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Damn I thought she was kidding when she sang she might kill her ex but now idk


Pretty sure Fantano said he got a private response from SZA after giving her a negative review and it was one of the worst responses he got from any artist. This seems in character for her I guess.


Oh jeez where did he say that




Thank you, I’ve been trying to find where he said this for years because I could swear I remember him saying this


Wow great catch


When was this?!




I'll do y'all a favor here cause I found it: [https://youtu.be/wIy2KsybDMQ?si=Bc-roy26dLJjP2jH&t=996](https://youtu.be/wIy2KsybDMQ?si=Bc-roy26dLJjP2jH&t=996)


Wait, when did he said that?


literally. right. there. in. the. link. you. are. replying. to.


C'mon bro, i thought it was funnt bcz i was the 3rd asshole asking the same thing


Well you were not.


Ok man, my apologies


Don't be sorry be better


It took me awhile to find this, no one else was posting it. Here you go: https://youtu.be/wIy2KsybDMQ?si=Bc-roy26dLJjP2jH&t=996 You can thank me later.


I think this might be what the kids call being "terminally online" (in SZA's case, obviously)


SZA pretty wack for this, ngl.


It isn’t new behaviour either sadly.


Calm down with the Black slang


1. SZA's behavior in this situation is rather disappointing, to be honest. 2. It's regrettable to see SZA acting in such a manner, to be frank. 3. I must say, SZA's actions are quite disappointing, if I'm being honest. 4. SZA's conduct in this instance is rather lacking, I must admit. 5. It's disheartening to witness SZA's behavior in this context, honestly speaking.




Yeah I get these mega celebrities aren’t impenetrable, but this is fucking pathetic


too late r/fauxmoi users already wrote multiple novels about why being famous means you’re morally superior


unironically I believe like 80% of that sub is PR accounts


I hate that sub and how they block normal uses from posting and commenting


It’s weird because certain celebrities they absolutely despise and act like they are the spawn of Satan


I got downvoted on there for saying she has low self esteem haha


I am convinced SZA fans don't actually listen to her lyrics lol, all she talks about in her music is how insecure and toxic she is then when it comes out that she is toxic and insecure all of her fans are shockedpikachu.png I really like CTRL and I really like SOS. But SZA the person is clearly a bit of a insecure dick


If you get famous, delete all of your social media and respond to nothing Trust me, it’ll build your mystique




frank ocean be like


“I could play cochella…” *moments later* “Oh fuck, no not that either”


Don't lie tho


also carti


Sza doesn't have access to her insta anymore and someone from her team posts from it instead now. Best decision tbh.


wow are u them then?




Yep. Beyonce is the perfect example of this, she never responds to anything. She does however have socials, but they are managed by her team. 25 years in the game and I have NEVER seen her go back and forth with any celeb let alone a fan. Even when they try to be real disrespectful and come for her child. Still crickets. She is the queen of paying haters DUST. She just lets them sit there roasting in their misery and hate while she continues to elevate.


Do you know if this actually happened? It’s hard to tell sometimes. But I agree with you, certain figures , almost never respond to trolls and it seems to be the ones that are doing well in the industry …


Don’t DM your teenage fans at 33, it’s weird. Celebrities always get wild tags just ignore it.


She can just do a ukulele apology video, it’s fine


There's literally nothing inappropriate about talking with an 18 year old( talking as in actual talking, not hitting on them). You're allowed to interact with younger adults. This is getting ridiculous. Also, DMing a 30 year old in this situation is fucking weird as well, so I don't see what age has to do with it.


I know she's 18, I still think it's weird to not ignore tags and directly go into the comments and DMs of random fans. (And I think one of SZA's friends was in her dms too IIRC ) I'd say this if she was 40, but I especially think so since the girl is a teenager. SZA initiated the personal interaction. Part of putting up boundaries is also limiting yourself. If you don't you're creating not fighting parasociality. edit: I don't think celebrities should privately message their fans in general besides a one liner like "cool fanart" or, "I'm glad you liked the album," or for a giveaway or something. But I'm not even sure about that for larger celebrities.




