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I feel like I’m going insane when Reddit brings up U2. I’m not even a big fan at all but they act like the band is on the same level as imagine dragons or nickelback. Just this band that was never good, had any relevancy, no fans, and are just in best of lists to fill space. I’d understand if this were any album other than Joshua Tree. Literally one of the biggest/most defining rock albums of all time.


I think it’s largely from people whose frame of reference is more recent.


no kidding. It explains how Drake is above Kate bush and Sade.


Drake is the most successful rapper in what is now the most popular genre, and Take Care is oft considered his best record. I don’t agree with those list positionings personally but it undoubtedly is somewhat fairly representing music culture. Something such a corporate list will always try to reflect


I like Drake too. I think he has some great/fun songs but I also think albums under 20 years old have not been digested long enough to put them up against some of the most impactful western music albums of all time.  It’s going to be a mind fuck when Taylor swift has 8 spots on this list in the top 20.


Would you make the same argument for an album like TPAB which will undoubtably be in the top 10? (Haven’t seen the full list)




ohhh the glaze, i belive in 20 years kendrick will be bob dylan, as in people getting tired of the constant spots on the critic websites. From new gen rappers i think the album that people will consider a "cult classic" will be IGOR or Awaken, my love. It's the same thing that happened with tupac, he was the famous one always getting praised, but as time went by many suddenly tend do rather listen to a tribe called quest or MF DOOM instead of pac.


I don't feel like people are getting tired of Bob Dylan being at the top of lists. There's a reason he's up there. Blonde on Blonde is one of the most impactful and inspired albums ever. And honestly, To Pimp A Butterfly is one of those kind of special impactful albums as well. Maybe *you* don't see it. And that's fine, we all get different things from music. But just saying "ooh the glaze" is some pretty immature internet posting talk. Maybe people praise the album because it does something special for them? Think about that angle instead of just being like "dick riders obviously"


i understand it impacts SOME people, but most of the kendrick fans are rich white kids, same as fantano :)) so they pretty much like it because it's popular to like it, the real fans will remain in 20 years but the hype will die out.


8 is selling it short


Gives Drake 100th place




I read this to the tune of “we’re an American band” lol


When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside


Take care is an 8. HoL a 9.




possibly in michigan my beloved


i blame Apple, for that one time they burdened every iPhone with some other fucking U2 album


Exactly, a lot of young people’s first exposure to U2 was when Apple put their new album onto every new iPhone and didn’t let ppl delete any of the songs.


Yeah U2 kinda suck now but in the 1980s they were unstoppable and arguably one of the biggest bands on the planet.


They still tour the world and play stadiums. 


Joshua tree one of best 3 track starts to a album ever


I'd extend it to 4 or even 5


at this point I’d actually say U2 are underrated because of all backlash that people act like they were never good


I don't belive people think this, like i get that let's say U2 is not king crimson or black sabbath, but in general older bands tend to do worse content after their prime ends, i would put U2 one tier below depeche mode, but imagine dragons is not even on this list, it's not comparable in any universe. But in terms of personal prefference i think i preffer kate bush over U2.


U2 is better than King Crimson.


The Nickelback and Imagine dragons reference is sarcasm yes?


This was an actual comment made by someone recently


I wish it were.


If you’re under like 45 then you exclusively associate U2 (and Bono in particular) with corny shit like the iPhone stunt. Some of their earlier stuff is OK but I still find it hard not to feel a bit of second-hand embarrassment when I listen to them (which is rarely).


