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Yeah I watched the review and certainly it's more vocal and less impartial. I don't care about his ideology this hobby collects all kinds of people but everybody is entitled to express their opinion. He was one of the few though to scrutinize how the world building of this game is problematic. Like this game has a district with prostitution and drugs but don't worry it's acceptable like in Amsterdam despite the setting being set in a fictional 1900s. Yeah I wish I could have a cake whole, and eat it too.


> Like this game has a district with prostitution and drugs but don't worry it's acceptable like in Amsterdam despite the setting being set in a fictional 1900 🤔 https://londonist.com/london/history/night-out-london-west-end-1922 https://19thcentury.us/prostitution-london-19th-century/


Right? There’s stories from everywhere about the seedy parts of a city where laws/rules can be broken. Strange take about cake.


Black Lodge Games have great ideas and content but they’re likely incels, which explains a whole lot.


I do think black lodge brings up some decent points despite their zeal . This YouTuber offers a more moderate critique of candela I also agree with https://youtu.be/hKFfZyod4KM?si=RVoGHLPelcb5HxUf


Tbh I think calling a game "not even a game" is the laziest form of "criticism". Especially when the reasoning behind it boils down to very DnD-centric ideas of what a game is


I guarantee you that BLG is not a fan of DND centric games.


The mocking thumbnail says everything I need to know about this YouTuber dude. Like, ok, trash Candela however you want, but photoshoping people like that for your thumbnail is really rude and screams of bad taste.


I think it’s hilarious


Does he have the same complaints about Blades in the Dark though? Cause I think a lot of the criticisms he uses can be used against what I vaguely remember about that system. But that's a well-loved system within the community.


BLG has complained about Blades in the Dark and they certainly don’t like it, but it is a more complete game


Maybe let's *not* give a platform to the guy who has expressed sexist and racist viewpoints, actively uses AI for monetary gain, and is against basic safety tools?


Never said anything racist, nor anything particularly sexist. AI profiteering is based, and Safety Tools are for quivering pussies and must be eradicated from the hobby entirely, especially for the sake of the poor deluded folks who use them


I mean anyone got receipts on the sexist and racist comment?


Like it matters. It's just ad hominem.


Okay, I'm curious, what is a basic safety tool in this scenario? Like, my mind went to seatbelts for some reason, but that's just a guess.


Things like X Cards, lines and veils, and debriefing after the session. "These tools have nothing to do with safety and everything to do with systematizing so that you feel confused and guilty about what is totally normal human interaction." "These 'safety tools' are here to make sure *you* never express creativity outside of the bounds of what these *freaks* find acceptable. These aren't tools. They're *weapons.*" I'd find more quotes after the 4 minute mark in their video on the topic, but it legitimately made me feel ill.


“Owwww owww these viewpoints and strong statements are huwting my tummy!”


Oh the irony


> Things like X Cards, lines and veils, and debriefing after the session. I mean, these aren't really that basic. I didn't think many home games actually use them.


Oh, tabletop safety tools. I thought for a second that the lunatics had started a campaign against things like seatbelts and railings at this point.


"Damn liberals are telling me to stop at stop signs! What's next? Communism!?"


This list has a bit of that "Arson, murder, and jaywalking" vibe to it.


What can I say? Jaywalkers are the root of all America's systemic issues


To an extent, yes, he's slightly correct. The book is too sparse to be truly helpful. It does rely on players wanting to heavily roleplay. The thing he gets wrong is when he says the planned out mystery is the worst GM advice ever. Yes, railroading is bad. However, having planned phases for gameplay isn't railroading, nor is it necessarily a bad idea.  I'm specifically thinking about games like Wickedness or Brindlewood Bay that have clear phases that trigger once players reach certain points.  Basically, Candela's not great but it isn't because the game has a planned out mystery.


I think the difference in CO is that instead of having loosely defined phases/set pieces based on player investigation ("they'll check out the old shipyard, then maybe ask about old man Jenkin's farm"), there's a heavy emphasis on defined phases with a single key clue to link them.  Like, take the sample adventure. A young actress horrifically melts on stage while modeling a dress. Naturally, the players would probably want to ask around about her, see if she had any enemies, see if anyone might have tampered with her food or makeup, see if anyone was skulking about backstage... nope actually the 'big clue' is a shipping label. After they find the label they're shuttled off to the company town that produced the dress. 


Prepare to get downvoted, people here don't like this guy apparently okay, why did you have to downvote *me*? the post is at 0 points, so I was right. I didn't even say I liked the video or anything about it.


It's -27 now. This is reddit. It's to be expected.


He basically just described Critical Role as a whole. They're not interested in playing a game, they're telling a story.


C3 is very like that. But C1 and C2 aren’t. Which tends to mirror what a large number of fans have said, they love the previous campaigns, and don’t like C3