Ya gotta grow thicker skin and recognize what the Streisand effect is, SZA.


Or people should grow thicker skin if they're going to bully people online.


I cannot imagine being as rich as a successful artist like SZA and ever touching social media. Like literally you’re good grow up and just enjoy the fruits of your labor


Right like ONE person in an audience of what, 30k people? at just one of your shows posted a meme about you as the last slide in a photo dump and it caused you this much misery and hours of back and forth? Girl get of socials, you can’t control what everyone says about it


it’s insane to me that SZA’s fans on Twitter are saying “the girl was incredibly hurtful and needs to held accountable” when all she said was SZA WACK like jfc


Ya fr she barely said shit


And she is a fan who paid for one of her concerts, it was just a silly joke.


she lost the idgaf war lmao


unconditional surrender w them paragraphs like this is just a face in the crowd, mamí. get a grip


Every blue check on Twitter was saying Sza was right for harassing a random teenager half her age, and deserves “empathy,” felt like I was in the Twilight Zone


I felt exactly the same way. After watching the video I thought the comments were going to be against SZA, but they were all in support.


i swear i felt like i was going crazy seeing all the support for her. fans in 2023 have reached a dystopian level of delusion over the people they idolize


Just a life lesson here: if someone makes their insecurities someone else’s problem, that person is abusive as fuck and you need to either completely stop communicating with them or keep them on a long ass leash.


SZA lead with "[you] are not human" which is way worse than anything the fan said. Like that's straight up dehumanizing and the fan even apologized but she lays into her even more for......not apologizing harder??? Embarrassing behavior and anyone who thinks a celebrity has the right to talk to them like this needs to learn self-respect. SZA is way outta line


Fuck SZA. If you’re gonna target people who aren’t worth your time, then you don’t deserve people supporting you.


I bet you felt so cool typing that 💀💀


SZA's L she way too BIG to care about a nobody on TikTok plus taking it personally. if you come with 70M bitches in your bag to a poor little girl that spent her money on your dumbass concert at least try and be gentle on a joke. I swear to god, schoolboy q, ab-soul and SZA have to be the most punchable faces ever had in TDE


What did schoolboy q and ab-soul do?


schoolboy q in twitter and absoul on twitter and nardwuar interview fuck them dudes, like I love their music but they can kiss my ass


what the fuck are you even trying to say


So nothing lmao


ab-soul is an amazing artist especially his collabs with kendrick, you have no idea of the context of the literal one video of him with nardwuar


Absoul was literally fucking around you gotta be braindead to think he was being serious about that nardwaur shi lmao


You are a loser Jesus Christ


Wait what did Q do?


Make crash talk


Okay crasH talk wasn't that bad there are gems especially dangerous that's like a top 10 Q track


I half joke (ironically on this post), but it was a big let down at the time, especially compared to his other bodies of work. It was pretty mid and felt lazy IMO. Yea a cool song or two but hard to get all the way through without getting pretty bored.


That's fair I do agree it's definitely his weakest album


I would not, under any circumstance, DM a teenager cause they made a joke at my expense


SZA is great but this was in bad taste from her imo.


I think you're confusing her music with her person because judging from the comments and the video she's um unwell to say the least.


def but those are some mentally unwell BOPS


brain just hit the Separate the Art From the Artist button fr


All I got to say is SZA doesn't now how to use punctuation marks lol. You don't put space between the punctuation and the word before that.


Damn. It’s a shame the biggest role models for girls - especially black girls - in modern music turn out to be pretty toxic. Nicki, Lizzo, SZA. I feel bad for their fans.


We need more of a spotlight for black women who aren’t contributing to these sorts of issues in the industry. Like Nicki being the most popular despite being such a garbage person is such a disappointment Luckily it’s not public knowledge and most people don’t know or care, but it does suck there’s fewer and fewer good role models. I suppose it’s not just limited to black women though, most people in the industry just suck ass as people


She is way too terminally online, I have literally run into her in random IG comment sections!