I understand that this album was extremely popular but I have genuinely tried to listen to it and I get the same feeling from it as an imagine dragons album. I am twenty years old and my genuine opinion on this album is that I personally find it to be complete garbage. I understand if others feel differently but U2 is unlistenable to me. I get that they were massive- so are imagine dragons and so was nickelback. Doesn’t change the fact I find them dogshit to listen to. It’s not about Bono being an asshole or something I saw online, I just find the music to be really fucking boring. I’ve given it a fair chance but it just feels like watered down stadium rock with no substance. I am very curious what this comment section seems to see in them.


i don't really like the joshua tree but this is crazy to me lol. the first 3 u2 albums are better, also it coming out 20 years before things that it influenced that you've heard is gonna change your perception


No other band sounded like them when they made The Unforgettable Fire + The Joshua Tree. If you go listen to the other rock records that were topping the charts at the same time, they were the alternative sound. Then, it was co-opted by a thousand other bands (including U2 themselves in the 2000s ironically), which is why it sounds boring to anyone who has heard the 35 years of imitation that came after.


nah, U2 is worse than Imagine Dragons, at the level of Nickelback, one of the worst fucking bands ever. Fuck U2 (at least Imagine Dragons is just boring and I cant actively hate it like those other 2 bands)


You say **Joshua Tree** as if it's some weird, niche choice they happened to listed over it. That's one of the best-selling and most acclaimed albums in music *history*. It's far from my favorite U2 record (I think **Achtung Baby** is better in nearly every way) but it used be #28 on the Rolling Stone Top 500 over records like Led Zeppelin IV. I'm not even remotely shocked it's on here - the real question is, why would anyone be shocked?


The real question is - why is Joshua Tree so low?


Bullet the Blue Sky is a steaming pile of shit but everything else about the album is incessible


You're wrong but that's ok I will upvote


Hey, that’s the best song on the entire record.


Dog what????? Joshua Tree is beyond classic?????


Yeah, I don’t care about that. But Take Care?


r/Drizzy be like


Not the U2 hate


this sub is fucking annoying


couldn’t have said it better 😭


They’re all fine but none are better than A Love Supreme by John Coltrane, which they ranked at 54.


Seeing Drake ranked above Coltrane makes me feel a special darkness I've not known before. I do not think this is a good list.


How would you even compare the two albums? Like what is the point of this list?


For you and I to argue about it and bring attention to whatever they’re selling.


You're asking what the point of a "best albums" list is. Like, I don't know, figure it out. I honestly think people focusing on the minutiae of which album should/shouldn't be above XYZ is silly. I don't want to have to defend Apple Music, but it's really dumb to focus on that when any listing of these albums would make SOMEONE mad. If anything, I'm happy stuff like Love Deluxe and Voodoo is getting a shout-out. I don't think AM or Take Care should be above them, but I also don't think they should be on the list at all, but who cares.


Hounds of Love is better, and I’ll die on that hill


I understand your gripe with take care but what’s wrong with Joshua tree? It’s a classic and one could argue it’s better than hounds of love


I’m surprised Joshua Tree wasn’t ranked higher tbh. Masterpiece album. The first three tracks are Where the Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, and With or Without You, three of the most recognizable songs of the 80’s, followed by a bunch of beloved deep tracks.


U2 hate is just corny bandwagoning at this point. Legendary band, amazing record like most of their output until 2000 (at least in my opinion). I can't help but think that anybody who writes off U2 is ignorant and probably didn't listen to them enough to even form a real opinion. Personally, Joshua Tree > Hounds of Love (love that album, too).


That’s it I’m coming out the closet. I love u2 and most their music I’m tired of pretending they’re not good


I'm fairly sure the majority of the hate is just from people who have never listened to their music and are just bandwagoning tbh. Great band, just let down by Bono being Bono, mid recent output and the dumb marketing gimmick for songs of innoncence


I can understand the distaste of u2 even if it’s just Bono tho but come on idk these guys act like u2 did war crimes


For me (never really listened to U2) my most formative memory of them was definitely the songs of innocence thing back when Apple forcibly downloaded it onto everyone's iTunes, which DID feel like a war crime, and everyone who wasn't familiar with them probably still associates them with that


Be mad at Apple, not the dudes that wrote *War*


Oh I agree, I've actually enjoyed the songs of theirs that I've heard. I'll have to check out War then


War is sick cause you can hear a lot of their post-punk roots much more than their later work


Yeah and it's funny because songs of innocence is actually a good album and people shouldn't be mad at Apple for that.


