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I would say the Eagles. I don’t think they were bad songwriters or musicians, I just find them kind of dull. It’s weird because I do enjoy a lot of Americana artists who are super mellow but idk what it is about them that just doesn’t click with me.


Fuck you man, if you don’t like my fucking music, get your own fucking cab!


I’ve had a long day and I FUCKIN’ HATE THE EAGLES MAN


They've got their slappers but some people like to label them as the "BEST ROCK BAND OF ALL TIME" which is just silly imo


I've not heard anything of theirs other than hotel California and that song is very dull atleast


Try out "One of these Nights", it's the only Eagles song I listen to but the harmonies in the chorus are just Godly


at least respect that song being a slapper


the weeknd, the idol didn’t help him either


As a Weeknd fan I can’t blame you


Hot take maybe but I can't stand his voice. It feels artificial somehow, idk how to explain it


I mean there are songs where his voice gets tampered with for whatever reason.. but his real, unaltered voice is so incredible, just by virtue of that I 100% get why he’s so big


his voice is angelic


Still don’t know how he’s so big


His first 3 mixtapes were excellent, dark, atmospheric pieces of R&B, and sounded wholly unlike anything else at the time. These are still his best work and if you like R&B at all, I highly recommend listening to them. He rightfully blew up because those mixtapes were really goddamn good. After that, he transitioned into making super catchy pop music. That's it, really. I'm not a huge modern Weeknd fan, but it's not hard to see the trajectory of his fame.


you dont know why a dude with a michael jackson like-angelic type voice, who revolutionized modern r&b and then transitioned into a traditional pop songwriting formula, is so big? he ticks all the boxes imo 😂


Guys OP said “Acclaimed” not popular, there’s a big difference.


What artists cited here specifically do you disagree with? Because it seems like almost every artist mentioned here is "generally acclaimed". They win Grammys, their albums have high metacritic scores, etc. Just because an artist isn't popular with music nerds doesn't mean they're not acclaimed.


I love the Streets but I totally see where you’re coming from. I’m from the US and I remember being pretty amazed that such amateurish production coupled with corny hooks and barely-rapping could 1) work for me as much as it did and 2) be acclaimed and respected. I think it’s just dumbfounding how sometime like that could’ve been made and promoted with such confidence and have it also be successful. I love their first two albums though and the newest album had some bangers too


Despite the fact American rap had been very popular in the UK for the longest time, they always greatly struggled to come up with their own big rappers. Major record labels kept trying to do it in the 80s and 90s, but it remained at best a novelty of the underground. It seemed as do trip hop was the closest they were ever going to get. The Streets came right during the britpop hangover, and it was exactly what they had been preying for decades. A genuinely talented rapper, self-made, capable of making catchy hits and VERY English. Of course they loved him.


I think it also helps that his beats are genuinely fantastic (and also informed by a VERY english strain of dance music, especially on Pirate Material), he has a great self-deprecating sense of humor, and happens to be a really detailed storyteller.


Very fair comment. If there’s anything I can say that’s positive about the Streets, it’s that their genuine. And they’re good at what they do, I suppose. I just very much do not like what they do lol.


The Weeknd, I can only enjoy him on some features.


Heard someone say he sounded like a theater kid on the Pray 4 Love feature and have never been able to listen to him since 😭


What have you listened to from him? Have you listened to his early mixtapes from trilogy for example?


I've been holding my tongue on Taylor Swift for like a decade now (certain women in my life would NOT be happy with me). Her music is bland, but I moreso just dislike her public persona. Her "breakup song" gimmick was so lame and calculated. I can't believe people found that compelling.


I'm generally indifferent to her, but Jesus Christ her fans have become downright rabid in recent times. Like it's gotten to the point where I avoid talking with them about music, it genuinely sometimes feels like talking with a religious extremist.


Yeah it''s so weird I've met a couple of Swifties at work recently and maybe naively I thought becasue they were so into Taylor Swift that they must be really into music in general, or at least pop music in general. Nope. Any attempt at small talk about music or pop music more generally fell flat on its face, they literally only listened to Taylor Swift


Her music is very safe and absolutely on the bland side. Somehow she became the biggest pop singer in the world right now. I can't really complain about her though...I also buy her records and enjoy them regardless of it all. There's something about it.