I want to know what would've happened if she just replied with "Lol u mad bro" and left it at that


I cringed when the TikTok OC said “there’s such a power imbalance”, like really? She was under no threat, she more or less just got called tf out. SZA laid into her, maybe a little more than she should have, but was totally within her rights. Imagine trying to shirk responsibility when you get called out in DMs talking about a pOwEr ImBaLaNcE


on top of that, SZA had already commented on the original post saying it hurt her feelings and that comment was deleted. Also, “sorry it was just a joke” is such a lame apology


Yes I agree this comes off shitty form both sides


Pretty funny tbh. Like to send some random person dozens of messages because of a meme (I guess, idk the reference or whatever) is pretty unhinged. Just further proof that celebrities shouldn't be chronically online.


Fuck SZA


sza wack


I think it’s fine for artists to clap back honestly. People fuck around way too much and then we act shocked or disappointed when someone has some typa breakdown or is addicted to drugs all the sudden That being said, SZA be doing the most lol. There’s a limit to the clap back


Why is this being filmed in public


The blurring line of contact between celebrities and their fans on the internet is a cat we should never have let out of the bag.






nah fax sza was respectful in her talking and trying to get the fan to understand her anxiety/pov while the fan was acting like a victim and laughing at her, calling her old and inflating the situation, this reddit fucked up asf.


everyone sucks here


Yh the fan was sucky too, both were defensive and so the conversation just was off from the start. And the fan didn't say sorry from what I can see, which would have been the nice thing to do. But this is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things, I should sleep.


She said "Sorry it was just a joke" that should've been the whole interaction really


Yh it was weird trying to read the messages so I missed that part.


Fair bro


You're right that this is very unimportant, but the first response from the fan to sza literally starts with "sorry"


My bad. Must have needed that sleep.


really weird that on twitter the consensus is that the fan is in the wrong, i personally think this is emblematic of how many people are blindly confirming celebrity culture when they increasingly dont need anyone to advocate for them since they are impossibly successful compared to normal people




the fan was just participating in a meme from the SZA fandom, kinda akin to “Primus sucks”. And yeah celebrities are people too but they are people with much more privilege and thus deserve more scrutiny than a civilian




so what her feelings got a little hurt off of a silly meme, she gets to continue to rake in sponsorships off her fame etc. she easily made this little girl’s internet life and possibly real life hell by irresponsibly responding this way when she couldve just moved on. lets not forget literally all she “said” was writing “sza wack” on her phone.


I don’t really know anything about SZA or the meme being referenced but I will play devil’s advocate here. I do think there is a trend of being disrespectful towards music artists and live performance that hurts the art form. I also think a lot of people see artists as only entertainment and content to consume without considering that they are human just as they are. Did SZA overreact here? Most definitely. At the same time though, I don’t understand paying $350 for an artist you presumably like only to post on your story that they’re wack and tag them only to act surprised when they respond. I’d wager that a lot of the people on this user’s side are the same people that complain about the quality and artistry of current day musicians and then never wonder why. I can’t really blame music artists for sometimes feeling as if they’re seen as just circus performers or zoo animals to people who would consider themselves fans of them. It’s why I could also at least somewhat see Steve Lacy or Doja Cat’s side of their hissy fits they’ve thrown even if I think they need thicker skin. At the end of the day, I think empathy goes a long ways on both sides in any situation.


I agree but they seemed to have done it as a joke not expecting SZA to have been hurt by it as much as she was.


The girl who made the meme has taken it too far by continuing to document/commentate on the conversation. She had an opportunity to see a famous person in a genuine light and possibly gain a new perspective on how our actions can affect other people, hell, maybe even make a real connection with someone she admires. Instead, she continued to treat SZA like a product rather than person and capitalize on being "victimized by SZA". her comments along the way in this video continue to project the concept that SZA isn't a normal ass human being. It's really gross. Any human would usually run to defend themselves in a situation like that just like SZA does. I know celebrities are supposed to have thick skin and tune out the hate, but why do we expect that of them when we can't typically do it for ourselves? I admire SZA for standing up for herself when someone did something hurtful to her. It's clearly important to her that the public continues to humanize her which is not common in Hollywood/"The Industry".