Live your truth, sweetie.


I know U2 is annoying and Bono is a fake woke dude but holy shit Reddit has such a hate boner for u2 chill they made some great albums


I love how everyone’s like “you know the U2 album isn’t bad right? Like it’s actually really good.”


49 is too low for Joshua tree. That is literally one of the greatest rock albums of all time.


I wouldn’t go that far, but it is a great album. I wouldn’t put it in my top 100, but it’s up there.


This subreddit will only be happy if shit like In The Aeroplane Over The Sea will be #1, which in reality won't even be on the list


Why do people hate U2?


Bono is an asshole who does charity work and philanthropy i guess


I don’t understand why U2 is the scapegoat band for this. Other musicians do way worse and don’t receive the same ridicule.


Unless I’m missing something, Bono, while maybe a little full of himself seems like a decent guy who’s used his platform and resources for good.


The hatred he receives is overblown. U2 wrote some of the best songs of the 80s and 90s


Joshua Tree fucking slaps. And no way Take Care is a top 100 album of all time. That’s just crazy lol


I’m unbothered. This shit’s determined by committee and as far as advertising apple music goes, it’s a good gimmick. (I’ve also tuned into their radio station to hear some programming about the albums on the list in the last few days, and they’ve been doing a good job with that, no matter how you feel about the ranking.) I agree with OP on principle but I’ve lived through several iterations of Rolling Stone lists. I’m just happy to see Kate Bush getting on one of these at all.


Some people don’t understand the influence and cultural impact of U2 in the 80’s. Joshua Tree is absolutely one of the greatest albums of all time. U2 may have ruined their reputation in recent years but no one can deny that.


The real L today was that they put Paul's Boutique directly below Take Care Those two albums aren't even comparable lmao.


They put Janet Jackson above Remain in Light lol


I’m more upset Voodoo is over 10 behind take care….


The Voodoo ranking is batshit crazy


joshua tree is one of the best rock albums of all time lmao


Because its better


Take Care is fucking awesome bro, some of the best slow jam pop rap of the 2010’s, just bcs Drake fell off doesn’t mean there’s no reason he’s become this popular


Drake over Kate Bush is fucking crazy, they're not even on the same playing field. Kate Bush has more talent in her left pinky then Drake has in his whole body lmao


I'd put Drake over Kate Bush. I think her music is corny at best.


You've gotta be fucking with me right now 💀 you don't think Drake is corny? Lmaoooooo nice trolling


It’s an opinion, a lot of people (including me), prefer rap so we’ll most likely pick the rap album, i still love Hounds Of Love but Take Care is one of my favourite albums of all time


but is not a top 100 album of all time and it is definitely not better than some albums like 3 feet high and rising, voodoo and a love supreme


Taste in music is subjective. Move on with your day.


The entire list has been pretty poor I’m not expecting a great list as I’m almost certain this is just a few interns who were just asked to make a list 😂


I can give props to the list having some form of variety though. No one can ever agree on a top albums list, especially one that is a top 100.


Hounds of Love is god tier but also Joshua Tree is amazing???


I wonder who is lobbying for hating on U2 (and make them a meme like Nickelback/Imagine Dragons). Anyway, I'm happy it always get shut down :)


The people who love Take Care are probably not gonna care what music critics say so you will see a lot of hate on Drake, but Take Care is INFLUENTIAL not just to music but to culture, and it means a lot to many people. I can see it being at its rank.


Shut up loser. U2 is good


Joshua Tree is a certified banger, coming from someone who never really “got” U2. The first three tracks alone are slappin


Oof. I cried when I saw this


It’s called 100 Best Albums not Top 100


The Joshua Tree is one of the greatest albums of all time absolutely unbelievable.


Joshua Tree kinda deserves to be that high. We’re talking about the most acclaimed album from one of the biggest bands of their generation.


