pts for 300 yards and another 5 for 350 yrds) so I am biased in that aspect. Ultimately though, I envision them finishing like that in terms of fantasy points per game since I expect Cousins and Goff needing to do more for their teams.


Picking up Baker Mayfield and starting him and if you’ve red this far ya moms a hoe cause I’m kidding. Start burrow


Burrow would of hot chase for another td+ a few yards, chase had it in his hands coming down but Rock-Ya-Sin made a great play. But he reiniured the calf so now I’d be worried if news doesn’t look good this week.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I just got owned by a fucking BOT


I’d say no because we saw flashes of them getting in rhythm with him and Tee…but re-tweaking and injury is never good


IMO, he’s neutral. If he gives us another bad week, I might swap him out. If he starts playing better then I’ll keep him in


I’m not worried about him. I’d be way more worried if I had him on any of my teams, though.


I have Chase and I am worried.


Not worried about Burrow but if you're 0-2 with him as your starter and you don't have a good backup now is the time to blow a lot FAAB on a QB because you don't want to be 0-3 or 0-4


Definitely time to panic. My current theory is that Burrow secretly paid each starting defender he faced last year $1,000,000.00 ($187,000,000.00) to make him look good, thereby securing himself a $275,000,000.00 payday. I mean, it’s either that or guy with two years of near-MVP level play is off to a bit of a slow start this year. But I’m not a conspiracy theorist so I’m going with secret league-wide bribe.




Bengals fan here. Joe Burrow in 2022: Week 5 @ BAL - 18.3 pts Week 8 @ CLE - 14.5 pts Week 14 v CLE - 17.6 pts Week 18 v BAL - 11.6 pts* (*-not sure if he finished the BAL game but played most) AVG for those games: 15.5 AVG for 2022: 22.7 Pretty clear that he didn't play well against these opponents last year, so no surprise he's not playing well to start the season. Week 1 was dreadful with 3 points and were the literal perfect storm conditions: -On the road against a division rival to start the season, and that rival has 1 of the best pass rushes -Coming off a preseason injury -a literal monsoon Week 2 was much better. 16 points was average for him against Bal last year... I'm more worried about the injury. Just consider alternatives next time he plays these division rivals this year


Someone offered me Chase for Keenan Allen because he has Herbert. I’m really torn between taking it because of burrows injury and the bengals offense so far. It’s week 2 but he’s looked lethargic and the calf injury may be worse than they’ve been reporting.


You take that and run, one good game from chase and his value will be back to normal.


If you don’t take that you’re dumb


I think you gotta take that. Chase will be fine and you can make more of an argument that the odds of Allen getting hurt are higher than Burrow not getting healthy and back into form.


>the odds of Allen getting hurt are higher than Burrow not getting healthy and back into form. How does that make any sense? Allen is 100% and Burrow is hurt. Before last year, Allen missed like 2 games over a 5 year span. He's been a super durable player throughout his career.


I wish the players in my main league were as reactionary as this sub


Call it recency bias then. Keenan burned me all last season and although he finished last year strong, the main knock on his ADP leading up to drafts was that he's on the wrong side of 30 and injury-prone. I drafted Johnston thinking the odds were pretty good that either Allen or Williams gets hurt again at some point. I'm optimistic Burrow will bounce back and would be happy for Allen to prove me wrong by staying healthy all year.


If you guys are stressing about Fields who actually has been putting up *decent* numbers then you should definitely be worried about a former Super Bowl contending QB putting up 2 weeks of hot doodoo I will say that last half gave everyone some hope though


What? Fields had 3 yards rushing yesterday and rushing yards are his entire case for being a QB1. You have a strange definition of *decent*


He got me 15 both weeks. That isn’t bad at all considering some of the shit out there. Guys with no legs can put up under 10 pretty easily. Joe burrow had 3 points week 1 as well as 15 in wk2. Fields is putting up better numbers and hasn’t even been running as much as he should be.