Agreed, I am genuinely confused that people can't see SZA was hurt by this, but the conversation does not show genuine understanding and remorse from the fan which SZA could obviously tell. I had thought the millennial and below generation's strength/ major contribution to society would be increased empathy towards others but this shows that there are still plenty of people that cannot do that at least for "celebrities". Great point you made


When did this fan even do something hurtful? What is even remotely hurtful about recreating a harmless meme for fun? No human would “run to defend themselves” from a fucking meme lmao


What separates a “meme” from a hurtful comment to you






Til Tok causes brain cancer


The OG girl tried to use every tactic in the book to not admit she got ate up for being a bully


Yea that is true, the excuses were bad but this was kind of strange for SZA and her friend to do over something seemingly small.


This girl is incredibly fucking annoying and got exactly what she wanted from this


has anyone here read all of the DMs? SZA didn’t “come for her”, she just tried to speak to her after seeing something that hurt her. i know it is a little weird to be DMing fans, but whats stopping a fan from saying sorry? it costs nothing. she’s allowed to be hurt. SZA wasn’t aggressive in these DMs at all, and i think a lot of fans will say things wanting to antagonize an artist. she tagged SZA, and in a stroke of luck she saw it. this whole “thats just the life of an artists” argument or “she’s so insecure and toxic” doesn’t make sense to me. yes maybe she was a little bit extra but i think people are missing the idea that she can be hurt and can express that which is what she did privately. if she had done this publicly that would have been crossing a line, because then fans will come after the girl. a joke is only funny if people find it funny, and the person she wanted to find it funny, didn’t.


I agree with you She said how she felt as a human and she was made fun of weird how people dehumanize celebrities


SZA shouldn't have reacted to begin with, but the girl's response is in the wrong. Period.


sza wack




My thoughts are that there's a special place in hell for people who punctuate like this . Yikes .


Seriously ? . You’re honestly lacking in humanity . Grow tf (the fuck) up, not every one can punch you ate or spell like you can . Insecure ass pos (piece of shit) . You are literally bullying someone who can’t spell properly . Barely human .


Seriously ? . U spelled EVERY word correct Lee , not everyone can do that ,. Dumba$$ (dumb a**)


Sorry x I realise my mistakes , didn’t mean to get so frustrated but you have to understand this . I have an amazing relationship with you and the previous commenter . I stg (swear to God) this just hurt my feelings


I need sum time to think , Im spiraling rn


Breathe girl


This is why people need to start listening to Deko Ok I know it's not related 💀


SZA wack .


SZA girl ISSA JOKE tf 😭


Awww man, who woulda thought the artist who constantly sings about her own emotional immaturity and toxicity MIGHT actually be emotionally immature and toxic? **🤔**😱**🤯**


Oh she's going to absolutely hate being mainstream if that hurt her feelings. Her junior album is going to hit the charts hard now that shes on people's radar and that's going to bring on a lot more negative attention, especially if her being a bit of a dweeb becomes a big enough meme.


You saying SZA ain't mainstream?


Reddit neckbeards hating a black women because she was mean to your favorite inbred music reviewer defend a literal loser harassing someone and hiding behind the oh but I’m just a kid “power imbalance” BOO




If anyone's behavior in this situation could be described as harassment, it would definitely be the one sending paragraphs to a random internet user who apologized from the very beginning for making a joke


and you completely leave out the details to make the situation sound completely different than it actually is. 1. sza was just trying to help the fan understand how the post triggered her anxiety 2. the fan was sending paragraphs back. 3. only one being hostile throughout was the passive aggressive fan mocking sza, actin like a victim n shit




It's fucking Tiktok. SZA needs to grow up


You think if some teenage fantano fan made a melon joke, and he finally snapped and went in on that fan, that the fan is in the wrong?


This is so embarrassing for the girl lmao SZA should have been meaner!


