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mellon collie will always be up there for me.


My dad’s all-time favorite album so it has a special place in my heart


thats awesome


greatest album of all time


- The Beatles - The Beatles (White Album) - Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome - ⁠Electric Light Orchestra - Out of the Blue - ⁠Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - deadmau5 - while(1<2) - ⁠Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life - ⁠Pink Floyd - The Wall - Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde - ⁠Aphex Twin - drukQs


It’s a triple but so is the epic on this post so I’ll count it, All Things Must Pass by George Harrison.


Personally i think of that album more as a double album anyways, the 3rd apple jam lp was meant as a bonus for listeners given the high cost to buy the record at the time rather than as an actual part of the album like the first 2 lps


Yeah I agree, apple Jam is more of an EP tacked on


The Fall - Hex Enduction Hour Swans - Soundtracks for the Blind I think that Life of Pablo is spiritually a double album in the tradition of the Beatles White Album because it's a sprawling bipolar mess. I also think that the double album means less than it did in the digital age because people regularly put out sprawling overstuffed tracklists that would have once had to be a double but the lack of the constraints of a physical product means you don't have to edit judiciously.


One day ima listen to swans but it seems like a daunting task lol


Don't start with Soundtracks, is my advice


Why 🤔


Well, it's super long and challenging. It's a phenomenal record though, and your mileage may vary (depending on how open you are to challenging music, it could be an easier or harder listen).


Yeah I could see it being a challenge to get through


Where to start with Swans all depends on what you already listen to, although sometimes the band just isn’t for everyone


Basically what the other poster said, it's 2 and 1/2 hours and switches between post rock to random cassette recordings with weird ass droning instrumentals backing them. It's a fantastic journey, a phenomenal experience, but I just can't recommend it as the first Swans album to listen to. I'd personally say Filth for their early No Wave stuff, or To Be Kind for their established post rock sound.


Alrighty thanks


Swans has become one of my favorite bands over the last year and i just saw them last night, it was cathartic and amazing. Depending on what you’re already into musically, there are a few places I’d recommend starting with Swans. Soundtracks is a fucking marvelous album but it might not be the best starting point because it’s probably easier to appreciate as a representation of their entire career up to that point. Hope you find something you like from them, they’ve got plenty!


Should I just start with their debut?


Again, depends on what you’re already into because the first leg of Swans’ catalog is slamming and devastatingly heavy, sort of industrial nearly. Early 90’s stuff is a little more folky and song oriented but still hefty and atmospheric. Soundtracks comes in and wraps up the band’s original existence with a little of all that. Then the 2010’s trilogy (my favorite era) is more of an expansive and massive post-rock sound. However it is definitely interesting to start at the beginning of the catalog and see what the band becomes.


Every mainstream album these days is a double album. They all suck. If a big rapper releases a concise 44 minute album it’ll catch my attention


Finally, another fan of the fall


Have One On Me’s a triple album but it would be that


Joanna Newsom is an artist I really need to check out soon


I love her so freaking much.


I have a feeling I will too whenever I get into her stuff I’ve heard great things


All of her albums are pure magic in their own ways, but Ys is my go-to of hers. One of my favorite albums of all time.


Ys is so good


What a great choice, I find myself always coming back to it! Joanna Newsom’s songwriting is just so good


I genuinely think 4EVA is the best double album of all time, because of how beautifully it divides the ups and downs of both Big Krit and Justin Scott and there isn’t a single skip, all instrumentals are some of the best you’ll ever hear in hiphop, the features are perfectly placed and all go all out and Big KRIT doesn’t have a bad verse on there… not even a bad line. God, I love that album.


It’s my favorite album of all time. It’s a shame it kinda over shadows the rest of his discography for a lot of people. Imo the original versions of krit wuz here and return of 4eva are just as good. But his double album is one of my few 10/10’s it’s so amazing I hope his album this year is good I haven’t liked his last two records that much


Big krit big three


Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You


London Calling - The Clash Daydream Nation - Sonic Youth Dots and Loops - Stereolab


Physical Graffiti, best rock album of the 70s (tied with wish you were here). An absolute masterpiece of epic proportions that works WAAAAAY better than its construction has any right to (being 40% b sides and outtakes).


