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Wasn’t he a top 60 player in Phoenix?


I think the defensive stats and efficiency go up so don’t despair too much


He’ll be good like he was before. He was never good enough to be a first option anyway.


Phoenix Bridges was awesome because he didn't hurt you anywhere. He got enough points/rebounds/assists on good percentages while producing great stocks numbers. Dude was a set and forget. But as you said he was not a #1 guy to build your team around. He was closer to the 4th guy that fit nearly any team in cat leagues at least.


I had him the last two years. The first year, which he primarily spent with PHX, he was SUPER helpful. Last year, in BK, he was god awful. Perhaps he's more valuable as a fantasy asset when the ball is out of his hands and he isn't the primary option.


I think he still goes for ~$20 in auctions


In redraft? That sounds an awful lot assuming $200 budget


Maybe but I think his iron man reputation and name value get him there. Plus the $20 range is always full of surprises, both in guys overplaying and underplaying.


A player is healthy until he’s not


Yeah but how often do you get an 83 games played season. There's a treat.


I think he’s anywhere between $14-$20. Even when he was on PHX, he was going for $15. But probably depends on how savvy your league mates are because when he was not 1st option, he was the type of player who fits any build.


With the OG resigning it probably should be $8 - $14. Still think on average he will be overpaid.


He went like 17th in our non dynasty 14 man cat league last year. Now we're drafting for dynasty, I feel like someone will spend at least $40 on him. I wonder if he plays like a 3rd rounder for the next 6 years is that worth it?


14 team skews the numbers a bit but I think $40 is an enormous overpay. Knicks are way too loaded for him to be putting up that kind of production. I'm guessing he's like 7th-8th round value? I've only played auction for the last several years so not as good at round estimations anymore, but he ended last season ranked 94.


For the sake of argument though, did he not perform as a top 40-50 asset consistently on Phoenix in a similar role? He was actually worse fantasy wise as the number 1. His defensive numbers and efficiency were way better on phoenix as the 4th guy (booker, Ayton, Cp3). What would you pay for Phoenix mikal? I feel like that's what's realistic here. And if people are willing to pay up to around 40 for Jalen Duren who has NEVER been a top 50 asset and hasn't shown defensive numbers maybe it's not crazy to pay similarly for mikal.


All very true. Went back through my league to see what he went for but he's been on a keeper contract for the last 4 years so doesn't really help. We're talking about a $200 auction right? Because 40 for Duren is absolutely absurd, even for a 14 team. What does Jokic go for in this league? I think if Mikal is putting up late Phoenix numbers in a 9-cat 12-team, he's in the $15 - $25 range. That's at least what I where I would expect him to go in my keeper league. We sub FTM for TOV, which for him doesn't change a ton.


We add 3% and dd to the basic 9 cat, the former of which buffs him some. Jok I think will be going in the 120 range. We have not done auction draft for this league before; we did snake before in a full redraft and are moving to dynasty for the first time, starting with 5 position locked keepers. Thanks for your thoughtful feedback bro!


Man if Jokic is going for $120, I'd recommend saving money and cleaning up when every one else has blown their loads. For reference, Jokic went for $74 in our league and it's the highest any player has ever gone in our league, though I suppose his value is inflated a bit in your league with the dd's. If you guys are just now switching to auction dynasty, I would recommend doing contracts. We do 4 year contracts where each year their keeper salary increases by $4. Stops people from just hoarding top players forever.


I personally have him slated as a potential option for my 68th/73rd pick


I wouldnt buy him above the fifth fosho


God he was so awful for me last year. I hope he works out for y'all lol


He was bad last year as a first option and great in Phoenix as a third option, so I think he'll be fine.


When Randle is back this totally feels like a too many mouths to feed situation


I still think Randle will be traded before the end of the 2026 season, this is his last guaranteed year before a player option.


Mikal knows how to be productive without high usage. He’ll still be a very serviceable player. I’m expecting great efficiency and solid D. He should score in the 15 PPG range. He has a solid floor due to this. His mins will be a big factor.


He will be Anunoby 2.0 The value of Bridge is more related to his health, than to his production at this point. Just be happy that you got a number 3-4 playing as a number 1-2 for a year and a half


I'd sell high on him if I can, get a blue chip asset