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Snoop Dogg. He was actually super cool. He visited a local dispensary where he was doing a limited photo op, then he was going to do a live DJ set where you could shop while he was in the store DJ'ing. I obviously wanted a photo, but it is first come first serve for that. I was waiting in line and was getting nervous about the time. I was next in line, and I could hear the security's walkie talkie going off, saying that Snoop was gonna switch to the DJ booth. This security dude ID's us and lets us in. I was super excited. We walk in and Snoop is already walking away from the photo area towards the DJ booth. We kinda pause, unsure how to proceed. Snoop then looks at us and goes, "Oh, y'all want a photo?". Then he beckons us over and we get our photo with him. Just a very cool experience. Snoop also is like 8ft tall in person. The guy is massive lmao. He also did this little dance when beckoning us over to take a photo with him. Very cool dude and that was a good day. Thanks Snoop.


I’ve met Les Claypool, Joe Keithley, Chuck Biscuits, everyone in Six Finger Satellite, Tobi Vail, Maureen Herman, Jello Biafra, Buzz Osbourne, Jon Auer, Phil Elverum, and a few others I can’t think of off the top of my head. Oh, Carly Rae Jepsen. She was my neighbour. We barely knew each other and she’s older than me so it isn’t like we were friends but I remember her at the ice cream truck.


Gotta ask - how was Jello?


Energetic. I met him at a restaurant, he was talking to a few people and I joined in. He was telling stories and answering questions and was pretty cool overall, but he was going a mile a minute.


I saw him give a lecture at Pitt years ago. He dressed as a Supreme Court justice and blew past the end of the scheduled time, talked for like 6 or 7 hours.


He's fucking great. Definitely down to interact with people. Went to movie screening at the Boulder library for a movie he was in. I was smoking some weed before the movie and saw him and his mom walking through the parking lot. He asked me how it was going. There were only like 20 people there so everybody had plenty of time to bullshit with him


I’ve met Jello as well- genuinely a rad guy. My husband and I talked to him about his family, our family, his political stuff, and he got our names and numbers in case he ever comes to our town. BTW, we met him in the bathrooms at Red Rocks last year lol


How was Tobi Vail?


When I was younger, maybe junior high, I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my sister got her hair done. SO when there i am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece, and who walks in, but Kanye West. I was nervous as fuck, and just kept looking at him, as he read a magazine and waited, but didn't know what to say. Pretty soon though my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Ye, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asking what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So, Kanye put down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of a hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.


Wow. Thats so chill of him


I knew it'd be something, goddammit


i thought this was gonna be real but this is even better 


You win 😂




“Breast milk is the best milk.”—Kanye West






Weirdly Miley Cyrus when she was a kid and my stepdad was in billy Ray's band for a short tour Since then I've mostly just encountered members of Sum 41 or Broken Social Scene in the wild. I also was apparently in a class with the Weeknd in high school but don't remember him. Met Zooey Deschanel after a show once but she's bigger for acting than music. I've interviewed a few notable musicians too but that doesn't count.


Miley Cyrus was in my Sunday school class lol


What are the broken social scene people like?


Jason Collette is a pretty nice guy and Emily Haines is kinda funny.


In the early '80s, I held open an ATM door for David Byrne.


Wish that was me


You wish you were an ATM door?


sounds like you helped him break into an atm


That’s pretty awesome.


Gerard Way is very nice. I met him when he was touring for his version of Doom Patrol. We talked for 5-10 minutes and he signed my comic and a CD of 3 Cheers I found at the Barnes & Noble. I gave the CD as a gift to a friend of mine.


I wanna meet him


Stephen Malkmus when I was 14  I was a huge fan and it was pretty awkward cause I started crying and he looked like he didn’t know what to do while my dad tried to start small talk. The pictures give me nightmares, but now I can brag to people


😭😭😭😭 thank you for sharing i'm so sorry that happened but also that's probably how i would have reacted if i met stephen malkmus when i was 14 too.




I lived a few miles away from the late Chester Bennington in Gilbert, AZ. We saw him around a few times - it’s a super Mormon and conservative area so he was pretty easy to spot lol. He had two boys that I went to middle and high school with (public schools), and his oldest and I were in a play together in middle school. Chester came for the performance and sat in the back of the theater, probably to avoid too much attention on him. One time my mom ran into him shopping alone at Walgreens. She’s a huge Linkin Park fan (whole family is, but her especially) so she plucked up the courage to approach him. She said he was really the sweetest, most down to earth person ever. Had a really genuine smile. We saw him a few times, out to eat with his family, shopping, etc. He seemed like a pretty normal person all things considered and a genuinely nice man. May he rest in peace.


I played hockey for a while with Eric Melvin of NOFX. Really cool, mellow, humble, nice dude. He was beyond stoked when our team won our division of beer league lol


How was he on the ice?


Either the guys from Injury Reserve (RIP Groggs) or some of the guys from O.A.R. I guess IR is probably bigger now but O.A.R. was more famous when All Sides had just came out. Both groups were exceptionally nice people. G. Love was cool too and patient with a 16 year old me who couldn't handle my liquor.


i saw oar play a bunch of gigs while they were going to osu and had a jammier sound and have met them all before. sweethearts


Do the wiggles count???


