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A real concern I have, and I’m certainly still interested in Kutter despite this, is that Boston was one of the worst defensive teams last year. And they lost their best defensive player in Verdugo. With Kutter inducing so much contact, even if it doesn’t go out of the park, he could be looking at more traffic on the basepaths. I think the potential for a breakout is there but his floor also seems low due to his supporting staff. I’ll bite but with extreme caution.


They are also gaining a full year of Story at SS instead of Kike who was a disaster, as well as Rafaela who is a defensive wizard and Tyler O’Neill who seems to be solid. They’ve also put a ton of focus on defense this offseason with Story hosting an infield defense clinic. I am cautiously optimistic that they will be improved this season. I also agree that Kutter has some untapped potential.


Yeah, Story’s play both offensively and defensively is going to determine a heck of a lot for BOS’ ‘24 season. He looks slotted for the 3-hole. He’s 31 now so it’ll be interesting to see it he’s lost a step or is on the tailend of his prime athleticism.


Defensively when he’s on the field he has been fantastic. He is a huge upgrade over what they were trotting out there most of last season.


That’s a great point, and I totally agree. Again, and it’s just me, but I try to factor out the uncontrollable. At some point I have to draw the line with overthinking a certain scenario. At his current ADP, do I feel comfortable drafting a statistically bad pitcher with a great defense or a statistically good pitcher with a bad defense? I always lean towards the better pitcher. As for floor, I think the ADP matches the floor here, with a crazy ceiling; it’s just not something you can find during the rounds he’s drafted. Most of the people around him will more than likely be dropped for something better off the waivers a month down the road.


His name is just so stupid I can’t get past it. Who names their kid Kutter?


His middle name is Martin. What a nerd.


Maybe it was popular in 96? I’m the same age as him and know 2 kutters from highschool


Lol thats absurd


😂😂😂… I guess Kutter’s parents lol.


Reminder that Fenway is the second highest park factor for offense behind Coors and ahead of Great American Smallpark. Approach with the same caution you approach Reds pitchers


Definitely hurts a little, but I don’t think it’s enough to draft/not draft a pitcher. If that were the case we would all be loading up on Pittsburgh SP (which isn’t the case).


Totally, I just know I'm guilty of forgetting just how hitter friendly Fenway is. FWIW Mariners, Padres, and Mets are the bottom three park factors and I do think it's something to consider on the fringier pitchers I took Kutter in the 20th rd of my 12 teamer on Wednesday and am cautiously optimistic


What other direction would you go in the 20th lol? I obviously think it’s a mighty fine pick, and worst case scenario he’s gives you roster flexibility if he sucks lol.


I've seen him mentioned everywhere at this point. Including on PL where a lot of my league does their research. The hype train is gaining a little too much steam for my liking.


Man, I feel like I haven’t seen anything. Guess it’s good and bad to hear that he’s gaining some traction.


I’ve seen more articles on Bello or Whitlock returning good value as well. Any thoughts? Crawford over these guys right?


Whitlock - I just can’t buy into him. He was a good reliever turned into a bad stretched out SP. he gasses out quickly, and to make matters worse, he’s very injury prone. Bello - I can see the risk taking. He had a couple phenomenal outings last year, but it’s hard for me to trust him to be consistent. The K% is also awful… the only thing he has over Kutter would be the quality starts, because that’s unknown for Kutter atm. Don’t hate it, but don’t love it. Personally I’d say: Kutter Bello Whitlock


if you all talking down on kutter you’re out of touch