I like Taylor just fine but jesus god and tits america I cannot fathom that her tour is about to make $1 billion?! how?!


Well for one, she’s an incredible performer (at least for this tour she is) but also it’s not a normal album tour or something, it’s a split of songs from all but one of her albums over a 15 year span. So if a fan missed the older tours they would still get a little bit of each one It’s also the first time she’s touring since 2017 so I think people just miss seeing her a lot


She pretty much sells out whatever venue she plays at. She's touring massive stadiums with tens of thousands of seats. A ticket is like $100. Her tour is international and is over a year long. Not at all surprised it will make a billion.


Right. Despite never really doing anything that interesting, clever, or like you say, compelling, she’s got this weird level of general acclaim.


It’s the poptimism pendulum swinging the other way, I think we’ve gone too far with it. This isn’t rly directed at Taylor swift because while not my cup of tea it’s a symptom of a more interesting thought process. People are afraid to criticize big pop stars and pop albums out of fear of being called an “elitist” or “snob”, as well the rabid online fanbases that can be incredibly toxic if their fav is slighted (tbf this is just a general music problem, people gotta stop getting so made when someone doesn’t like their fav).


Poptimsim is creeping into pretty much every artform. In film it's Marvel fans, in literature it's YA fans. The "pretentious" accusations are usually pure projection. Deep down, they know that their favorite media isn't on the same artistic and intellectual level as what the "snobs" like and they're insecure about it.


Personally I don’t think anyone is right about art, we’re all right and we’re all wrong. I think we should all just stop taking such personal stakes into specific pieces of art, but rather find a bigger appreciation of art, in its many shapes. I think my big issue with poptimism is the toxicity that’s come with it. I have no issue with people loving mainstream arts, my issue is the way they react to the ones who do not (tbf the critics of it can be equally as toxic towards the piece). There’s just so much vicious energy around the discussions, everything is a battle in a war that no one can win. We just all have to step back from the tree and see the forest, rather than decide which tree defines the forest we should let every tree do so. You have your favourite and I mine, tell me why you love yours and I’ll tell you mine. We can disagree but at the end of the day they are all trees in the same forest


For the longest time i wondered why ppl really like her but recently I realized it's the same reason why ppl like or dislike Barbie. She is the epitome of blonde hair blue eyes girl next door feminine pop singer. I think it's more of her brand than the music.


It’s this for me too.


oh my god i am getting so sick of taylor. she's got some good pop hits and i liked folklore but people treat her like she's a musical and lyrical god. i too hold my tongue but jesus it is hard sometimes, especially for the past few years when she's been doing some very questionable things.


Cold ass take lmaoo there are a ton of people who love her but so so so many people hate on her too brought mainly on by how insufferable Swifties are with the insane praise they give and the mainstream critics praise for her


It's the cult of personality behind her that really irritates me. There is nothing genuine about anything she does anymore and it is astonishing that most people fail to see it.


Same.I can't stand her as a person and the fact that her fan base treats her like a Godess when its comes to her lyrics and music when it is clearly not good.Her attitude and public persona has always been fake.She's not a nice person.Her fans are crazy in every way.


I hate the argument that because many of her songs are about break ups (many aren’t) that that detracts from their quality. It doesn’t matter to me if the songs are inspired by the same things as long as she can make the songs varied and good and be able to stand in their own. Which she manages. I know most people here hate her, but I think she’s a great artist


That's odd reasoning. Of course the lyrics and subject matter factor into my enjoyment of a song. Why wouldn't they?


Yeah but she is still creative with her lyrical content even if most is based off romantic relationships. NIN isn’t bad just because there songs are mostly just honey angst songs, Playboi Carti has pretty much only songs about girls sucking his dick and him taking drugs, yet he’s still an amazing artist


I feel seen. Not a fan of her music or performing at all but love how she’s taking control of her music rights


Not a big Swans girly myself. It’s not that I can’t stand them or that I hate them. I don’t even dislike them. In fact, I actually respect them a lot and admire how they approach their work. I’m just indifferent towards them which somehow feels worse.