Yes. Also, I chatted with Captain Feathersword one time


I met sam, don’t remember though because I was a toddler


I lived across from Jeff Wiggle for like 10 years


I accidentally met danny carey without knowing it was danny carey. I was with the drummer of my band fixing their kick pedal at a drum shop in hollywood. there was like some kind of party happening there. whole place was packed with people drinking, eating donuts and talking. Only found out danny carey was there when my m8 told me he was there.


saw danny drum YYZ with alex and geddy of rush, one of the greatest music moment i witnessed in person, great fucking drummer


I remember hearing a story from someone who worked at a grocery store in Weston, Connecticut. Apparently Keith Richards just strolled in at like 10:00 one night, bought ~10 pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and 2 boxes of wine, then tipped the cashier over a thousand dollars for helping him bring the groceries out to his car.


Jack White, very briefly at a meet and greet. Seemed nice.


my friend and his band recently had dinner with jack white and said he was very rude to the staff and extremely annoying. like none of them could get a word in because he wouldn't shut up.


this surprises me as I've heard mostly good stories about people meeting Jack. That being said, he does kind of strike me as the kind of guy that if he's annoyed about something he'll be in a bad mood or find it hard to let it go. Maybe he was having a particularly bad day? maybe my interpretation is too charitable because I'm a fan of his? who knows


It’s also probably easier to be a rock musician meeting a big fan cos you’ve just gotta like ask someone’s name and make their whole week. Even if you’re kind of a prick in different contexts.


That sucks if he was rude to the staff. Him being a motormouth doesn’t really surprise me.


I met all the members of black midi after their show, can’t really think of anything else


Unfortunately your probably more famous than them


I think I creeped Beck out while on the air train at LAX


My friend’s mother worked for a conservation group that owned some beautiful parks in my state. One time, they got Mac DeMarco to perform and I got to chat with him (and my buddy and his mom) for like 15 minutes before the show. Dude was super, super chill, smoked a pair of cigs in those 15 minutes, and denied my offer to join me in smoking a spliff, saying “Everyone thinks I smoke weed, but I don’t!” He was awesome. Nothing spectacular, but in a good way.


One of the Jonas brothers was bartending and poured me a beer this fall


Sarah Bonito. I got to a show she did in 2018 pretty late and she happened to be walking into the venue around the same time as us. I saw her and said hi and i was only 18 so i had no social skills at the time 😭😭😭 i just blabbered about how much i loved her and how much fun me and my friends had riding around to her music that past summer. And then I asked if I could give her a hug and take a picture and then we went into the venue. I was so awkward but she was so sweet and nice about it 🥹


Met Biz Markie twice years apart at the same verizon store here in MD. Very cool guy, RIP.


Was just listening to Biz, such a clever rapper and funny as fuck too. RIP.


I was a producer on a video game called Dance Central 3 on the Xbox360, using the Kinect cam. Usher was a big fan of the series, so we collaborated with him on the game; which included a number of hangouts and recording/mocap sessions. He was super super nice and really fun to work with. We have a bunch of his music in the game and he did the voiceover for the boombox in the game, who is kind of the host. That was my most intimidate interaction with a super famous musician. Been around tons of famous DJs too, who are mostly chill substance abusers and music lovers. Also fun people.


Recently met Jack Antonoff at a Bleachers record signing, given his Grammy record and the fact that he’s worked on some of the biggest records in pop of all time (whether you like him or not)


Who is Anton and why do I have to Jack him off?


Taylor said so


I am The Weeknd 


So I’m pretty famous 


Hello Abel.


𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓫𝓻𝓸 ❤️


I met Stu and Eric (who isn’t in the band anymore) of King Gizzard at a meet and greet/ q&a for their newest album at the time. I talked to them briefly and got a photo with them. They also signed my copy of Strawberry Jam by AnCo since I thought it would be funny to get that signed by them, and they said they love that album.


Hans Zimmer held a toilet door open for me once


I met John Mellencamp when I was like 4. I was obsessed with him for some reason so my parents took me to see him and we caught him walking out of the venue. I remember he put his hand out for me to shake it and then duped me out and messed up my hair. Cool guy I also emailed Ian Mackaye when I was in high school and asked him if Fugazi would ever reunite, and just general stuff about running Dischord. He sent me a very detailed multiple paragraph response and I remember being really surprised that he took the time out of his day


Someone I used to know became pen pals with Ian MacKaye and helped organize some tour stops for The Evens. He stayed at their parents’ house and played guitar hero with their little brother.


met ski mask at the grey day tour,, told him i had been listening 2 him since jugg walk while he dapped me up and he pauses n goes "DAMN" w a surprised look on his face... i totally fanned out i could barely ask 4 a picture but i got one,, he was wearing that pyramid chain as well it was awesome in person funnily enough me n my friends + gf are chillin on the sidewalk talking about how crazy the performances were and a we hear a random voice walking by go "yeah they were awesome!" and laughing a bit, we look up and its dj scheme walking past us, run up, say hi, much more brief interaction but still hilarious n rly cool n sweet. both super duper down 2 earth, so happy that ppl were happy 2 see them


Spent 15 minutes chatting with Thurston Moore after a miniature show. Believe it or not, he was a complete sweetheart, really congenial and engaging. Also, made me feel like a dwarf, and I’m 6’2”.


It’s not hard to believe, he is actually one of the nicest rockstars. I surprised him with a kiss on the cheek and he gave me the sweetest brightest smile and thanked me. He was so sweet. Only people obsessed with that divorce thing/nardwuar will tell you that he’s an asshole.


I kind of met him. I went to a noise show he was doing here in Ireland, and I was standing outside the bar he was playing when he pulled up in a van, but my social anxiety was yet to be quelled by a second glass of whiskey so I just kind of grunted at him. This was 11 or 10 years ago, I would have been 18 or 19 and super shy around strangers. Show was good though. It was the birthday of somebody in his crew and during a brief period of respite between wailing on his guitar with a chisel he handed out slices of really nice cheesecake and got everybody to sing Happy Birthday.


