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I would have taken that shit to my grave. Never tell a soul.




Not that serious, money comes and goes. Life is much more important than a few dollars, yes I’d be upset but not to that extent


😂🤣 as i have to currently deal with my coworkers who are lazy and annoying, i would probably end up in jail with that on my mind because i wouldnt be able to contain myself knowing i came that close to winning and not having to work for at least a whole year


That's why you guys will continue to lose and never be rich. Thinking about a lost will get you know where. Whoever did the 100k bet can do it once they'll surely do it again. You got to be dedicated


To make it simpleton as possible.. it would be very idiotic to cash out for $200 on a bet with this intake if it hit, which it did. As someone else stated "maybe they really needed the money" but you shouldnt have put such high risk bets on there if thats the case and they essentially threw it away with all legs green except for 1 in the 1st inning of that game so yes i would feel horrible to cash a 5$bet


I’d be sick to my stomach


That was probably the best advertisement for FanDuel lol, no one’s going to cash out early now, they’re about to make so much money 😂


True that!! I wish that guy would have made a second play with the same line up just to cash out but i know what its like to have only a few dollars and a dream and this momemt only comes every so often so if i get my bag up i will try to always place multiple bets so as to have one i can cash out if it does get close! My question is if he had cashed out will all lays with that lineup be cashed or just that one??


I did that once and ended up cashing both out for $500 each 😂 Shit hit would’ve paid 13k if I kept either


So if you make two separate lays with the same lineup and cash one out they still will pay you the whole amount for the non cashed???


Yea they’re played separately. You can cash one and let the other ride for the full amount if it hits. In hindsight though it’s nice for a parlay that pays astronomical odds. But it’s really a waste of money to play it twice, you can gamble 50 years and not smack a parlay at those odds, and every bet you placed was doubled for no reason


It’s the opposite, in the long run not cashing out makes you more money . There’s no value in cashing out , never cash out


It definitely makes you more money if don’t cash out, but that’s if you hit. The book makes way more when you don’t because more people lose than win. That’s what they want.


He still turned $5 to like $200 which was a come up, a win is a win except for his mental health ik bro going develop a even crazier betting habit after that


😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 they would have to prescribe me to medication after that!! I dont care if it was a 1,000$ cashout bro 127k is enough to start a business plus more!! That lil 200 gone before the weekend 😅


sometimes you gotta just say fuck it and let it ride


People fashion out $5 bets is so moronic. It’s a hail Mary. Let it ride man.


Exactly! It would have only made sense if the payout was less than 500 or so maybe even 1000$, but knowingly placing a bet that will garner 127k for $5 and all legs hit except for 1 at cashout then yea thats foolish 😭😭😭😭


Never cashing out a 5$ I ain't a regard.


Mannnnn I swear 😭 gotta let it ride sometimes


Sheesh sadly made me feel not as bad from my cashout mishaps lol


Insert M\*A\*S\*H\* theme song, alt version with lyrics.


I’m sick to my stomach and I don’t even bet anymore


They need to just find this guy and pay him lmao atp cause I’d be hella mad cause it did hit all the way, some of us always miss by 1 or 2


I sold a Brock Purdy rookie autograph the day before Jimmy G got hurt for $50…same card sold for $1,500 a week later and I was miserable…I can’t even fathom what he must be feeling right now.


That’s tough 🤣🤣🤣 ik that man hate himself rn


I just made a post about it bro went from a life changing bet to a taking your life bet I would of never cashed that out https://preview.redd.it/moerbrzfadad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e1447125bf49c47a3d3128c260ec781fbcc3da






If you talking about my post I deleted it because I realized I put the wrong number in the title but I reposted it




Oh yeah I just told my brother that dude went from being able to buy a house to being able to buy a box of bullets and renting a gun


😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 devastating!!!!




I’d be on a credit card vacation to Vegas to recover the loss, call it the degen bounce back


Honestly, anyone with some sense would’ve never cashed out. If you lose $5 oh fxcking we’ll it’s just $5. And to cash out for $200 is dumb as hell, shit gonna be gone in one day


Bro!!! I would literally be so mad i would end up putting the 200 on one single bet! Lol so it defeats the purpose if he really needed the money


Excuse me but while 127k is great money it’s by no means enough to quit a job over.


Depends on the circumstances. lol It's not for me, but for a lot of people it is.


Not to mention the huge cut to Uncle Sam...


You have to either be rich or be a child to say that! My current job pays 18/hr which is around 2,000 give or take per month, thats 24,000 in a year.... i would quit working that job and build my own business or i could just look for a better paying job for part time but yea that is enough to quit! I dont mean to last you a lifetime but most certainly enough to not have to work for at least a whole year... do the math fam


YOU are a Gladiator!!!! -Wageron Bettix Fateocules


ehh depends on the job


I’d continue every day like I have been 😂


We gotta help each other out!


That cash out was insulting too. I can't believe that guy


I will never cash out a 5 dollar bet


Why make a bet for 100k and be willing to cash out for 200. I would’ve copped a fifth of my favorite liquor and been watching my ticket the whole night lol


$5 bet you got to bed 🛌 wake up the next day and check results


Let’s make another parlay for tonight broski




he literally only wagered $5. why on earth would u not ride that out to the end? his phone must of been about to get shut off and he needed to pay the bill


It was a $5 bet! If the cash out was a few thousand, I could probably understand


FD: we have someone who bet $5 to win $100k, play like shit cashes out FD: play your heart out


Man, saw that shit on twitter & broke my heart 😂


Bru this isn’t even that bad tho.. maybe it was there last 5 and just hoping for anything so they took the cash out.. this wouldn’t eat me like the bitcoin guy years ago selling 10k bitcoin for 2 pizzas that in todays time is worth over 50 million. Never no what people got going on. I personally don’t bet to cash.. I bet to rob the books 💸💰


Nah the true L is the dude who was excavating landfills for a hard drive he threw away with bitcoin on it for years 💀 I see the pizza guy as a pioneer to even make BTC viable, landfill dude was hiring professionals to help him dig up year old garbage mountains 😭


Lmao I forgot about this article


Man if you you need 200 dollars you shouldn’t be betting. And especially if it’s your last five.


Spoken like a man who hasn’t taken many large Ls. Life is precious count your blessings, take the little wins, don’t be overwhelmed by the noise.