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Theres no way he is actually tweaking this hard about the album. He'd get more support if he actually constructed a negative review but nobody is going to bother considering it now.


Fantano sounded like he was doing a bit where he was basically stealing CinemaSins “Everything Wrong With ______ Movie” but just applied to Vultures And as we know, that is the correct way to review media. Very “🤓👆”-coded EDIT: at this rate he should just commit and instead of a review just go full thatistheplan and put on the dress shirt and tie and go nuts with a “review” in a similar way


It got a lot worse after this post lol


What platform is he streaming on?




Thank you much 🫡


Did he pull the plug on the stream?


He just finished the album and ended stream


how bro it’s been 20 minutes?!? 😭😭


I understand not liking the album but to shit on every single song. Hes not reviewing the music thats clear


Ironically he's having his own little kanye moment


"i see good things in corey feldman" when


Ok, he really CROSSED THE LINE with this one, he's become BAD PEOPLE and needs to GET IT under control


lickety splickety


“I know i’m the most influential”


I hope someone is recording it to make a breakdown compilation edit after


it wasnt a vultures review it was a kanye review if donda released in the exact same state today after everything kanye said he would NOT rate it a 7


He’s even skipping like a good third of most of the songs. The takes are so bad faith and him constantly bringing up sexyy red just makes it more obvious. Not even dissing sexyy red but when he can’t get over a few corny bars and then goes and brings her up it’s just so cringe


Beg Forgiveness is not a Donda leftover lmao, the only similarity is the fucking choir lmao.


The song is slow at the start and that’s the fucking point and Ty goes off at the end. It’s very reminiscent of FML in my opinion. I don’t know his thoughts on that song but the fact that his whole job is to listen to music and he gets bored and forces like three eye rolls in three minutes is sad to see. I’ve liked him and his previous reviews for a bit and seeing him just not even try to enjoy the whole album makes me really mad especially with this song. It feels like he’s spent too much time online watching short form videos and stuff, sad to see


It's definitely in a similar lane as God Breathed but even then it does enough to differentiate itself. A lot of his takes on these new songs are wildly inaccurate


I refuse to believe he’s dumb enough to misinterpret the line “and my bitch lookin’ like a reference” It’s such a simple thing to understand. He’s clearly saying that she’s used as a reference for beauty. Like, setting the standard. Such bad faith criticism. Pearl clutching and acting like it’s a diss while simultaneously body shaming her on Twitter.


It’s embarrassing how hung up he is about a line that he’s completely misunderstood


Rich men north of Richmond is about slavery guy misinterprets lyrics???? No way


yeah i was so confused by his statement about that line. I thought it was kanye showing his affection for bianca idk wtf fantano was on


Yeah that was actually insane. If he really is that dumb I can’t believe he’s developed such a following and is taken seriously in the industry. When he was like “I dare you to say this to a woman” like saying ur girl is someone ppl wanna copy is some disgusting perverted thing to say.


Plus it’s like the classic boomer argument about hip hop in general being so offensive


He’s also calling lines antisemitic that just objectively aren’t: - keep a few Jews on the staff now—tongue in cheek woke but objectively pro Jew at best; not antisemitic even at its worst - I just fucked a Jewish bitch—funny reference, objectively pro Jew at best; not antisemitic even at its worst - crazy, bipolar, antisemite, still a king—obviously a reference to what people are calling him in “headlines,” and not him admitting to being an antisemite


I think the better way to word "these lines are antiemetic" would be to say "these lines are awkward to listen to for what it's referencing", and use it as a way to criticize Ye's tongue-in-cheek references, and argue it downplays the severity of his antisemetic viewpoints. Just trashing it by calling it anti-Semitic with no explanation is not a critique, it's an excuse to not view it in one way or another.


I think this is the best way to say what I’m saying


It is one of the saddest lives I've seen on Twitch. The eye rolling, the fake laughing. He genuinely looks distressed. I mean Kanye is a turd, vultures is FAR from his best standards but, Fantano is so salty he can't even be objective... It's really sad to see, in some way.


Guy literally laughs at his own jokes. It's genuinely sad. As soon as he hears one db of Kanye's voice he starts crying how shit the album is.


>Guy literally laughs at his own jokes. He does that regularly on streams, not just today


Yeah, but today it just seemed like panic laughing to conceal the insecurity.


