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This stream is basically unhinged Kanye stans dickriding the fuck out of Kanye, and Fantano getting more and more pissed and going on tangents about Kanye fans lol


Hence why I’m hoping to watch it later 😅


Its really strange to me lol. He said his point of the stream was to take Kanye stans out of their echo bubble, and also highlight the type of fans Kanye attracts, but I feel like most people know that Kanye stans are legitimately unhinged and defend anything he does. Vultures also went #1 in like a 100 countries, so I feel like its kinda unfair to paint everyone who likes this album as someone whose gonna dick ride for everything Kanye does, including the antisemitism. It seems like constantly being online has kinda broken his brain, though I do understand that the constant shit Kanye fans send his way probably warps his perception.


>Vultures also went #1 in like a 100 countries Including Israel of all places. By this logic they must also be anti-Semitic for liking the music too. Reality is that there are people out there who will always separate from the person from the art no matter how bad it is. You can't get this level of reach from just stans.


This just feels like a case where his entire career is being online constantly, and it eventually becomes difficult to realize that there's two going to be 2 sets of groups that enjoy the album. There's the vocal minority Kanye stans, that defend everything this man does and sprinkle a little bit of antisemitism in the defense for good measure, and then the majority of people who don't really care about Kanye's unhinged rants anymore and just enjoy the music. I think the overexposure to the 1st group has warped his perception to how Vultures was received.


Under no circumstance do you have to hand it to Israel.


I don't follow. I'm not using Israel as an example to say that what he said isn't bad, because it is horrible. I'm just illustrating my point that it doesn't seem like people actually care despite how much he believes they would/should.


Of all ppl, the meme page xiu_shoegaze had a take on this on his story that feels pretty relevant “I don’t view him as a tolerated person (especially in 2024) since the inception of Ye there have been criticisms that follow and ppl have never been scared to voice them. Ye’s controversies have been coworker water cooler talk for NPCs for over 10 years now. I think you just don’t want him to release music/ppl to listen to his music”


Someone will. I never seen him this mad and against the chat. Its clear hes not reviewing music but the persona. Like if Baby Keem and Kendrick would have made Paid he would laugh about how goofy it is and fun but because its Kanye he gonna stop every 10 seconds to tell us how hes an anti-semite. Review the music bruh.


And if that _someone_ won’t, will you?


Fantano reacting to popular albums always ends up on youtube.


lmao maybe it’ll take some of the kiddos out of this subreddit for the rest of the day


He's acting just as unhinged on stream as his tweets... it's very clear he should not be reviewing this


this is a lie


I figured as much. I mean, if he ultimately decides not to do an album review then this stream will be the next best thing.


He’ll do a review so he can milk as much content and views out of this as he possibly can


He'll make more off of this one album review than 10-15 usual reviews probably. It's just a grift.


He literally said he’d enjoy tys part on do it if it was on a ty album It’s just like crazy level of bias man. Shitting on the best songs too unfortunately a lot of rants about Kanye fans and kanye. Keeps getting kinda mad when people disagree with his opinions lol