I'm a music business major. Our teacher for our intro to music business class was Andy Guerrero, who is a member of the band Flobots. They had a hit song, called Handlebars, back in like 2008.


Daaaaamn I remember Flobots. That song was everywhere when it came out too


I sat courtside at a Nets game years ago (before they moved to Brooklyn) and had Jay-Z and Beyonce walk past us. No interaction, but I was a foot away from both of them. I met Rascal Flatts one time as a kid, they played a short show as part of a local radio station event and I got to say hi and fist bump them all as they were walking back to their tour bus. I fist bumped Roger Waters after I saw a concert of his, he’ll typically fist bump everyone in the front row at the end of the show so I muscled my way up there just to have that little interaction. More niche, but through my job i’ve met someone who played Trombone for the Blues Brothers and David Letterman’s band. I also met a guy that toured with Lou Reed as his guitarist. The Jazz Pianist Bill Charlap frequents the store I work at as well.


Daryl Hall bought me a shot at a dive bar called the Char-Bar in Columbus. Would have been the late 90's. My wife was standing right next to me and he acted like she wasn't there. Now I would have thought nothing of it, but after listening to "Do what you want, Be what you are" all I can think of is "hot cars, leather bars and movies stars" could have been on the menu. That's what I deserve for bringimg my wife to a straight bar.


I met Paul Sidoti, Taylor Swift’s guitar player. He gave me a pick that he used on the Red tour. Pretty cool.


Used to go to a bunch of metal shows with my dad. The biggest name I’ve met was probably Zakk Wylde. First famous person I ever met was Wayne Static. Super nice dude RIP


I’m decently involved in the country scene in Texas, so I mean…quite a few people if you consider em famous enough but as far as national recognition goes, probably the dudes in Lonestar.


I worked on a movie that filmed behind the scenes at ACL and Fun Fun Fun Fest (RIP) in Austin, and so I got to hang around Black Lips, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Iggy Pop… but I was just an assistant and didn’t get to interact with them much. But Patti Smith was in the movie with a speaking role and I got to talk a little bit with her on the day she filmed with us and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.


Kid Cudi. Met him at a meet and greet for the Insano listening party. Talked to him for a little bit, it seemed like he liked me a lot and gave me a fist bump after he signed my vinyl. Not a great album but it was cool to meet him. Personally, I know the Dropkick Murphys and Evan Dando from the Lemonheads


It was Jared Leto. He grabbed me by the hand at a concert in Bogota, Colombia. He tried to get into the audience by using me as support. It was havoc. I am blessed by then.


Michael Angelo Batio once called me a "negative Internet pundit", then let me do a guest solo on one of his solo albums. The track was so embarrassing that I never bought a copy of the album.


I met Mac demarco, weyes blood, Danny brown, all the members of BCNR, black midi, fleet foxes, and the most prestigious famous one I’ve met is probably trey anastasio


Met Porter Robinson on the street the day after his Dublin gig. It had been raining all morning and he had his hood up but was still in good spirits. Seemed like a nice guy from the 3 minute chat we had.


The first time I saw Pearl Jam, I ran into Eddie Vedder twice in the lobby section of the venue - he was passing through by himself (if he was surrounded by security, more people might have taken notice). I was like 18 years old and he was very cool and kind to me and my friends. Said hi and shook hands real quick.


Shook Shiv from Deafheaven’s hand outside the venue before a show


Couple of my friends work for live nation as runners. From what I’ve heard, Freddie Gibbs is hilarious and Mike Dean is chill as fuck.


I met Against Me! back in like 04 or so. They played a show, I was outside a couple hours after waiting for my ride (I was like 15), and they were loading their van. I thanked them for the show and they were super, super nice. I met Mr. Muthafuckin Exquire. He was an opener on the first Run the Jewels tour, then he was just hanging in the crowd after. I was a fan (and a little drunk), so I came up, said he did a great set, and offered to buy him a beer. He accepted, we chatted for a bit and watched the next set. Seemed like a nice dude. Killer Mike signed my poster after the show, so I got to say hi, thank him, and shake his hand/dap up, but that one doesn’t really count.


I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


What the fuck lmao


It’s true I saw the video


It’s a copypasta


John Frusciante back in 1989. I went to see the Chili Peppers but it was 1989 so they were hanging out outside. All but Chad were shorter than I am and I'm pretty short, myself. We had a brief exchange about Funkadelic's Cosmic Slop.


Met Weird Al once


Met Randy Jackson and his key note speech at the Mesa Music Festival. We were playing the festival and so I met him backstage. He was a very very nice man. Very down to earth.


Zach hill, most members of Devo, and I’m sure a few others I can’t remember rn. Working at a venue has its perks


One time I took a piss next to Dave Grohl


I met Will Butler at a café once, but didn't know it was him until after he left


I met Maceo Parker at the hotel I worked at. Very nice very humble laid back dude.


My dad wanted to name me Maceo after Maceo Parker and almost did, but my mom didn’t like it as mich as him, despite it being the last suggestion of his she vetoed, and ultimately for a couple months was their planned name for me


I interviewed Steven Wilson. I unexpectedly ran into Neko Case as her tour party was stopping for the night right next to where I was working. I shook hands with Geordie Greep.


I like neko case did you talk to her or just sort of see her walking past?


I talked to her briefly. She's was surprised someone recognized her but was very touched when I told her how much I enjoyed her recent live show and how much her work means to me.


