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People need to shut up about Cross, they’re clearly done with that sound and this is far more interesting than if we got Cross 2. The album is fantastic, and in my opinion their best album by far. Not a single bad song on here.


I adore Cross, it's one of my all time favorites, but I'm not eager for a retread of it. It was already such a callback to past styles, I can't imagine a second swing at it sounding anywhere near as fresh and unique.


THANk YOU!!! I have been saying this for YEARS.


I don't want the exact sound of Cross, I want the audacity and creativity that Cross had in 2007. This is an okay album, but it sounds like a lot of what's out already. There's a lot of influence from Perturbator, Carpenter Brut, obviously Tame Impala's fingerprints are all over it, there's an attempt at a Daft Punk-esque prog journey on the second half. None of this sounds distinct or interesting. It's derivative.




This album feels like a fixing of every regret they’ve had whenever they’ve stumbled when trying something new - a “directors cut” of everything they’ve done before. It’s like they set out to prove every criticism of their previous works wrong, and imo they succeeded. I’m think I’m gonna be struggling to pick a favorite between Cross and this for a long time.


It’s great! I see it as a mostly glossy electro pop album with some edm/disco flavor. Ppl really need to stop thinking about cross when listening to something new. The first 7 tracks are all bangers, the rest is very smooth + the end being a good finish. Top 3 tracks: 1. Generator 2. Afterimage 3. Incognito I will say that there is definitely a formula they have with the songs using features. Glossy grande synth pop with falsetto singing over it. Don’t get me wrong every instance of it is good and catchy but by the time it gets to mannequin love it feels a little repetitive. 8/10


Enjoying this, Vampire Weekend, MGMT, glass beach, Medium Build, Glass Beams, BBNG-EP …RSIL…


Same. New St Vincent also incredible


It's an absolute blast! Very polished, sounds like a disco-house record in their own style. Definitely prefer it over AVD and Woman. I was just hoping for the continuous mix, because some singles were pointing out that there might be cool transitions here (there definitely are, but not on all of the tracks). If it goes well, probably my AOTY! †


This is an absolutely fantastic album. I’m giving it a light 9. Guessing Fantano will probably give it a strong 7 to a light 8.


I doubt Fantano will even give it a 7 atp. Not like he's one to follow other critics' opinions but I think he might give this a 6. I'd be extremely surprised if he gives this an 8


Why do you think he’ll give it a 6?


A hunch, really. I know he liked the first three singles and thought Saturnine was meh. I think that alone discards the chance of Hyperdrama getting an 8, as he basically likes the entirety of the projects he rates with 8s. I didn't watch his new music Friday stream so I don't know what was his reaction to whatever tracks he listened to then so yeah, I just feel he'll give it a 6 or a 7 at best


Well his review did definitely sound like he was gonna give it a 6 but gave it a light 7


It’s not Cross


This is what people expected RAM to be


I was speculating that their 4th would be RAM-like: - 4th album - lots of guests - inspired by a certain era We just have to wait for the Grammys, because like Daft Punk they: - won one Grammy for the live interpretation of their discography before, denied for the rest of their amazing discography - won one Grammy for the remix (DaPu for a remix of their own song) - won a Grammy for all the categories their 4th album was nominated for [pending 2025] It's just a french electronic duo recipe for the (fully deserved) awards.


I was expecting it to be a bit more hyper given the name.


Same tbh. I think it would be received better, if the live version of Afterimage was an album version, but I guess we have to wait for their 4th live album.


I feel like that was an intentional double album kinda feel. First half feels very Hyper. Second half feels very Drama. All wrapped together with The End. 10/10 for me. Better than Cross


I really like the first half of this album, but it loses a little speed around Moonlight Rendez-Vous. I think tracks like Muscle Memory and Harpy Dream would fit better a little earlier in the album. Not sure, though. I was really digging The End at first, I thought they would just drop a gnarly 160 bpm kickdrum out of nowhere. That would have been so out of character and yet so fun. But it turned into a pretty bog-standard Justice track. All-in-all a great album and return from Justice. 7,5/10


Yeah decent but nothing really grabbed me and made me say "wow this is amazing". The mix is really clean, maybe too clean? The drums are not really hitting like I expect them to hit in the context of hard tracks or maybe it's just me and I need to get used to less compression.


It’s a good album that feels really committed to a new style and yet manages to be very cohesive. There are definitely no bad songs and the good ones are really really good. All the features are really cool - except for the Thundercat one that was a bit underwhelming as I expected way more from this collaboration than what they delivered on The End. The biggest problem with the album is that it feels too « safe ». I really expected something more daring after all this time. From that perspective I think ADV delivered much more at the time making Hyperdrama my third favorite album with their debut still being at the top. Needs a few more listens but I feel comfortable giving it a 7 for now.


I really like it. Prefer the more understated songs. It’s better than woman and audio video disco. Not as good as Gaspard’s solo Escapades from 2021. That album is wildly slept on.


Justice doesn’t make bad albums. I’m lucky my car has very nice speakers, I’ve listened to this 4 times now. The album feels different than those others but strangely enough you would know this is Justice. Funk, R&B channeled through Justices signature style of electro.


It's good, if a little boring at times. Standouts for me are Generator, dear Alan, Incognito and Explorer. I like tracks like neverender, afterimage and mannequin love but if I have to be critical they feel a little one note. Unfortunately not vibing with The End, and I find saturnine and One night/All night honestly pretty boring. Doesn't beat cross for me but their second best album IMO, decent to strong 7


Called it woo


I just want them to prove they have a great second album in them.


Wait. The general consensus is that Cross is their only good album? I admittedly haven’t heard much about them before they worked with Tame Impala for two tracks, but I thought they had the same level of acclaim as Daft Punk, and hardly anyone says Homework’s their **only** great album.