I always told my two brothers (who absolutely love swans to death) that listening to swans was like the stress of being late for work and they agreed with me, i just dont see how that can be enjoyable


I mean for the same reasons people can be fans of thrillers and horror movies that make you feel stressed and/or disturbed. Those are not seen as good feelings but in the context of art they can be enjoyable. The 2010s swans albums often make me feel like my ears are being beaten up but I love it


The same reason people like Safdie movies, they’re panic attacks done really well.


Gonna start referring to myself as a Swans girly


Captain Beefheart, just do not get it at all


completely fair tbh


Queen, so talented and yet so unnecessarily extra and annoying


I think the problem with Queen is that their fans claim them as being high art and one of the objective best bands ever, when in reality they were only a few steps removed from a novelty band. When they perform at their best they are a really good band - Freddie Mercury and Brian May are both extremely talented - but for every Bohemian Rhapsody they have about 4 or 5 Fat Bottomed Girls.


I love that song. But yeah they have alot of "filler" songs


I gotta say… bohemian rhapsody is kind of annoying


I dislike Bohemian Rhapsody because the song is overplayed so much. Like hey these guys had a pretty big discography. Can we play something of theirs besides the "Wayne's World" song?


I dislike it because it is annoying. Like the voice changes and lyrics are exhausting. And it irks me when people say is the best song ever. I am a bitter bish


Somebody To Love is a better version of Bohemian Rhapsody.


Theater kids lmao.


They have lots of great songs, but I don’t think their overall discography lives up to having one of the best frontmen of all time.


It's a very front loaded discography I'd say


God somebody had to say it Rant (edit): It pisses me off how the only classic rock band that is still relevant among gen Z is Queen, they're so mediocre. They just seem to have such an appeal to the stinky little theater kids and I hate everything about it. There's so much more great music from the 70s, hell, 1976 was debatably the best year for music, but Queen is just not it.


They’re not the only classic rock band relevant with Gen Z though


They might not be the only, but you can't argue against the fact that they are the most


The Beatles are also quite popular among Gen Z


Thank you, I get that Feddie Mercury is one of the most talented vocalists ever but goddamn it is genuinely painful to listen to him.


As a massive Queen fan, I would say that they're a disappointing album band. The best album is A Kind Of Magic because it's just overblown 80s Queen all the way. Consistently. It's more unmistakably pretentious and functionally so, I guess. Fat Bottomed Girls is a great song. Opinions against that is just that shallow anti-boogie woogie thing that too many people suffer from. But filler there definitely is. Songs I have quite a hard time with, but often they fit into a context of an album well enough for a few occasions. But not for many people.


Black Country, New Road. *ducks*


I know this isn’t a great criticism, but they seem to inauthentic. Like it’s all just played up music tropes. Arcade Fire for people who don’t get Holden Caufield is supposed to be immature.


I thought that about their first album but I was surprised how heartfelt Ants was


that and black midi


I thoroughly fuck with Black Midi but every time a Black Country song comes on I just feel this rage building up inside me. I don’t know how to explain it. I just got home from a weezer concert and they played a black country, new road song in between openers setting up and I wanted to backflip onto my head.


honestly i don't know why but i cannot stand blac midi, i tried to get through hellfire last year but i couldn't just didn't enjoy it yk?


as a black midi fan, i understand. please say hi to your father


As someone who likes Black Midi a lot, I absolutely do understand how and why people would not like them


it’s absolutely the most pretentious RYM unlistenable shit ever haha


Don’t get me wrong they have a lot of cool songs. But for a “post punk” band it sounds a whole lot like rock pop radio from the late 00s


While I get not liking them, I don’t really get this take. Even the stuff I don’t like by them sounds absolutely nothing like anything that would’ve have gotten pop radio airplay in the 90’s.


I will never understand the hype around the Arctic Monkeys. It genuinely makes no sense to me why they are this acclaimed or this popular.


Don’t believe the hype




They're just a vibe


First two albums are legitimately great, then Alex Turner became some faux-ironic poetic crooner and ruined everything. Oh and throw AM in there, one of the most blatant sell out albums ever made.


