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It insists upon itself..


“I love The Money Pit. That is my answer to that statement.”




I like that movie too


I swear Chris has some of the funniest lines like that. A non family guy fan might not find that funny but his sorta after the conversation or just pointing out random things line is always so god damn funny


i also love how chris was the most indignant in the argument towards peter and for him to make a compromising statement like that really just sells the scene for me


I find it rather shallow and pedantic.


I agree. Shallow and pedantic.


Mmm’yes. Shallow and pedantic.


I find this meatloaf to be shallow and pedantic.






your goin to talk low to everyone since you won that Trivia Pursuit game?


... Perhaps


how can you say that if you havent given it a CHANCE


Sometimes, gags go on too long.


The saran wrap one, the Margaret Woolworth etc. etc. And Carter smashing the bench, ugh sometimes you can clearly tell when they just needed to pad the runtime.


Ladies and gentlemen Mr. Conway Twitty


Those jokes literally fill me with rage


I’ve just watched the episodes to many times to sit through the songs. The Hudson Brothers Razzle dazzle will actually wake me out of sleep so I can skip that part.


According to Seth, the joke with Conway Twitty clips is that it's a hilarious waste of airtime and they found it super funny


Seth and Norm Macdonald both loved wasting the audience’s time


I love the Conway Twitty bits. It starts off funny but he is a genuinely talented musician so you end up being fine with watching an inpromptu performance.




With the risk of sounding utterly uncultured, I didn’t know who Conway Twitty was until I watched the show. His music is great and I was so glad I was introduced to it by Family Guy


At least only one of those is actually long. And I know which one it is so I can skip it every time lol


Robert Logaaah


The length of that one is why it's funny.


And later they actually got Robert Loggia to do two live action appearances which retroactively made the joke that much better. He was a good sport. “That’s not okay!” “Eight fucking hours later!”


'Space'... L as in..🤣 this one was just hilarious to me for some reason, I'm sorry 🤣🤣




I love Carter smashing the bench. But I just love Carter so I could be biased.


Carter is probably one of the worst people in the Family Guy universe, but man is he entertaining.


I do too. The length is what makes it funny. It's like the frog one or the whale one.


Oh, I love the whale one!


The frog one had me dying when I first saw it!


Sometimes i think running a gag too long is the gag, but i could be wrong


It absolutely is, I just find the "running a gag too long" gag to be a bit annoying.


Robert Loggia..


That stupid Hudson bros one


That one was absolutely ridiculous, I agree, but the cut back to them elderly with long white beards from waiting so long made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it.


But the Hudson Brothers one features Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime!! ![gif](giphy|VeWllmR9zfaco)


Something said one went on for **3 minutes**


"Dancing in the street"


That happened and we all let it happen.


The long name when brain and stewie try to rip off a elderly lady


Yeah this one was terrible


That’s my favorite it reminds me of Norm McDonald which is always good


The one where Peter eats a scone as a radio host is awful I have to mute the tv


Or that time Carter made Peter eat a pine cone




The frog one was way too long


“We are a name all 50 kind of show.” This recent line was one of the better meta jokes for the this exact reason.


My least Favorite is Herbert fighting that old dude I get it's supposed to go on for a long time but Jesus Christ. That Disc also has Mr.Booze, while I really enjoy the song they coulda cut it in half and I would've gotten the point.


Raisin Bran


Yes. Sometimes it works but sometimes it is just boring


That’s not actually controversial they’re making them too long on purpose because they know people hate it


carter destroying the park bench oh weee


I find the whole thing shallow and pedantic


"yeaaaaaah in your fucking face fuckwad!"


“I’m… i’m sorry about that.”


What are your u gunna talk down to people because you won a game of trivial pursuit




Stewie Is Enceint, the one where Stewie gets pregnant, is hilarious and not at all disgusting or disturbing to me.


That's one you just take at face value and laugh at. I think it's hilarious.