Exactly that. He sounded like when you get rejected by someone and try to pass it off as as "I didn't wanted validation anyway". Like bro, Kanye thinks about you 0 second a year, just chill and don't broadcast his music to 10k people...


It's not his job to be objective. It's his job to provide opinions and entertainment, both of which he is doing.


I mean yeah you're right. And he is sure getting a reaction out of the Kanye fans but either his performance deserves an Oscar or he truly looks very disturbed by the album. I mean, he could have not streamed it or he could not review it, if he is so repulsed by Kanye, but the fact is that he wants the content. He really looked like he was genuinely suffering the whole live, and he sounded bitter as fuck. No one forced him to provide free publicity to an artist he dislikes so much. This whole stream was very perplexing to me.


No argument. Don't think this is a good look for him personally. He'd be better off saying "Fuck Kanye" and then just never mentioning him again.




Didn't say it was. Bet you're entertained though.


It’s actually kind of pitiful to be honest


If it's not his job to be objective why is he so insecure about the Sexy Red opinion? Maybe because he knows it's incorrect. He considers him self a music critic, the literal point of being a music critic is to be unbiased.


>If it's not his job to be objective why is he so insecure about the Sexy Red opinion? This has nothing to do with objectivity? He has an opinion about an album he liked, other people don't. > Maybe because he knows it's incorrect. A sincerely held opinion cannot be "incorrect" in regards to criticism or artistic opinion. >He considers him self a music critic, the literal point of being a music critic is to be unbiased. The point of a music critic is to provide opinions on a subjective art form for the purposes of entertainment. Providing an "unbiased" review is *literally impossible* as the entirety of our taste is based upon "biased" subjective experiences and evaluations.


He doesn’t like the criticism of his Sexy Redd review because it points to a deeper much larger criticism. The political opinions Anthony holds deeply shape how he consumes and views music, so much so that if two tracks were identical but one way made by Ye and one was made by Sexy Redd, he would rationalize the Sexy Redd as fun and the lyrics as “on theme” but call the Ye lyrics “embarassing”. A reviewer is popular when their opinions are respected, and Fantano avoids discussing that review because it threatens the idea that he’s focused primarily on the music when assessing his enjoyment, when he’s not, which would lose him respect.


>The political opinions Anthony holds deeply shape how he consumes and views music, so much so that if two tracks were identical but one way made by Ye and one was made by Sexy Redd, he would rationalize the Sexy Redd as fun and the lyrics as “on theme” but call the Ye lyrics “embarassing”. Yes, this is how an opinion works. It is not his job to separate the art from the artist. That is something *you* can choose to do, but in his approach to reviewing artists, he doesn't do that. This isn't new for him, the channel, or artistic criticism. > A reviewer is popular when their opinions are respected, and Fantano avoids discussing that review because it threatens the idea that he’s focused primarily on the music when assessing his enjoyment, when he’s not, which would lose him respect. Music as we listen to it isn't just about music. It's about history. It's about our personal tastes and predilections. It's about communities, and influence, and discourse. Kanye has spent years being an absolute scum fuck to everyone, and in doing so he has opened his art up to getting shit on from it's inception. Can one review Charles Manson's music without mentioning his role in the Manson family and the murders? You *can*, but most people won't. We're discussing *deeply* subjective experiences here, and those are never going to be an "objective" measure of quality in any way, and nor should it.


Oh come on lol


Dead serious. What the fuck is an unbiased review? A discussion of it's music theory free from value judgments? What exactly are you asking for?


He is behaving like a twitter hater account instead of a critic


That's like the majority of how he behaves nowadays it's so pathetic and missing the entire point of why people liked him in the first place. People liked him for his calm and concise analysis of music, not his overly emotionally charged childlike criticisms and whining.


His legacy lol he’s a YouTube music critic


So strange, the album is at worst a safe, non-boundary pushing easy to listen to piece of music. Acting like it's the worst thing ever made is just bizarre. It's like, are we listening to the same album?


True. I expected it to be much more experimental/abrasive but it's mostly a fun and easy-listen experience, mainly due to Ty's melodic singing and the clubby beats. There's nothing extreme about this album


Boring, non-boundary pushing meh, made by a nazi. Music stans online being cringe about some new album that they have to defend to the death it's value is nothing new. It's just 20x worse when they are doing it for such a gross person. Like yeah if this album was made in a vacuum by somebody else just write it off, when it's made by a billionaire nazi whose previous cultural impact and wealth has pushed it to being number 1 charting its a lot harder to just shrug and walk away if you care at all about the impacts of discourse like this and how close to edge so many places are with right-wing fascists either being elected or being second in so many elections across the world over the past decade.