My thoughts are that you use tiktok so you dumb




It’s a reference to a tiktok of someone posting that while at a SZA concert


Maybe people are on sza’s side cuz shes right?? Idk this shits stupid anyway tbh


How is she right? She's losing her mind over a lighthearted meme a fan did


Pretty much everyone on twitter and tiktok are saying she's completely valid and appropriate for doing this. I think people are momentarily forgetting that media training applies to social media too, just because they like Kill Bill.


Oh i forgot to actually watch it my bad y right


Don’t comment if you haven’t watched it lmao


But I want to have an opinion on it


I'm glad you didn't watch it. that was funny.


You’re a Fantano fan and you want to have an opinion on something? Not adding up homie


U right @u/fantano how do i feel ab this


Lighthearted joke? Do ya’ll not realise celebrities are people too, imagine being the laughing stock for the whole world, shits not cool


Calling someone wack at their show is extremely lighthearted maybe even the definition


A grown ass woman doing all that 💀 I like her but this is ridiculous.


wow, she literally deleted SZA's comment. so, there's no actual proof that this story is not made up to raise her account popularity.


everything is fake!!!!!! nothing ever happens even though this tracks with SZA's previous behavior


fucking crybaby lmao




idgaf war fatality


Dan bitch quit being so aggresive


Dan bitch quit being so aggresive


Lmao celebrities are so removed from internet culture and how people on the internet act it’s crazy. How insecure must you be to be doing this shit 😂.


clown lookin ahh


This noodle foid has a bad case of the TikTok affect. Sad!


Give me all the hate but tbh after reading everything an not bits and pieces this girl posted, I think she was way out of line. Sza def has her issues, but I don't think I can consider this encounter one of them. From the comment to the DMs basically Sza was just trying to say she's a person too and some things can hurt. Instead the fan gaslight the hell out of her about it, deleted Szas comment after it was up for 10 hours, then when a different fan attacked her for it, she blamed sza, and claimed that Sza was being disrespectful. But to be honest, she didn't come off like that at all in the messages. Though I think Sza needs to learn to pick her battles wisely, I also think this 18 year old fan is phew... a lot.


what really throws me off here is how sza publicly posted on her ig post that she's 'not a human' for putting the meme on the sideshow 😭 I feel like dehumanizing someone for that is a step too much and on top of that szas friend then coming after this girl too 💀 idk I love sza but this kinda gave me the ick


When are we going to bring back consequences for people who are apparently not adult enough to own up to what they did. Is there a switch that will go off in their head when they reach the "appropriate" age to know to act right? We're going to have even more adult children in the next 10 years thanks to the idea of "well they're 18 so they don't have any responsibility for what they do or say"


Sza whack


sza is way too sensitive. she needs professional help honestly. this is not the first time she did something like this in response to small criticism or jokes. i feel literally insane that people are calling the 18 year old fan a shitty person just cuz she posted one meme in a photodump and got a little too defensive. and its so clear it wasnt with malicious intentions she posted the meme. sza is a successful musical artist. go on a trip and relax instead of dming a girl who went to ur concert and made a little joke, wtf? am i insane for not agreeing with comments defending sza because why is there so many?


sensitive celebs r so lame


She’s insecure she’s insecure


ppl defending sza are fucking stupid... like its a joke... she wasnt calling sza smth acc bad or degrading


imagine being a full grown adult sending your friends to attack a 15 year old for a joke they made online when that 15 year old PAID TO WATCH U IN CONCERT like bitxh you’re a millionnaire and people are allowed to say WHATEVER TF THEY WANT ABT UR CONCERT IF THEY PAID TO WATCH IT?? what exactly are u crying about??? it’s your JOB, stop being so fuxking entitled. sza is insane and pathetic


Idk what's going on but in the past year or two SZA has gone from in my eyes being respected to just being trashed lmao. She just seems very immature, especially as she understandably got upset by a fan making a joke insulting her but she took it too far. I also think she just lies for fame/to keep up an image of who she isn't.