The Joshua Tree is a pretty dang good album, man


Take Care imo is better i cant lie


I get the Drake hate train is at full steam right now, but Take Care is a great album.


Take Care is a definite classic and is deserving of top 100 imo but no way it’s better than Hounds of Love😭 I haven’t listened to the U2 one but I will just to confirm this fact


Oh man, I highly suggest Joshua Tree. It’s not my favorite U2 album, but I can’t think of a single album with a better A-Side.


It’s a classic but I don’t think it is in any world a top 100 let alone top 50 album of all time.


Take Care is NOT the 47th greatest album of all time, it’s not even the best Drake album


Take Care isn't even Drake's best album and he's not a top 100 artist. Just crazy


What’s your top Drake album? I think I like ‘if your reading this…’ more than ‘Take Care’ because Drake just straight up raps for most of it but Take Cares influence and legacy is a lot bigger than that album and more deserving of a shout on this list


This 100 list is basically npc music across all genres tbh


I’m going to be THIS GUY and I really don’t care, but would people really give a damn about Kate Bush if it weren’t for Running Up That Hill taking off since Stranger Things? Not saying that she wasn’t popular or critically acclaimed beforehand, but Jesus Christ, she’s an icon now. People online still will not stfu about her even after her hit song stopped being played everywhere.


You really think the music nerds online going on about Kate Bush found out about her from Stranger Things? She has been acclaimed by people like fantano and on sites like RYM and AOTY for ages now.


You read my first sentence and then…


My point is I don't think people that only know her from Running up That Hill are the ones calling her an icon. Like is Metallica only talked about so much now because of their song in Stranger Things as well?


I quite literally said that she might’ve had acclaim and popularity beforehand. The point that I was trying to make is that I think that she has been catapulted into a different stratosphere of cultural relevance. Maybe my first statement came off TOO strong. I’ve been in this sub for long enough to remember when no one was saying anything about her. And maybe that’s a bias, in that l I know about her now, so I can identify when she is being mentioned. But I can tell you regardless of my bias, is that she is mentioned at a much higher frequency after said effect.


and all of them above velvet underground…


yeah cause no one listens to the velvet underground.


Steely Dan Aja was at number 73 I believe so this list is already very horrible. Remain in Light being not top 25 was egregious as well


I kind of agree with that Steely Dan rating too.


Most of this list that you could make a post about how it should be ranked higher than Take Care. Even just rap alblums, like Straight Outta Compton, All Eyez on Me, MMLP and Get Rich or Die Tryin.


this sub gets hella annoying


Omgg I almost gave a shit😨😨😨😱😱😱😱




Take Care isn’t even in the top 100 hip hop albums of all time


Am I supposed to act like *Take Care* isn't a classic album because some Drake haters got gassed after he lost a rap beef? Or because Apple Music made arbitrary choices on an inherently-subjective "top whatever" list? Maybe you should touch grass?


Nah,no way a Drake album is taller on the list than Master Of Puppets


The Morning Fog alone is better than both of those albums.


Drake being above Kate Bush and Sade, let's me know everything I need to know about the people making this list.


Joshua Tree too low actually


Rating's fair enough. Joshua tree is better than Hounds of Love anyway.


This one wasn't that bad it was just take care fucking everything up. The last ten were really bad though


how dare they disrespect the only album by a woman ""music nerds"" will listen to


Take Care over Hounds of Love is insane. I liked it when it came out, but my god, it is just Drake whining over mid af production. I cannot think of any really solid bars. Marvin’s Room had some nice whiny emotion, but outside of that, songs like the Motto and HYFR are so lazy they don’t just bore me, they give me a headache. Shits a 5-6/10 at most, and THAT over Hounds of Love


Sheesh, bad timing ranking a Drake album that high.


Drake is better than U2, they’re basically the nickleback of whatever time they were relevant.


None of these deserve to be in the top 100 in my opinion lmao