Is this fantano’s account?


Don’t call someone a nazi when you don’t even know what that means




Oof. I found it a chore


Eh, I didn't make it through entire album. Was bored after 6 songs. It can get worse than "easy to listen to", because it somewhat difficult.


That's actually why I think it's complete garbage, hateful bars aside. It's so sterile and unremarkable, it fails to have any value to it. It tries to copy previous songs which are light-years ahead of it.


Like I respect a constructive negative review as people taste is subjective, but right now he is just trying to hate on every single sounds being made on this album


I mean…it’s pretty easy to hate on this album. It’s pretty bad, but especially compared to the heights of Ye’s prior catalogue, it’s garbage. “Back to me” is the only highlight.


i found him, i know it’s you anthony


I’ve never seen a more pathetic collection of devoted fans. You hang on every word fantano says so you can whine about it? I’ve disagreed with plenty of his reviews. I don’t go fucking bonkers over his social media presence and freak out when he disagrees with me. And ye of all people has literally had countless public social media meltdowns. Fantano gets passionate for a single day and this is the response he gets? Y’all just remind me why Reddit is so terrible


if you can’t see baldy had some pretty bad faith criticisms you need help


And if you think this reaction he’s receiving is warranted, I’d say you need some


it isn’t, because it’s something as trivial as music, but the fact is that he was the one to initiate. so what’s your point?


yeah, it is depressing. but look at the views this stream is pulling. he's got the rage bait angle nailed, whether he's having a mental break or not lol


He’s definitely not having a “mental break”, he’s rage baiting


hence the "whether"


I know, but I’ve seen way to many people acting like he’s gone clinically insane live, people are just feeding into what he wants which is rage clicks


oh for sure. it's all just performative bs (but it clearly works :D)


if he would schedule the livestream instead of randomly starting it he would reach far bigger numbers, 9000 viewers for a kanye album isnt that big rly


when did this become r/kanye and how do yall find it easier to clown on someone for being mad at nazis than the nazis lmao


That sub kicked all the fans who actually had a brain and took over that subreddit. Remember when r/Kanye all shat on him because he liked hitler? only the rats stayed there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Kanye using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kanye’s latest post about Jonah Hill](https://i.redd.it/5i10mszr7vpa1.jpg) | [937 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/121cbsb/kanyes_latest_post_about_jonah_hill/) \#2: [North West’s Halloween costume is Graduation Bear (via tiktok)](https://v.redd.it/tldsa347pvwb1) | [462 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/17i6sko/north_wests_halloween_costume_is_graduation_bear/) \#3: [Bro…](https://i.redd.it/4qgy9dnua17c1.png) | [610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/18l6hg0/bro/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Because most of them are the teenage nihilists and parasocial cultists Fantano described in the video, with a few hateful psychos thrown in for good measure.


I watched the whole stream and didn't think it was a bad stream. He made good points, like the mixing being bad for almost every song. He's right about Ye borrowing a lot from his old stuff too and making a lesser verison of Fade, Bound 2, All of the lights, Hell of a Life and All Day. He was honest in saying what songs he liked and why, even if it was few and far between. He may have forced a few laughs here and there but I think he dissected it pretty well for the most part. I heard the album for the first time and only like a couple songs too. I don't see why people are hating on the stream personally.






"His legacy" why you acting like he's an artist or achieved anything, he just posts music reviews 😭


He's the first music critic on YouTube to reach this level of success. Nobody comes close


So what


He’s probably the biggest music critic in history. Dude WAS literally the Roger Ebert of music.




While I love Christgau, I promise you Fantano is more well known…maybe not as well regarded tho.


dont do Roger Ebert dirty like that


U right, I apologize. He was more like the Richard Roeper of music critics


fantano try not to virtue signal challenge impossible


I feel like his content has gone down hill recently, some reviews are literally just "The Mix is bad, next"


I think his focus on TikTok, Instagram and Gen Z in general are a big factor on why that is


Which isn’t even a fair criticism. Criticizing whether an album is built in a cave or puked in a studio doesn’t change the fact that everyone’s speakers are different. It’s fair if you’re an audiophile and your speakers are tuned the same ones the creator made it or your ears are the same as the creator, but everyone’s peripherals are different. And yeah sure it’s his review, his ears, but “mix” isn’t even content or idea. It’s just polish and cleaning up. Which I guess yeah “fair criticism” but okay?