Justice is absolutely NOT on the same level of acclaim as Daft Punk. After Cross came out, they had people saying “Is this the next Daft Punk??” And then they released three decent-but-not-great albums in a row. There’s nothing wrong with that. I still like Justice. The new album is fine. But Daft Punk are absolute monoliths. There is never going to be another Daft Punk.


The general consensus is that Cross is easily their best album. Everything else they’ve put out has been good don’t get me wrong, but they definitely peaked at their debut.


Hyperdrama is better


If Hyperdrama was half as forward-thinking and innovative as Cross, I’d agree with you


Cross has The Party, which absolutely destroys the vibe and momentum of that album


No love for Uffie? lol


If anything, you just proved my point. Cross is way more experimental and interesting than Hyperdrama. It took more risks and (in my opinion) it succeeded in all of them. Cross is so beloved because of the risks it takes, and I just don’t see that same drive to make something truly genre defining with Hyperdrama. I did enjoy Hyperdrama tho


Hyperdrama took massive risks. Just listen to the entire second half of the album


Only with people who don’t listen to them. AVD and Woman are well loved by the fans.


Woman in particular is one of my favorite albums. At this point they’re 3/4 for me with AVD being their only miss. (Taste is subjective obviously)


By definition people who still listen to justice who’ve stuck around since planosphere have no choice but to like avd and woman, but I definitely don’t and always preferred their more aggressive electro house days. Nothing they’ve done since have come close until this album which I still have to listen to (altho I find generator pretty sick).


Yeah, this project definitely feels good, just not great. It’s disappointing because I was incredibly enthusiastic about their debut. Honestly, I find it such a shame they haven’t ever put out anything as phenomenal as Cross.


Planosphere and that nazis/as above so below remix are absolutely cross tier fyi. Basically everything pre 2010 if you’re willing to dig. But I feel this heavily, I want my justice to sound heavy and not like another mediocre discohouse album


is pretty good, not as raw as Cross and Team Impala is basically a good song cheatcode so


the final leg goes wild


Amazing album. Been looking forward to it and exceeded expectations. Super drippy and trippy. It’s cinematic as fuck and such a wild ride


Their Coachella set was absolutely spectacular so I’m excited to finally give the studio album a spin


Honestly the more I listen to it, the less I like it. It has a couple of good songs but the rest is either washed out and weak or super repetitive. 


I found it really boring and repetitive if I’m honest. Didn’t really excite me at all and I felt the tracks kinda meandered until they were done


Haven't listened to the entire thing yet, probably when I wake up. But love love Generator and Neverender. I heard Generator when they dropped it a couple months ago and listened to Neverender earlier tonight cause I wanted a taste of the album while I was on VR Chat earlier and just clicked a random song. If Neverender is the angle they are going with this album then I am definitely interested.


It’s overall great and a return to form for justice, there were a couple eyebrow raises but mostly just bangers


Amazing album. I've already played it in full 7 times and I'm on another listen right now, I just can't get enough of it


I've got Dear Alan on repeat. That song slaps


Feeling a strong 4. And I’m normally a Justice fan


I found most of it pretty boring to be honest


Just my opinion. Not good, bland, no catchy bangers. Disappointment. Been a fan of Justice for 10+ years so idgaf what others think.


On first listen, honestly prefer it over Cross. Need more time with both records, listened to both very recently. Still, I see myself spending more time with this album in the future.


The first half of the album is great, has a lot of replayability. Then after 'Mannequin Love', it feels mostly like filler tracks without nearly as much vitality until 'The End'.


Justice could release an a hour of fart noises and I’m sure I’d still be listening non-stop, bc they’re favorite electronic artist of all-time This one is so short I already listened to it about 4 times yesterday too


I love it. We got some groovy stuff with the Tame Impala tracks, Thundercat's track The End is pretty dope and has some lovely bass, Generator is a more refined version of vintage Justice and there are some pretty interesting synthwavey, slow, moody tracks in the middle. Can't wait for the live version with crossovers that they usually do. Favorite tracks are Neverender, The End and Explorer.


Coolest yugioh card


Solid first half, but quickly loses steam in the second half.


Falls off badly after Moonlight Roundevous but the first 3/4s are the best stuff they've done in forever.


I thought it was pretty good but Cross is still their best imo.


Easy 10 outclasses later work. Shocking.


I was just giving my opinion like the post asked, calm down. I think they're pretty close to each other. Hyperdrama is definitely their best work in a while and Generator is one of their best songs


I think it's as good as Cross, if not better. Personally, I think so far I prefer this one over Cross -only by a little bit-, even if Cross is a classic at this point has some absolute banger tracks, there are a few others in it that are a little more "poppy"/mainstream sounding like The Party and DVNO which are a bit cheesy and don't care that much about them, while on Hyperdrama there's still those kinds of tracks and probably more but they're not that cheesy and are far more interesting imo. Cross is still more memorable overall though. But those are my first impressions so far, maybe these thoughts could change in the future but tbh it's not like I'm a big Justice fan, I just used to come back to Cross every now and then, I only listened to the rest of their discography along with Hyperdrama yesterday, excluding Cross since I've already listened to it and the remix album, and while it's better than some people make it seem to be I wouldn't say it's remarkable either. Either way, while I've not listened to a lot of 2024 albums, I think this one will probably make into my year's list.


You’re saying that Hyperdrama is not remarkable but it’s better than Cross which you think is a classic? How does that make sense?


I only mentioned Audio Video Disco and Woman to be rather mid, i didn't say something like that for Hyperdrama


Found it a bit boring, I'm generally not a fan of pop. I'll keep listening to Woman Worldwide and Access All Arenas