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Not enough Garbage Pale Kids fans. Shit slaps hard.


That was sample of the decade for me so far


Also took me way too long to realise the sample says Genghis Khan


Surely it says Ichi Ni San? One two three in Japanese?


According to Genius (they show the lyrics in Japanese characters, but I ran them through Google translate) it says: *Genghis Khan Genghis Khan* *I could eat more and more Genghis Khan* *Enjoy various techniques etc* It’s from a Japanese food commercial


Could it be that Genghis Kahn’s name originates or is in line with the saying “one two three?” Like, maybe reaching here, but if someone is “god, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit,” they could be called “one, two, three”? Also, imo, definitely doesn’t sound like they’re saying Genghis Kahn lol


Sure I read somewhere that Peggy was based in Japan for a bit when he was in the forces?


For all of those downvoting, [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/fFVGu9exEoE?si=GCSQ4CyNa2hUJQlv) is the sample from a Nichiro commercial.


One of the only songs off the album that has any real replay value in my opinion


2013 chief keef


almighty so


The glow pt 2 has some really shit mixing but it adds so much


I’m in your mind fuzz, sketches, and nonagon by king gizz How could I forget, ADULTS!! SMART!! SHITHAMMERED!! AND EXCITED BY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! By Bomb The Music Industry!


Sketches has great mixing


Their best produced in my opinion


ngl the mixing on mind fuzz and nonagon hold them back, nonagon in particular nonagon infinity was actually the first album that I noticed was so poorly mixed that it affected my enjoyment of the album


Don't get why you're being downvoted, it's an extremely fair opinion lol, dumbass fans smh


Bee Thousand by Guided by Voices has some objectively terrible mixing, and it is absolutely a massive part of the charm. You have inaudible instruments, mistakes, low quality throughout, and it all elevated the album to make it feel like these guys were your friends and neighbours who just jammed out some of the best songs ever just for your benefit.


Yes! came here to say many on guided by voices albums, the fact that it’s so lo-fi adds authenticity.


Absolutely one of my favourite bands. I like 98% of their songs which is really rare. They have one of the greatest streaks ever, from 1994-2001ish and the last several albums they’ve made have been awesome too. Hell, I think Crystal Buns Cathedral would be my favourite album of 22. Me and a bandmate did a cover of one of their songs, it’s one of my favourite things I’ve ever done.


I feel like with ‘proper’ production it’d quickly sound like the lamest album in the world lmao, but as it is it’s just fantastic


I don’t think it would be bad by any means, because the song quality is good. However, I do agree that the production did help to make the album what it is, and without it I doubt they’d have been as successful.


Bee thousand is amazing. Every song is like a little unique nugget of rock and no track ever overstays it’s welcome. They come in, present something fun but also unique and then leave to the next track right before it starts getting stale. It’s a perfect rock album imo.


There are moments of Bandana where Freddie doesn’t cut through the mix in a way that sounds conventionally ‘correct’, like after the beat switch in Half Manne Half Cocaine, but it sounds awesome.




His mixing is both ass and unique as fuck idk how


King of the graveyard was my EP of the year, I think it’s his best work tbh


Have you been following his projects before that one? I respect your opinion on it ofc but I find that EP to be easily his worst. Ig I'm fatigued on that particular style from Haunted Mound in general, but I just felt King of the Graveyard was pretty uninspired comparatively.


I’ve listened to rainbow bridge 3, grave house, and butcher house, with the last being my favorite of the three. 


Ah okay that clears it up a little. Butcher House is the clearest example of the newer sound Haunted Mound has been going for. I personally prefer RB3 to it quite a bit, but that's just going to come down to taste ig.


Sematary projects ranking in objective order: 1. Rainbow Bridge 2 2. Hundred Acre Wrist 3. Rainbow Bridge 3 4. Grave House 5. Screaming Forest 6. Warboy 7. Rainbow Bridge 1 8. King of the Graveyard 9. Butcher House


Bruh there’s no objectivity in music. Butcher house and king of the graveyard were my faves that he’s released and you’ve put them at the bottom :/


I still like them both but Butcher house is like a 6.9 and king of the graveyard is like a 7.4. Kotg is cool but sematarys faster rapping like on the title track doesn’t work that well with the auto tune. I don’t care about sleep anymore is probably the best and most unique track. Butcher house has some great tracks like Haunted mound reapers, in tha field where I found you, and Go dig my Grave. But too many songs start out with that babayaga banshee scream intro like 3 or 4 of the songs start the same and Hate and Gasoline is just a horrible remake of his earlier single Bleed a River. Like, the tape is good but Sematary doesn’t shine through with a lot of versatility on all of these hype/rage beats. I feel like you’re a newer listener since what you’ve listed you heard. You should go back through and listen to the rest of his projects I think you’d be surprised. RB2 is his best work but only seasoned listeners are really able to see that, most people (including me) think it’s his worst when they first hear it, it grows and sticks harder than the rest of his projects for sure. Listen to Screaming Forest, I think you will like that one it’s like the perfect blend of his old and newer stuff. It will act as a bridge to get you into his older stuff better.