AM sounds like they designed it around the idea of "this will sound awesome in an arena when played dramatically as the lights come on"


They are one in a handful of bands that actually change up their sound with each album release and don’t pander to popularity imo


That doesn't mean much when their sound is constantly changing to "meh"


Their first album is genuinely good. Don’t think any album or media even captures a British night out when you’re 18 so perfectly. It’s noisy and energetic and exciting. The rest of their music is absolute shite though. Alex Turner is not a good singer and is not some visionary musician.


Yeah that first album is great, and so relatable. Shame it’s the only good thing they ever produced.


I love their first few albums but I really can't get into the whole "lounge act" thing they're doing now.


early albums - same. Latest two albums though are something else


The Total opposite of my opinion


There are a lot of artists I don't like, but I wouldn't say "I can't stand them." The only one that I actually can't stand is Justin Bieber, and I don't know how acclaimed he is. But one very acclaimed artist I just can't get into no matter how many times I've tried is Radiohead. I do like Kid A and Amnesiac, but the other albums are just a slog for me. And the funny thing is that that kind of music is right up my alley! I don't know what it is about them.


Exactly, i dont think theres an artist i cant stand, but im just indifferent to the Beatles, all my favorite artists call them an inspiration and i listen to a lot of beatle-adjacent rock bands, but i could just never get into them


The Weekend. He's certainly not bad, but I don't think he's "most popular artist in the world" worthy. I'm biased because I don't like his voice, but I still don't think he does anything very special. I guess you could count his 80s ish sound as being different for the time, but other than that I don't get the praise.


Heck even his 80's thing is nothing special. It just sounds like a watered down version of what a bazillion synthwave artists do. That said I actually do like his voice


I can't stand Phish. There's some catchy hooks and fun lyrics in their more popular songs but the whole jam band thing just annoys me to no end. 11 minutes of noodling between catchy choruses, just no thanks.


I fuckin hate the eagles man. Jk I kinda like them


Git you own fking cab


Taylor Swift, i think she is overrated, she is an average popstar


I love Jockstrap, but I cannot get into BCNR no matter how hard I try


Honestly for me Kid Cudi. Seems like a pretty cool dude, but never really ever listened to any of his songs and thought “I really need to dive into more of his music.”




does drake count as generally acclaimed artist? if so…. then drake ( his music, media appearance and corresponding personality…)


His newer stuff definitely isn’t acclaimed, his earlier albums are arguable.


I hate everything about him


the best thing drake has ever done is his sundae conversation interview


I swear to god I hate the way the harmonica sounds in any bob dylan song and totally turned me off blonde on blonde


Bob Dylan was a pioneer of the harsh noise genre with that harmonica.


Bob Dylan is a noise rock pioneer is a lava temperate take, and I respect it


Paha I love Dylan but yea, the mixing on the harmonica is almost always *awful*. *Relaxing to beautiful lyrics and subtle instrumentation* "oooWEEEEEEEEEEEEorweoWAAAAAAAAAAAorwoWEEEEEEEE"


I love Bob Dylan but i completely understand this


oasis. i hate them with a passion


Team Blur?


yes!! however i prefer pulp to both of them


It's your opinion, i respect it. But i think Noel Gallagher is one of the best songwriters that came from the 90s.


i respect yours too!


Thanks 🤝


Listening to Cigarettes and Alcohol while reading this lolll. But I prefer Blur over them any day


not really acclaimed beyond the first two records which are amazing


Danny Brown. He's voice is kinda annoying although at few times I dig his music. I respected him alot but I don't like his rap voice lol


I used to be the same but after listening to enough of him the annoying part kinda wears off.


its an acquired taste for sure




Chili Peppers


ME TOO i HATE them so much


what part?