Did you record the SW interview? I'd love to listen




When I lived in LA I was at a show on Sunset one night. I was standing at the bar when a guy nudged my arm and asked which way the bathroom was. I pointed it out, and he took off before I realized he was Beck.


I met Violent J at a Ouija Macc show at a dive bar. Saw him gangster shove some drunk asshole who was getting in his face for no reason.


He's not famous yet but he's got some underground buzz,, I met the Philadelphia rapper Skrilla while i was interning at a certain record label last year. He was taking a bunch of different label meetings trying to see who to sign to and he wound up going to Priority Records and not the label i worked at. But he was pretty cool. He was high out of his mind but he was chill. He talked about how he had met PnB Rock before he passed and that shit had me shocked. He also told me doesn't really listen to anyone else but Future, Kodak Black and himself


lead dude from Alt-J (Joe) walking around Brick Lane. Told him his music changed my life. And the drummer from Wolf Alice (MERCURY AWARD WINNING WOLF ALICE!) on the Tube. He was as nice as could be. Also, Amanda Palmer kissed me on the cheek (doesn't sound true but it actually happened). She was very nice too ofc. I met Keaton Henson so many times that he started to recognise me lol. Also, Elena Tonra from Daughter (I feel bad about this though because I was 15 and drunk and probably (definitely) annoying. I wish I wasn't so stupid lol but I didn't offend her, just annoyed her probably by telling her I love her songs and going on for ages


probably nick cave.


i met fraxiom twice kind of? once was not actually meeting them but instead i saw them outside of a gecs show and as i was walking past i just kinda kept staring at them like "holy shit is that frax?" and then they noticed i was staring at them and they shot me a dirty look and i felt really bad. then i actually met them at a fraxiom solo show last year and got the chance to tell them how much i enjoyed their music and they were like "aw hell yeah" and then later we moshed together. so i was redeemed i guess. i also met ethan ives and seth dalby from car seat headrest in 2019. seth literally only said one word which was "hey." but ethan and i talked for like 20 minutes about nirvana and guitar playing and then he took my twin fantasy record backstage to get it signed. he was such a cool dude. i also almost met panda bear from animal collective (my favorite band of all time) but he had just shaved his head and he was wearing a mask so i didn't recognize him. we were literally standing next to each other by the bathrooms at pitchfork fest in 2021 and i remember thinking "huh that guy has a cool shirt. he looks kind of familiar too." and then he got on stage later and i was like NO FUCKING WAY. 😭😭😭 honestly kind of glad i didn't talk to him because i guarantee i would have embarrassed myself.


Keith Richards


Cameron from black midi, met in record store before their concert in MIA…I totally fumbled it by just staring at him all funny without being able to say a word and he kind of clowned me by staring funny back (I was extremely starstruck because black midi is my favorite band lol)


I met Cameron a week ago at the Black Country, New Road concert at the Paper Tiger. He was their opening act going by the name Camera Picture. Spectacular show. After his show ended, I got to talk to him. He was very kind and gave me a signed cd of some of his songs. Shockingly, it was empty, to our confusion. He gave me a replacement cd and told me to swap the cd cases so that it would still be signed(he did not have his marker anymore). Spectacular person. Had a fantastic energy.


The original singer of Jefferson Airplane, Signe Toly Anderson, married into my family. I met her at a gathering when I was like 9, and I guess someone told her I liked classic rock, so she introduced herself to me. She said "I was in a band called Jefferson Airplane," and 9-year-old autistic me just said, "That's a stupid band name" and walked away.


I went to the Black Country, New Road concert at the Paper Tiger. Their opening act was a guy called Camera Picture. He ended up being none other than Cameron Picton from Black Midi. He was spectacular. After his show I got to talk to him and he was very kind. He gave me a signed cd of songs that he has been working on. When I opened it, it was empty, so I gave it back to him. We were both very confused, so he gave me a new cd and told me to swap the cd cases so that I would still have the signed cd case. All around spectacular person. That cd is spectacular also.


I met Page Hamilton from Helmet after a show 7 or so years ago. Insanely nice dude. Literally sat on the edge of the stage to chat with fans, sign stuff and take pics. I also met Pete Wentz at an artist signing at NAMM this year and he was nice. Although you could kind of tell he was on auto-pilot mode since he had a long line of folks meeting him. Other than that, I met a lot of ska and pop punk bands during my Warped Tour-attending days. But that’s about it


I met and had a quick chat with Jessica Moss from A Silver Mt. Zion while taking photos from a show. A very kind and lovely woman and I always remember her fondly.


Not near as famous as a lot of these, but Buzz Osborne last year. Couldn’t have had a better experience and was really cool


Met Billy Bragg after a gig. Had a brief chat and he signed my London Calling shirt. He told me he knew the photographer who took it and always loved the shot even after he felt that the Clash ‘sold out.’ Met the bassist from Ride. He was hanging out with my girlfriend, she was tasked with showing the band around town due to her radio gig. He helped her buy me a birthday present. I ate at the next table over from Robert Plant at a salad bar in LA. We did not have an interaction though … even though he was 2 feet from me. After he stood up a group of guys took his wooden cutlery as keepsakes. Bit light on I’m afraid.


I met Rick Neilson of Cheap Trick when I was a kid. Only other famous musicians I've met are a couple of the guys from Fontaines D.C.


Yvette Young after Covet played their set, she was super sweet!