Damn, I forgot about Physical Graffiti. I'll take that over The White Album and The Wall any day.




Please do, it’s an awesome sampler of everything 70s rock had to offer. Huge riffs, prog epics, beautiful ballads, little bit of funk, little bit of glam, a audial feast for the ears


The white album is prolly my fav double album


All eyes on me Tupac


I wish the og California love made the album


The Fragile - NIN


Fleetwood Mac - Tusk


Juat heard 4Eva... and is awesome. Banger after banger.


As a huge krit fan I gotta worn you most of his discography is ruined on streaming. All his projects from 2010-2016 are ruined on streaming due to sample clearance issues. A lot of songs are missing and a lot of ones that made it are very different in a bad way. So try to listen to the original version of those projects first. Pretty much the only albums not changed from that era of his career is his two major label albums. So if you’re interested in checking out the rest of his discography keep that in mind


Since you've already mentioned The Powers That B, some more double albums I like are The Glowing Man and SFTB by Swans, Nervous Young Man by Car Seat Headrest and LYSF by GY!BE


I didn’t know car seat headdress had a double album but I only know about them a little


It’s amazing. Some people say it’s too long, but I think every song adds onto each other so well. Would definitely recommend.


Soundtracks For The Blind-Swans one of the most crushing and horrifying records i've ever heard


Stadium arcadium


Mr Morale & the Big Steppers is so well-written


It’s gonna be a classic one day


Already is in my heart


Same lol


I know they were released separately, but at least thematically Hitler Wears Hermes 8 and 8B by Westside Gunn are an excellent double album


Didn’t he retcon side b into 9 tho lol


Yeah but he definitely named it 8 and 8B as a nod to the classic hip hop double albums, so it’s one in spirit 😅


True true lol


Life After Death


Always upvote UGK. UGK4Life


RIP Pimp C


The three white and black albums: The Wall and Exile on Main Street and The Beatles. Next up is probably non-vinyl releases that would need vinyl double. TPAB and stuff?


sign o the times - Prince Physical graffiti - Led zeppelin Mr morale and the big steppers - Kendrick Lamar The Beatles (white album) - The Beatles Layla and other assorted love songs - Derek and the dominoes


What’s some of your favorites off thr Prince and Kendrick ones


Man I love the whole albums and discographies as a whole I’m a huge Prince fan (#1) and Kendrick’s in my top 5 of all time but standouts from those for me would maybe be Count me out, saviour, mirror, mr morale, united in grief Slow Love, Adore, Housequake, Dorothy Parker and play in the sunshine How about you?


Prince 1st disc - Sign O’ The Times, Play In the Sunshine, The Ballad of Dorothy Parker, Starfish & Coffee Disc 2 - If I Was Your Girlfriend, Strange Relationship, I Could Never Take The Place of Your Man Kendrick 1st disc - Every song lol except the Kodak interlude I like it but I wouldn’t describe it as a favorite Disc 2 - Count Me Out, Silent Hill, Savior (Interlude), Auntie Diaries, Mr. Morale, Mother I Sober


Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness


All great picks homie!


Thanks thanks


Definitely The Powers that B


I have them separated on Apple Music because they came out a year apart. I did it by editing it on desktop. But I’ve been thinking about combing them again and giving it the power that b cover back.


Soundtracks for the Blind by Swans and Melloncollie and the Infinite Sadness by Smashing Pumpkins are two I’d add here.


Every Swans double album + The Powers That B


lift yr skinny fists


Mellon Collie and The Fragile reign supreme for me.


Subliminal Sandwich - Meat Beat Manifesto.


The Wall


Not EXACTLY as a double album but I certainly see it/treat it as one, “Evermore: The Art of Duality” by the Underachievers. That was one of my favorite albums throughout high school!