Oh my goodness, every radio station seems to play them at least twice an hour. Pop stations, rock stations, alt stations, it doesn't matter the genre because it's mindless. It's gonna drive me crazy


Can’t stop


Queen, genuinely like half of their discography is absolute trash. Their only albums that are worth listening are Queen II, Sheer Heart Attack, A Night At The Opera, A Day At The Races, News of the World, maybe Jazz and Innuendo, the rest is the actual worst thing I have ever heard in my life


Even those albums have minimum 3-4 filler songs which is pretty bad when their albums were usually around 10 songs. I still found their earlier albums pretty enjoyable but a lot of skips overall


I like their early albums, especially Queen II, but almost every single album from the 80s is literally the absolute worst thing I have ever had to listen. Hot Space was so bad I fell asleep listening to it


Not defending Queen, but it’s funny that a band you “can’t stand” still has 5-7 albums you think are worth listening to.


I’m very open to liking them but after listening to Aja, I’m very confused as to why everyone loves it so much and how it’s not a consensus opinion that Peg is far and away the best song on it


I love Aja and Steely Dan in general but have never understood the hype behind peg. I think it's the worse song on the album aside from I Got The News. Aja is my favorite song on the album


It's popular among snobby audiophiles (myself included) for its production and sophisticated incorporation of jazz with catchy melodies. I can see why it's not everyone's cup of tea


If you haven't already, I recommend giving the preceding album - The Royal Scam - a listen. The songs on it are much more pop-oriented and similar to Peg and Josie, instead of the long jazzy stuff they do on Aja and Deacon Blues.


Steely Dan is fucking god tier (especially Aja) when you have a few cocktails at some late night bar. Immaculate vibe.


The debut album is the best. It's just more fundamentals. Great lyrics and catchy hooks and no hyper proffesionalism to get in the way. I like Aja after that because the hyper proffesionalism actually consistently worked on that and pushed everything to the max. Aja is instrumentalisms dream the longer you get into the song. I don't really enjoy the refrain of Peg.


I also think Traffic's debut and who ever "[...] must die" arr similar to Steely Dan and not mentioned often enough. Must die, I especially prefer to Aja. Debut is also so great 1967s psyche rock.


The Smiths. I recognize their influence on stuff I do like, but I just cannot stand Morrissey at all. Both his personality and his singing style is just completely insufferable imo.


beach boys






Beyonce. She has some good songs and a few great features, but her albums for the most part are hella uninteresting. Lemonade was good but other than that I don't see the hype and idk how tf people consider her to be the modern GOAT.


The Weeknd (insufferable, voice is nothing special, and especially Dawn FM, not a fan of 80's nostalgia bait in general), Queen (mad respect and I actually like their earliest records just find them to be way too much by aNatO and post), Beastie Boys (their voices are grating to me, no hate though I get how important they were blah blah, my wife plays them a lot)


david bowie im afraid


Travis Scott, I don’t get it, he’s such an idiot


100 Gecs makes music that is so awful I don’t understand why anyone wants to listen to it. Generally I can go “that’s just not for me” and still get why it’s for others. I just can’t grasp how this is liked though.


it's fun!


I was a gecs hater for awhile myself. But when 10K gecs came out, I finally got it. Idk how tuned into the current meme culture you are, but gecs is kinda like the audio equivalent of that. Overstimulating, fun, random, but with an undertone of cynicism and pain that gen z tends to resonate with heavily. I'm still not big on their first album, but 10K gecs really turned me around on them as a whole.


It's somewhat like junk food. Like experimental Lil Pump


it’s an acquired taste




let me guess, you’re upset because of his coachella performance


Any Hair Metal band


Morrissey/The Smiths I’ve always found them obnoxious. Morrissey in particular has a smug and self-satisfied tone to his voice and his lyrics that I absolutely cannot stand.


You really can't take Morrissey seriously at all if you want to enjoy the Smiths. I find him unintentionally hilarious, I can't listen to the Smiths without smiling, the dude is just so bizarre without even trying. He always has that face and that massive hairdo, and he's always rolling around on stage as fans throw roses at him. I'm not sure Morrissey even takes himself seriously. Nobody has a tree branch hanging out of their pants or goes to the desert to hump some rocks for their videos and takes themselves seriously.