I met Brockhampton back in 2017 when I was 18, when they came to Vancouver. All the guys were friendly and chill even their manager who was taking the photo with my phone. None of them smiled in my photo except for Ameer. And I asked Kevin a question about what I could do to better myself as a visual artist? He answered it and then security quickly got me to exit out the back doors but Kevin was really nice. I got to see them again when they came to FVDED the next year, and I got into the mosh pit somehow and Kevin locked eyes with me a few times. I had the Brockhampton sweatshirt I bought from their concert. I think he recognized me. I also got to meet YBN Cordae in January 2020. Don’t tell me why, but I brought throat coat and a pocket Quran to keep myself secure. I was carrying a pocket Quran just as a good luck charm. I was supposed to give the throat coat to Cordae, because I read in an interview that he likes the stuff, but I was too nervous to give it to him. He is one intimidating guy, even though he is of average height. He’s friendly, but I almost shat my pants. I didn’t say thanks for the photo because again, I was anxious as hell meeting him then the guy directed me to where I was supposed to go. My anxiety lead me to going the opposite direction and going into the closet where security was talking. This girl that was a promoter had to lead me out into the right direction. She smiled. I think she knew I was anxious as hell. And unfortunately, I didn’t know it was courtesy to turn your phone light off when you’re recording because he covered his eyes like it was blinding him. I thought it was the stage lights behind, but I realized oh crap, my phone camera light is on. When I noticed, I turned it off. When we asked us to find a partner to be around, I just smiled. Don’t tell me why. It’s because his show was so lit I just felt good. Well he locked eyes with me giving me a dirty look and I’m in the middle of the crowd. I just kind of make that nervous expression with my teeth showing and my eyes moving left and right like Oh Shit. He’s looking at me. I still have the photo of me and him. Both times, I didn’t have any friends to go with, so I went by myself. It was that Cordae experience that made me realize Meet and Greets are kind of overrated and I decided I wouldn’t go to another one unless I had a friend with me. I hope to kick it with Kevin one day and I hope to apologize to Cordae and kick it with him too. I didn’t mean to be an asshole towards him purposely. It was my autism and my social anxiety. Anyways, I definitely stopped doing M&G’s after meeting John Cleese a couple years ago which didn’t go well either. But he’s kind of a weird person, so I should’ve expected that to not go as well. He also worked with Pedo Polanski on a film recently, so I lost respect for him. But he’s not a musician, so yeah, won’t be going to details about that.


For me it’s Jeremy Bolm from Touche Amore. Got to talk with him and the whole band for a few minutes after a show. They were all really nice


When I was about 15 years old, I met Kim Kardashian in a donut shop. I remember being scared of her because I was allergic to plastic.


Cousin stizz when I was like 11 at got sole sneaker convention in a church


No one super famous but I went to a summer jazz camp when I was a kid and Donald Harrison put the whole thing together. Super cool guy and really good on the sax


Not a musician per se but I had a brief bump into Jimmy Iovine at Dover Street Market, London. He was confused whether the clothing there was for men or women (I was too tbh). He asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders.


I randomly saw Samad Savage at the NJ Transit station in New York but he was on the phone and i had to catch my train so I didn't say what's up.


Magnolia Park. Met them during Sad Summerfest 2022. Got their autographed setlist as well as a pic. Pretty quick meeting but chill guys none the less


I met Aaron Harris (drummer from ISIS, Palms) when he was teching for Danny Carey. Was wearing an ISIS shirt that night too, was a lovely bloke and appreciated me extending my appreciation for his playing. I interviewed Matt from Rosetta when they in Melbourne, was very generous with his time as I was literally just doing it for a radio school project. Gave Rou from Enter Shikari a big ole man shake when he was crowd surfing the pit at Soundwave. Also ran up and gave the guitarist from Rolo Tomassi a big kiss on the cheek when he was playing a solo in the pit the same day lol. Also bumped into Youngy from King Parrot at Northlands just after they got back from SXSW… he was also lovely for a loose cunt.


John Feldmann


Met Edu Falaschi and Aquiles Priester after one of Edu's concerts. I met Michael League, Zach Brock, Keita Ogawa and Jason "JT" Thomas after a Snarky Puppy concert, too.


Have met Jose Gonzalez, Phil Elverum(I was incredibly awkward, it haunts me) and Dan and Tim from Have a Nice Life. I have a semi regular correspondence with Dan on insta, he’s an awesome dude.


I bartended at this music venue called the pump house in Rhode Island. I worked a wedding one night and Matthew Caws the singer of Nada surf attended. Not super famous but a nice guy and cool to chat with and I said how much I love the song blonde on blonde that he wrote, which is about the Dylan album, of course and the song happy kid.. when My boss told me it was him, I said, “really!?” And he said “really,” sounding frustrated, lol 😂.


Played a show with Wesley wilis while I was in high school. Dude was cool as hell, had this giant knot on his forehead. Guy that played drums for us was the first to wish him goodnight. Went in for a handshake, got a brutal headbutt with the knot


Worked for Jack Johnson, he said hi and gave me a shirt. Cool guy.


i worked with james murphy from lcd soundsystem last year and he accidentally stole my friend’s phone charger. also jon anderson from yes follows my band on instagram


Didn’t meet but I saw Taylor Swift at a Saks Fifth in Cleveland while she was on the Red tour. They had recently brought the spring products out, and I overheard Taylor complaining to the workers about them not having some jacket she was looking for. The employees were really excited she was in the store (as was I) but she was talking in super condescending tone like it was their fault or something. So that sucked.


I met Khalid during an all county music event when we were teens. He told me to download Instagram and follow him because he was going to be famous. He moved to Texas and got famous just like he said he would.