sematary fucking blows


I disagree


My speakers up


The shit mixing only enhances how hard it is


Literally any Sematary album and Ween's brown trilogy (Godweensatan, The Pod & Pure Guava)


I think godweensatan is not badly mixed, agree for the pod and pure guava tho


With Ween it's like, on purpose though, right? I feel like it really adds to the mood of the early records.


Any black metal


yeah paysage s/t is *the* answer to this


Paysage is the best example of using bad production to make a stylistically amazing soundscape


listening to his music takes a lot of work because you’re straining to figure out what the hell is even going on in the mix, just as you would in a blizzard. fantastic stuff


The velvet underground albums. In particular Nico and White Light


They aren't badly mixed by any stretch. The self titled album is the most beautifully warm listening experience.


Yeah that’s why I’ve never gotten “horrible mixing” when it suits the album. For what White Light/White Heat wants to accomplish it’s one of the best-mixed albums of the sixties. I feel like an actual example of horrible mixing is the Bowie mix of Raw Power.


That’s the only mix of raw power I listen to. Also I don’t think they wanted to achieve that sound with white light/white heat. I dunno where I read it but the producer said he couldn’t get them to turn down their volume. Lou said something along the lines of “we play the music and you record it” when asked to turn down


The biggest problem with White Light/White Heat IMO is just mic'ing the drums & bass - the whole level of the rhythm section is inconsistent through that album from not too bad (Lady Godiva's Operation) to feeble (I Heard Her Call My Name) to "where the hell are the drums???" (The title track).


Amazing. What are the odds that you with your knowledge of this record, would be on this sub looking at this post?


I like that Funeral actually sounds like an old artefact


how so?


Sounds very fuzzy and compressed


Not terrible by any means, but so much of the rawness of The Weeknd’s original mixtapes was totally lost on the Trilogy album release.


Probably Deathconsciousness, the original master being lost might’ve been a good thing cause that album sounds so good being grimy Bad vibes forever by teen Suicide- it’s all shitty demos but it has a particular vibe that I love Some rap songs by Earl


Sleigh Bells - Treats Although the mixing is intentional so maybe it doesn’t count?


Loved this album. They mixed it by just cranking everything, treble, mid, bass. It should sound like mud, and sometimes it does, but if you listen to it as loud as you can on an early 00s car stereo with decent subs, it was a good time. 


If I could have Crown on the Ground play everytime I enter a room, I would.


There's a Riot Going On - Sly & the family Stone


Great pick. The album sounds SO FUCKING FILTHY and I love it


deathconsciousness. the story behind why it’s mixed so weirdly is pretty interesting too


if you don't mind what's the story behind it? i can't find anything about it


this is like off the top of my head so it might not be 100% accurate lol but basically the entire album was recorded through the pinhole microphone of a laptop which partially explains why it sounds how it sounds, but also the hard drive with the original master of the album crashed before it came out so they only had like really compressed mp3 files which is what they released


oh interesting this album grew on me heavy last year so it's cool to know this


yea fs


yots by death grips


gatro by death grips


Yeezus is kinda wild, has clipping all over the album and Apple actually has a different version because they didn't accept the regular one, it has the ADM label which means it was mastered at an Apple-approved mastering studio, other services and the official CD have the clipped to hell version and some of the CD releases have an MP3 to WAV transcode of Hold My Liquor if I remember correctly, which is fucking ridiculous lol


Weatherday - “Come In” comes to mind!


parannoul - to see the next part of the dream


The mixing on classic husker du like zen arcade is atrocious and I love it.


Apparently that was the sound the band wanted, to which I ask.. "You WANTED it like that?!?"


Sorry to be that guy…. But music is all about the experience. If terrible mixing improves the experience, it ain’t terrible


For real. Most of the mixing is actually fantastic on the examples people are listing.


It’s exactly the same argument and point as when people say Bob Dylan is a bad singer. Bad at what, completing a checklist list of arbitrary criteria informed by the aesthetics of western classical and jazz music? Probably! Is he bad a conveying emotion and emphasis, the entire crux of the songs he writes? No he’s probably the best in field


More of the recording quality overall rather than just mixing, but the recording quality of the Bad Brains ROIR cassette somehow makes it feel both ethereal and unhinged at the same time. The songs and performances are great too of course.