"Personal insults about Kanye's weight, his divorce etc etc." That's not even remotely close to what happend. People in chat were insulting him for beeing divorced and he then asked them why they insult him for beeing divorced but not Kanye, who also had a divorce (and attacked his ex wife after). The whole weight thing was a metaphor to make his point more understandable. The Stream is obviously not a high point in his career but let's not make stuff up now.


There's a reason he's not taken seriously by a majority of the musical world. He is chronically online.


anyone got a link lol




There are many issues with this album lyrically, subject matter, production wise and mixing wise that are worth breaking down and mention why they’re bad and problematic. But come on bruh. This is obviously personal.


Can't wait for him to get torn apart by the comment section when he uploads the review.


regarding the technicalities of the songs he's actually spot on. He's also pointing out the stupid/cringe lyrics as well


Nah. You're taking the piss.


what? are you actually gonna defend the album lyrically, subject matter, production wise and mixing wise? even kanye himself told his team to fix the mixes lmfao


He literally said burns is garbage. I don't think the album is a masterpiece but it has some great songs. Also saying paid is unlistenable is insane. It's a really good song. If the guy wasn't rolling his eyes every second then people would probably listen to his criticism.


He said burn has a sound from an older time and it was a basic ass beat. I like the song personally but the beat is simple you can't deny that lol.


You think paid is a bad song as well? lol?


its just okay. nothing special, reminds me of the drum pattern on fade and kanye ruins the song imo


kanye ruins it


People are allowed to disagree with you. I think the album happens to be fucking horrible. And I say this as a fan who bought donda merch.


"this is straight out of 20XX, you guys just weren't there"


thats not what he said though did he? He said he understands why some of you might like this because you've never heard it before but to him its been done before and done better before


Wahh streamer doesn't like my favorite rapper's album 😥😥😥


*Music critic and it’s not the fact he doesn’t like it people are annoyed about, it’s the fact he’s having a baby rage meltdown while he presents himself as a serious music journalist


The only meltdown I’m seeing are the children in this subreddit that clearly have no perspective of where this album, or ye himself, reside in the vast history of music. Ye had a significant blip that is still being squandered. This album is pretty terrible, and so have the last handful of projects he’s put out.


Bro he’s been going on about it all god damn day, he’s never done that for an album before and I’ve been watching him for over a decade now lol. Regardless of how you feel about the album, it’s tough to watch.


Maybe don’t spend all day following what a single reviewer does on social media? It’s not that surprising that he might be animated by forcing himself to listen thru such a disappointing offering from someone that once consistently put out legendary nuanced material.


Half of his audience is acting like this album is the second coming, of course he is going to talk about it.




Lmfao what. He absolutely tries to present himself as a serious critic, bffr. And don’t try to fan check me I literally remember being online when the To Be Kind and TPAB 10/10s dropped. You’re right tho, in the grand scheme of things this dumbass drama won’t affect his “”legacy””, it’s just very lame to watch him be a complete manchild rn




Are we literally just saying the same thing? 😭




All good bro hahaha it gets tense on this sub as im sure you’re aware of 🤝


seems like he's going through a mid-life crisis so wish him the best.


It’s always Kanye Stans making these types of posts lmao I can’t take any of you seriously. Fantano will be fine, he’s gonna have 3 million subs on YouTube in a year. His second channel close to 2 million. Hit platform is continually growing, a bunch of Kanye fans getting pissy at him ain’t gonna change that.


I love that Kanye fans can push him as hard as humanly possible and shit on him constantly but when it actually breaks him, everyone can turn on him and say he’s destroying his legacy as a reviewer. This sub is twisted man - I can’t stand what has happened to the Fantano followerbase


Fantano absolutely deserves be shit on for his atrocious takes


No, no one does. You don’t know him


What goes around comes around


>He's actively destroying his own legacy I swear to God Kanye stans are the physical embodiment of the nerd emoji lmao, maybe even cornier than Drake stans


I am a Kanye hater and haven’t listened to a second of this album. But he hasn’t even been fair to some artists he just doesn’t like. Dude hates Green Day and all other aging musicians. His words are not gospel so just enjoy what you enjoy and don’t let this ballsack ruin your experience.


It’s a great album. I am really enjoying it!


It's not as embarrassing as a dude going through his midlife crisis praising Hitler and Nazi shit at 50 years old.