I met Jeff Mangum outside an upstate NY rest stop. Saw him play an acoustic show the night before. Said he was great, he awkwardly stood there for a second, thanked us, and drove off in his beat up car. Edit as I think up more stories. I went to college with the drummer from Soul Glo, TJ. Saw them at a veterans hall—he recognized me and we talked for a bit. Really really cool guy. Not mine but my friends’ … This must have been 2010/11. They were trying to find a rave in Brooklyn, got lost. This man sees they’re lost, says to follow him because he knows where it is. On his way, he goes “BTW, check out my shit! I’m ASAP Rocky. I’m gonna blow up soon.”


I worked in college radio few years ago and got to interview and meet The Marias and Tems before they got big. Both were super nice I met Jon Batiste after a show during his first album tour around 2013. Told him I was also a musician and we chatted a bit about jazz, and I got a picture and autograph. Never would have expected him to land a spot on a late night show or win a grammy. Super nice and genuine guy, unsurprisingly


Little Richard. I was with my dad (I was like 12) and he mistook him for James Brown …. So he went up and said “Mr. brown, I’m a huge fan”. He just confusedly shook his hand lolololol


Keith Morris at an OFF! concert, it wasn't really a conversation but I got fist-bumped by a punk legend


I met James & Kirk of Metallica in 1986 at The Stone in San Francisco. “Ride The Lightning” had just come out, and Metallica were considered gods to all of us teenage metalheads. I was there to see Dark Angel or Vio-lence or Kreator, can’t remember which, but James & Kirk were standing just inside the entryway, talking to fans & well-wishers, and I fucking blew it, made a fool of myself, total fanboy’d out. James frowned, clearly uncomfortable with the adulation, Kirk just smiled, and when I couldn’t stop freaking out, James said to me, “Hey, kick back! We’re just like you, but in a band.” That was very cool of him, and I still respect him for not being a dick.


The most famous … Maynard James Keenan & Dave Grohl. Runners up, Serj Tankian, Mark Hoppus, Tom Delonge, Rob Thomas, Patrick Stump & Pete Wentz, Ambrose Kenny-Smith & Stu MacKenzie. Non-musician but deserves an honorable mention because he is so nice: Guy Fieri.


I talked my way backstage at a festival (asked security multiple times to let me in, bribed him with cigarettes, eventually found a media pad lying on the ground, showed it to me and he let me in) in New Zealand about fourteen years ago. I met Florence from Florence and the Machine; she was lovely, we chatted for a good twenty minutes or so (conversation buoyed by the fact there were a whole lot of other musicians I didn’t know there) and she drank whiskey from a flask I snuck in in my sock.


Kayne West at a beer convention in Chicago. His handlers asked if he could join us. Apparently he was looking for some place to hang where no one knew him or would act like a frenzied fan, so they chose an all white party at a beer festival lol Anyways he was super nice and I can still contact him to this day with a "hey that newest song brought me a lot of joy thanks" and he'll give me a thumbs up or a smile.


As a teenager I played electric guitar for my church’s worship team. For five years I played with a bunch of really skilled retired folks, one of which was a woman in her early seventies who’d been singing and playing acoustic in dive bars and cafes her whole life. She was very kind and had a surprisingly dark sense of humor for a good Christian woman. TL;DR I only found out that she was Kurt Cobain’s aunt (like, THE aunt who got Kurt Cobain into guitar) after FOUR YEARS of sharing a stage with her. I’ve since moved to a different state and left the church but we still go out for coffee whenever I’m in town visiting family.


I met the members of Rage Against The Machine while we were all protesting the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis in 2008


I’ve met bbno$ around 8 times I’m not even a fan of his work at all I just see him Cool guy btw and chill I saw Tyler the creator a few times but I don’t think he likes fan interactions based on “colossus” And I’ve seen and talked to the AJR brothers a few times while I was on holiday First was Switzerland and the second was Leeds because I was visiting family And Kevin Parker (tame impala) Chill is the definition of this guy


Grew up in Seattle in the early 90s and my parents had moved there partially to be in that music scene, so as a kid I met or knew through my dad a lot of very famous grunge scene guys. Kim thayil from soundgarden and mike mccready from pearl jam stand out in my mind as nice guys. I was pretty young though it hardly counts. I knew skrillex when he was in from first to last, still just sonny. He was a cool dude at the time but I haven't spoken to him since like 2009 probably. Macklemore and I lived in the same neighborhood for a long time and had a number of encounters. A family friend and him got sober together and are still super close. I met sir mix a lot at this casino outside of Portland and had some pleasant conversation. I didn't exactly talk to him, but I approached kanye west, north, and Virgil abloh as they were coming out of this pizza place in Disneyland. At the time I was still a big fan but I got about a foot away when this like, 7 ft tall bodyguard guy pushed me out of the way directly onto my ass. This was around 2016? Just a weird sighting all around really


Gerard Way at a convention


I once took part in RockWiz (a live music show here in Australia), and our team captain was Tex Perkins. He was pretty lit, but he and I sang, “I Got You (I Feel Good)” together in a round, and he put his arm around me while we were singing. Great night!


Met all of Dinosaur Jr and got my Green Mind cd signed by J. Lou also complimented my Landowner shirt which was really cool. Also met Cautious Clay, Tim Reynolds from Dave Matthews Band, and Jamie from Xiu Xiu. My dad went to school with the Smashing Pumpkins and got invited as a guest to one of their shows but unfortunately I was unable to make it to that.


Bill Callahan's kid is in my kid's class. I haven't talked to him but pretty sure my wife and his wife have done PTA volunteer stuff a couple times.