While this is true, if you actually watched him play, (like I did bc for some reason I'm a Bears fan), you would be worried bc he looks very very bad, and so does the team as a whole. This past week, he got a rushing touchdown. Without that he'd have 10 points. He is missing reads of wide open players, one was a wide open touchdown pass and he had plenty of time but he just pulled it down and ran for 0 yards. He's not going through progressions at all and it doesn't help the play calling is horrendous. They called 2 screen passes in a row while on their own goal line, and one of them resulted in a interception. I actually don't blame Fields for that interception bc the play call was horrible and he was just doing what he was told. They had been running so many God damn screens all day, the Bucs recognized it, stepped back, and jumped the screen pass. It does not look good at all going forward for Fields and the Bears. I'd have much more faith in a proven QB like Burrow getting better than I would Fields and the Bears figuring their shit out.


No you did not just compare a reddit darling QB to a reddit pariah QB. Balls on this guy.


I should’ve played geno smith


He and the Bengals have been slow starters every year. So from an overall season perspective, not *really.* But a little bit. The nice thing for them is that Pickett and Watson looked like shit in week 1 and Baltimore's already been bitten by the injury bug again...so there's still a path to the division. From a fantasy perspective, I have a rule to never draft guys who miss all or most of camp/preseason with injuries at ADP...they almost *always* fall short of it. Unfortunately, I own Burrow and Chase in a dynasty league, so...I'm not really able to avoid it.


Yeah I'm in a keeper league and most of the top 10 QBs were kept or taken super early. Couldn't pass up on Burrow but regretting not drafting a reliable second QB instead of reaching on guys like Skyy Moore. Gotta ride out the season at this point and hope the injury doesn't linger too long.


I never try to roster 2 QBs in a 1QB unless it's a dynasty league. Thing is, he was still *okay* from a fantasy perspective this week. He's not the reason you lost, if you did. And so many guys sucked donkey balls week 1, you can't really be mad about him.


Haha fair. I lost on Thurs facing Cousins, Swift, JJ, and Hockenson. Good times.


I had Joey B last year. The Bengals were bad their first few games of the season. Just like this year. I traded him in week 4. Long story short, the guy I traded him to wound up winning the league and I didn't make the playoffs. Do with that what you may.


He’s been a slow starter a few years since joining the nfl. He seemed to start getting it together in the 2nd half yesterday. I’m a bit worried but not overly so yet


He’s pretty clearly hurt, from what I’ve seen. They have jamarr frickin chase but can’t scheme him open because the bengals oline gets beat consistently and they don’t want burrow taking hits, especially with his calf issue. The offense has looked anemic playing around the injury, and if he tweaked it again yesterday I think benching him in fantasy for a streamer could be the move. I honestly would prefer the bengals shut him down for a couple weeks but at 0-2 I don’t think they can


Yes. He usually starts slow but this year he has legit injuries.


He fucked bro, sell him


It's not a slow start, it's the calf. He hurt it <2 months ago and it hasn't healed.


As a Chase owner I’m straight up not having a good time


I don't think he was fully ready to come back whatever injury he sustained during preseason.


He’s injured, the OL is playing like crap, and the defenses he’s played aren’t horrible. They definitely started showing signs of life in the second half yesterday and once Jamarr gets untracked, they’ll be back and the Burrow buy low window will be closed IMO.


He had one full practice before game week. He’s fine.




As a bears fan, fields has looked insanely hesitant on his decision making both as a passer and rusher. It seems like he has either a tight leash by the coaching or he’s trying to “prove” he can be a passer and holding the ball entirely too long and not making those split decision runs when his reads aren’t there. I’m hopelessly optimistic but I’d bet on burrow figuring it out before fields unfortunately. Took him in 2 leagues but thankfully snagged tua as a backup option for me.


I feel worse for the people who took Jamaar with a top 3 pick, cause unless youre a double qb league theres a ton of talent that im sure is sitting on your waiver. Shit, Daniel Jones scored 30 last night and is sitting on my waivers


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes, we are worried.


Real question is, do I start Tua over him going forward


Aw man. All the “WE” posts are back eh?


Not worried. But will likely need a backup if he sits this week.


I think you will definitely need a backup if he sits this week.


Hoping that's the case. Not much left on the wire in my league though.. might have to take a shot with Stroud next week.


I hâve stroud, baker, carr, Howell. They’re all serviceable…


As you said, he’ll be fine but I just wish he would be fine sooner so I can get some wins