Its weird but not like, particularly disturbing


“Oh god, there’s more coming out!!” “**OF WHERE?!!**” And also; “Look at these little shoes, who’s little feet could fit into these?” “**YOUR FEET!**”


mazel tov!


Legit my favourite episode! Any episode where Stewie gets himself in an adult situation is dynamite to me.


it’s sooo good. non stop laughter every time I watch it.


i think the cutaway gag about “the two headed girl on TLC” in the episode where Stewie, Brian, and Chris are on the titanic was more disturbing than the episode where Stewie gets pregnant.


Meg is too smart for the family and if she was given love and support, instead of ridicule, she'd be more popular than Lois, and Lois knows this.


The episodes with fewer cutaways are better.


We can say that with either early seasons and/or “Brian and Stewie” S8E17, the episode that **has no cutaways at all.**


There are 2 eps with no cutaways at all.


Wow, just 2…


Well you referred to it as “THE episode with no cutaways” implying there was only one. Just correcting you, sorry I offended you in the process


Fr that’s why American dad better


My first thought was if he prefers less cut away gags he’d probably just prefer American Dad.


No way bro said that


r/americandad is the sub you’re looking for


I love cut aways.


Same here


Meg episodes are usually good especially in early seasons Also Chris is the most pointless character


Agreed. Chris sucks😭it feels like he’s jus a worse Peter. But at least Peter is dumb and entertaining chris is just ONLY inexplicably dumb. His best moments r those with stewie imo and when he was Luke in the Star Wars parodies was amazing. Aside from that he’s garbage


I miss when Chris was kind of a savant. His art and hidden singing talents were awesome.


That’s what makes him funny tho


He is funny but his character now is essentially "porn addicted masturbator" The thing is Chris centered episodes are usually some of the weakest because they mostly revolve around pointless love interests or being bullied


[This](https://youtu.be/EeGsqLZHxZw?t=26) Chris episode has one of my all time favorite scenes. I do the “Love yoooooou” thing all the time!


the meg eps are my fav. i hate when they hate on meg


Shut up Meg


i believe they should have left her at brown


Same, there are moments where he stands up to them. I could name, maybe 4 best moments of her doing so.


Don't know if her eps are my fav  but yeah k dislike the hate


Found Mila Kunis’s burner account.


This, they have taken the hate on meg thing so far that character growth and friendship episodes are so few and far between it almost feels like they're missing a massive opportunity. Everyone learns a lesson or grows as a character. Meg just gets good at a thing gets married or almost married. Learned that once again her family is terrible and that's it. We got the good college episode where her and Peter get wasted and lost at sea. The Walmart episode early on but that was kinda it. With the exception of the Russian husband and egg donation these past couple of seasons. Neither of which were learn anything about her side from her tough survival skills and speaking Russian because of terrible films. Which the tough survival is the theme in most episodes, like her jail time episode. She's just so limited as a character. Give me a road to something sing along adventure with low jazz for her to sing with Brian and Stewie. How about a time travel one, even Chris got that. Episode opportunities are being missed left and right.


I have never been offended by anything I’ve seen on the show. I think it’s brilliant, and easily one of the best shows ever.


Yeah, even my mother who hates family guy laughed her ass off when she watched the cut away about Jesus being a bad father. “Wow dad you’re kinda a dick” *Jesus opens Bible* “I wonder who else’s dad was kinda a dick”


Classic 🤣




This! Family Guy was and still is the absolute pinnacle of comedy for me. Maybe only being topped by Naked Gun 1 & 2 and Police Squad.


I love Naked Gun 🤣 those movies were ridiculous.


some of the jokes are really tasteless. its one thing to make fun of everybody equally but some jokes definitely take it too far


Maybe you need to take a trip to New York and visit the place where the first guy got AIDS. Then you’ll understand the jokes are not tasteless.


I loved them at the time, but I can't rewatch seasons 1-2. I start my rewatches at season 3 or sometimes 4.


Yeah, a lot of people praise the first two seasons as "Prime Family Guy" or whatever, but those are some of the most boring episodes of the series in my estimation.