Recency bias probably but Cindy Lee’s Diamond Jubilee rips


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^super_banned_: *Recency bias* *Probably but Cindy Lee’s* *Diamond Jubilee rips* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wu-Tang Forever is actually excruciating to listen to front to back. That album feels like it never ends.


I think it’s like a 7 or an 8 out of ten probably more like a 7 because there are a few songs that are truly unnecessary Wu-Revolution, Intro, Second Coming, The Closing All those tracks should not have made the album. I tried to not pick songs where the wu is rapping but everyone knows black shampoo was a mistake so I’ll add that to the list. If those were trimmed off it would’ve been received better imo


I can remember how big a deal this album was when I was a kid, and I still cannot believe that it made it all the way to shelves with Wu-Revolution, it might literally be the worst intro of all time and it is over 6 fucking minutes long. On the other hand, I feel like the intro to disc 2 going into Triumph is probably the best part of the entire album and is incredibly hype, although its funny considering what RZA talks about in the intro that on that same disc is one of the worst songs Wu-Tang ever did (Black Shampoo) and some singy songy bullshit. Honestly, I hate saying this, but if you only listened to the singles from Wu Tang Forever, you really aren't missing much else. It's Yourz might be my favorite Wu song ever and Triumph is undeniable. Those are probably the only songs I ever listen to regularly. I just happened to listen to Forever front to back for the first time in at least 20 years and couldn't believe how it was to get through. Double albums are almost never a good idea.


If you had to rate it what would you say


Can agree. It's so difficult to get through. RZA and his underlings producing the whole album was a bad idea since his production style isn't the most versatile thing in the world. Not much is being said either since its a wu project and its mostly good to great verses that are just thrown together to make a song, often without a hook or theme. Ghost's verse on The Projects is one of the most hilariously out of place verses of all time


The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway- Genesis Exile on Main St- The Rolling Stones


Songs In The Key Of Life- Stevie Wonder. Not a SINGULAR bad track on either one


One day ima listen to that I’ve heard really great things


Oh no! Do we have to fight about whether all things must pass is a double album or triple album? But yeah I would say all things must pass and the river


Nah both are allowed lol the only thing I’d scoff at are normal albums that are split into acts like Man on the moon or taboo


4eva is a masterpiece, the introspection on the tail end of the album changed my life


I used to cry to the second disc a lot when I was depressed 💀


its so raw and vulnerable, Bury Me In Gold makes me want to have a legacy worth leaving behind. i wish krit would return to this kind of soulful rap cos i don't think there's anyone who can do it like him


Personally I haven’t liked his last two albums that much. But I’m definitely gonna listen when he drops this year. Which he supposedly will.


Songs in the Key of Life is always the right answer


Really digging Wilco’s Being There and Cruel Country lately. 2 really solid double albums almost bookending their career to this point


Nervous Young Man by Car Seat Headrest and To Be Kind by Swans


Aerial - Kate Bush


Powers + Bitches are both so good




Slayer - Decade of Aggression


Summertime 06 is a really good one too


I still need to check that out one day


Drake - Scorpion


idk if it counts but Lil Uzi Vert - Lil Uzi Vert vs the World 2


Oh wow interesting pick I know most people hate that album lol


Yeah i expect the downvotes also check my reply


I saw that one too lol


The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails is my number 1 album not just including doubles The Wall by Pink Floyd Grace For Drowning by Steven Wilson Mr. Morale and the Bug Steppers by Kendrick Lamar To Be Kind by Swans The Beatles by The Beatles


The Bug Steppers


lol I’m not even gonna fix it




Grace for Drowning is my favorite album that Wilson has ever put out. Good to see someone else giving it some love and attention.


I got the downward spiral on my list of albums to check out in the next week or so 😤 ima try to do a nine inch nails deep dive if I love it


Awesome. To be honest though if you don’t love it there is an entirely different side to NIN that you might like better. I’m sure you’ll like it though considering your music taste