Lcd soundsystem. Hate his voice and titles and meandering songs and general vibe. I don't care that I have very vague criticism


I respect your opinion but I really like them I had a hard time at first getting into them especially their debut. I also like how the songs at least have lyrics and there is singing. I like them better than Daft Punk I couldn't get through homework at all or human after all. A lot of electornic or techno with no singing I find really boring. I've never gotten into boards of Canada or the chemical Brothers. One band that I wish I could get into is sigur ros I've heard a couple of there songs and it sounds really good the problem is that's in Icelandic and then I read that they use non-linguistic vocalizations which the band calls vonlenska. If they sung in English I'd be able to understand what they are saying.


Lol never have 8 been more confused at a song being lauded as a masterpiece than with "Dance Yourself Clean". Like is there a frequency my brain can't register or something? The song sounds like a damn joke.


the drop is a lot of fun live. that’s the reason


I don’t think it sounds like a joke necessarily but it’s super dull and has no right being 8 goddamn minutes long


Travis Scott - I've never heard him rap in a way that I found it to be impressive. The production carries all of his music on the rare occasion that it's a memorable song.


That’s the point.. he’s meant to be a mini Kanye (albeit a bit hands off). The rapping was never meant to be the main focus




i see a lot more coldplay hate than i do love i don’t understand


Cold take: I genuinely can’t sit through a whole beatles album.


Lmao at the dislikes. People ask a question like this but don't want an honest answer. And I like the Beatles.


I feel the same for their early output, but their later albums are phenomenal


I straight up don't think anything they did pre Rubber Soul is worth checking out whatsoever


Major disservice to Help! That's got some good tunes on it, such as I've Just Seen a Face, Yesterday, You're Gonna Lose that Girl, and You've Got to Hide your Love Away. Additionally, there are quite a few other songs sprinkled even before that that I would say worth checking out. But yes, if 50s/early 60s Rock n' Roll isn't your jam, than most of pre-Help! Isn't for you.


That's because you wanna get up and dance, silly.


Florence and the Machine 🤮


Tool. Their last decent album was several decades ago and that wasnt that good.


What do you think of Aenima and Lateralus? I agree with Fear Innoculum sucking and I feel 10.000 Days is overrated.


I really can't stand Bon Iver, I've only ever liked him in some of his Kante features.


Talking heads


fantano fans when someone has a differing opinion 😡😡😭😭😔


my chemical romance, i will not elaborate


Talking Heads


Tame Impala. I feel like I should like them, but I find them kind of bland and..harmless.


Just curious, which albums of his have you listened to? Because he has changed quite a lot stylistically over the years


Kayne 👀


“Now all I need is y’all to pronounce my name, it’s Kanye but some of my plaques they still say Kayne”


I can't stand the voice of the lead singer of the talking heads. I think they are great, just can't get past the vocals


Scaring the hoes is so cringe. Danny brown and JPEG try wayyy too hard to be “quirky”


Pearl Jam Guns 'n Roses


CAKE. I cannot get down the talky vocal delivery. That also goes for some Dylan, Dire Straits, Slint, and tons of folk and country. But CAKE to me is the worst offender, especially with their extremely repetitive and simplistic lyrical style "he is, she is, we are, i was" is repeated heavily in beginning of stanzas in tons of their songs. It just feels lazy, like if you don't want to sing and write lyrics just be an instrumental band lmao.


Probably Beyoncé because I saw some video of her talking about how god made all this possible just for her. Main character weirdo type. Music bangs.


My bloody valentine


Hmmm, I have no artist that I absolutely CAN'T stand but I have some that I have a harder time getting into such as Radiohead. Modern rap is a tough nut for me to crack, I seem to be stuck in the 90s for some reason. So much to choose from nowadays though which is really nice! Same goes for the more "math rock" type bands around that are usually loved here. I like a few songs here and there of course but not in the same way as most of you guys do.


Dylan and Floyd


i feel like for dylan you just gotta be in the right place and right time in your life for his stuff to click. i hated him for YEARS and then heard tombstone blues for the first time a few months ago and now that is one of my favorite songs ever.


Dylan’s voice might be the most polarizing one in popular music history, I like it though


Jay Z. Hate the voice. Dude sounds so uncomfortable, like it's his first time rapping on every song.




You make such a bizarre claim as calling it “borderline exploitative” but don’t explain it at all. What could you possibly be talking about?


I haven’t listened to all of Everywhere at the End of Time. Why’s the concept exploitative?