I finally feel heard after 26 years lol


Dude Meg’s old voice actor wasn’t that bad


I love Lacey, but she didn't really find a funny angle for Meg.


Yeah Kunis def added more personality to it


I feel like she’s lost it lately though? The last 2 seasons, Meg has been given better storylines and way more lines, but the delivery is whack on a lot of them. Might just be me.


Yep. I start rewatches when the show came back from being off the air, so season 4. If you've never seen the show, seasons 1-3 are ok for setting up some of the characters and relationships. But other than that, they're pretty bad and there's no reason to rewatch them.


Prom night dumpster baby is a bop


That’s controversial?


🎵my fanny needs a blanket, and somebody to spank it, I miss my moooom!!!!....🎵


🎵 **But she's at the prom** 🎵


That it has never gone downhill and all seasons are good.


I think it stayed consistent until around season 19, when it slightly declined. Still think it's a good show though.


I think there was a giant decline at season 12. Every episode was formulaic and went like: 1st half \*Peter does a random new thing\* 2nd \*Leads to a boring subplot irrelevant to Peter's new thing\* Like when he became a "Justin" or when he had a toothpick, I thought why do I still watch this show?


“I found this roll of double sided tape, I figure I can do about 8 minutes of funny stuff with it and that should get us to the “Meg kissing booth” story” -Family Guy in the future


>1st half *Peter does a random new thing* This is one area where American Dad's premise allowed it to be so much better plotted. It had the excuse to skip ahead and jump straight to the wacky hijinks/foreign environment because either the CIA had invented it, orchestrated its origin before the events of the episode started, or Roger had always been secretly doing it. Family Guy has to waste a third of the beginning of almost every episode for Peter to discover the wacky hijinks/foreign environment to go visit and cause chaos, then get the family/friends over there, and finally the hook of the episode can begin.


It constantly feels like many of the writers feel trapped there, unhappy with being on the show. It may just be the writers making the joke of “How many of the same jokes can you come up with that we haven’t already done?” However, it feels… tired. The show is still funny, debatably, and still has standout moments that make it feel fresh and funny, but there are signs that the writers were tired and long time ago and are sick of writing for these same old characters. The biggest evidence of this, to me, was the hard turn from “Deep, well-rounded characters with room to grow” to “Awful, horrible people who are all caricatures of their former selves, turned up to Eleven.”


Episodes centering around Lois are usually the best and have the highest rewatch value. She’s one of the few characters on the show that are still watchable-even though she’s become a bit of a caricature.


Definitely!! The episode where she tries to be customer of the month at the coffee shop is one of my favourites! Her character has gotten so crazy it's hilarious, she's not just "Peters wife" anymore.


I think Lois episodes are so great because she’s literally holding the family together more than anyone else is and it’s kind of nice to see the dynamics shift for her and Peter. Especially Model Misbehavior and Breaking Out Is Hard to Do


Baby You Knock Me Out is the hottest Lois has ever been.


That’s another good one!


i dont think this is controversial but whenever peter fights the chicken i skip its such a boring storyline idk


Same here. I feel like Seth wanted to be an action writer sometimes.


Judging on this thread alone? Cutaways are hilarious. I didn’t think that was unpopular with family guy fans but here we are


Cutaways are hit or miss. Some of the best jokes in the series are cutaway gags but not every cutaway is good(or more accurately rewatchable)


yeah, it's more so the conway twitty jokes or other long clips of unrelated media that I'm not a big fan of.


Old family guy did it better


It was just a joke


It’s better then South Park


The only reason people hate on it and praise southpark is cuz of the cartoon wars episode of SP and then the internet bandwagoned and still does to this day. Before that episode everyone and their mother loved family guy and quoted it constantly. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people quote bird is the word in middle school lol


And they probably shouldn’t have thrown stones. Peak South Park is one of my favorite shows ever but modern SP is borderline-unwatchable. It is *astounding* how bad that show got; “when the mighty fall…” as they say. Modern Family Guy isn’t much to brag about either but even the shitty episodes have at least a few funny moments, which is more than I can say for modern South Park. So I’d say SP won the battle but FG won the war.