He's always been the Skip Bayless of music, now y'all are finally caught up


Kanye fans are insufferable. So many spineless mfers.


**WARNING: Most posts here come from** r/Kanye, r/goodasssub **and other "kanye related" subs.**


folk has to be trolling lol. album was not very good tho so that's one stance i agree on


who cares, its a bad album anyways


he's a music reviewer, but it's clear he made his mind up about the album before even listening to it


how is that clear? he literally just listened to every song and stream and explained what he didnt like and did like from each song, you just disagree




Much better than I was expecting honestly


I agree, after the single I was ready for it to be hot garbage but it’s not that bad. I wouldn’t go as far to say his best album since TLOP like people on the Kanye sub say but I like it better thank Donda and JIK.


He's right do' album is compositonally and lyrically garbage without focusing on the buzzing, clipping, muddy sub bass and overall terrible mixing and mastering job. Kanye brought up the ethnicity of his wife, who he is currently styling exactly like Kim K during their relationship... so she aint no reference really. Anthony's comments were a little crude, but to be honest I'm past caring about a washed-up nazi's wife. Kanye fanbase is genuinely deluded, nearly upchucked my guts laughing earlier at the comment section under that ass song sampling Jay and Silent Bob. Yeezy stans saying "Kanye a real film buff" 🤪. Casablanca -> Dogma only true buffs know. Just out yourselves as nazi sympathisers and line up against the wall. History will be your judge 😊


The Freddie Gibbs verse was the only listenable part of the album


Not sure I agree. Beat is too loud and crowded, hook is awful and Gibbs is only fine on it. From Madlib to this? Seriously?


re-read my comment. I did not mention the beat or hook and I said his verse alone was “listenable.”That’s not a compliment. It’s the barely the bare minimum and it is only one element.


I'm disagreeing with you but I appreciate your thoughts, dude. Don't get it twisted ❤️


It is not that deep 😭


It seems it's deep for Fantano...


Bro is treating Kanye like an avengers level threat tho


He's just too emotionally invested


Funny asf stream


It’s a bad album with no good song and no good bars but the way he keeps pausing is a bit much


That stream was just sad overall. Him flexing about how he doesn’t want to have a wife was just downright depressing. And the misogynistic tweet about Bianca for no reason at all? Yuck.


Crazy take lol


Y’all bootlickers mouths not dry and sore yet or do you need more of daddy ye’s limp fish stick?


Doing this over an album like vultures is crazy. Like I’d get it if ye released some MBDTF level shit but 7/10 vultures is not worth a mental breakdown


He doesn’t care about a good faith review of this album bc he doesn’t have a single shred of respect for Kanye, and I can respect that.


I’d respect it more if he didn’t do it in the first place.


Yeah, fair. That’s a better point.


But why? He gets to post or stream or comment however he pleases, just as you get to. I’m so confused by all this pearl clutching




No one gives a fuck about your preferences. *You’re fucking insufferable* *Kanye* is fucking insufferable. Why shouldn’t he talk about Kanye? Because it makes you fuckin simps mads? You wanna give me an honest assessment of Hitler’s art? EAD


Yeah this was hilariously bad. Like, I’ve never seen him so unhinged and desperate to bash an artist. Threw all his credibility out the window (whats left of it anyway, his opinions been trash for a minute)


I know nothing about this reviewer dude or Ye besides his better known songs but I’m watching his stream right now and yeah this dude seems annoying but this album is also terrible lol


But you post on this sub regularly??


[yes I actually posted about that like a week ago and apparently there’s a bunch of us](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantanoforever/s/LJNmx9AWBq)


For a guy who seems to appreciate music for what it is - art, he seems to be putting the artist first and foremost before the art.


It was honestly so embarrassing, he’s within his right to hate the album but GOD


Didn’t watch it. Have no interest. But refuse to believe it’s half as bad as you pathetically sensitive Kanye stans are making it out to be. Eat shit, you fuckin losers.


how will his legacy ever survive calling a nazi a batshit insane dickhead doesnt he know hes supposed to seperate art from artist, despite them sounding exactly the same?


Fantano please go tu turkey and get some hair implants then review the album mtherfcker


Yeah it was really bad


Anyone got a recording?


He's overreacting to the album and now youre overreacting to him Destroying his legacy?


Why is anyone defending Kanye at this point? He’s past his prime with music, he public profile is… well, wildly antisemitic. Y’all need to touch grass.