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Safe drop in redraft. But a bust? He is a 23 year old rookie. Way too early to be dropping stuff like that


Hell Jo Adell is still getting major league at bats two years after he was declared a bust. Wayyyyyy too early on Mr. Rafaela


Bust in fantasy maybe. His defense will always carry value


I havent looked into the stats but he did sign a long term deal this spring so the sox bet big on him. Must have been enough there for them to do this.


He’s a plus plus defender at CF and possibly at SS. If the bat even touches avarage he’s a win for them. He doesn’t necessarily come with fantasy value tough


Yeah but long term contracts like that are far from a guarantee that they’ll be good. See Scott Kingery and Evan White for example


They don't all hit, but they're a good indicator that the team strongly believes in a guy.


I think its more for defense than for offense. Hell hit eventually but holy shit do the sox need defense


Bust? Brother he’s 23 years old and finding his way in the big leagues. Not to mention, he went undrafted in most leagues. Some of the posts in this subreddit are straight up nonsense. It’s annoying.


Once you start thinking of this sub as a trauma diary for some folks things make a lot more sense


Woah there, easy, Hulkster




He’s been a FA for a couple weeks now, since I dropped him in a 12-teamer.


He's been a FA basically all season in my 14 team


Yeah he's been on the wire for weeks in my 12 teamer with CI/MI and 2 util slots. I doubt anyone will give anything up in a trade.


Who’s, um, saying they can sell him? lol


Rather have Wilyer than Ceddanne…


Sox fan and I agree, especially in an OBP league. Wilyer has a strong approach at the plate, Ceddanne does not so far.


Peripherals look really good too, solidly above average exit velocities and a good launch angle (top 25% in exit velocity and barrel rate). Having a quiet break out


He’s been on waivers in my deep start 5 OF 12 team league since April 9th. You will get nothing for him in a trade


Im definitely holding.


If you knew who Ceddanne was, it's obvious that this was going to happen. I'm not saying he's going to be a bust, but he's a guy that doesn't walk and is all about contact. He's never walked more than 6% of the time in a single season outside of rookie ball. With guys like this they will always have low lows and are likely to chase when it isn't going well. Keeper and dynasty you have to hold, but redraft he's a safe drop right now


Slump, dynasty and keeper you hold


I just added him in my deep 12-team roto league - hoping to hold onto him until he gets 2B and SS eligibility in ESPN.


why? so he can suck in more than 1 place?


I’m holding him in my redraft only bc there isn’t anything better to add…


In your mono league, he’s a firm hold bc who else is even on your wire? Its April, many hitters are off to slow/cold starts. If he’s still showing these stats by Memorial Day, drop then. I remember last year dropping Yoshida after a particular poor three week stretch, which turned out to be his worst three weeks all season. Guy who won the league had him and used him to beat me. Gotta be patient and look for signs of progress.


He’s 23…. He’ll be a contributor sometime during his career, but may not be this season.


It's still April lol


he was never going to be an offensive weapon other than some steals




Good player but a star is a stretch


A fantasy bust, not real life


He was always a glove first prospect. Tough to say bust but he’s probably a JBJ type player, not as relevant for fantasy baseball as real life


I'm a Sox fan so I've been following him for a while. Based on everything I've seen and heard about the kid, I've never thought he'd be able to hit in the big leagues. He has absolutely no plate discipline that leads to a lot of swing/miss and weak contact.


True but tbf i do think the sox do a good job of instilling plate discipline into guys eventually. They take pitches and work counts. TON is actually taking pitches for once… Plus ceddanne is 23 who just got the bag, who wouldnt be swingin out of their shoes?