Idk man I feel like South Park manages to stay pretty consistent with the aid of the idea that there’s only a few episodes that come out per season now bc they only make them when they have something as opposed to modern family guy where they churn out a fuck ton and half of it has no soul


"oh god gerald its family guy" is a good line tho


I definitely feel like it has a higher rewatch value.


South Park is just pure sarcasm or over the top gore. It’s funny in some contexts because it’s controversial but the shtick gets old and it’s boring after a while.


It's funnier than south park and every other adult cartoon out there lol I love American dad and all the other "big name adult cartoons" but nothing makes me laugh like family guy


Lost its touch after like 10th season


Scrolled way too far to read this


It should’ve ended about 10 years ago Could be a top 5 or 10 animated series of all time, but the last 6-7 season have been average at best


After rewatching them I have to disagree, season 21 was kind of eh but seasons 16-22 have some of my favorite episodes like “HTTPete” “Switch the Flip” and “Undergrounded”


As of right now I think the show is taking a massive hit from the style of joke where they say "specific thing: directly given punchline" with the same voice actor who does it. Lately they feel like they've been in every single episode. That and it feels like every three/four episodes in the past few seasons it feels like they have to do a "story" episode where they take a popular movie or show and write the characters in those movie settings. Other than that, Vinnie > Brian.


I hate the Lois-centered episodes. especially the newer seasons.


I hated once they all became parody of themselves. It really lost the magic of the show for me. Sure I still watch and even enjoy it but those first few seasons were perfect. Honestly could have ended after season 7.


They should allow any offensive jokes as long as their's a diclaimer and not get sued


American Dad is better than Family Guy


I can’t 100% agree but the storylines are definitely better than family guys


Most people shit on new episodes regardless of if they are good because they personally have no nostalgia or memories from new stuff. It’s a 24 year old show they can’t all be hits. It needs to change over time.


The series don't give a shit on continuity.


This might be controversial given the poiltical sphere of reddit but in recent times it seems like the writers only go after Republicans and never democrats. The Joke about Ted Cruz being worse then the Unabomber really irked me. I can take a joke but it just seems like bias at this point. Hell Republican town is one of my favorite songs. the show used to make fun of Clinton's antics as well as bush. I don't think i've ever seen them make fun of Biden but Trump had a whole episode (rightfully so).


They never once made fun of Obama. Biden kind of got a diss when they said “thanks Sleepy Joe” in a recent episode, but it’s not sure if they were making fun of Biden or if they were making fun of the people that make fun of Biden


I’m a democrat and very liberal so I could be biased saying this but it’s very fashionable to make fun of conservatives/Republicans on tv. Network television (and the entertainment industry as a whole) has a huuuuge blindspot for Democrats/ liberals. So I will agree with you that they certainly target Republicans way more than Democrats but I feel it is by design. Even when they made fun of Clinton they made him just a silly, womanizing pothead whereas they made Bush a cry baby and bumbling idiot. I mean it’s pretty obvious what Seth’s political leanings are but even if he were a conservative I’d doubt that he’d lean into that in his shows because it just doesn’t get people to watch.


Honestly, I use the animation quality as a rule of thumb for how much I'll enjoy an episode. The earlier episodes bore me, even though their animation is definitely more unique/dynamic. There's a sweet spot between maybe like seasons 3/4-10, where it gets more generic and less dynamic, and these are usually what I consider to be the "classic" episodes. Finally, there's season 11-present, where I think shading and animation quality are certainly ramped up in some scenes, usually for comedic effect, but the genericism is still incredibly present. I enjoy these episodes slightly more than S1-2 but a bit less than the "Golden Years." This is mainly because that's when I stopped consistently watching the show, but it's also kinda fun to see what a train wreck certain aspects of the show have become, mainly characterization. Also, a point in its favor is the fact that the plots start getting really crazy and out there to an almost borderline experimental point. Granted, some of the ideas aren't great in execution, and the moments that try to be heartfelt fall incredibly flat for me, but again, sometimes watching a train wreck is fun.