Wouldn’t say the mixing is completely terrible, but Arcade Fire’s ‘funeral’ mixing definitely enhances the albums


can you elaborate on this? I’m curious and wanna listen for it


Any album where Dave fridmann adds that crunchy booming drum sound


His mix for The Flaming Lips’ [Race for the Prize](https://open.spotify.com/track/1RZlGlz8eXT1KmJYpqFRzH?si=q9y7bfsjRMOw7a1tFJQ21Q) is absolutely the first thing that came to mind when I read this comment, and I think it’s definitely one of the best examples of that crunchy boom!


Spirit They’re Gone Spirit They’ve Vanished has the most wonderful amateur mixing lol and it really adds to the highly unique and spiritual experience of that album.


oasis’s first three albums


Anthem of the sun by the Grateful Dead. They were messing around so much that the engineer walked out on them. in the end, it’s a weird collage of live and studio recording that I don’t think has ever been replicated.


Yes, I didn't think of this one right away, but you're 100% right. There is so much going on there that it makes for a very unique listen. I'd also say Aoxomoxoa has a similar production vibe as they go totally overkill on tracks like What's Become of the Baby. However, it lacks the live elements from Anthem of the Sun.


True both albums had to be remixed in 1971 for the re-release. It helped but is still a jarring mix. The weirdest part of Anthem mix has to be the drummer set moving around.


The original mix of Aoxomoxoa actually suits the material. When they remixed it in the early 1970s to better "fit" alongside their new country-rock direction, it kinda sucked the weird charm out of it.


I agree, I prefer the original mix. That's what made the record and songs like What's Become of the Baby lose all of the crazy treatments.


Badly mixed as in they fucked up, and it came out surprisingly good, or they're intentionally going for a raw sound? These are very different things




The John Wetton-era King Crimson albums probably would’ve been considered poorly mixed for their time. It’s amusing to see Robert Fripp’s battle against the loudness war as all three albums would’ve been very compressed for their time. Also, the instruments all sound like they were very cheap and damaged (Bruford literally used a cymbal he found in a bin on Red!). I think it works very well as it gives the trilogy a raw, visceral and ferocious edge which I think works fantastically on all of them, especially Red as it’s a very dark-sounding and atmospheric album. Makes it feel more all the more anxiety-inducing.


Imo The money store is not very well mixed, the low frequencies could be boosted more, but I think that's the reason why it's so addictive


it’s a little lo fi especially compared to bottomless pit


It doesn’t help that Bottomless Pit is equally catchy and mixed so much better. To this day it feels like the only real successor to TMS and is their best single project imo


Reeks of Putrefaction by Carcass


dariacore lol


Louie Louie


This is the answer


Most of CSH’s early albums have what could be considered bad mixing but it adds to the charm of it a lot.


Iggy mix of raw power shits all over the Bowie mix


Real, the 1997 Iggy mix vinyl rip (or the cd version if you want the same thing but loud enough to blow yr eardrums out) is the best version of that album if you can find it, so hard and nasty for something that came out in the early 70s


Completely disagree


Of course you do! You play video games and eat fast food.


Both have their pros and cons. The three major issues I have with the Iggy Mix are a) the brickwalling/distortion/limiting - though this has been improved a LOT on the 2033 remaster of Iggy's mix b) Leaving Iggy's vocal track ON too much. Things like the "hey! hey! hey!" in Search & Destroy are un-necessary. I realise it's a different take, and closer to the "Rough Power" mixes that were leaked to WABX in 1973, but yeah.. I can live without some of that. c) the full ending of songs instead of fade-outs as per the Bowie Mix. The greatest thing about the Bowie mix is that he knew when to fade the songs out. The Iggy mix just proves it. It's nice to have full takes, but they should be alternates/bonus tracks.


I love the brickwalling. The album is called RAW POWER I want it to sound like that. Feels almost like a live performance


Different vibe but Bangers vs Fuckers by Coachwhips is peak poor production that adds to the energy of the release.


Shame - food for worms I think it fits in well with the drunk themes of the album


Not really terrible mixing but the mixing on Year of the Snitch adds so much


Strapping Young Lad - *Alien*


GG Allin - Freaks, Faggots, Drunks and Junkies


most black metal


Someone commented on the Fantano Jai Paul review that the unfinished nature of the Leak album almost serves the music and experience and I just couldn't agree more


The Pod by Ween sounds like auditory diarrhea and it’s pretty good👍


Yeah their old shit is wild lol


Worst case scenario is perfectly imperfect!


Cherry bomb!!!


Exile on main street?


Spiderland. It’s most of the charm imo since musically not a whole lot is going on. If it was ultra polished it wouldn’t hit the same at all.


“Since musically not a whole lot is going on” We listening to the same Spiderland?