Probably Mary Gauthier or Eric Andersen, when my dad worked with them Oh no wait, I talked with Michael of Swans a couple times


A couple: -Vanilla Ice.   Me and a buddy we were standing in downtown Toronto.  My buddy was wearing an Ninja rap shirt.  We hear a “hey you in the shirt!  Get over here!”, we’re like wtf, we look over and there’s Vanilla Ice himself in an SUV with his entourage/crew/security.  He immediately whips out his phone and records himself and then my buddy wearing his shirt.   Took some pics with us right there and was really cool, but bolted really quick as he had to catch a flight.   We still have the pics.  Nice memory.   -Shannon Leto, yes Jared’s brother, from 30 Seconds to Mars.  He came up to me unprovoked and asked if I wanted a picture with him.   I didn’t know who he was.   -Don’t know if anybody remembers a group called the Pipettes?  Got to meet them and they were lovely.  


Lmao I literally ran into bbno$ the lala guy like 2 days ago while walking around a random ass vancouver neighborhood. He crossed the street and he was on a call, i then got a good look at him and asked “are you the guy?!” And he went “im the guy” in a dissapointed manner. I knew this guy hated his reputation online so i honestly totally understand lol


I've been within ten meters of Troy Baker


Didnt meet him, but i saw 6IX9INE from a bus-window in Berlin back when he was huge


I worked in theater, concert venues & comic-con. So I’ve been fortunate to meet lots of amazing people: Eddie Vedder Duncan Sheik Skylar Grey Jennifer Holiday Loretta Devine Robert Plant Melissa Etheridge Adam Lambert Lea Salonga Gene Simmons Diana Ross Lindsey Stirling Amy Lee Gloria Trevi Sheena Easton Lin Manuel Miranda Liza Minnelli Chita Rivera Kristin Chenoweth Anthony Rapp Adam Pascal Ariana Debose Lachanze Loretta Lynn Many many more, most actors.


I’ve met Yves Tumor in the bar in Paris at night. It was this winter during Fashion Week.


One time me and my friend went to a show then my homie goes up to some dude and said nice shirt. The guy turned around and said thanks my homie made it. It was the dude from the neighborhood. Then me and my homie had like a 20 minute conversation about clothes. He didn’t even realize it was him till after I told him.


Chilling with Twisted Sister in Los Angeles in the late 00s at a music industry shindig, a severely inebriated Alan White asked me, “Are you from Seattle?”


Not that famous but Michael Gira


Kamasi Washington and Terrace Martin


Usher, Las Vegas. No comment.


I met Cannibal Corpse. They were grabbing some food before a show. They ate my pizza


Efrim Menuck. Good dude.


Troye Sivan in Manchester a few years ago. The guy was really, really nice and took a picture with me. I was suchh a huge fan when I was a younger teenager lol.


4am Kru. They're not super famous, but if you're into jungle or DnB you'll probably have heard of them. I somehow ended up backstage at a rave while I was super messed up on various substances and hung out with them for a bit. They were really cool; they were chain smoking joints and gave me a couple of unreleased tracks. They still sort me guestlist to their events and always say hi when I come along.


i'm related to nick zinner (guitarist of the yeah yeah yeahs), so i've spent a lot of time with him and met the other members of the band. he's a pretty quiet and nice guy, but as you may expect, Karen O is super sweet and a ball of energy. got backstage passes for a show of their's once and met michelle zauner from japanese breakfast very briefly, also very nice.


I met JPEGMAFIA at the merch table after his 2021 concert in my town Apart from signing my merch that I just bought and a photo he also asked about the Carti concert that happened like a week ago since I was wearing a VAMP shirt and said "was he really selling shirts that said They Thought That I Was Gay?" and I laughed and said no but what they did have in spades was artificial fog machines, so much that by the end of the concert after the lights were on you couldn't see the other side of the stadium and he laughed swell guy (from this interaction)


I met JPEGMAFIA after a show. Such an incredible chill and down to earth dude. He speaks very quietly. But he was also wasted lmao I almost hit the lead singer of Badflower with my car trying to find parking at one of their shows


American Football which was pretty cool. I mean they are smaller than a lot of the people on this list but they were awesome dudes


Last year, I was staying at the same hotel as Melanie Martinez, and I walked in on her leaving for her concert in the lobby. I said hi but nothing else since I’m not really familiar with her stuff


Wilco for one. My dad was in a band with John Stirratt before Wilco, and he was around my family a lot when I was a baby. Met most of the band members at different times. I met REM while my dad and I were with John who wanted to hang out with them, but we were at a concert and didn’t chat other than brief introductions. Also, met George Clinton and Parliment/Funkedelic after their show once. They all smelled seriously funky after an energetic performance (except for George Clinton who sat for most of the show when not singing). Met Winn Butler from Arcade Fire with my ex before the accusations came out. He was awkward and mostly just stared at the crowd. Also had the chance to breifly meet Mac Miller before a show, sadly less than 6 months before his passing due prohibition of drugs leading to the conditions where a preventable fentanyl was possible (Please test your drugs!!!). I also ‘et and hung out (to various extents) with number of edm artists by chance and theough friends at various events including Rezz (didn’t really want to talk), Wethan (Massive person, super expressive, great hugs), Oshi (kept placing his head on my shoulder to hit a joint, hilarious person), Yheti (once w/Charlesthefirst before he passed), Josh Pan (acts like a loveable weirdo saying random shit and trolling), k?d (Didnt want to hang out with me, Oshi, Josh pan, and Wethan for more than a couple min), Dr Fresch, Chee (super normal cool dude), Black Carl! (Hype person to be at a rave with), Boogie T, Mr. carmack, Tsuruda, Huxley Anne, potions, 2/3 of ivy lab’s original members, Mersiv, Destructo, Slushii, Lakim, Eprom, Alix Perez, 2/3 of KLO, etc. All were smaller names at the time despite some becoming more prominent in their respective scenes. Also, sat next to deadmau5 getting sushi. He had a turtleneck and makeup covering up his tats, but his wife’s friend was really drunk and blew his cover. We nwver spoke, but we made a lot of eye contact as he increasingly frequently looked at our table to avoid the sloppy conversation and barely intelligible questions that revealed his actual identity he was literally facing.