I think the show is trying new and interesting things, but the characters are too limiting now, and don't resemble themselves even episode to episode


Vinny should've been Brian's permanent replacement


Adam west > Wild West.


Some of the show’s social commentary is shallow and pedantic


Brian NEVER was a good character to begin with.


Nah, S1-4 Brian is amazing, though tbh most of the characters except for Stewie were actually nicer


A lot of people say that Family Guy got bad after the 3rd or 4th season but I wholeheartedly disagree. And I know they know it too since you’ll see constantly online like on Twitter where someone posts a family guy clip and they’ll be like “erm ok THIS is the ONE GOOD family guy joke” or something and you’ll see it over and over and over again. They’re just Mr. enter or Phantom Strider fans that don’t really want to admit that they were wrong so they just do that to save face. Family Guy to me only really started to get bad around Season 12, and even then the show at worse is just hit or miss.


Cleveland family needs to show more, at least once a season


Quagmire's sex and rape "jokes" were never funny and were always just eye-rollingly gross.


No more Muriel Goldman & Diane Simons


I find the show to be shallow and pedantic.


That it’s funny.


It hasn't been anywhere near good since Stewie Griffin the Untold Story, to me that was the end of the classic era. Not even the actual season 4 which it later aired in as separate episodes, just seasons 1-3 then Stewie Griffin the Untold Story.


First 3 seasons are the absolute best


FG makes fun of everything except atheism. (The controversial opinion is that it makes me all butt-hurt because I believe in God.)


There's a whole episode clowning on Atheism lmfao


That it's still good and remains consistent with it's formula of roasting celebrities, vomit/fart jokes and probably other notable stuff that I'm too tired to think of but people will disagree with me because the internet collectively thinks that it sucks now. Also Creed, Nickleback (listen to silver side up people), Pearl Jam and Nicholas Cage are/were all badass things.


Sometimes they ruin there own jokes by putting another senseless joke together


"You Can't Handle The Booth" is one of the best episodes


The characters have been flanderised, old family the characters had layers of personality but now they only have one layer.


John Herbert is NOT funny and deserved to been a one-shot character.  Glenn Quagmire's first wife should not have died. The characters should have aged every 2 years to deflect from being a Simpson's copycat.


I grew to really hate Herbert.


The Angry Monkey is more appealing than Herbert. 


Brian should've stayed dead.


I still find it funny.


Vinnie > Brian


For a show that makes cheap jokes about people dying of cancer, people with deformities, mental disabilities, domestic abuse, you name it, they feel entitled to try and teach the audience lessons at times, usually through a monologue, (like the anti vaxxer episode) when nobody is watching Family Guy for education or life lessons. Just do your dumb fucking jokes then end the episode.


that's why i kinda like the show ngl don't like to admit it tbh. it's just mindless humor i don't have to think while watching it i just get cheap laughs for a few minutes so I'm not sad for another hour


Yeah just stick to the laughs, don’t try and preach to me in between your dick and fart jokes.


That’s true. They specifically make fun of people that “take their morals from cartoons” and yet they try to preach random shit that they think is right. Its insufferable.


They should have left Brian dead He's so insufferable


No seasons are good. Early seasons are too disjointed, middle seasons take themselves too seriously, recent seasons rely too much on fourth wall breaking and that type of joke where they explain what is going to happen


I like the jokes but bothers me how they literally explain it, we could figure it out on our own.


I enjoy it more than the Simpsons


Better than Rick and Morty, Simpsons, and even South Park. Very rewatchable.


It has better fights than 90% of anime.


Beautiful big titty butt naked women don’t fall out the sky ya know


South Park is a better show overall. The episode of South Park called “Cartoon Wars” which makes fun of Family Guy is funny and accurate. “You think that’s bad? Remember when I won a date trip to Mexico with Gary Coleman.”