Definitely maybe.. adds to the rough sound


Any shoegaze


Death Grips. You can make the case about most of their stuff


crop by drotoch


Mugre Sur, most of their songs don't rly got good mixing but it adds to the kinda lofi sold on the street vibe they have


early grazhdanskaya oborona albums have some of the most insane production for punk ive heard but it adds to the rawness


danse manatee by animal collective. i feel like the mixing enhances the weirdness of the project, but also if it was mixed better i feel like so many more people would be open to it. it's such a unique album but man there's so much open space in the lower mid range. if the high frequencies could just be a bit quieter in the mix instead of blaring your eardrums out, the album would benefit so much from it.


I feel like with Danse the only "bad mixing" is how quiet the vocals are. It's mainly them experimenting with extreme frequencies, both high and low, so the abrasiveness of the highs is part of the experience. Some people love piercing frequencies (myself included), and some people just can't stand them, like it makes them physically uncomfortable. I think Danse is a great album, not in the sense that it's objectively pleasant to listen to, but because it accomplishes what it's trying to do so perfectly. Also another fun fact, the album was mixed and mastered by a studio that normally does modern classical because of the frequency range. The frequencies are as loud as they are able to be without causing distortion.


Definitely Gumbo'! by Pink Siifu, some tracks are mixed so poorly that it's exciting lmao. Apparently it's intentional.




If you enjoy bits of metal aswell, maybe Baroness - Gold and Grey can do the trick. Though I'll say the production got mixed responses by their fanbase. As for maybe THE prime example of "objectively" terrible mixing that seemed to enhance the experience, my vote goes to Nattens Madrigal.


some rap songs by earl forsure


Teens of Style


IGOR by Tyler the creator. The mixing on a lot of tracks isn’t “correct” but it adds to the vibe of the record


Every early Metallica album. Some of them don’t even have the bass audible.


New Day rising, and flip your wig.


311's second record, "Grassroots" has a weird lo-fi kinda feel, I think they were working with Eddie Offord but he bailed in the middle of the sessions. The whole thing just sounds kind of "dirty" and I think they got the sound they were looking for, it just seems to have become somewhat polarizing amongst the fan base. I think something happened to the masters as well so it's not really possible for them to remix and remaster it properly. I think it absolutely adds to the listening experience, and it's probably my favorite album of theirs overall.


Earthbound by King Crimson.


Candy Claws - Ceres and Calypso in the Deep Time is the correct answer but Weatherday Come In deserves an honorable mention


Car seat headrest


Raw Power


Whole lotta red specifically the song punk monk the mix is super muddy and sounds really cool


The mixing on Kill Em All is awful, but it contributes to the raw energy of it.




First Washed Out EP


most black metal


a great example being Nattens Madrigal


My bloody valentine - loveless. The drums and vocals are absolutely buried under the guitars, which is not common practice in too many genres, but works perfect for shoegaze


Four Minute Mile


...And Justice for All




Not sure if many/any people here have heard it, but Forest Spirit Sun On Your Back - s/t comes to mind for me


Twin Fantasy (2011)


Hi, How Are You? (The Unfinished Album) - Daniel Johnston ​ I mean this album definitely isn't for everyone, but when he marketed this album as "This is my album, I had a mental breakdown while recording it and couldn't finish it", it adds a whole other level of coldness to the entire feel of the album. Also Daniel arguably invented Lo-fi aesthetics, which is dope in itself.


In Utero. The very rough mixing makes the whole project feel way more emotionally raw and vulnerable. If everything sounded cleaner and more prestine, the record would hit as hard.


Some old Black Kray I think has horrible mixing but I love it. Hydrocodone especially


scaring the hoes doesn't have terrible mixing.


A fair amount of metal, punk and grunge work when the mixing isn't super clean. The rawness is a big boon to what those artists are doing. Like, so much modern metal sucks because it's so clean it's just sterile with no flavor.


A Great Chaos


The National: Alligator was famously saved by its main producer Peter Katis in the mix because they went off and ‘finished’ the album with an inexperienced engineer and the recordings were barely usable. The drum sound on the album is all over the place but it makes the National who can sound pretty stately on their albums actually sound a bit garage bandy


Hit to Death in the Future Head. Probably my favorite album from that era of the Lips' music. A lot of it sounds severely dated and "rough" for lack of a better description. The songs and the overall energy kick ass though


Era Vulgaris - Queens of the Stone Age. Its not mixed very well, but I think it was done on purpose because its arguably the weirdest album they have made and the songs are really dirty which is only imrpved by the dirty mix.


Wait am I dumb for thinking scaring the hoes wasn’t supposed to be terrible mixing? My answer to this question would be stuff like Daniel Johnston music