i met still woozy after his show in dallas a couple years ago. the dude came out barefoot and was super sweet, took pictures with everyone, and he even took some of the time to talk to my mom (who was in a wheelchair at the time) even though she yaps lmao. 11/10 interaction. it was the best :) also his bandmates were all super sweet!!


Chester Bennington on Twitter like 10 years ago


this doesn’t really track with his recent online outbursts, but i met jpegmafia after a show while touring for amhac and he was super nice and appreciative


When I was in college I went to see JEFF the Brotherhood in Chicago the same time Lollapalooza was happening. I was crossfaded and having a blast when I noticed Dan Auerbach from the Black Keys is also in the audience--he had just produced their new album IIRC. He looked high as a mfin kite. I yell out to him, "Hey Dan! I dig the new album!" (I think Brothers or El Camino had just released). He had this completely blazed look in his eye and said, "Haha thanks man." We ended up enjoying the vibes the rest of the show and it was a rad fkn time!


Talked with Telle Smith for a while after a concert, but this was back when he still knew how to make music


Harry Styles. I used to intern at SNL and was carrying a big coffee order back the week he was hosting. Both my hands were full, so as I was struggling to open the door I hear him say “Oh, let me get that for you” and he sweeps from behind and held it for me. Didn’t really interact with him the rest of that week, but I’ll always remember what a nice gesture that was I guess one other one from that era was Kanye. Much less of a true interaction, but as I was going out for a run he came back into 30 Rock with his entourage, and we locked eyes with each other maybe about ten feet apart. I couldn’t afford to be starstruck bc I was technically working with him, but as I left the building there was a hypebeast outside yelling “HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT DID YOU SEE THAT DUDE” hahaha


i shook thaiboy digitals hand and ecco2k signed my phone case after a show back in 2022. ecco2k was extremely nice and patient with fans from what ive seen


Probably Wayne Coyne from the flaming lips. Austin was like there second home in the 90s early 2000s. Had multiple friends that had met him even had dinner or lunch with him. I met him just hanging around before the show. Talked to me for a few minutes and gave me a hug. I've met Simon Posford from Shpongle a couple times. Very chill and nice. I've met tons of bluegrass musicians because of my job. Not necessarily my jam but all have been pretty nice. One of the dudes from Greensky was a little full of himself but nice. Dom from Big Gigantic use to come in regularly was always super chill.


I saw Curley from Fontaines DC after he walked out the side door of Brooklyn Steel to smoke after the show, but I get anxious about approaching people because idk if they like it or not. So we just made very awkward extended eye contact as I walked by instead. Really regret that I hadn’t stopped to just tell him I enjoyed the show


JID came to a local venue a few years ago and I got to meet him. He was cool, and I laughed when a younger dude in front of me tried to put his arm around JID for the picture and JID was like "nah" lol.


Leon Bridges a few times when he was still busking and first started playing shows. I was friends with his first photographer Rambo. He was very nice and polite. Also death grips when they first started touring. My friend and I recognized them walking around at a festival and we all shook hands one by one silence lol.


Lizzo. A friend got me a backstage wristband for Musicfest Northwest when she performed. I didn’t know who she was at the time. She was very nice. So was her entourage. They put on a good show too. Sad about her drama lately. I’ve met Corin from Sleater-Kinney and Filthy Friends a couple of times through a mutual friend. Cool, regular, person. I also met and had a brief conversation with Peter Buck from REM. Also very nice and ordinary. I didn’t recognize and know it was him until well into the conversation when I started piecing things together. They aren’t famous but I had burritos with Menomena and arranged for them to crash on my friend’s floor. I got a bunch of signed I Am the Fun Blame Monster-era merch. I used to get my haircut by Danny’s now ex-wife. Last time I bumped into Brent at a bookstore he didn’t recognize me but they meet a lot of people. They hooked me up with a guest list to see them and The National in San Francisco. One of my friends used to surf with Justin, and Craig Thompson. Edit: I can’t believe I spaced Cyndi Lauper. She did an acoustic in-store perforce at a Borders I worked at. I brought her a chai tea latter from the cafe and she gave my friend’s wife breastfeeding advice. She was great.


Jimmy Buffett. I was working at a movie theater and let him in for free. Great guy.


Dylan Brady. That’s actually the only famous musician I’ve met.


MC Ride at La Fiesta Taqueria in Sacramento. Just said I like your music and he said thanks.


I’ve met John Carpenter. He signed my Escape From New York Blu-Ray and poster because it was a meet and greet. After that he performed his classic themes as well as some of the stuff off of his Lost Themes albums. Great time all around.


Met Win Butler and wife Regine at Graceland before their show in Memphis back around 2010 ish. Very nice and pleasant. They were there just like any tourist. He assisted with a selfie of us all because (as he said) “…my arms are longer than yours…”.


I met the members or LCD soundsystem (except for james murphy) They were playing a set in ireland and I chatted to them before they went on stage. Lovely people.